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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by missy4gordon

  1. missy4gordon

    Yeah, that's right...

    I didn't say if you don't share my view you can't post here. Post away if you must. Maybe he is comfortable in those shirts, I really couldn't say why he wears them, I don't spend much time thinking about his wardrobe. I know I wear clothes that are comfortable. Just because you feel the war in Iraq was a mistake, doesn't mean he does. And if he doesn't, why would he say it was? People have difference of opinion all the time. But he has said mistakes were made in the war, hence my comment hindsight is 20/20. I know I have made disasterous mistakes in my past, too bad we all couldn't be as almighty as others. You sir are not going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours.
  2. missy4gordon

    I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore

    Thank you for your response, mousecrazy!
  3. missy4gordon

    Ocular Migraine?

    It is a very odd thing, I had never heard of it until last week.
  4. missy4gordon

    Ocular Migraine?

    There isn't treatment for them as far as I know. Mine lasted for about an hour and I also got a headache for the rest of the day, and I NEVER get headaches. You should look it up on the Mayo Clinic web site.
  5. missy4gordon

    Ocular Migraine?

    I looked it up on Mayo Clinic website and it described it to a "T". It was a little scary for me because my Grandma went blind and my mom had a stroke so I went to the public health nurse and described my symptoms and without hesitation she said, ocular migraine. I don't get headaches or migraines so we couldn't explain why I would have gotten one, maybe working at a computer all day long. I haven't had another since.
  6. missy4gordon

    Ocular Migraine?

    OH MY GOSH....it is sooo wierd that you posted this!! I JUST had one of these last week!! It is so wierd!!
  7. missy4gordon

    I'm glad I don't live in Texas anymore

    FACT: Last year in my son's school, in his second grade classroom of 28 students, there was no science book. The teacher had one book she used as the master and would stand it up in front of the board (not chalk board but the dry erase boards) and it was small, not easy to see unless you were up close. She said the administration said there was no money to purchase these books for the kids. That year, the superintendant, high school principal, and elementary principal received VERY hefty raises, super got $9000.00 raise, principals got $2000.00. Teachers, are you ready??? Each got a whopping $900. Now, in a school system of currently only 457 kids, that is K-12, please someone tell me why we need a super who makes $90,000.00 per year, 2 principals who each make $63,000.00 per year, none of them teach any classes, 1 business manager makes $33,500.00, 2 secretaries, and not nearly enough teacher's aides????? Our highest paid teacher makes $46,295.00 and she has been here since practically the beginning of time!! Not to mention, the summer before the super got the big raise, he went around stumping for a couple of mills added to our taxes, and if we didn't vote for them, the school would surely close or consolidate w/in 5 years, they desperately needed the money. The mills passed and he got that raise a few months later. Of course this all couldn't have happened without the wonderful school board. Now, to top it all off, I read in the newspaper this week in the city council minutes that the super is asking the city to raise the sales tax 1/2% for the school. :faint: What do you guys think, maybe I am out to lunch here, but does this seem balanced? I don't work in the education system, so I really don't have anything to compare all this to, so I'm wondering what it looks like to you that are in the school system. I know one thing, education of the children is NOT the priority that it should be. I'm all for paying the teachers, and I know administration is important too, but what the f@#k??? Really, this is just a drop in the bucket to what is going on here, but I would like to point out that this super has been here only 2 years with no prior super experience and our enrollment has been on a steady decline, so why so much administration? I'm sorry for hijacking this thread but once I started I just couldn't stop!!! Thank you for listening! I feel better now!
  8. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Wow, I guess you and I have very different ideas of comedy.
  9. missy4gordon

    Parent/Teenager Poll

    Just my opinion, but I think I, as a parent, wouldn't look at it as a burden. It is my responsibility and job (as far as driving to school, etc.). My boys are 8 and 2, so I may be eating my words in a few years. Wish me luck with that!!!
  10. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Ahhh, political season in all its glory!! I can't wait until the election is over so our elected officials can get back to working on the issues and work on problem solving rather than finger pointing and mud slinging. That is, after all, what we pay them for.
  11. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    Helloooo, Congress voted for the war also, even miss Clinton.....
  12. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Be prepared to be FLAMED!!!!! We are not a popular group, us President Bush supporters.
  13. Do you mean you could cross at the ankles or at the knee? Not at the knee like a man would do, but at the knee with the calf and foot pointing to the floor rather than a wall. I am in a size 16 jeans right now and I can uncomfortably cross my legs at the knee, probably not for very long unless I kind of sit on my hip or something, does that make sense??
  14. missy4gordon

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    If he's so stupid, why do you think he was not only elected once, but also re-elected?
  15. missy4gordon


    VANITY!! Definately. I wish I could say Health, that would make me seem a lot less shallow, but I haven't had health issues, so it was of no concern to me. I was like Leatha, the small girl I used to be was trapped inside. I used to love being the center of attention, flirting with all the boys, now I hide in the background hoping nobody sees me.
  16. missy4gordon

    One More Phony E-Mail Refuted

    I really thought that was true about the swiffer mop, which is why I have never bought one.....:faint:
  17. missy4gordon

    Surgery in Mexico

    One very satisfied Huacuz patient here. He is the best!! I just wanted to wish you good luck!
  18. missy4gordon

    Rush Limbaugh has crossed the line

    I adore Michael J. Fox, I grew up watching him on TV and movies. I didn't listen to what Rush said, his opinions mean nothing to me, so I don't bother. There is such a huge debate between embryonic stem cell research that I am not educated enough to speak about intelligently, so I won't touch that subject with a ten foot pole!!!
  19. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr Daniel Huacuz

    I know what you mean, some of these posts are rather, ummm, odd, to say the least. But I have to take you to task on the last sentence of your post. "The GOOD surgeons don't have to send their lackeys here to drum up business." If you are implying that he is not a good surgeon because, for whatever reason, people are coming on here and posting this stuff, I VEHEMENTLY DISAGREE with you. I HAVE BEEN his patient, have you?? (Insert your comments of how you would NEVER go to this guy, and that is totally your decision, obviously.) You read these posts and come to your own conclusion, as do others, but you do not need to insinuate he is not a good surgeon, based on strange posts. You also pointed out MISFORTUNE. Well, that is one very sad story which I wouldn't wish upon anybody. I guess he must be the only doctor with a surgery that went bad, huh?? Take a look around, chances are, it has (unfortunately) happened to others as well. I guess I wouldn't stick my nose in a situation that has nothing to do with me and to which I have no first hand knowledge of, but that is just ME.
  20. missy4gordon

    Any one use Dr Daniel Huacuz

    I went to Dr. Huacuz for my LAP-BAND, and he was the absolute BEST!! Loved him. I don't know anything about the sleeve gastrectomy, but if you have any questions about the doctor himself, I would be happy to share my opinion with you anytime.
  21. missy4gordon

    Sharon Osbourne

    Did anybody read that Sharon is having her band taken out this winter? I just read it on MSN.com. She said she gained 15 pounds this year and has to deal with her head now. I don't know why she can't deal with her head while keeping the band in? Hmmm....
  22. missy4gordon

    Poor Guy!

    OMG, the mental image this brings to mind. OUCH!!
  23. missy4gordon

    Sharon Osbourne

    Oops, I should have checked a little more before I started a new thread.
  24. missy4gordon

    sharon osburne

    Too Funny!!
  25. missy4gordon

    sharon osburne

    We posted the same thread at the same time! Funny!

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