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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chichigirl

  1. chichigirl

    Trying to get there!

    Good for you, please keep us posted on your progress! Have you recieved your insurance approval yet? Just wondering what stage you are at. Cindy
  2. chichigirl

    MY first NSV and SV

    WTG Paul and thanks for sharing the incrediably good news and inspiring us all!!!! Congratulations on a job well done!!!! Happy Holidays, Cindy
  3. chichigirl

    We Need To Shout With Joy!

    Kudos to you Margo, what a wonderful idea, here are mine: 1. Insulin dependent no more 2. Half the amount of blood pressure medications, stopped one completely 3. Below 300 lbs 4. Far enough below, not afraid of a little Water weight anymore 5. Energy to do what I want when I want, like shopping for hours on end 6. Feeling my rib cage when I lay down, didn't know if the darn thing was still there 7. Gave away all my really fat clothes as they were falling off of me 8. Able to wear some of most of my skinny clothes 9. No more difficulty breathing 10. No more sleep apnea 11. Able to fit into a regular hospital gown BUT THE BEST ONE IS I AM PROUD OF MYSELF AGAIN AND NO LONGER FEEL LIKE A SIDESHOW FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy, Happy Holidays Cindy
  4. chichigirl

    Another band slippage

    Sorry it has taken me so long to post, had trouble with my internet service, figures doesn't it. I got my Christmas present early, all the good thoughts, prayers and wishes were heard and everything is fine with me!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited and relieved, but you all understand that. I had a really great doctor doing the upper GI, explained to him I was only to keep Clear liquids down, so only had to take one mouthfull of that awful barium stuff. Proof positive, he said the band is in a normal position and everything is clear, just a little too tight. That's also why he didn't have me drink more of the barium, he was afraid it would not stay down and he was probably right!!!!! The tech was also a honey and actually showed me on the screen what they had seen, though he really wasn't suppose to, but he knew how concerned I was so he let me see for myself. Went right over to the doctor's across the street and he confirmed after talking to the doctor in radiology that the band was in a normal position. He removed some of the fill, not all, but alot, from 1.65 to 1.5 but my goodness I needed it like you would not believe. I must be one of those people who swells after a fill and it doesn't go down, even after almost a week after liquids. I asked him about where I was feeling it and he thinks that it may have slipped a tiny bit, but not anything to be concerned about. He said he wouldn't be surprised and that it would probably move right back into it's old place over a short period of time. He will have me do another upper GI after the first of the year just to be on the safe side, but he really isn't concerned. I am more than thrilled and so glad this horrible episode is finally over. The thought of another surgery or worse, losing my band was really breaking my heart. Again, thank you all so very much for all of your wonderful words of encouragment and well wishes. This is the greatest place for me and I love coming here as much as I can. Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!!! Cindy
  5. chichigirl

    Another band slippage

    Just a little update, upper GI and visit to doctor in the morning at 10 am. I will fill you all in once I get back. Thanks again for all of the support, it really is very important to me, you all are so wonderful here. Cindy
  6. chichigirl

    Another band slippage

    Well, I was on the phone at 9 am sharp this morning, calling the doctor's office. The doctor will be in surgery all day, figures, but he did talk to me and he doesn't believe it has slipped. He says because I can tolerate liquids, that it may have moved but not slipped completely, sure hope he's right on this one! No one would be happier to be wrong than I am right now. They are trying to set me up for an upper GI for today and then I will go in tomorrow to see him first thing. Ugggghhhh!!! I just had an upper a couple of months ago and it always makes me gag. The thought of more gagging after what I have been through the last few days is not a happy thought!!! Dody: Thank you for the kind words and encouragment. Just to let you know and anyone else who is considering the band, this is an unusual circumstance. I have had zero problems with my band from the surgery all the way through until recently. It isn't the bands fault that I got kidney stones and was wretching violently for three days. It was so bad, I'm surprised my band didn't slip into unknown areas, LOL. Again, for everyone who has responded, thank you so very much for your continued support, well wishes, prayers and everything else you all do for me. It makes going through something like this alot easier to have such understanding and caring people cheer me on. Oh, also forgot to let everyone know that the CAT scan I had in the ER on Saturday showed the last stone almost completely gone and that there were no more stones in the kidney!!!! YEAH!!!!! Thank God!!! Cindy
  7. chichigirl

    Bye Everyone!

