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Everything posted by applegal79

  1. I use the pre mixed Premier protein drinks from SAMs/Costco. They are a little pricy but 30g protein and tastes like a chocolate milk. I'm not a fan of these protein powders because if they don't mix well I can't get them down! I had my surgery on 12/12 so am still taking baby steps to 'normal' food. I found a product called genepro on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00K6OSDYA/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1422081162&sr=8-1) that is 30g protein in a small scoop. I've read people put it in their coffee, I add it to my light cream soup and stir it up till it's dissolved in. (Don't put it in your water it makes it a very foggy color and doesn't dissolve well) I can't stand the isopure it tastes really nasty in my opinion! I have tried these protein waters and the grape isn't bad! Just keep trying you'll find something that works for you! attachment=51087:ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1422081372.189330.jpg]
  2. I was sleeved on 12/12/14 and had post OP appt on 12/22. I weighed myself today and I'm only 8 lbs done since my post op appt and 24 lbs down since my pre OP appt on 11/17. I am eating all what I should and getting in my fluids. My doctor has told me I'll lose slowly cause I don't have a ton to lose (SW 232 CW 208). I plan to start at a gym on Friday which should help, but I still can't do strenuous exercise! Thanks in advance for your comments/words of wisdom!
  3. applegal79

    Frustrated in Kansas!

    I have only weighed myself once at home since my surgery, which was 12-12, so one check in in a month is not bad, in my opinion & necessary! I was sleeved through Dr Hoehn @ KC Bariatric.
  4. applegal79


    I had a drain and a catheter. They took my cath out at 4am the morning after surgery. They removed my drain before I left the hospital, was the weirdest feeling ever coming out. Felt like a worm coming out...weird feeling but didn't hurt!
  5. I wasn't weighed the day of surgery so I'm using my starting weight as my last pre OP appt, which probably isn't that accurate because my order OP appt was a week before Thanksgiving & was sleeved on 12/12.
  6. applegal79

    Comparison: VSG to C section?

    I've never had a section but a few years back I had my appendix, gallbladder & pelvic surgery and I was so sore afterwards. I had my sleeve surgery on 12/12/14 and heard horror stories about the pain. I woke up in the recovery room and had a morophine pump to push as needed. They took me back to my room and I felt great. I walked fine, had zero gas pains and never pushed my morophine pump. They drew my laps at 4am (the next morning) and my sugar levels were low, at 61. They gave me sugars through my IV and then my sugars spiked at 180...I remember texting my mom asking her if she was up and she came up to the hospital. They removed my catheter, my pain med (which was fine I wasn't using them anyways) and she gave me something that looked like a BBQ sauce from McDonald's...I asked her what it was & she told me it was my pain meds to take at home. I literally almost threw up. It was a red cough medicine consistency that tasted awful and I had to sip it...she gave me a zofran and I finished it but was so nausea. I never took any pain meds after that. I'd rather be a little sore than sick! My doctor came in for rounds about 9am & I was sitting up in bed just smiling & he said "Whitney did you have surgery yesterday, you look great!" Once they got my sugars under control I got to go home (they pulled that drain out prior to me leaving the hospital) & did great! I was up 5 days later getting a few last minute Christmas gifts! I'm only down 17 pounds since my preop appt on 11/25 but I only started at 236, so not too heavy!!!
  7. Thanks Elode! It doesn't hurt just makes lots of noise! I was afraid if I was eating to much I need to eat less! Eating cold soup at work sounds gross but you gotta do what you gotta do! I feel like I'm doing pretty good. My surgery was on 12/12 and I'm down 16 pounds. I'm pretty happy!!
  8. Still on liquids, light cream soups, egg, refried beans & light cottage cheese. Today I noticed after I eat my stomach makes a gurgling noise like it's full and achey. I've never had this issue before? Has anyone else had anything similar, or know what I'm talking about? Thank you!
  9. It happened last night with 5 bites of light cream soup, happened today with 5 bites of light cream soup & tonight when I ate an egg. Don't know how much slower I can eat, nearly took me 20 min to eat and I don't think 5 bites of soup or one egg is too much food? It's so strange! What am I going to do when I go back to work Monday and get a 30 min lunch break?!!?
  10. My doctor gave me a card (at my pre Op appt) that requests us to order from the kids menu or order 1/2 size entree at no additional charge. It's on the back of his business card and also states to please call the office if there are any issues with this request!
  11. applegal79

    Newly sleeved

    I slept on my reclining couch the first 4 nights home. I am 9 days post OP now and I sleep in my bed on my right side right at the side of the bed so I can get in and out easily. I have no feeling in my right thigh as I have a pinched nerve, so getting up in the morning is a little difficult, but I sleep good!
  12. Just had mine done last Friday & it took 30 minutes!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
