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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Murphy143

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  • Birthday 09/16/1959

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    Social worker
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  1. Just had a bad experience myself. My doctor is ultra conservative about moving on from liquids so at 4 weeks since my surgery I'm just moving to soft mushy foods. I made a little piece of meatloaf - very soft and moist but within 30 seconds of eating it, I had to run to the bathroom for it to make an reappearance! I was so afraid I was the only one but it's reassured me to know that others have had this same thing happen. I think I'll just have a Protein shake later if I want something.
  2. bufflehead we have the same doctor! I am 2 weeks post surgery today and don't go back for my first post op visit until next Tuesday. I am so very tired of liquids! I am praying that they will let me progress to pureed foods but I'll just have to wait and see. I feel really good and feel like I've healed to the point that I can try introducing some foods but we'll see what the doctor says. I am looking forward to my first scrambled egg!
  3. Murphy143

    10 days post op

    thanks for the suggestions! I work at a dialysis clinic and one issue we constantly deal with our patients about is getting enough Protein in their diets. We have a product called Liquicel that is kind of a syrupy liquid and you get 16 grams of protein in 1 oz. The dietitian gave me some samples of that to mix w/ juice and see if I could get it down better. It's not something that I would recommend long term but if it gets me through this phase 1 until I can start adding in some eggs I will take it!
  4. Murphy143

    3 days until surgery

    I'll bet that pain meds depend on your doctor. My doctor sent me home with liquid hydrocodone but I was also taking omeprazole and something to prevent gall stones.
  5. Hi all! Have just found this site and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. I'm asking for a bit of encouragement. I'm 10 days post op from my gastric sleeve surgery. Doing well at getting in my Protein and my fluids but I am so craving something to eat!!! I am not craving a burger or pizza - just something with a little substance. I am scheduled to go back for my first post-op appt with the nurse practitioner on 1/6 but unless they change their usual post-op plan, I will still have another 2 weeks after that of just liquids before moving to "mushy" foods. I know I can do this but it's a challenge for sure! Any suggestions are welcome. I'm still using the protein supplements that I got from the doctor presurgery and do best with the Soups. I bought some whey powder from Walmart but really don't care for the taste of it. I'm thinking I'm going to try the premade shakes and see if I like them better. I have tried the Atkins shakes in the past and liked them ok but they are more expensive. But it will be worth it if it helps me stick to the liquid phase right?

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