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LAP-BAND Patients
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About candy8360

  • Rank
    Bariatric Evangelist
  • Birthday 08/03/1960

About Me

  • Biography
    47 year old mother of two - recently separated (my choice)
  • Interests
    sewing - watch too much t.v.
  • Occupation
    secretary for labor union
  • City
    Loganville, near Atlanta
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 53rd Birthday candy8360!

  2. Happy 52nd Birthday candy8360!

  3. candy8360

    Christian bandsters

    before and after pics ... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/before-after-lap-band-surgery-pix-only-4642/index102.html
  4. candy8360

    Christian bandsters

    I didn't have much pain, my pain was gas pains. i would think it is fine. Glad you are doing so well!
  5. candy8360


    Ah, all the answers to child rearing that we have always been lacking...
  6. candy8360


    you guys are so stuck on yourselves. you can't call the shots for everyone. I would give ANYTHING to see how you would handle a problem child, one that is used to manipulating the adults and one that will smile at your face and agree with you and as soon as you turn your back do everything you told them not to do. I was willing to go halfway to say that I'm not always right, and my way is not the only way. THAT, Brandy, is why I think you are full of hot air. It may be a law in other countries that you can't spank. There are also laws in other countries that allow you to smoke marijuana. Just because it is a law somewhere doesn't validate your opinion as the right way and the only way. I knew there was a good reason I stopped posting on this thread.
  7. candy8360


    In all honesty, I admire that you have passion for what you believe. My problem is not with your passion, but with your insinuation that your way is the right way, and the only way. I agree that there are advantages on both sides and abuse on both sides. I'm really not angry at you or your opinion. I'd just like some acknowledgement that spanking is not automatically abuse and not all parents who spank are abusers.
  8. candy8360


    I didn't see anything caustic with what she said. I agree with what she said. I did see you being condescending and acting like she has to be wrong, and you have to be right.
  9. candy8360


    and, its not that I'm angry either. You expressed a little anger yourself at meatballs mom. I felt like she needed some support. If you can raise your children without spanking then that is good. But, if spanking is needed, that shouldn't automatically make the parent bad.
  10. candy8360


  11. candy8360

    Christian bandsters

    Wonderful News Diamond!!!
  12. candy8360


    meatballs mom, there is NOTHING wrong with what you said. Brandy, you are fortunate that your children turned out okay. But, its time to mind your own business and let others take responsbility for how they choose to raise their own children. I knew there was a reason I quit posting on this thread, because of all the nosy busybodies who have no idea what they are talking about!!!!!
  13. candy8360

    Christian bandsters

    Hey Christy, GREAT NEWS!!! Glad everything went well. YES, you are ON YOUR WAY!!!
  14. candy8360

    Christian bandsters

    Hi Everyone, just checking in. Glad to hear from everyone. I too find it easier to sing and hold my notes since I'm losing weight. Caelyn, will be praying for you. It is a slow journey, but you are on the right track! And, you have many others right here with you! Coltorismom, I'm having a hard time with the diet soda issue. Pray for me. Hope everyone is well and has a WONDERFUL day!
  15. candy8360

    Christian bandsters

    Hey Everyone. For some reason, my account stopped sending me the updates to the thread, and today was the first one I received and had to read THREE pages of posts to catch up! I didn't realize I had not posted in so long! SO glad to hear of the victories along the way and welcome to all the new people! Things at work have been hectic and will continue that way for at least two weeks because of a couple of big meetings I have to prepare for, but all of you are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

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