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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CanyonBaby

  1. If you could be a little more specific about what kind of information you need, that might help us help you! Is the inconsistency in your diet, exercise routine, or something else?
  2. CanyonBaby

    Just had DS surgery on Tuesday! (June 2)

    Try drinking room-temperature water/fluids, especially when you first get up in the morning. It will be accepted a lot easier! Also, take small sips, but keep it coming. If it is still too difficult, try adding some water-enhancer drops to change the surface tension of the water. You can adjust the number of drops for you taste. Good luck to you!
  3. CanyonBaby

    this is the scary part

    @@laguerr13 Thank you, and like-wise!
  4. CanyonBaby


    I tried xylitol the other day on my strawberries (mashed them up for a sauce), and it was great! Lot less carbs than sugar, and no bellyache!
  5. CanyonBaby


    Thanks for the suggestion! My problem with soups is they just don't stay with me, and I'm hungry quickly after consuming them. So I just don't have any. My NUT said it is because it is liquid, and just goes right through. I suggest adding lots of solids (when you're able to have them) like veggies, meat...so it stays with you longer.
  6. CanyonBaby

    this is the scary part

    One day at a time. For EVERYTHING. Since we cannot see what tomorrow has in store, we are equipped only for the day at hand, the now-moment. I have learned this the hard way, so save yourselves from the stresses of tomorrow, and what the scales may say then. Instead, focus on what you are doing TODAY. If you ate well today, had enough physical activity to counter the caloric intake, drank the fluids required for sustainability, tomorrow will be fine. There will always be something to worry about, if we let ourselves. Save the energy from worrying and put it in a positive energy form. Go for that exciting new hike. Save up for a new bicycle, shop for the kind you would like and USE. Look into activity clubs in your area. Go to the book store, sit and read a book for a few hours. Join a book club! These are just a few ideas for something to look forward to, a PURPOSE for your day. In my world, with the possibility of losing my husband, I have to look forward. I have to have a plan in place for the "what-if's". Morbid, yes. Necessary, yes. Life-giving, yes. A window to open, and breathe the fresh air in from. Open YOUR window today, and see what is out there for YOU. An open mind and an open heart will show you wonders....
  7. CanyonBaby

    Being a Big Guy and Dating

    @@OKCPirate Brilliant, absolutely brilliant!
  8. CanyonBaby

    Uncertain futures

    @@Julie norton Thanks, Julie! Yes, I need definitely to drink more Water, I just forget in the hustle of everything. As for the moving around, GOSH! Am I moving now! Everything Dave used to do and now can't (as he has a port, he is extremely prone to infection) I am stuck with doing (cleaning litter boxes, taking out trash, mowing, gardening...), which I don't mind so much, but there are just so many hours in the day! So all his chores are added to mine, and I think I get a pretty good workout just doing chores! After the day is done, I'm exhausted, but sleep evades me. I'm running on empty in that department! Other than taking something to help me sleep, I don't know how to get more in. And I DON'T want to take anything, because I need to hear what's going on throughout the house (Dave's sleep apnea, pups getting into trouble, bad guys prowling around outside - we've had a rash of burglaries in our neighborhood -) just anything and everything to keep my mind racing, you know? I guess exhaustion will just have to kick-in there. It'll catch me eventually. I've put up no-trespassing signs to hopefully keep the bad guys out, as well as a driveway alarm. So guess who trips that? YES, THE BLOODY DEER!!!!!!! And moose. Coyotes, rabbits, birds...I swear it's a conspiracy!!!! No sleep for Jen! I can just hear them chanting it.....Anyone for Barbeque?!
  9. CanyonBaby

    Uncertain futures

    @@IcanMakeit Thank you for your kind words and prayers, although I'm pretty sure my old cat would disagree! She got "in my face" this morning, and mamma wasn't so happy about it! I guess if pigs can fly, so can cats! Grace...not so much today! Today was difficult, at best, Dave is so very tired, mostly from emotional stress and the chemo. And I feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off...so much to do, only so much time and energy with which to do it. Priorities, I know, but when it all gets going so fast, sometimes I just want to jump off, but can't do that. God made that man for me, I must take care of him to the best of my abilities. On to making dinner! Thanks again.....
  10. CanyonBaby


    The only "dumpling" in my house is my cat "Baby Dumpling"! I think she might not take kindly to my eating her....hmmmmm.....
  11. CanyonBaby

    What if?

