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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    School Bully's

    That is such a good question. I have a 3rd grade boy and can only hope we don't find ourselves in this situation, because I really wouldn't know what the right answer is. I know he would be prone to "being bullied" rather than being "the bully" so I can see it happening the same way for us. He is a really sensative kid, and I don't know if he physically would fight back. I hope to find some insight with people's answers here too. Great question Paula!
  2. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    OOHH, I'm a little slow sometimes! Gotcha.
  3. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    This is what I am wondering about, I underlined it. The "s" is capitalized.
  4. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I have a quick question. I have noticed in many many posts that refer to the President, the "s" in Bush is Capitalized. May I ask why? What is the significance of the capital letter? I have been wondering that for a while now.
  5. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I didn't say you meant me specifically, I just wanted to put it out there for my own peace of mind.
  6. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I oppose abortion but do not oppose education and birth control...so let me make that clear please. I have not said once that we must make abortion ILLEGAL. I will leave that up to the law makers that the country elects into office. That is of course, their job, why they get paid, to make laws. I will also continue with MY personal beliefs no matter what the law is as will everybody else. I know what is right for MY life and will not pretend to know what is right for anybody else's.
  7. missy4gordon

    Miracle Diet

    I am laughing so hard I am crying!! I am living this daily with my 2 year old!!!
  8. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I guess we went a liiiittttle off topic. Sorry 'bout that!
  9. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    It's not lap band related but we are people who have or have had or are thinking of having or are going to have lap bands and have other things to talk about as well.
  10. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Well, I happen to believe it is a baby inside or out. If we were to agree with "it is not a baby until it is born" then shouldn't we be outraged that abortions aren't performed when the FETUS is 8 or 9 months along, since it is not a baby yet......??? I didn't tell her she was a baby killer, and we didn't grow apart due to this, we worked together and when we both changed jobs, we lost touch, a couple of years after all this happened. When she found out she was pregnant, she asked us our advice, I didn't lie, I told her I don't believe in it. How do you know that "most women don't get nuts"???? Are you inside their heads? Congratulations that your grandmother was able to get "scraped". You must be very proud. As for my grandmothers, I have no idea what they did or didn't do to not get pregnant, I have never had the inclination to ask anybody. I finally agree with you here.......
  11. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Just wondering, who gets to decide when a baby is in fact, a baby? At what point does that transformation take place? Once it is delivered? Once you can count the little fingers and toes? Or, perhaps once you can hear the heart beating through the womb? So who did you wear your uniform for, people who only believe the same things you believe?? One of my very best friends had an abortion a few years ago. Yep, she cheated on her husband and had to "take care of it" for fear he would find out it wasn't his. I let her know my feelings about it, but we remained friends and I was the shoulder she cried on for months after the "procedure". It haunted her, she couldn't look at a baby without bursting into tears, well she cried daily anyway. We have since drifted apart so I don't know how she is anymore, but I'm wondering how people can tell themselves that is ok. I was careless so the baby has to die. In my opinion, abortion has become just another form of birth control. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, if the mom is at risk, etc., and I don't dispute that there are times when it may be medically necessary. And as for the argument that they will be a drain on society, life for the unwanted children that would have been otherwise aborted, will mean they will have no insurance, taxpayers paying for them, a horrible life.....HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW?? Can you see into the future? Let's not even give these kids a chance because of what COULD happen. Don't give me statistics, cuz kids aren't statistics, they are KIDS, innocent babies. UNFORTUNATELY, this type of life happens whether or not abortion is legal or illegal. Some people might even intentionally have kids for the extra money from the gov't, right? It is a neverending argument. People will never agree and that is how the world goes 'round. I am not a Conservative, or a Liberal, or a Republican or Democrat. I watch Bill O'Reilly and Jon Stewart, I agree with both on certain issues, disagree with both on certain issues. I do not lump myself in with groups. I am ME and I have my own morals, values and beliefs that guide me through life and hope that on judgment day, I did the right thing.
  12. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Whatev....you're the one getting all excited about it. It's officially "dropped". Buh Bye.
  13. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I wasn't debating. Exactly, the rants and raves is for anything but yet you think I shouldn't have posted at all.....
  14. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I was hardly PISSY....
  15. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    sorry but I felt compelled to post, i'm entitled to my opinion as you are your's. we can happily agree to disagree.
  16. missy4gordon

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    I guess I totally fail to see the humor in that, in fact I think it is awful, just awful. Oh, but I am pro-life, maybe that is the difference.
  17. missy4gordon

    Giving Up Our Rights and Freedom

    If you think you have all the answers and want to fix this country we live in, get off the computer and run for public office. Make a difference, don't just talk about it.
  18. If you do decide to do this and go to Mexico, make sure you find local aftercare before. It is vital to your success.
  19. missy4gordon

    Starting Up

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm very happy for you!
  20. missy4gordon

    How long do dogs live?

    I had a mini schnauzer growing up, Duke, he was the best! Everytime I see one now, I think of him. BEST DOG EVER. Miss you DUKE!! :cry
  21. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Gordon got in by pure luck, it certainly was not due to their performance. It was a crazy night, nothing like I expected. I really was shocked when Tony didn't get it. Even JR. was questionable when they had to shut off the rear brakes, didn't know if they could last. If Gordon doesn't win the championship, which he won't if he keeps this up, my first pick is for Martin, he soo deserves it. Second pick is for Kasey Kahne, also because I really like Ray Evernham, he is a huge part of Jeff Gordon's early success.
  22. missy4gordon

    Child support

    You don't even necessarily have to get a lawyer. In my job, I handle the child support cases, ie: enforcement of child support. My state has a program of Regional Child Support offices scattered throughout the state. It is free to sign up and they take care of the paperwork, they have attorneys on staff. You should check into what your state has.
  23. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    Oops, my bad. I didn't know they hadn't qualified yet. Have a great weekend everybody! Peace out!
  24. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    OOPS, guess what....Tony hit the wall in practice. Luckily he is alright, but he has to go to a back up car and I guess that means he has to start in the back of the pack. Too bad, so sad... YOU VOTED for GORDON?!? why you little @#%&$@....!! j/k TOM: Your sense of humor is not lost on me, I think you are funny and I enjoy your sarcasm, I have been known to be really sarcastic myself. My husband hates it, it is my defense mechanism when we fight, er... I mean, have discussion. But for the record, I DO NOT IDOLIZE OR WORSHIP ANYBODY OTHER THAN MY SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. I just happen to find NASCAR entertaining and have picked a few particular people I find most endearing. I also enjoy my home town's high school football and basketball. I agree that people definately do get soo out of hand during competition, it saddens me when people take fun family passtimes and turn them into something ugly.
  25. missy4gordon

    R U a NASCAR Fan...Let's Talk!

    I voted for Tony in the poll, I would LOVE to see him miss the chase!!! (Sorry Tony fans) Junior didn't make it last year?? Gordon didn't make it last year. My husband said that he needs to finish 25 or better to make it this year. HE BETTER do it!! I didn't watch the race last weekend, we were out of town, so we missed the lugnut fiasco. I'll give it up for Kasey, he is so dreamy **swoon** I would also like to see Jr in the chase, he is on my "Like 'em" list, along with Martin, Kahne, Johnson, and probably a few others I can't think of now. Tony is on my "Hate 'em" list, Gordon is my "Love 'em" list.

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