Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of my life. This journey of mines has been going on for years in my head. I have listened to so many people say that you do not need the lap-band surgery. All you need is a really good excerise program and a great nutritionist. Well damn it I tried all of that and I am tired of the yo-y syndrom that I fall into every year. I had to come to a place where I was sick and tire of being sick and tired of feeling fatigued all the time. I have been to several seminars but the beginning of October 2007 I got real serious about getting a new out look on life. I attended my last seminar of Oct 4 2007 , my first pre surgical appointment, and pyche evaluation on October 16 2007. On October 29 I was told that I was approved for surgery on November 21 2007.( I have the best insurance) I was 363lbs on November 7th 2007, Then on my birthday NOvember 16th I went to weigh in after being on the liver shrinking diet for a week and was 350.3lbs(13 lbs lost). Today I am sitting around excited and nervous all at the same time. I have to be at the hospital @ 6am and my surgery is @ 7:30am., So I will have to get up after 4am to make sure I am there on time. I am late for everything, all the time. I pray that this will soon be the end of that. Well the next time you all here from me I would have had my surgery. Prayers are welcomed and wish me all the best. I am gonna need you guys to help me reach my goals. See ya till next time. Pre-surgical journal.
11/20/2007 @ 9:20pm (Tuesday night)
P.S I will be home on thanksgiving day Did I plan that or what. I am so serious about this and this should prove it.