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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by NewMary83

  1. Hey guys so I'm a little over a month out from my surgery. Tonight I had some chicken... And wasn't paying too close attention as I was chatting, I think I ate too much too fast! I had discomfort and then ended up vomiting but now since then I can't seem to hold any liquids down!!! I'm kind of starting to freak out, has this happened to anyone? Is this "dumping" idk. A part of me is thinking of going to the ER to get checked out. Any thoughts?!?!
  2. Hey all, So today marks my 6 weeks since surgery date, and it was quite literally probably one of the WORST days of my life! I spent the day in the ER because of constipation. I had to be disempackted and given an enima. I am taking to the boards to find out now what people are doing to help prevent constipation. I never had any issues before the surgery so didn't really think much of it. I now know!
  3. NewMary83


    Oh man!! These stories are not making me feel any better lol!! I seriously never want to relive that day again!! The hospital gave me a bottle of magnesium citrate and it worked so fast and good, I am thinking of buying several bottles of that and taking it every couple of days. @@della street I actually was hoping not to have to go to the hospital. I knew something needed to be done because I could feel the stool pressing in my rectum, I had drank milk of mag and new stool was coming out around the compacted stool, totally painful and uncomfortable. I thought I may need a suppository but I'm a major baby so I called my gynecologists office and asked if they could help me, they suggested going to the er. I was so upset they wouldn't help me but I went! Thankfully I did because after an X-ray it was determined I had a hard 7cm stool! It was awful!!! I hope you get some relief soon and don't have to go to the ER!!
  4. NewMary83


    where do you find the fiber gummies? I could add those to my list of vitamins lol! Thanks ladies! Constipation is no joke! Lol
  5. NewMary83


    Sure! It's called "next bite" I found it in my iOS store. It's great you can set the timer to space your bites out as far as you want, I have my bites spaced out 90 sec.
  6. NewMary83


    I know the feeling about food! I am really starting to get good at making these amazing delicious healthy meals, and yet.... I can't seem to enjoy them much. I love eating so little... That is until I realize after several bites of this amazing meal I can't eat anymore. Also I chew my food really well and I have even started using an app on my phone that helps me space out my bites and even still every couple of meals I end up vomiting I know it will get better! And all in all I am so happy with everything just venting a bit too! Lol. I am lucky that liquids, with the exception of one night do not seem to bother me, hope it gets better for you!!
  7. NewMary83

    One month out and vomiting!

    I will have to look into this papaya enzyme, I am feeling MUCH better today! Instead of eating breakfast and lunch I opted for protein shakes and everything is staying down now! I'm gonna try solid food for dinner tonight. Phew that was scary though lol! Lesson learned!
  8. NewMary83

    One month out and vomiting!

    Thank you! Yeah I work nights so I am just getting home... By the end of my night I have been able to get water down now... I am thinking it is just highly irritated. Drinking is still a little uncomfortable. Ughhh won't make this mistake again!! When I wake up if I still feel like this I will call the doctor! Thanks for your input!
  9. NewMary83


    Congrats ladies!! Way to go! Tiffany you look great! I am doing well. I've been at a stall for a couple days and starting to get frustrated but I'm sure things will improve soon! SW 327 CW 291 Gw 170-150
  10. NewMary83

    Memory loss anyone?

    Oh yeah I take my b12 its a lozenge. Maybe I should look into the shot. Thanks!
  11. NewMary83

    One year sugerversary

    Congrats!! You look fantastic!
  12. NewMary83


    Hi everyone my surgery was 2/19. Everything went well. My scars are healing nicely. I am having no problems holding liquids and protein drinks down. I am seriously jealous of all you posters already on purée diets an surgery dates after mine! My surgeon says I have to wait till post op day 22 for purée... This Friday!! Can't wait!!! I am down 27lbs which I think is remarkable! Almost makes a diet of just water protein shakes worth it . I find I suffer "head" hunger the worst, but I am actually never hungry. It's a process but I still feel positive! Congrats everyone on your success!!
  13. NewMary83


