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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chichigirl

  1. chichigirl

    Amazing NSV !

    Congrats!!!!! How very, very exciting, you'll be flying off of those endorphins for the rest of the way. No better or healthier way to get a good high!!! We are all proud of you and I thank you for sharing your inspirational NSV!!! May you achieve a few hundred more!!! Cindy
  2. chichigirl

    Lapbandtalk Holiday Challenge

    I'm hanging my head in shame - I gained 5 lbs - not enough exercise and waaaaay tooooo much food!!!!! But I gotta be honest Wt - 315 :-P Under Bra - 43.5 Waist 46 Hip 58 Well that's it for this week, gotta go hit the treadmill now!!! I will not be making a repeat performance for this weeks numbers. Cindy
  3. chichigirl

    A PB Gone Bad! Very Bad!

    I am so glad that you were reminded about the 24hour nurse and called. Instead of this upsetting you more, let it calm you down, as Vines said, she didn't say hang up and call 911. You'll be fine, but I am really glad you said something to us and didn't just ignore it. These things happen, but we are all here for you whenever you need us, night or day and we'll all be praying for you and keeping you in our positive thoughts. Please keep us posted tomorrow. We will all be eagerly awaiting the final outcome of what the doc says. Probable just some good ole antibiotics and that kind of stuff and you'll be back to normal in no time. Just in case you start having any progressive symptoms tonight, like a really high fever or more draining than you can handle. Don't be afraid to call the nurse again, that's what they're there for. (((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) Cindy
  4. chichigirl

    New member

    Welcome!!! Glad you decided to go the banded way. I don't think there's anyone here who hasn't vasolated at one time or another as to which procedure would they prefer. There are times when I wish I had gone through RNY but then again, I come to my senses and know that I made the best choice for me. That's all any of us can do. There is no judgement here as to which surgery is preferred, but the majority of folks here are banded ones. This is a great support group and lots of friendly advice and experience. If you have a question about something, just ask, there's bound to be someone here who has been through it at one time or another. Glad to have you aboard, good luck with the approval, you'll be in band-land in no time. Cindy
  5. chichigirl

    Why did I do this?

    Welcome to NORMAL!!!! It's just the rebel in us, the one that says, if you told me not to do it, I will anyway!!!!!:-] Sound familiar? It's like going for the 'Last Supper' and by gosh we are going to enjoy it, even if it kills us. Not exactly rational thinking, but hey, rational isn't all there is to life. We all love food here, or we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with. We all know, understand and relate to what all of us are going through. You are not a three headed alien from another planet. But you are special, so I am glad you enjoyed yourself today and hope you will enjoy the rest of your life loving being fit and healthy!! Cindy
  6. chichigirl

    I've moved .. to Onederland!

    WTG!!!!! That's an outstanding accomplishment and I am so thrilled for you. Hearing others success helps me when my own seems to have stalled or strayed off the path. It truly is encouraging and as for that skirt, you wear it girl, you've earned it, even if you don't leave the house :- ] Keep up the great work and thanks again for sharing with us!!!! Cindy
  7. chichigirl

    Band Newbie

    Yep, perfectly normal reaction. Right after the surgery, because of the swelling caused by the surgery, you do feel some restriction, usually. But as the days roll on the swelling goes down, which is a good thing, that means things are healing like they're suppose to. That's when the hunger comes back with a real rage and you fell like you want to eat everything in sight. Heck my little chihuahua started looking good to me : - ] But soon enough you will be headed to the doc's for a follow up and a fill. They start slowly at first to help us adapt to eating with the restrictive device. I know you want the weight gone yesterday, we all do, but trust me when I say the last thing you want is an overfill. That is one of the most unpleasant, painful and awful things I have ever been through. Some people even end up in the emergency room it's so bad. If I didn't hate hospitals as much as I do, I would have gone, but I just took my chances. So, try to start practicing your new lifestyle. Try the high protien, low fat and low carb dieting. Carbs are okay in the version of veggies and whole grains if you can tolerate them, bread and crackers are usually a bit much for most of us. Always remember teeny, tiny bites at first, then chew until you jaw hurts and swallow carefully. Always pay attention to how and what you are feeling and soon you'll know what you can and cannot eat. If you are so ravenous right now, still try to eat sensibly, but you don't have to starve yourself. That's not what this is all about. Good Luck, Cindy
  8. chichigirl

    Love my Watkins Products

    Because of Michelle's post I went to the sight and placed an order last night!!! I can't wait to get everything, especially the tapioca, I love it!!!!! When I was finalizing my order they put at the bottom that a new catalog would automatically be shipped at no charge with my order, so I know I'll get one. Thanks for offering such wonderful products. Cindy
  9. chichigirl

    A PB Gone Bad! Very Bad!

