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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I saw that too, really surprised me!
  2. missy4gordon

    Newby with questions

    Please don't give up because of this. I probably could have lifted my son sooner, but I just chose not to only because my port area was sore and I didn't want to bother it. But I think if your husband can take one week off, that is good, the rest just take it as it comes. But please don't count it out so soon! Keep on.
  3. missy4gordon

    Newby with questions

    When I had my surgery, my son was 1 year old. I didn't pick him up for about 2 weeks after, my husband picked up the slack. Welcome to LBT! Good luck in your journey! :welcome2:
  4. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    You will have to EAT YOUR WORDS!!!! The car to watch is the Multi Color DUPONT car, JEFF GORDON, he is DA BOMB!!!
  5. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I also am not sure if he is being sarcastic or not. But that's ok. It doesn't bother me one way or the other. I used to make fun of people who could sit and watch cars going 'round and 'round for 3 hours, but I know now that there is soooo much more to it, it truly is a great sport. I LOVE how they start each race with an INVOCATION, how great is that! They have not gone all POLITICALLY CORRECT like the rest of the country. I can't wait to see the movie Talladega Nights, I LOVE Will Ferrell, he is absolutely hilarious!!
  6. missy4gordon

    Put Up or Shut Up ~ Famous Last Words

    Ouch, that was harsh......:Cry: "Do I offend?" (Quote from Pretty in Pink)
  7. missy4gordon

    DeLarla vs. PhotoNut

    I'm just guessing, but maybe this is what she might be referring to? This Means War!!!! BiOtch, You've Gone Too Far. Come One.. Come All And Step Up To This Plate. I Got Something For You To Bite On. BRING IT! Last edited by Telly : 08-23-2006 at 11:18 AM. Please let me know if I am mistaken, ok? Thanks.
  8. missy4gordon

    Put Up Or Shut Up

    ITA!!! Well said! :clap2:
  9. missy4gordon

    Your Favorite Garage Sale Buy ~ What is it?

    You must be shopping at my garage sales!! I might as well just give the stuff away, or so my husband says! We sold a ride on 4 wheeler with a 12 volt battery for way too cheap and I am kicking myself now! I too sell halloween costumes for next to nothing, name brand kids clothes, you name it. I just want to get rid of stuff so I can go and buy more stuff!!
  10. missy4gordon

    Put Up or Shut Up ~ Famous Last Words

    I think this is just as good a place as any, it is where it all started!? The Lounge is not necessarily about lap band experiences, do you want to stop people from going in there and posting about their LIFE experiences too? Right on 3Loves, I'm right here with you all and you have my support as well, oh, and I have perfect 20/20 vision! It's all so very clear to me......
  11. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Hmmmm.........I've been trying and trying to think of a clever comeback, but I just can't come up with one!!! :noidea: I am at a loss......:speechles I think my brain is fried. But I'm going to keep thinking!! LOL But for now I am just going to pretend I didn't hear you!! :lalala: It's fun playing with the little smilies!! Is it Friday yet??? :nervous BTW, my sister lives in Memphis TN. I spent a whole summer there when I was 16, and I must say the humidity is INSANE!! So when we visit we try to go in the fall, spring or winter!!
  12. missy4gordon

    HEY FROM Kraggie Hope TN

    Wow, I don't know if I have that kind of time on my hands, to search for posts, since I have a JOB and all, but I will see what I can do. Oops, maybe I should explain, a job is when you get paid to work...... Hey, you have a great day!! Date of Birth: December 3, 1956 Age:49 Biography: I'm the wife of the most wonderful man in the world. (dont even bother arguing with me on this one) I'm also the mother of two great kids, who aren't kids anymore. And I have one adorable two year old grandson whom I adore. Interests: Photography, chatting with friends, people watching. Occupation: What's a job? City: Boise State: Idaho
  13. missy4gordon

    HEY FROM Kraggie Hope TN

    I have been following this for a while now and I DO see what Fitter is talking about, and I agree with her 100%. Uh oh, I guess I better watch out now too....
  14. missy4gordon

