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Everything posted by applegal79

  1. I was sleeved on 12/12/14 and have done really well with my program. I still have a protein drink for breakfast every morning. Here is my issue & I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing or did experience this. I will think in my head something sounds so good...a few weeks ago it was a chipotle bowl (no rice) I was on the treadmill thinking how good it sounded, after the gym I went there got the bowl, went home had a bite & it wasn't nearly as good as it was in my mind. (It was dinner for the week and I still threw quite a bit away) tonight I thought sloppy joes sounded good & I found these potatoes that were a weight watchers recipe that sounded good...got home from work made the sloppy joes and potatoes, had 2 bites and it just didn't taste good at all. Has this happened to anyone else? I'd rather eat protein drinks & a Greek yogurt because my head is playing so many games with me .
  2. applegal79

    Almost 6 months out....

    Thanks Jenn! I can't rationalize making meals though cause it happens every time I cook...very frustrating!!! 6 months out, I started at 232 lbs and now I'm 176. I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and just keep plugging away!! Thank you for your words of encouragement! Here is my before/current pics....I want to keep going and try to get to 150!
  3. applegal79

    For sleeve veterans

    I had my surgery 12/12/14 and I still have a hard time eating very much. I make little slider size burgers and take 1 of those for my lunch, I've never finished it. I workout 5-6 times a week and drink a lot of water! Here's my before and current pics!
  4. applegal79

    I usted To love eating

    Thank you!! That's the first before/after pic I've taken! I'm losing lots of hair every time I shower but take biotin everyday, and I think that's helping. I have naturally curly hair (& a lot of it) and it's basically your body's way of adapting. Good luck to you and please let me know if I can help in anyway!!!
  5. applegal79

    I usted To love eating

    I am in the same boat...I am 5 months put and still eat very little, maybe 6-7 bites a meal, if I'm lucky! I'm never hungry and hate eating around others! I only started out at 232 before surgery and last time I weighed I was 178. I do still do at least 1 protein drink in the morning & try to do one in the evening as well. I also do an hour of cardio at the gym a day.
  6. applegal79

    So upset!

    Don't weigh yourself so frequently! I weigh myself every 2 weeks and as long as the number is less than the last time I was on the scale, that's all that matters! Think how long it took you before to put on 9 pounds, I guarantee you less than a week or two! Be patient & you'll succeed!
  7. applegal79

    I usted To love eating

    I can't stand eating! I honestly have to think that food is fuel and my body needs it to survive, otherwise I wouldn't eat! Mentally it's different...Monday I was on the treadmill thinking Chipotle sounded so good. I went to Chipotle after the gym and still have most of it in my fridge. I get food cause it 'sounds' good but it never 'tastes' good. Does anyone else experience this? By the way I was sleeved 12/12/14 down 53.6 pounds.
  8. applegal79

    Stuck at my weight?

    I only weigh myself every 2 weeks! It makes getting through plateaus very easy. As long as I get on the scale and it's less than the last time I was on it I'm happy! I don't care if it's down 2, 4 or 6 pounds...down is down!
  9. I was sleeved on 12/12 and am 42 pounds down. I've been doing SO good and have had very few road blocks. Tonight I started experiencing pain in my belly button area, kinda freaky! Has anyone else experienced this? My sister felt it (whose an MD) and said it feels like a hernia?! Has this happened to you? What did you do?
  10. I had my sleeve done and everything has gone great. I'm about 38 pounds down (not excessive but I only started out 232 lbs so my doctor told me my loss would most likely be slower than people heavier than me). I've had zero problems up until now, about 3 months out I have constant heartburn all the time. Oftentimes I lay in bed at bedtime and I thought my throat hurt but it's acid. This last week I've had acid from the moment I wake up till I go to bed, it doesn't matter what I eat. Has this happened to anyone else, if so what have you done to help relieve this? Do I need to contact the doctors office, I was just there about 3 weeks ago and don't go back until late June! I feel like I'm coughing all the time (like a smoker) but my throat doesn't hurt! Any words of wisdom, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
  11. I had sleeve surgery on 12/12 and have been doing well losing weight. I started at 232 lbs so not super large but definitely overweight at 5'6". Since I've been back to work nobody has asked about my weight loss, partially I think it's because I work in an office with quite a few caddy women so god for bid they'd pay anyone a compliment. Anyways, one of our managers came in town yesterday and he looked at me and stumbled a bit, he said "Whit I don't mean to be rude but have you lost a little I mean a lot of weight"? I wanted to kiss him lol finally someone besides my parents said something...it's taken losing 36 pounds but definitely well worth it!!!
  12. applegal79


