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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About towanda825

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  1. towanda825

    Get so sleepy after I eat.

    Awww, hang in there, it should get better. Yeah, mine wasn't specific to any kind of foods either. Just anything in general put me in a near coma. How long does it last you? Mine was about 20-30 minutes and just happened again last week, actually. Had been 2-3 weeks since the last incident. ~W~
  2. towanda825

    Get so sleepy after I eat.

    Hi guys! I am actually doing so much better with the sleey feeling. I still get it evey so often, but no where near as bad as a few months ago. Ugh, hated that. And RJ, I also experienced the "food Sweats" you mentioned, my frineds and I refer to it as the "meat sweats". HAHA! Aslo not fun, but it doesn't last very long either. However, I am still dealing with the ever present and annoying Burping as soon as I put something in my mouth. Could just be Water and I instantly start to burp. You guys? Can anyone tell me that this will go away too. Thanks!!
  3. towanda825

    IL - Chicago Southwest Suburbs

    Hey there! In the city too, Jefferson Park! Did you ever find a group in the city??
  4. towanda825

    So much pain.

    Yes the sore muscle pain is the worst. I guess they use the muscle as a site to "pin" a suture to hold things internally in place. Ouch! Also, did you get one of those little pastic contraptions to practice exhaling?? That is crucial in helping your lungs expand back to normal. Also, helps keep away possibllity of getting pneumonia. If not, all the walking around will help with this too. Good to hear the pain is showing signs of improvment. All in good time dear, just keep moving, it really does make a difference in the speed of recovery.
  5. I'm just over a month post-op and can't enjoy solids either. They kind of hurt going down even though I'm chewing like crazy. Went back to soft foods for a while and am trying solids little by little. Guess it's just a matter of time. Good Luck!
  6. I am just over a month post-op and have begun noticing that I get so sleepy after I eat a solid meal (not shakes). To the point where I cannot focus on doing much other than wanting to go take a nap. Usually passes within 30-45 minutes, but I find it strange. I know I am not over eating, my portions are pretty small and I don't get to the point where I feel full after meals either. I'm worried of "stretching" I think, so I don't push my limits with filling up my new stomach. Has anyone else experienced this sleepy feeling after eating??
  7. towanda825

    So much pain.

    I was pretty sore for about 3-4 days post op. Couldn't afford the crazy $150 pain meds they prescribed, so it was just me and good old liquid Tylenol. It started to noticably fade out after that and I was back to school by day 5, obviously still moving a bit slower than normal, but still mobile. Just curious, did they give you a "compression belt", for lack of a better term?? That helped me immensely. Made it easier to get in and out of bed and also walking around since it helped with the downward pull from gravity on my gut. (heehee, sorry for the visual)
  8. towanda825

    Postop nausea

    Hi Susanfnp13, I had my surgery a little over a month ago (11-14) and can relate to the post-op nausea. Uggh, it was awful. However, I'm not sure t was an IV issue like yours, I think my body was just not a fan of the anasthesia. Either way, it did go away eventually, I will say that the gas (burping) did not help the situation. Have you had any issues with excessive burping? I think it's normal for a while, but I still burp as soon as a I eat or drink anyting. Getting to be annoying. Could be worse I suppose, so I will gladly deal with it. Now, on to the constipation... I didn't have any problems up until recently. Think that all the focus on Protein and no real Fiber to speak of is part, if not the whole issue. I started adding a product called "Nopalina" to my Protein shakes and sooo do not have a problem now, thank goodness. It's basically flax seed, bran, and psyllium husk with some Omega 3, 6, and 9. Just added a tablespoon to my smoothies and I was good to go...no pun intended. HA! I'm sure there's other stuff helping other people, just thought I'd share what's worked for me. Congrats and Best of Luck!

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