    Oh Suki, I am so glad I saw your post. I have been trying to remember who it was that asked me for my doctors information and when I saw your post, I realized it was you and that I never sent it to you. I apologize, here's the information you asked for: Dr. Eddie Gomez 305-285-5090 3661 South Miami Avenue Suite 301 Miami, FL 33133 You and your Mom are both in my prayers that all goes well for both of you. I wish you two a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Cindy
  8. chichigirl

    Another band slippage

    Thank you so much, you guys. I appreciate the support, thoughts and prayers of anyone and everyone. It means the world to me that you guys are all here and I have somewhere to go and 'talk' about my feelings. Don't worry, I have only had liquids all day, and will not have anything other than liquids. I will not give up, I have come too far and beat too many odds to quit ever. It's not in my nature and I am glad for that. Thanks again for the kind words, I will let everyone know how things go tomorrow. Cindy
  9. chichigirl

    Darn !! I always put on weight this time of year

    That was just too cute, thanks again Eileen, for putting a smile on our faces! Happy Holidays Cindy
  10. Completely normal, whenever you have abdominal surgery your colon actually goes into a state of temporary paralysis, plus the anesthesia and pain medications also will slow things down. But I wouldn't worry about it, you sound great, glad to hear it's going so well for you. Welcome to bandland!! Keep us posted on how you are doing. Happy Holidays! Cindy
  11. chichigirl

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    Jenna, I just wanted to thank you for starting this thread about a very real issue that often effects those of us struggling with morbid obesity and the diseases that come along with it. I too, have attempted suicide several times because of it, and just like Over the Moon, I have prayed and prayed and prayed for it to be all over, because I was always afraid that it wouldn't work, again, like it had not in the past, and that I would just end up feeling even worse, not something that was appealing for me. I don't have a fear of death, always had more of a fear of living. I finally realized that it was time to get over that and face life head on. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere until someone else makes that decision, it was never mine to make. I don't know how you came up with the poll and why you brought this subject up, but personally for me, I thank you, as I am sure many of us here do. Happy Holidays Cindy
  12. chichigirl

    Help - post operative pain

    Karen and Debra, Sorry to hear that you are both experiencing pain with your new bands. As everyone is different, the way we all heal is different, as are the instructions our doctor's give us is different from surgeon to surgeon. I believe the average person is put on liquids for the first two weeks post-op, then moves on to mushies for another two weeks, then real food as tolerated. I say the average as this is the most common information I have read about on this site. It is also about two weeks for some people to have the swelling and irritation subside in the stoma(area where your band is) but it may take a little longer than that for others. Try staying on liquid Proteins and other liquids for a few more days and when you start to introduce mushies, do it slowly, carefully and try things one at a time. It is usually found that warm liquids are more comfortable, such as broth, Soups that are pureed, tea, cocoa, things like that. The pain is letting you know that you may not be quite ready for mushies or solids yet, and don't worry, you probably aren't starving yourself literally, though it must feel like it, I'm sure. If you are truly concerned about you're not getting enough nutrients, get yourself some liquid vitiamins. It couldn't hurt to add some at this point. As for the pain when bending, you're muscles are slower to heal and depending where your port was put in, it's usually in a muscle and that does take a little while to hear for most people. Be careful not to lift anything heavy or push things a lot, like when you vacuum. Remember, this was surgery and your body needs time to heal. As a general rule of thumb, you're probably not going to be back 100% for about 4 to 6 weeks. Of course, this goes without saying, if the pains increase in intensity or are still bothering you after attempts to baby things along, call your doctor. They are there to help us and most of us are afraid of bothering them, but the truth be known, most of them would prefer to catch something if there is something wrong, sooner rather than later. Hope this helps! Keep us posted on how you are doing and welcome to bandland, trust me it will get easier. Happy Holidays, Cindy
  13. chichigirl

    Part 2 feeling even MORE Stupid...