    Question about Moderators

    Well, I think I need to unsubscribe to this thread so I don't continue to get 31 messages in my e-mail to hear the ramblings about cheese and making fun of questions people have asked about pb'ing and going to the doctor. I thought that was already covered in another thread? Have fun!!
  15. missy4gordon

    Question about Moderators

    I would like to know the answer to this question too. I am a bit curious myself......
  16. missy4gordon

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    :amen: That was beautiful!
  17. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    :D This is the POLICE, take your hands off the keyboard and step away from the computer, you are under arrest for hijacking this thread. You have the right to remain silent.... Hee Hee, couldn't resist!! :nervous Now can we all just get :focus: ??? DOWN with Crybaby Stewart, Gordon RULZ!!! JEFF Gordon that is....:paranoid Ok, now that I'm going to be mobbed by the Stewart fans, I best get my butt outta here!! :eek: Have a great day y'all!!!
  18. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Kasey is yummy!
  19. missy4gordon

    The Hardest Thread of My Life

    I'm SOO sorry for your loss. We lost one of our dear dogs last fall to old age, it is heartbreaking. My sympathies to you.
  20. missy4gordon

    Where the heck has Delarla gone?

    :amen: I couldn't agree more!!! I miss her posts as well. I pretty much stay to myself here, but I always looked forward to reading what she had to say. It is not the same w/out her, I definately don't spend much time lurking anymore.....
  21. missy4gordon

    Should I get Lap-Band in Mexico?

    Hi Susan, I also had my surgery in Mexico. I had a really good experience there, but have come to find out that the aftercare is what could make or break your success. I have to travel 4-5 hours to the closest place that will give me fills, when I first had this done I thought that would be no problem, but with gas prices, never any time to go, and life just getting in the way.....it has not been a success for me as I have only been able to make the trip 2 times in a year....with each time giving me no restriction. Moral of my story is MAKE SURE TO FIND AFTERCARE YOU CAN ACCESS EASILY!!! Good luck!! disclaimer: Sorry, when I posted I wasn't aware this was in the Connecticut thread!! I am from North Dakota, not even close!! Sorry!!!
  22. missy4gordon

    Starting Up

    Hey fellow North Dakotans!! Cindy, wow, haven't seen you on here for a long time! Great to see you are still around! I mainly lurk around reading, I'm not doing good on the weight loss at all. I haven't lost anything since my initial loss right after surgery. I live so far away from Bismarck that I have only been able to get there twice for fills and didn't get any restriction from either one. I was at the Minot State Fair and wouldn't you know they said the office wasn't open when I was there....Just my luck!! Celeste, you are doing so awesome, how do you do it living so far away???
  23. missy4gordon

    need help menu planning

    I am the same way!! I feel like I wrote this thread!! (Except for the owning your own business) I work everyday until 5, by the time I get home everyone is starving!! I don't know how to cook healthy, we eat out way too much, I need help too!! I had my surgery in August of 2005 and have failed miserably with this. I am almost a year out and am still in the same position. I will be watching this thread for ideas also.
  24. missy4gordon


    Hi Paula, Years ago, like more than 6 years ago, my sister was a distributor of this stuff, so of course she got me to buy some. Well, I was taking like 17 pills A DAY!!! And the only thing it did for me was make me feel shaky. My sister is and always has been, rail thin, so I figured it would do something for me!! I took the stuff faithfully until my supply ran out, NOTHING. Just thought I would share my experience with it, oh, and at the time I took it, I was maybe 30 lbs overweight.
  25. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    We can agree to disagree about Gordon, no problem!! BUT, you are so right, my kids are cuties!! Thank you! I feel the same way about Stewart as you do about Gordon, so I guess we're even!! Ok, so I have to defend Gordon here.....When I first saw the spin, I said Oh great, that is not the right way to win, so my husband is so quick to defend him and makes me watch all the replays and even the announcers said Kenseth checked up and Gordon had the faster car, it was NOT intentional. I truly believe that, after watching it over and over and listening to what the announcers said, it was not intentional. Now, that being said, I really don't blame him anyway cuz we all know what Kenseth did to him earlier this season, ok, I'm done, let the flaming begin!!! :nervous

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