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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chichigirl

  1. chichigirl

    Fill Me Up!!!!?????

    Congradulations to both of you!!!! Sounds to me like you both know exactly what to do or else you wouldn't have been so successful already. If what you're doing is working so well, continue as you have been, you'll know when it's time for you to change things. I can't think of anyone that has regretted getting banded. It was the best thing for me and obviously for both of you as well. It truly is a tool to give us the control, which is truley what we needed. You are both an inspiration and a reminder of why we have taken this path. I wish everyone continued success and good health always. Cindy aka chichigirl
  2. chichigirl

    The Scale Is Not Moving Grrrrr.....

    It's like the old saying goes, misery loves company. But for fear of sounding like Pollyanna, at least we have all the wonderful people here who truly do understand our hurts, frustrations and disappoints. Even more importantly, we have all these wonderful people to share our joys, highs and triumps as well. It is truly a remarkable time when we discover that not only are we feeling and thinking the way we do, but that there are others who share the exact same feelings and thoughts. And I think that's one of the biggest NSV's we could ever ask for, new friends who know how we are feeling and we know how they are feeling and we can all simply understand, no judgement, just unconditional acceptance. Just like the rest of you, I am terribly excited over having found this sight and I am really enjoying learning about each of you through the different threads. You are all wonderful, loving, caring, and funny people, and I fit in!!! Isn't that great?! We all fit in. Take care Cindy aka chichigirl
  3. chichigirl

    Just a bit of a vent..

    Hey, what a great idea, I'll have to try that. Not to mention, I'd get a little exercise going back and forth to the parking lot getting it out and taking it back. I love it, just had to let you know you had my roflmao!! Thanks Cindy
  4. Oh my, how well we all relate!!! (Hope that's not a cliche') We all have our hurts, pain and demons to fight, and unfortunetly they sometimes win the battle, but I plan on winning the WAR!!! (OK I know that's cliche') I have read your post and everyone who has responded to you and each one makes me cry, not just for all of you but for myself as well. I still haven't learned to treat myself half as nice as I treat others. It's funny how you feel that becoming thin will make you invisible, being fat makes me invisible, repulsive, and someone people want to avoid, as if fat were contagious. I lost over 120 pounds with the band, and because I was receiving too many compliments, I gained it all back!!! How stupid was that!?!? So even though this won't make anyone feel better, at least we feel a little less lonely and a little less like a freak. So thank you for starting this whole discussion, I certainly needed it!!!
  5. chichigirl

    Do You Still Enjoy Food Like You Used To?

    I'm sure you will still enjoy food, maybe even more. Having the band causes you to have to slow down so you don't get sick and you really have to chew your food well, which actually allows you to savor what you're eating. I've learned to cook with different kinds of herbs in order to boost the flavor of my foods and it's really been fun and interesting. As for the dreaming about food, that's all part of the process of adjusting to a new life style. The dream will become less and less , at least they did for me and now I actually crave foods that are good for me. Considering my old eating style, you have no idea what a huge change that is for me. As with everything, we are all unique individuals and may respond differently to certain circumstances. But if you just hang in there, I'm sure you will do fine. If it is bothering you thinking about food, perhaps you should think of something to replace your thoughts until they pass, go for a walk outdoors, listen to your favorite cd or watch a good dvd or read a book, you get the idea. Coming to the lapband group was a great decision and great effort on your part. Keep up the good work. I wish you the absolute best.
  6. chichigirl

    2nd post op visit! Yeah!

    That's so great and dancing is exercising. See you're already working on that too!!! As a matter of fact, dancing is really great exercise. Just because it's fun doesn't mean it isn't exercise. As long as your moving your body, it counts!!! Great to here you are in such great spirits too. Have a ball!!!!
  7. Hi, I am realively new to this support group and there have been several abreviations used that I'm afraid I don't know their meaning. I'm not as computer savey as a lot of you obviously are. Could someone please tell me what does PB stand for? NSV? Sorry to ask such a dumb question, I have tried to figure them out, but so far I am just drawing blanks. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  8. chichigirl

    What do the abreviations mean?

    Thank you so very much!! Now I know and can follow the crowd. How thoughtful of you to send me the information. Cindy
  9. chichigirl

    I was Approved!!!!

    I wish you the very best and congradulations. Most of all I pray this is the beginning of a wonderful new adventure for you, one that you have always dreamed of. Speedy recovery and God Bless!!
  10. chichigirl

    fun thread -- names

    This is a great idea and so much fun. My maiden name is german - Heise - pronounced Hi-C - you know I was teased as a kid Then my married name was - Spiller - so I became a Hi-C Spiller!! Too funny as I do happen to be in the top ten of clumsy. Thanks Vines, I love reading all of your responses. You are super!!!
  11. chichigirl


    Yeah, unfortunately the runs come with the territory. However if you are experiencing a feeling of being run down or just blaaahhh, you might think about getting some of those pedialyte popsicles, I know they're for kids, but the work for adults also and will help replace some of the electrolytes you are loosing during this time of adjustment. I don't think there is anything in them that would be harmful, but you might still want to talk to your doctor just to be safe. Good luck, I wish you the very best success!! You certainly have the right attitude and determination. Good for YOU!!!
  12. chichigirl