    The simple fact of the really foul odor and the yellow color indicates an infection of some sort. Everyone is right when they say you should call your doc first thing in the morning, no sense in getting a systemic infection from this. Good luck and let us know how you are feeling. Are you possibly running a temerature? Another sign of infection, but you don't always get one. Keep us posted. Cindy
  10. chichigirl

    My BEST NSV!

    Wow, it'll be hard to ever beat the sweetness of that NSV!! How thrilling for you and what a great way to start your day off. Congradulations and wishing you more NSV's. Cindy
  11. chichigirl

    NSV for me

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Why it's you of course. You look so fab and so comfortable with yourself. Like you've never had a weight issue in your life. Thanks for sending us the pics, you two really are a great looking couple. Here's to more fashion shows and showing off your beautiful look!!!! Cindy
  12. chichigirl

    4 pounds gone

    Congradulations, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. You are always helping everyone out here with your kind and insightful and amusing thoughts, so it's about time something really good happened for you!!! WTG!!!!!! I wish you much more of the same. Cindy
  13. chichigirl

    I cried

    What more can I add that hasn't already been said, except thanks for giving us more inspiration to help us beat our demons!!!! There is strength in numbers and with all of us together we can and will slay those demons. Congradulations sexy thing!!!! Thanks for showing us the way!!!! Cindy
  14. chichigirl

    Sorta Bummed Out

    I love it!!! What a great idea for your cousin to come up with!!!! It's going to be absolutely perfect. Hey, I know I am not alone in the screwy lady department, I have lots of company, one of the reasons I hang around. It's such much more being 'different' and truly enjoying life than to be bored to tears. I love that you dress up for your little one, what a great Mom you are!!!!! Have a great time!!!!!! Cindy
  15. chichigirl

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Tell us, what is she going to do? I am always looking for new and cleaver ways to fix things up and I would love to know what her plan is. I am soooooo happy for you, you sound much relieved and are excited about the whole event again. Yeahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I too am a Halloween lover, holiday lover in general, just give me a reason to Celebrate and I'm there!!!! I hope this years event is the best ever for all of you. If you decided to come down to Universal, give me a heads up and maybe we could meet up, I don't think I'd want to go through that one alone, toooo scary, but I love being scared. I guess you can tell I am a little mixed up! Ha, make that a lot mixed up who care? It's who I am!!!!
  16. chichigirl

    Sorta Bummed Out

    After seeing the gown, I think you're right, red ribbon laced up the back would be fab!!! See you've got the idea, not just get your cousin to help you or take it to a seamstress to do it. I wish I lived closer, I could do it for you, but I'm in Florida and from your description of being cold in October, sounds like you're in a more Northerly direction. Good luck and take care! Cindy
  17. chichigirl

    Sorta Bummed Out

    Bias tape can be found anywhere they sell fabric, even Wal Mart, but you know what, ribbon would work just as well and look even prettier. Please send us pics and look forward to the event, not fear it, you have done a wonderful job losing 50 lbs!!!!!! We don't have control where the weight will come off, so don't you dare blame yourself. Enjoy the party and do some spooking for me!!!!!!! Cindy
  18. chichigirl

    The WINDS of change prayers please

    Just hunker down and get ready to lose electricity for a little while. It won't be so bad by the time it gets to you, they kinda lose their punch after they hit land. I hope you're not in a low lying area. I know there are some pretty swampy places in Texas, cause then you would have to worry about flooding, I hear she's a wet storm. Call me if you need anything. You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers. Cindy
  19. chichigirl