    I guess I would have to say that with all my husband's issues, I don't take much interest in myself or my weight anymore. I just don't have time! I weigh each morning, just to keep up with what is going on, and I am still slowly losing (depending on the day - if it's real busy, I lose more!!!). But I just can't seem to care about it so much anymore. The surgery did what I wanted it to do, and it has made what I am dealing with now easier to contend with, now that I think about it. One thing that has not only called my attention, but has downright SLAPPED me silly is HOW SELF-CENTERED I was before my husband's diagnosis. I got away from focusing on the REAL reason for my surgery (diabetes control), and spent too much time with the vanity mirror! SO. If I am truthful NOW, I must say IF I were at goal weight, I'm not sure I would notice so much, except for the fact my clothes would be falling off, and they tend to FROWN on that at the chemo facility!
  12. CanyonBaby

    Steroids are HELL!

    Oh, good luck to you both! I seriously hope your health issues are resolved soon, with minimal (If any) pain. You are in my prayers, and I'm right there with you!
  13. CanyonBaby

    To Those Who Have a Funny Bone

    Oh, this just makes my day! I need a thread like this to lift my spirits...thanks everyone, and keep 'em coming!!!!
  14. CanyonBaby

    Uncertain futures

    Dave had his first chemo treatment today, it took about 5 hours to complete. He then came home with a pump attached to his port, for 3 days of continuous chemotherapy. He will have the pump removed on Thursday, then have 11 days of recovery. He will go through this process for a total of 6 treatments (about 3 months), to shrink down his cancers. Then, upon proper shrinking, he will undergo surgery to remove the cancers. Then 3 more months of treatment. This is the plan. We still haven't had approval from the insurance for the PET scan; apparently a SURGEON who has SEEN the cancers firsthand isn't convincing enough for them to approve the scan. They feel a CT scan has better "eyes" to see the cancers, even though it did NOT show the cancers. So we continue to battle for the PET scan, with ALL doctors involved writing letters for Dave. Regardless, Dave is getting the "full-bore" chemo treatment plan, on the assumption of the surgeon's observations. He did really well with the treatment, with only a tiny amount of prickles when washing his hands with cold water. No more of that! Only warm water for him, until this side effect diminishes! And this is the only side effect he has experienced. This may change, with the pump continually delivering treatment. He is at 100 percent energy, the c.diff. seems to be under control, and his spirits are high! Our oncologist is phenomenal, and is of high hopes, which is catching! Our motto: "with God, NOTHING is impossible"! And of course, we could not proceed at all without all of your support and prayers! Thank you again! Until next time, Bless you all!!!!!
  15. So in our journey with my husband's colon cancer, he has developed an infection called c.diff (clostridium difficile colitis). For him, it was a result of taking antibiotics after a surgery. FOR YOU, it may be caused by PPI's (proton pump inhibitors). It is a nasty situation, and you can read up about it on WebMD, on the internet. It is an infection of the colon, and can be mild to severe, and causes diarrhea among other symptoms. If you think you may have this, GET IT CHECKED! It can go from mild to even life-threatening, and is very contagious. CHECK IT OUT! I am stopping my PPI, as I live with hubs, who has a bad case of it. Wash hands thoroughly, as it is spread by touching contaminated objects. HEAD'S UP!!!!!
  16. CanyonBaby

    Freezing Homemade Broth?

