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Tanya S.

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Tanya S.

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  1. Tanya S.

    New to support group

    Thank you , I have reported him years ago. Not sure if it did much. I also reported the hospital as i found out the reason for me not waking up for 24 hours after surgery was due to too much anesthesia was given. I have had 9 surgeries since then and never had that issue since. No doctor has brought up reversal but i have , I was told it is not a choice for me, but all they would say is that it is too dangerous due to the hiatal hernia i have. My family dr. told me he suspects that damage was done to my original stomach that is why. As the hernia can be fixed so not much of an excuse. I am very glad this is not common experience, I really try to stay positive, and motivated. Some days it just gets hard, as i don't have many ppl to talk too about it.
  2. Tanya S.

    New to support group

    maggie, yes fluids have been an issue, but i do the best i can, and think i have found a good balance when at home. I do find it harder when i am not home and traveling as there are so few things i can tolerate. I usually try to pack food with me as it is just easier. If you find anything of interest for the SIBOS please let me know, so far i have not found anything different than that the gastro specialist told me.
  3. Tanya S.

    New to support group

    Thanks Maggie, I have been to many many doctors and hospitalized 14 times since the surgery seeing different dr. 's each time. They all agree the pouch is too small, and the latest possible issue is Small intestinal Bacterial overgrowth Syndrome. they said it is common in Bypass patients, but for unknown reasons and no cure. These days i tend to second guess what they tell me. The dr. who did my bypass send a nice letter to me 2 weeks after my surgery informing me to consult with my family doctor if i had any issues and i was being discharged from his practice. No reason given, would not take my phone calls or the calls from my family doctor at the time who had no idea about bypass or complications. Since then i have heard of other people also having issues from the same doctor. I have been told by lawyers suing is not worth it.. so i carry on my merry way. I have been eating the chili and a seafood chowder i made with almond milk.. that seems to be helping , though yesterday was a bad food day for me. only 200 calories maybe ingested due to pain in the pouch and dumping syndrome. Today i am doing much better and have reached 1000 already...
  4. Tanya S.

    New to support group

    Many thanks for the wonderful recipes. This is an good idea Chili can be pre made and easy to warm up in the middle of the night. I am on a high protein/salt diet. Been suffering from low blood pressure issues for the last few months. I do eat a lot of homemade soups. Since loosing my teeth it is just easier to eat, and i can get fluids and food in one. I am glad to hear in some regards it is not normal, i would not want others to suffer like this. Guess i am coooking up a batch in the slow cooker tonight
  5. Hi folks, I don't normally go to support groups, but have been feeling kinda lost and looking for answers or guess just support from others in similar situations. I did not plan on having bypass, but after having a spinal fusion from C5 to L2 in Jan 2011, my doctors felt that my wt would become much more of an issue without me being able to exercise. I spent most of my life very active, including was an amateur female boxer for 15 years. After the spinal fusion, i could not do anything to burn calories, so i eventually agreed. In Aug of 2011 i had the Bypass, the surgery was hard, it took me 24 hours to even wake up and talk to my family members, then i spent another 24 hours dry heaving. Nurses did nothing, and told me it was normal. I went home to find little medical support, or answers to my questions. My family doctor just didn't know. In less than 4 months i lost 100lbs, and almost lost all my hair, skin hung off me, and honestly i cried everytime i looked in the mirror. Diarrhea, and dry heaving is an every day event, since the surgery. I have been hospitalized 14 times for infections in my intestines, or bacteria issues. After many scans dr's agreed my pouch was made very small considering i was not that large to being with. I have to have b12 injections, and i am always sick. I am fighting to be 100lbs, and after all these years still loosing wt. I have alarms set to eat every two hours. I lost friendships, almost lost my marriage, (hard to care take for this many years) can't work due to my health is so bad, I have lost all my teeth, I live on supplements that don't seem to help, lactose issues now, along with many other foods. Still after all this time can not eat more than a 1/4 of a sandwich without horrible pain. I hate going to the Dr. offices, so many time nurses take my wt and i am upset about how little i wt, and i get the comments " Wish i had that problem" or " nice problem to have" ehhhh no it is not a nice problem to have. The friends that did know i had the surgery are no longer in my life as they also thought they would rather be sick than fat... sorry not me. Since meeting new people i do NOT tell them i had the surgery, i just say i have health issues. i honestly don't know what the solutions are at this point and my doctors don't seem to know either maybe it is just knowing if some of these issues are common for other patients. I would really love more than anything to be healthy again and about 125-130lbs, I would love to walk into a room without everyone thinking i am dying. Normally i am a very positive human being.. thank you for listening to me vent.... if anyone has ideas , suggestions or similar experience i would love to hear.

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