    You are certainly no imbecile, just stubborn and hard headed, there's a big difference. You did it again to try and see if it really was the dark meat that was bothering you and you got your answer. Perhaps if you had waited a few days and babied your stomach with liquids and mushies, you would have had a different outcome. I read your thread yesterday and you really put yourself through a real trauma. You had to have irritated that stoma, so I'm glad to hear that you have decided to steer away from meat for a day or two, just to give your stoma time to calm down and heal. You are not stupid by any means, you are learning from your mistakes and because of that you will not repeat this for quite some time. I doubt very seriously that you will make this mistake again. You just have to learn things the hard way, which, as I once told my Father, that's the only way to learn, otherwise we would just be little robots or puppets doing everything everyone ever told us. That's not reality, we have to learn for ourselves, and you certainly have, I'm sure. Cindy
  14. chichigirl

    Becoming afraid of reading this site!!

    I know how discouraging it is to read about folks that are having band problems. But unfortunately there is a small percentage who do have problems and of course they need our support and they also help to make us aware of certain things we can do ourselves to avoid problems. It's true that you are not hearing from the majority of happy bandsters around, many might not even know about this board as they aren't looking, don't have computers, you know not everyone has one, and a myriad of other reasons may be why they don't all show up here. But there are plenty who do, sadly, these last few weeks we have all read about several people all at once who have unfortunately lost their bands, through no fault of their own, but because of erosions. Erosions really are realtively minimal in the grand scheme of things, but we were all warned about the possiblity of that happening prior to surgery. Yet we still opted for the chance. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't win you toss the dice, that's the reality. However, you don't hear about issues that are life threatening because of the band like malnutrion, death itself, dehydration and the list goes on. I personally believe it is the safest option, at least it was for me and I was banded almost 4 years ago. I lost over 130 lbs in less than 18 months, had head issues, got all of the fill removed and then ate my way back to where I had started. You cannot blame that on the band, I take full responsibility, I knew exactly what I was doing when I did it. Luckily I was able to resolve those head issues with professional help and came back to my senses. I went back in August of this year and had my first fill since I had had it all removed. To date I have lost over 70lbs! I have not had the first complication from my band and am so very grateful that I have it as it truly works with you, but not for you. In other words, you have to be willing to make the neccessary lifestyle changes if the weight loss is to ever become permanent. The band helps to teach you how to not make food the center of your life and portion control, big time. I can honestly say, that when the restriction losens up and I need a fill, that it sometimes takes a few weeks before I can get an appointment for a fill. What do I do during that time, I follow the same rules as when I have had full restriction. I continue to exercise and eat properly and as a result, continue to lose, not gain or even stand still. So I can say with the utmost confidence, that I am sure that once I have reached a point where I am comfortable with my weight, that I should absolutely be able to deal with and continue my new lifestyle and the way I think about food. That's not ever going to go away as long as I don't allow it, with or without the band. I pray that I never have to encounter that issue, but if the day comes, I am prepared, though I would like a little more time for this to truly stick. I have no reason to believe that I won't have that additional time as I said before, I have had zero problems with my band. Read La Madam's posts, she had her band removed due to erosion on Monday. She has lost over 100lbs, and even those she is sad, she is also confident that she has learned how to eat properly and what it means to be at a really good weight for her. Make sure you realize that it doesn't have to mean the end of the world if you were to lose your band, but also remember the odds are with you that you won't. Hope some of this helps. Cindy
  15. chichigirl