    Why not freeze the broth, then add the powder (mixed with water) to the thawed broth, when you're ready to use it? Quick and simple. I mix with cold or room temp. water, just a spoonful or two, then add to whatever wet food I'm eating (scrambled eggs, soup, stew, chili....). Making your own homemade broth is the best, much better than canned. You can add all kinds of seasonings to it, and change it up that way. Use a cheesecloth to contain herbs/whole spices, then remove before using. Enjoy!
  17. You're smart to collect all the info you can on the two, information is power. That being said, how willing are you to find out the "hard way" about twilight sedation, considering the forewarnings given by American surgeons? It's my feeling that just as there are reasons for speed limits, there are also guidelines for surgery and sedation in this country. No, the two are not necessarily the best comparisons, but if you go around that curve faster than the sign said to, you're likely to have an "issue". Same with sedation. Why risk complications, when there are apparent risks (given the fact that American surgeons are uncomfortable, or downright against it for reasons maybe unknown to us)? Is there a particular reason you wouldn't want to go with the typical anesthesia? I've had it for all of my 22 surgeries, and the only issue I've had to date is some memory loss. And I'm not 100 percent sure it is from the anesthesia! I have had the TT and lipo/butt lift, separately, and I'm glad I did it that way; the pain from the lipo on my back was some of the worst I have ever gone through. The TT was bad enough, but combining the two would just blow me out of the Water. There would be no way for me to be comfortable while recovering. Let us know what you find out, I'm sure there are many on here who would love to hear what you have to say!
  18. CanyonBaby

    Just an head's up....

    You know, deep down inside, I think so too! God with us!
  19. CanyonBaby

    Just an head's up....

    @@LipstickLady How long were you in the hospital for? What kind of treatment finally got rid of the C.Diff? Dave is on Flagyll, and has already shown improvement, after only 1 day, so I hope it keeps working. Hope you are fully recovered!
  20. CanyonBaby

    Uncertain futures

    So the battle with insurance begins. Like it's not enough we must emotionally and physically deal with all of this. I have to share this one with you: Immediately following Dave's first colonoscopy, where the Dr. could not complete it due to a blockage caused by the tumor, Dave was (while still under anesthesia) sent in for a CT scan. An emergency deemed by the Dr. So of course there was no time for a pre-certification of the test. Besides, it was after hours for the insurance company. The insurance company sent us a letter telling of a $100 penalty for lack of pre-certifying that test. We have sent an appeal for that issue. Since then we have set up a PET scan, necessary to determine Dave's chemo plan. The Dr.'s office sent in all the appropriate information to pre-certify for the PET scan. So the insurance company DENIES the PET scan due to the fact they say we need a CT scan FIRST. HE HAD THE CT SCAN, THE ONE THEY PENALIZED US FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the same company. We re-submitted all the information, INCLUDING the scan results AND their OWN letter regarding the penalty!! In the meantime, Dave has been put off the schedule for his scan. Who knows how long he will need to wait to get it done. STAGE 4, PEOPLE! How urgent is urgent? SORRY. To rant is good, methinks. Need to vent. I hope they get their act together, soon. The chemo hasn't even started yet. And those treatments are anywhere from $8000 to $15000...EACH. And he needs at least 12. It's not like cancer is a new disease, or the treatment for it. Why don't they have this all figured out? We have been using this insurance company for over 25 years. Maybe time for a change..... Your heartfelt prayers and thoughts are so much appreciated. I feel their power lifting me up, for I surely am not doing it by myself! In spite of acquiring c. diff., Dave is back at work, feeling "100 percent", and is healing nicely after the port was put in on Wednesday. One thing learned, that will help ALL who heed: Take each day by itself. Don't bring on tomorrow's problems onto today's shoulders. Today is only equipped to handle TODAY. Don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. It tells us this in the Bible, and it is TRUE. Yes, I can worry about how long Dave will live, how much suffering we will ALL encounter, the worries of all that is to come....but it doesn't help. I have found that if, indeed, all I focus on is what is for THIS day, I CAN deal with THIS day. So I try not to think too much on the tomorrows. I still plan for the appointments....but I don't FOCUS on them. Staying with this plan of day-to-day living helps me deal with the sadness and other emotions of cancer. I don't HAVE to be sad today, I'll save that for when the day IS sad. I don't NEED to be ANGRY today, it is a beautiful, fresh day with no bad things presenting themselves to me at the moment. Dave is happily patrolling with his boss, I am going into the garden to plant, laundry will be hanging on the line, chicken will be roasting in the oven. One moment, one day at a time. Enjoy it with me.....
  21. CanyonBaby

    Extremely tired today!