    I'm on a stall too! Day 12 after surgery am I haven't lost anything the last two days it's super frustrating because I still am just on liquids I'm not even eating anything! This stinks.
  14. NewMary83

    Sex talk warning

    I am wondering the same thing! I had gastric bypass feb 19 I'm 9 days out and I wanted to maybe hook up with my husband tomorrow night, we are being blessed with a night to ourselves. Thoughts anyone?
  15. NewMary83


    Your luckier than me lucky I can't until March 13! My doctor doesn't even allow broths it's literally been strictly water and protien drinks lol. I tonight though am seriously considering being a rebel and having broth tonight with my unflavored protien powder. I'm thinking the reason my doctor doesn't want broths at this stage is because he is afraid people will not get the protien they need. But idk... I'm not a big rule breaker! Lol but I'm so sick of these sweet protein shakes lol.
  16. NewMary83


    Good luck tomorrow Crosby! Hopefully the coughing and sneezing lets up soon!
  17. So when I called the doctors office they said it was perfectly normal, it could be from the way I positioned during surgery and things settling! I woke up feeling much better... The pain is still there, but maybe because my nerves have subsided about it, I find it to be more manageable. I didn't need any pain meds all day until about 15 min ago. I ran light errands with my husband this morning and then went out with him again this afternoon to Home Depot lol I live in New England and the pot holes killed but all in all I'm in much better spirits today! thanks for helping me work through the anxiety'
  18. NewMary83


    Good luck tall girl! It is very nerve wracking but so worth it! I am also not hungry at all! In fact I feel so full from trying to get just the liquids down! It's a wonderful thing! Crosby I hope you feel better fast and are well enough for your surgery on Friday!! My kids came down with a stomach bug three days before my surgery and I remember panicking that I would get it too and not be able to keep my date I know how stressful that can be! Feel better! Have faith everything will work out, it's only Monday
  19. Thanks ladies! I am definitely calling the doctor in the morning. I checked the symptoms of leakage and the only one I have is the abdominal pain... Otherwise no fever or increased heart rate. I'm urinating and occasionally passing gas. It's probably just a typical pain and becoming intensified from my anxiety! Thanks!!
  20. NewMary83


    How many ounces lucky? I am concerned I pushed it too much today! I don't think I am going to try another protein shake today and just focus on liquids and tomorrow try fewer ounces! I found a protein shake I'm going to try called pure protein it has 35g protein and only 11 ounces!
  21. NewMary83


    Hey guys... So protein shake questions how many ounces are your shakes?!? I made the body fortress whey protein one for breakfast and it was about 14 ounces! I definitely could not finish it and low feel sooo bloated and gross from trying! Also my pain is ok but I have a sharp pain in my rt side that I imagine is where my stomach and internal stitches are does anyone else have this pain??
  22. NewMary83

    Post op pain?

    I'm glad you posted this, I am having the same concerns! I am three days post op and still in a fair amount of pain! Also I can hear and feel things moving around in my bowels... Like the water I'm drinking... I was so hoping I would be more like the other people who have had little pain but this pain sucks!
  23. NewMary83


    Day two post op... mUCH better than yesterday! Yesterday I was miserable! I really had that moment of omg what did I do! But today things are feeling much better! Looks like I will be able to go home today. I hope I can sleep more comfortably at home! The bed here is awful lol. I hope everyone else is doing well.
  24. NewMary83


    Hey all! I'm in my room, and doing good. The surgery got delayed a bit so I didn't get transferred to my room an done with everything until like 5. I'm in some pain... And the gas!!! But doing well.
  25. NewMary83


    Well today is the day!! I have to be at the hospital for 9, my surgery is 1030! I'm soooo nervous and scared right now!!! I'm excited too... Ish lol it's definitely been encouraging to see everyone's who surgery preceded mine doing so well! Well I'll update later when I can! Good luck today lucky as well!!!

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