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RPh Diva

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RPh Diva

  1. RPh Diva

    Ready to be thin

    I don't suggest taking that venom supplement at all. It is a typical diet pill. We had our lapbands placed so we don't have to take fad diet pills. Those pills could cause an increase in your pulse and blood pressure and are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
  2. I am new to the site. I had initially logged on because I wanted info about shoulder pain. My first cuple of days were ok, then I started getting sick of the boring liquids and not being able to take much in. Now I am even worse, I have bad shoulder pain when I eat, move, breathe! I called my doctor and am waiting for a reply. I am trying to hang in there!:cry
  3. RPh Diva

    Ready to be thin

    Venom supplement!!!! Why would u want to take that?
  4. I'm new to the chat world. How do I add a ticker to my signature to track my weight loss like everyone else seems to have? :help:
  5. RPh Diva

    Ready to be thin

    Good luck with everything. I am new also.

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