    Well now, it is very easily treatable! I've had it since 1995, and I just take a tiny pill every morning. As long as it is the right strength, I am perfect. Sometimes it needs adjusting, but mostly it is good. The pill (synthroid) takes a couple of months to work, when you first start it, but then, it's like you have no issue! It's a simple fix, and no pain! Best to you....
  22. CanyonBaby

    Extremely tired today!

    Get your thyroid checked, if you haven't already. Fatigue is a major symptom of hypothyroidism. If it IS the thyroid, you may also be experiencing hair loss and feeling cold all the time (sounds like WLS side effects, huh?!). Worth checking into! Hope you feel better soon....
  23. CanyonBaby

    Being a Big Guy and Dating

    @@Daveo NOT bragging, but my hubs' found ME there!!!! We met at Lake Mead! There are a few, probably many, just hard to find! I felt the same thing when I was single there. Make your list of what you want in a lady friend. Have faith about it. Even though your not very religious, give the list to God. Let HIM do the work! Keep your eyes open. Give it time. If you want someone special in your life, it is MY belief that there was someone made just for you. She's out there. Now let the One who made her bring her to you. That's it. Faith. Oh, and while I'm at it, look into the Sierra Club for guided hikes. Usually lots of singles go to Lake Mead, Red Rock State Park, Valley of Fire and other cool places with this group. At least they did back in the day! Look it up on the internet for activities and events and times/dates/meeting places. And they are fun hikes, too! This should be a really fun time in your life! Enjoy it!
  24. CanyonBaby

    Don't hate me

    I have to say, I think I'm a petite on top (short arms, shorter torso), and a tall on the bottom (need a 32" inseam for daily jeans using flat shoes). SOOOOO weird! I'm not as small as you two yet, not sure I'll get that small, either, as I do have rather strange lengths in bones! But these last 2 weeks I have lost "pre-op" amounts of weight (with hubs' situation....stress, don'tcha know!), so my stall has finally broken, and I am once again on the way down! I have no idea how much I will lose going through this, but I bet it will be quite a bit. I have stopped shopping for clothes for now, as I am just falling out of them, and don't want to waste money buying too much whilst we have this financial issue with Dave's cancer stuff. Especially just to end up getting rid of them. So into "stretchy" stuff again!
  25. CanyonBaby

    Uncertain futures

    Newest update: Dave had his chemo port put in today, with no issues. He begins chemo on Tuesday. It will be 3 treatments for 3 days, then 11 days off for recovery, for a total of 6 sets. Sometime during that time-frame, he will be carrying treatments with him, constantly being infused. Then, if it does what it is supposed to do, he will undergo yet another attempt at surgery, to remove the tumor on the colon, plus any cancerous areas within the abdominal cavity..... He will have a PET scan this coming week to try and determine where the other cancers are located, then they can "aim" the chemo treatments and radiation at those. While he undergoes the surgery, they will use radiation while he is opened, to "kill" the cancer that is unseen by the human eye. I am learning SOOOO much about this! This type of surgery is done by ONLY ONE surgeon in the U.S., and ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD HIMSELF, this man is located in our area of Spokane, WA!!!!!!!! Coincidence? I just DON'T think so! Then he will undergo 3 more months of chemo, to kill what may be left of the cancer. So a VERY long road, a VERY trying time to come. I'm in it for the long haul, because this is very promising. And I KINDA like my guy!!!!! We have hope, and for that I am eternally grateful. Because of Dave's health (great-other than cancer!!!) and physical fitness (great) and age (a YOUNG 53!!!!), he has a lot going for him with this plan. Today we started the fight. And with the POWER, GRACE, and LOVE of our MIGHTY Lord Jesus, we will fight the good fight! With all of you prayers, we are stronger than ever. Did you know we have folks from ALL over the country weighing in on this fight?!!!!!! I cannot. CANNOT thank you all enough for what you are doing, I am sincerely HUMBLED. I am sincerely GRATEFUL. AND. I love you all! Bless you, people!

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