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Posts posted by bigbattynatty

  1. @@bigbattynatty that's awesome girl!!! How are you doing it? What are you eat?

    Thank you! Following the program to a T...following portion size especially and not overdoing it. For my Protein, I mainly eat fish (Salmon or grouper), low sodium deli meat. I haven't had much bread as I found a weight watchers tortilla that I usually use. I still have a hard time with veggies even when they are steamed well, especially broccoli. Funny enough salads don't bother me. I mainly eat steamed spinach/kale as my vegetable source plus they are supposed to be good source of Iron. In terms of my liquids I mainly have Water, .1% milk or crystal light. Water is still hard for me to get in but it gets a lot better as the weeks go by.

    I exercise maybe about 3x a week but I go to the gym on Saturdays for about 2hrs and take my time.

  2. Hello everyone. Feels like I haven't been on here in forever. Hope you're all doing well and adjusting for those who have recently had surgery. And for those who are in the pre-op process, hope the process is coming along. I've been doing very good, adjusting and can eat just about most things. I've thrown up once and had dumping syndrome only 1x as well. Still hard getting in my Water but a whole lot better than right after surgery. My Protein intake is excellent and after being 79 days post-op I'm down 70lbs! It hasn't been easy but its been worth every minute.


  3. Hey everyone ......yup on that Optifast now. It's going ok. Yesterday was my first day at work on it.....it was sooooooo hard. I received so many chocolates in the mail from some of my clients, work had a lunch and I had to decline and there were so many treats everywhere I went in the office. Christmas is definitely the hardest time of year to be on a liquid diet...I'm not giving up.....I am on day 5 now and I can do it. Mind over matter right

    I understand that part. Every single day my office has treats. Yesterday it was cake, chocolates today it will probably be donuts and coffee. You can do it though, as you said mind over matter ????. Good luck!

  4. Thanks for the tips! Hopefully you'll be sleeping flat soon! And it seems eating too quickly is a common mistake. I'm trying to be aware of chewing my food now. Apparently I sorta 'inhale' food. :) must slow down! Anyway, congrats and I hope your nausea assuages soon.

    No problem! Thank you, I hope so too. That was one of my worst habits, inhaling food. It's great that you're practicing now will make your transition so much easier.

  5. Orientation appointment done! Now I wait for a letter letting me know when my next appointment is. Hamilton hospital seems to like to keep its patients in suspense. Trying to remain positive even though they suggested today they have wait times around 9 months to a year. I don't want to wait that long.

    Anyway, I appreciate hearing about all of your successes and any tips for success. Happy holidays to everyone!

    When we did our orientation we were provided with our next round of Appts the same evening. I went through Toronto Western hospital. They seem pretty organized there too. I hope your appointments go by fast and a happy holiday to you as well.

  6. Thanks @bigbattynatty. I'm sure everyone probably has the same fears. I'm choosing to ignore them and hope for the best????. How did you do on Optifast? I'm dreading that part????

    Yes pretty much everyone that I connected with said the same. Optifast first few days were the hardest for me. After that it got a bit easier. And despite cheating a couple times I was still able to lose 18lbs in 6 weeks. I still have a couple of packages left and I must say it reminded me of baby formula. Definitely an acquired taste. Just remind yourself that it will be all worth it in the end.

  7. Hi I had my surgery on 18 November and since then I have lost 22 lb and to be honest I am a it disappointed with this but maybe my body has gone into shock and is holding onto everything. I haven't had any probs with anything I have eaten or drank. Does this sound normal ....

    Hey Julie, I don't think you should beat yourself. 22lbs is a great achievement and you have to remember everyone's journey is different. I was talking to my girlfriend and she was saying she's already tried slider burgers. While me, I'm still on flaky fish and mashed potatoes. Hang in there because I'm confident that it will get better for us! When's you next checkup ?

  8. @@bigbattynatty thanks I've noticed that things are getting better as the days go by. It's still trial and error especially as I've entered the puree stage. Ypu had your's in november how are you doing besides the low energy?

    That's good! Same here, occasional days where I feel nauseous or have gas bubbles in my esophagus but usually passed when I walk around and get moving a bit. I'm just really taking it day by day.

  9. Hey I've had my good days and my bad days but over all i think I'm doing ok. My surgeon was Dr. Urbach, I have my follow up appointment on January 7th so waiting anxiously to see how much I've lost cause i really just trust their scale but if it matches up to what my scale says than I'll start weighing myself at home.

    Ok well I hope your 1st month goes well and good luck on your first month checkup. I know what you mean about the scales.< /p>

  10. Natalie,

    You are doing so great! I know your health conditions will resolve in a few more months. My diabetes went away, so did other issues. In my post-op classes they all have said no more sleep apnea, diabetes etc.... This is a life saving procedure and your'e still so young that you have done it at the right time. I wish I had done it years ago. But I was scared. I wish you a happy and thin new year and merry Christmas. You have given yourself the best present ever.

    Thank you Maggie! Needed to hear that this morning, that means a lot. A very Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you too ????

  11. I'm getting nervous and a bit scared but will go through with it (I hope)....

    I know the fear you feel as I was experiencing the same. Even when I was sitting there getting undressed on the day of surgery, I wanted to run out the room...literally. But I told myself that I was making the right decision, it would change my life drastically and I was reassured by the nurse that I was in great hands. I also embraced my fears and discussed it openly with my family and friends. That helped me too.

  12. How are you doing now? Anything you wished someone would have told you about the recovery procesd you care to share?

    I have mostly great days. I had acid reflux issues the first two weeks but doctor gave meds and advised to sleep upright for now. Also nausea for the last couple days. I think when I was told about chewing slow and taking smaller bite I took it lightly at first. But you really have to learn your body all over again and really really slow down. I really wish I knew that I would be so lethargic, as I'm a fairly on the go kind of person. Since my pre-op diet, I've been lacking energy. But I am told it will get better by latest month 3 of post-op.

  13. I think I have Dr Cyriac as well. It was supposed to be Dr Aarts but somehow got switched. How has you experience been so far?

    Hey there! Same here, I was told Dr. Aarts then day of surgery I got Dr. Cyriac. I have great days mostly but the last two days have been challenging with my stomach rejecting foods and nausea. However with that said I have no regrets. How about you?

  14. How are you feeling? Any first month tips?

    I'm experiencing nausea today so today has been rough, but so far pushing through. I have mostly great days but a couple bad days. Chew Chew Chew very slowly and thoroughly otherwise your food will start forcing its way back up. Walk as much as you can, gas-x strips for the bloating, gravol for nausea. Drink as much fluids. And take it one day at a time with introducing the new foods. I had light chicken Soup yesterday and my stomach rejected it. So I'm staying away from that for a while. Lol.

    Another thing I've had to do is sleep sitting up because the 1st two weeks I had severe acid reflux. I stack a fort of pillows up to my head and have adjusted for now. You will do great, I was terrified going into surgery and before I knew it I woke up.

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