    Secret Fanstasy II -- contemporary

    So many men to choose from, gosh, it's hard to just pick a few, but I think my very top pick would be Antonio Banderas, that latin really gets my blood moving he's so gorgeous. Lorenzo LLamas runs a pretty close second, guess I have a thing for hot latin men, hmmmm, well I least I'm living in the right place for them, Miami, FL, there's a huge selection here. Here's to dreaming!!!!!!!! Cindy
  20. chichigirl

    Sorta Bummed Out

    I understand your pain, been there done that, however, I have a possible solution. You could get some bias tape that matches the color of the gown and cut pieces long enough to be able to tie the two ends into a bow and space it out down the area that you're having trouble with. Just sew a piece of bias on each side of the gown and then when it's time to get dressed, have someone tie up your bows. Like you said, you're going to be wearing clothes under it anyway, just try to wear something close in color to the gown and it shouldn't stand out. Just a simple and inexpensive way to fix the problem, and you won't ruin the gown because you can always take the bias tape off afterwards. I think it would be very easy to do this. Let me know what you think. Cindy
  21. chichigirl

    NSV for me

    How exciting, a fashion show. That will make you an official model, whooo hooo!!! You obviously have a very supportive DH and I think that's just about the greatest thing in the world. I am truly happy for you in your success. Are you going to take pictures? We'd love to see them if you do. This site just goes ga ga for pictures, they're always so inspiring. Good luck and best wishes. I'm sure you will out sparkle them all. Cindy
  22. chichigirl

    For some reason I am getting nervous!! HELP!

    It's perfectly normal to be thinking about those things right now. You are fully aware that you will need to change your lifestyle and your feelings about your relationship with food. The band is simply a tool that helps us to learn how to change the lifestyle we all want and need. You're just have a little pre-surgery jitters I think, but I also think that you are exactly doing the right thing. To have this surgery and expect it to magically make your life perfect is unrealistic, which you are not. I believe the way you are thinking is healthy and if you want to you may want to dissect each question you have and try to answer them yourself one at a time. Ask yourself why are you questioning if this will work? Afraid of failure? Who isn't, unfortunately people with morbid obesity issues have been made to feel like failures no matter what we do. I could find the cure for cancer and AIDS and the world would question how someone like me could possibly do that. After all she's fat and fat means stupid, slow, unmotivated, you get the idea. Be proud of yourself for making this life altering decision to be banded. It's a huge step with a lot of controversy surrounding it, but you made up your own mind what is best for you and that is what is important. You are exactly the type of person who will succeed, I am sure of it. Don't let the liar in trying to scare you into doing what you know in your heart is right. Condy
  23. WTG!!!! What an inspiration you are. Thank you for sharing your amazing accomplishment and I wish you even more of the same. I can only dream of the day when I no longer have to look at the 300's, which I am quickly closing in on. I haven't even allowed myself to think of being in 100's. How very thrilling for you. Enjoy it you've earned it!!!!! Go Jammin and Losin!!!!!! Cindy
  24. chichigirl

    I've always wanted to....

    Wow, my imagination could go wild on this one, but I'll just mention a few of my favorites: I'd like to: 1. No more medications 2. Have so many clothes to choose from I have a hard time making up my mind 3. Having the confidence to go for a job interview for a job I really want 4. No more medical equipment for breathing 5. Wearing a really nice bathing suit 6. NOT FEELING INVISIBLE 7. Taking a bubble bath 8. Go for a spa retreat 9. Sexy lingerie 10. Only needing one seat on an airplane That's my top ten, not necessarily in that order, but the ten things most important to me at this point in my life. Wishing all of us the power and strength to achieve our goals!!!!!! Cindy
  25. Lynn is so right about what looks like coffee grounds is actually blood. If you have an erosion I wonder if Nexium would be beneficial. I would certainly ask my doc about it as it not only stops reflux but it also aids in healing. I would imagine that this would be more effective than antacids, but I am not the doctor, just a thought though. It couldn't hurt to ask him anyway. Congradulations on your magnificent weight loss and being so close to your goal, do you feel that you could continue your new lifestyle with the inflation of the band? I hope so, I would hate to see you give up when you are soooo close to your goal. Take care, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Cindy

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