    Head Hunger Issues

    Hi Loopy - I was just thinking about you last night and wondering how you were doing. So glad to see your post and looking for answers, that's the only way we are ever able to climb these mountains, is with the help of others. Cindy is offering some really great advice(thanks cindy), I too would like to read all the responses to this as I am like you and everyone here(or most everyone), I am an emotional eater, I eat to reward myself and dieting is punishment, came from the same place your thinking comes from, smother. The trick is to be able to work on reversing your thinking. Now remember you have spent your whole life building these beliefs in your mind, but now you must turn that around. Make the food we love but is not healthy for us the it's okay, if I want I'll have some later and if later you really still you want it, go ahead and have it, just watch your portions. To tell yourself that you are going to have to deny yourself any food for the rest of your life is a self-defeating way of thinking. I also noticed with myself, that there are alot of healthy foods that I actually enjoy. Fish, I love fish and shellfish, salads with all kinds of raw veggies, love it, fresh fruit, mmmmmm. Yet, I got into this really bad habit of not eating those things, even though I really enjoy them, because they were diet foods and unless I was on a diet I couldn't eat them. How stupid is that??? Our diet spectrum must include and allow all foods when we really want them. Food is for sustainment and enjoyment. It isn't all or nothing, that extreme way of thinking is really not healthy. Now I have gotten to the point that when I eat healthy food, I tell myself how good I am for treating my body with the respect it deserves and I think of all the ways the healthy foods will reward me, like lowering my blood sugar or loweing my BP, reducing the aches and pains in my old joints. When there is something I truly enjoy eating, I look for the healthiest version I can find, like Edy's Slow Churned, No Sugar Added Ice Cream, it's soooo good and I allow my self a small portion when I really want some. I use a mug to put it in, so I don't get carried way like using a bowl. You can even put it in a cake type cone, which is very low in sugar and fat, and you can only put so much in it. It's like being a kid again. There are thousands of ways of allowing yourself that rewarded feeling without indulging in huge portions of unhealthy foods. I am not going to lie to you, in the begining it will be more difficult, but the more often you do it, the more simple it becomes. Start with one of your favorite foods, then implement the best version of it. It takes baby steps and that's really what it takes, because since a baby, you have had this way of thinking and to change it will not happen over night, but I promise you it will not take you another 20 years to master this. You'll actually be surprised at how easy it will become for you. Like everything else in life, it takes work, but the pay off is sooo good, I promise you won't be sorry. I wish you luck and hope something I have said hit's a note of truth within you. Please take care of yourself, learn to reward yourself with things other than food, like a day at the spa or a bottle of your favorite perfume, a new hair style, the sky's the limit. (((HUGS))) Cindy
  16. chichigirl

    Sudden loss of restriction

    I don't mean to contradict Vines, but the fill does evaporate over a period of time. I know this because my doctor may give me a fill of say 2cc and when I go back, usually after 4 to 6 weeks, and he pulls out the Fluid, there's only 1.25cc. I realize that some of that fill remains in the band and cannot be removed, but not that much. My doctor even told me that it evaporates over time. That's all I know. So after four months, you may very well be ready for a fill. If you're up to 3.4cc, realize that by now it may be done a considerable bit, so even if he gives you another fill he may only have to go to the 3.4cc, it was sufficient before and most likely will be again. The fills seem to go up and down, one time you need more and another time you need less. That has happened to me several times. It's really bizarre how that works, but it's constantly changing. As for an erosion, it doesn't really sound like what I have read of the people with erosions have described. They usually have terrible acid reflux for one and I can't think of the others, but I don't think that's a problem for you. I hope you find what you need and can find peace in trusting in your body and your band. Happy Holidays Cindy
  17. chichigirl

    His and Her Lap Bands!!!

    Ditto to what the others have said about getting another fill right now. It's usually when you can start eating everything in site that you realize you need a fill. It helps to balance things out. Right now I just had a fill done on Wednesday and boy am I paying for it. Just a scoch too tight, which means I have to be very, very careful. Sadly though, giving up bread and Pasta may be two of the things you have to give up. Even when I had all my fill removed, I still had difficulty with bread and didn't even go near pasta, too afraid and that was okay for me, food is no longer got it's hooks into me like it did once before. I crave much different things than before I was banded. I find myself looking for the healthier foods and really enjoying them, when I can get them down. I'm not worried, this will start to losen up soon and I will know when that happens. It's like starting all over again fresh and new, which I actually enjoy. I think it's really great that you and hubby will both be banded. If you get a chance you may want to look at the thread of before and after pictures, I know that there is a couple on there that has done so wonderfully and they have done it together. It's a great support to have someone who shares your same ambitions and goals. Happy Holidays Cindy
  18. My pleasure, so glad you belong to this board because someone is always giving out the same great advice to each other. I know it has been helpful for me and I'm glad you have obviously taken the right attitude towards it. Don't worry 1.5cc isn't usually a problem for most of us and there are alot of folks here who would give their right arms to have been filled so much so quickly. That's one of the biggest complaints right after someone has been banded. Good Luck Happy Holidays Cindy
  19. chichigirl

    Mini goal #4 achieved !!