    OT-- My son's Hamster is now in Heaven

    Ohhh, the poor little guy, did he have him long? I agree with Porcln Doll that you should ask him how he feels, is he ready to get another pet right away and discuss any options you may feel are appropriate, like maybe getting gerbils or a guinea pig, something along the same line. If he is really deteremined I certainly don't think getting another hamster is a bad thing. I'm a huge animal lover, and whenever one of my pets die, I'm out the next day, crying my eyes out and all, but I am looking for a new pet. For me, it has always helped heal me and I always pray to the pet I've lost to show me which one I should pick out. I wish you the best of luck. Hope the little guy bounces back soon. Cindy
  13. chichigirl


    I am new to this group, but an old hand at lap banding. You want to talk about being yelled at. Imagine waiting a year to go back and you have gained almost all of your weight back!! But I told him, he had a choice, he could either fill my band or I would just look for someone else to do it. I have learned in the last ten years of my life to stand up for my rights where drs. are concerned and I just don't put up with a nasty attitude from any of them, and believe me, I have more specialists than I care to discuss. I tell them they get back what they give out, so if they're nasty to me, I'm out of there. After all it's my insurance company paying his salary. Also, if you have any doubt or question about whether or not your band isn't just right, stay there in the office until you are absolutely sure and err on the side of caution. You don't need to go back to the hospital, but you can always go back in a few weeks for another fill!! Trust me when I say, I have found out the hard way, to take my time and take care of myself first. If I don't respect myself and treat myself accordingly, how can I expect any one else to treat me any better? Good luck tomorrow, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I will be looking for your next posting and truly hope you are happy with everything. Cindy PS My dr immediatly backed down, apologized and treated me with respect for the rest of the visit. He asked me before I left if I would be coming back, and I told him sure, as long as we understand each other, I'm fine. He ended up giving me a big hug and apologized again, so I guess this one's a keeper.
  14. chichigirl

    OT: Lucky Bamboo & Orchid repotting

    Don't repot it, they thrive in root bound pots! I have quite a few that I have had for several years and they really like to be dry, over watering is the primary reason most of them die. Plus they love, love, love the sunlight. Remember these plants actually grow on trees in the rainforest, not in the ground like some people think. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you enjoy yours as much I as I do mine. Sorry, I know nothing about bamboo.
  15. :cross-eye Hi, I am new to this group and in desperate need of support. I had my lap surgery in February 2002. It only took about 8 months and I had lost over 75 lbs. I continued on loosing until around March of 2004. I lost a grand total of over 125 lbs. It was at this point that I started having problems with the attention I was getting over the weight loss and how good I was looking. I began sliding and gaining weight and eventually in July 2004 had all of the fill removed from my band. Now over a year later, I am within 12 pounds of my all time high. August 3 2005 I went back and had 2cc put back in and I have already dropped 25 lbs. I have been working on my 'issues' so that hopefully this time I can reach my goal, which is 140. Hopefully with new friends that truly understand the issues of being morbidly obese, I can be successful in my adventure of weight loss and learn healthy living habits along the way. Life is short and I have allowed old memories run my life for far too long. I feel I owe myself the feeling of being a 'normal' weight at least once in my life. Thank you for reading and for any future advice. Sorry this one is so long!!
  16. chichigirl

    I need help and lots of support!!!!

    You are a real sweetheart and I do appreciate the kind words of encourgement. We can never have too much of that. You're so right when you say the fat is just a symptom of a painful past, but I have let it rule my life for far too long and now it's my turn to do things my way, I'm going to turn the pain into power and beat this obesity once and for all. I wish you the very best and treat yourself like you treat your best friend.
  17. chichigirl

    I need help and lots of support!!!!

    Thanks for the great advice, and I am receiving counseling so that should really help. You're so right about slowing things down, it's just I want it now!!! Spoiled brat that I am. :-]
  18. chichigirl

    I need help and lots of support!!!!

    As I stated, I was having 'issues' with the attention I was getting from the weight loss, so in order to stop it, I had the fill removed so I could stop loosing and possibly even gain some back. It worked, I gained almost all of it back. Pretty silly thing for me to do after all of that hard work, but I guess I'm my own worst enemy. Cindy
  19. chichigirl

    Questions for the experienced

    Hi, I'm new to this support group, but certainly not new to lb. I had my surgery in February 2002. I have not had a whole lot of nausea but because I'm a long time smoker, believe me I cough plenty. I've had absolutely no problems with band slippage. I even overate a couple of times, not a good idea, and it came up but it wasn't like with a stomach virus, no wretching, it just came back up. Sorry to be so gross, but I always tell it like it is, sometimes it's not pretty but that's what it is. I knew one person who did have a slippage, but it was because she was constantly overeating and forcing herself to throw up, yuk, and even with all of that it took about three months of the constant upchucks before the band finally slipped. Hope this has been helpful to you. I look forward to joining this support group, I am in serious need of it. Take care, Cindy

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