    Thank you both! It's coming off slowly but surely! I can't complain as my weight definitely didn't come on overnight! I'm in good spirits and not a day goes past that I am not 100% glad I started this journey!
  13. applegal79

    Med ID bracelet

    My doctor gave me a sticker to put on the back of my drivers license.
  14. Oh I love the laughing cow creamy pepper jack! It's the best!!
  15. I'm lucky I never pushed my pain pump in the hospital and never took any pain meds, didn't even get the prescription filled for the liquid pain meds because they made me sick to my stomach in the hospital when the nurse had me take it! I haven't felt nausea since I had my surgery which was 12/12. Good luck!
  16. Be proud of any weight loss you've had because my guess is, if you hadn't had the surgery you'd have gained a few lbs since December. Be proud of what you've done and accomplished! I'm 32 pounds down but only started at 232. My doctor and I spent time talking about a few friends of mine that had the surgery that were both close to double my weight. My doctor explained to me that most likely I wouldn't drop 100 pounds within a year, like they did because my body can't afford to lose 100 pounds. He also explained to me that this is my journey and everyone is different. I look at it this way, a loss is a loss. I weigh myself once every 2 weeks because mentally I know I'm doing everything right. I just hope I get on that scale and see a loss. I don't care if it's 1, 3 or 5 pounds as long as I'm less than the last time I got on that scale I'm happy! Don't pressure yourself so much and just be happy for what you've accomplished because you are a winner!
  17. I almost didn't get released from the hospital when I had my surgery on 12/12 because my sugars were low (41). I go in for my 6 week post op next Wednesday and get my labs drawn. I've never had any issues with my sugar levels before surgery but I have a feeling they are still continually low. Hopefully I get an answer to this....it's hard and I'm light headed and dizzy most of the time.
  18. I had my sleeve on 12/12 and am down 32 pounds. I go in for my 6 week follow up on 2/25 and want to be under 200 pounds, I started at 232. I feel great although the loss has been slow. I'm losing about 2 pounds a week and nobody has noticed much weight loss at all. My dad left on New Year's Day and when I picked him up at the airport he noticed immediately the weight loss in my face. I still eat very small servings and can't eat more than a few bites at a meal.
  19. Hi all! I was sleeved on 12/12 and am doing great, except I've started having cold symptoms (sore scratchy throat, etc.) not sure what I can take for this. I know I can't take anything with ibeprofuen in it but can I swallow big pills at this point? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
  20. Thank you! I'm waiting for the PA to call me back now!!
  21. So I can take those big mucinex pills or something similar? Ok good to know! Thank you!
  22. applegal79

    Passing out

    I've never had diabetes or sugar issues but was sleeved on 12/12 and they came in at 4am to draw my blood. They got the results and my blood sugar was low, it was 60. The nurse told me this is very rare and they don't see it often. She asked me if I felt dizzy/light headed and I said a bit. She came in with this humongous syringe and I asked her where she was putting that & she said in my IV...they put in way too much and spiked my sugars at 190. I got released once they got them under control. My dad, who is an MD told me I can't have everything sugar free...he had me drink a little orange juice diluted with ice chips/water when I was home...or a G2 Gatorade. I asked my doctor if this would be an issue in the long run, he told me we'd draw labs on 2/25 when I come back & see how I was doing. As for now I always have a G2 Gatorade in my purse and a pack of lifesavers, just in case!
  23. I thought it was just me feeling like this! I went back to work 2 weeks after surgery and was so bummed I was still in my same work clothes. I weighed in at 232 (my highest) at my post OP before thanksgiving, was sleeved on 12/12 I think I was down to 216 at my post OP appt on 12/23 and I haven't weighed myself since. I'm OCD and afraid I'll become so fixated on the number, but I know I'm doing everything I can do. I drink 2 protein drinks a day and walk for 30 minutes (2.5 miles) over my hour lunch break. Still in the same clothes, a few people know I've had the surgery and they tell me they see a loss but coworkers, etc nobody has asked! I just keep pushing through...eventually I'll get there! I found the below image and it's my wallpaper on my phone, so I look at it everyday and remind myself that I'll get there...I didn't put the weight on overnight, it's not going to come off overnight!
  24. applegal79


    My doctor said I booze whatsoever until a year out!

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