    WTG!!!!! You are absolutely an inspiration and a really positive role model for us to follow. Setting the mini goals is such a wonderful idea, it really helps keep the motivation going doesn't it? It's wonderful to hear how happy you are and how well you are feeling. Happy Holidays to you and your family! Cindy
  20. Wow, that was fast. I think the average time is about 4 to 6 weeks post-op. Are tolerating everything okay? Are you able to get the mushies down without a problem? I'd be curious to know. Before he put the fill in did you have any sensation of being restricted, just curious, okay nosey. Just remeber to be very careful about what you eat and how you eat, slowly with teeny tiny bites and chew until whatever you're eating is almost liquid. Take on new foods slowly and carfully. When are you suppose to go onto real food? Cindy
  21. chichigirl

    I'm going to have a baby!!!

    Congratulations to you and your husband. As someone who never had the pleasure of having children of my own, I truly appreciate your excitment over this joyous occasion. I am very happy for you and your family. Don't worry about the weight, as long you continue to eat healthy, you might be surprised at your weight after the baby is born. Wouldn't that be exciting? Not as exciting as having a baby, but still a good thing. Cindy
  22. Hey Linda!!!! So glad everything went well for you, with the exception of you roommate, he and his family will be in my prayers. So, you did it, it finally happened for you, I am so glad and proud of you for being able to go through with this. I know there were some scary moments for you in the beginning, but that's all behind you now and I will be looking for new pics on your webpage. WTG, I am so happy for you, welcome to bandland, now you'll really know what it's like and not have to take someone elses word for it. Take it easy, remember, don't overdo, you still have anesthesia in your system and be careful about sipping, don't over do that or you will come to know the dreaded PB way too early in the game. Thanks for letting us all know, I have been thinking of you. Cindy
  23. chichigirl

    My band has *unslipped*. :)

    Oh Jonathan, what fabulous news!!!!!! It couldn't have happened to a better person, I am so very, very happy for you. Now you can continue your journey and hopefully, without any more problems. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, both the good and the bad, it is reality, something we must all deal with. Now don't be a stranger and please keep us posted. This is one story I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I'm a sucker for happy endings. God Bless and Good Luck Cindy
  24. For any of those of you who are covered with Medicare or Medicaid as you insurance carriers, you need to know about a decision they are in the process of making regarding their coverage of bariatric surgeries. At the moment, they are seriously considering approving both the RNY and the lap band surgeries for people with at least one comorbity under the age of 65. However the site I will give you the information for is their site for people to make comments on how they feel about this. The hearing was done on the 23'd of November and there is a short window in which they are accepting comments. You can also access the comments by others, so prepare to put on your boxing gloves, casue believe you me there are an awful lot of people out there that believe the only reason we have weight issues is because we are too lazy to diet and exercise and they oppose the tax payers money going towards these surgeries. So, if you would like to voice your opinion, please go to the following site: www.cms.hhs.gov, choose Consumers, then Media Headlines, then Medicare proposes new coverage policy for bariatric surgery procedures. This site will take you to what they are proposing so you can read and understand what they have in mind. The other site, www.cms.hhs.gov/coverage, Public Comments, Submit a comment, go to second box at bottom of page and choose Bariatric Surgery for the treatment of the morbidly obese. This will take you to the site where you can read other peoples comments and make one of you own. I can't tell you how important I believe in fighting the ignorance of those making uneducated comments and judgements about people who suffer from obesity. I will not stand idly by and allow these kinds of people dictate what is best for me, especially when they don't have my welfare as their concern. One comment that was made even made the statement that the statistics only show an average of a three year extension of life and the money used for the surgeries should go towards better causes. Does this have a ring of the things Hitler used to talk about or is it just me. He though if you were Jewish, gay, or didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes, you didn't deserve to live. Okay, I have alreay made my comment on this site and I have spread the word here. Now it's up to any of you who are interested in fighting the good fight to add you words. Whether or not you agree with me, that is not what's important, the fact that we get involved, and aren't we already by having had the surgery or are planning on it already involved? Cindy
  25. Coyote Girl, I am sorry for the misunderstanding, it's not that they are considering not covering the band for everyone, just for those over 65 years of age. It is not a done deal, but I thought people might be interested in voiceing their opinions to the people who are making decisions for us. It doesn't mean you have to agree or disagree, you can just let them know how you feel. Considering there have been others on this board who are that age or close to it, I though perhaps it might be of interest. I personally just wanted to let them know how wonderful the band had been for me, even though I have multiple co-morbidities and very poor health when I was banded, but faired just fine. Sorry again for the confusion. Cindy

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