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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LucieJ

  1. Hey im lucy, im 18 years old and have struggled with my weight ever since i can rember i have followed every diet going and you probally all know the ending to this story, hence being here Anyhoos, i have pencilled in a consultant, costing £50 with The Hospital Group, they're calling me back tomorra to confirm and so i can pay (had to check with mum and dad before fully booking) Ive been hearing really bad things about the them and im wandering if ie made the right decision, does anybody have any suggestions of any other places i could look into surgery, i live in gloucester so looking for that area/bristol/cardiff/brummieland Thanks soooo much for your help and would just like to say all your experiances are making me more determined to go for this! xXx
  2. Banded 2 weeks ago today (sat) and im down 24lbs since i weighed myself before my one week pre op diet, so 24lbs in 3 weeks :eek: Well done every one What sort of post op diet are you all on?- i just finished my second week of liquids got another week to go then 3 weeks mushies and 2 weeks solid before my fill- im starving!!
  3. LucieJ

    Getting & keeping a boy/girlfriend?

    Thats awesome, allways good when you like your job and the people you work with :blushing: cant wait to get back to work!
  4. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Thats awesome, time will fly and youll be in it soon enough :blushing: yeh i will do and you too, be nice to hear how your doing :wub:
  5. Got my date, 16th in Italy fly out the day before and i really really cant wait :eek: Little bit nervous now i know its all defo going ahead but wooooopwooo xXx
  6. LucieJ

    Getting & keeping a boy/girlfriend?

    Ah fair doos, you enjoy your job then? Some of the old ladies in work tell me i should be finding a boyfriend soon, well they say "a nice young lad to settle down with" then start groaning about us youngsters fling about with different partners- chance would be a fine thing!
  7. LucieJ

    Getting & keeping a boy/girlfriend?

    thats just silly, why should you only just start having a boyfriend! if thats the way they feel it should have been said before aswell, silly silly people, there are people out there who are attrated to overweight people and people who dont give a damm about what people look like, gaaawd some people are sooo shallow, glad your ignoring them :blushing:
  8. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Glad your doing good :blushing: Ive been on liquids since i came out of surgery and was for a week before now ive got just over a week left of liquids then 3 weeks of mushies and 2 weeks normal before my fill, im doing really good but have come soooo close to cheating- i just step on the scales and smile where is seys 18 instead of 19 (gone down from 19st 8lbs to 18st 2lbs) just waiting for the day it seys 17 just found out why its so important to stick to your diet aswell so thats gunna help :wub: Best of luck with the head hunger :smile2:
  9. LucieJ

    Getting & keeping a boy/girlfriend?

    Ive had boyfriends, 3 serious ones the first was abusive much older than me i didnt care cus he was paying attention to me and no one eles had, one day i figured enough was enough and pulled away from him, then i had a guy who was a great friend and we started sleeping together, he would use me and i would put up with it again cus my friends all had boyfriends and thats about as close as i could get then i met this awesome guy who made me realise the other one was using me, he was big too and he understood and we were great together- we split up cus he lived too far away and our jobs got in the way, so i eventually fell back to the other guy who was using me but this time we went out propally cept he was embaressed to tell his friends about me, i can honestly say he loved me but just not enough to tell his friends, i would switch and change between feeling great having a bf and feeling shit cus he didnt want anyone to know he was my boyfriend, now ive met a new guy and whilst im not ready atm for a relationship hes lovely and it'll be nice knowing he likes me now- i kinda get the feeling even after ive lost weight all im gunna be thinking about is "would this guy have liked me before" buuuuut anyhows even tho i havent had much luck with guys ive got skinny friends who have had it alot worse and friends bigger than me who have had it alot better, you'll all find someone eventually, would you really want to be with someone shalow enough to not give you the time of day before? *and breath* lol best of luck to all of you xxxxxx
  10. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Was really good cheers, me and rach(english rep who went with me to italy) were having girlie chats right up untill i went under, think i was the only person who wasnt nervous lol, but when i came too and for a day after i was like wtf! have idone to myself hehe, but yeah 2 weeks out back to work in a few days and i feel great, had a few really down days where im bored and just want food- im not hungry but im craving food, how well did you stick to the post op diet? Youve done soooo well in such a short space of time :blushing: are you pleased with where you are? xxx
  11. Hey i had a normal band with HW for same reasons as above and with rachel shes absolutly awesome and the aftercare has been brilliant not had my first fill yet- only two weeks out and still on liquids, i get days when im like whhhhhy! cus i know other people who have had it done without such extreame post op diets but im sticking to it :smile2: must be a reason i have to so who am i to question it lol but yeah HW are all brilliant :tongue2:
  12. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    So pleased for you lisa And thank-you sooo much Love the support i get here, think my family are bored of me constantly talking about it lol xXx
  13. LucieJ

    Whey Potien

    Im gunna answer my own question here ok lol, sorry, its just ive been wandering what the difference between whey and normal is cus i see some with and some without whey written on- well its basiclly the same, cept you get a higher protien (in general) out of whey and the other one is made of of milk and egg, which is sposed to make it easya to digest, so they recommed you start on that and then move on to the whey stuff Anyone know if i got that right? Sorry to be a pain and thank-you xXx
  14. LucieJ

    Whey Potien

    Thats awesome thank you :rolleyes2:
  15. LucieJ

    Any Teens ?

    Know how you feel! alltho i think its the other way round- there getting annoyed with me and i havent even had it done yet!
  16. LucieJ

    Any Teens ?

    Awww can understand how that would be hard for you, you never know kids are quite strong willed, maybe if they see you loosing the weight it might inspire them to stick to diet and exercise, so they dont need the band Is 13 too young for the band? Im glad im getting it sooner rather than later cus i want to enjoy myself whilst im young, but i dont think my parents would have agreed if i was any younger than this there firs question was "surely shes too young" lol xXx
  17. LucieJ

    When to start exercising?

    Hey im flying out to get banded the day after :biggrin: hope all goes well for you Yeah i wanted to know this too, i do a dance class and have started exercising more recently knowing ill have to after the band- but wasnt sure how soon after :S xx
  18. LucieJ

    Any Teens ?

    Im from england :biggrin:
  19. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Thank-you lisa, weight loss looking great well done :ohmy: Hope everything goes good with the fill xXx
  20. LucieJ

    Any Teens ?

    Wow good to see some other young people on here at my consoltation i got called a baby bander lol made me chuckle- there was me thinking i was all grown up Glad to see everyones doing so well, ive got my surgery booked for the 16th of febuary :seeya: xXx
  21. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Wow so you should be :smile: Only have to do a week pre-op, so easya than i thought, alltho i wont talk to soon! Well done and good luck with the rest of your journey x
  22. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Thank-you :cool: how long have you been banded for? Verona, i went with the healither weight clinic they've been sooo good, got a 7 day pre op diet comming threw the post with all the shakes and stuff i need :eek:
  23. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    Thats cool :cool: wish you the best of luck :eek: I had to go private- my bmi isnt big enough yet to get it on the nhs, and my doctor was horrified at the idea of surgery
  24. LucieJ

    Getting banded 16th Febuary :D

    yeah im a baby bander lol, but i figured the rate im going i can wait 5 years and ill end up needing the bypass and would have missed the most fun years of my life, so here goes nothing lol Have you been banded allready?
  25. Right without being dirty or rude or anything, im not here to cause trouble but my other half asked me a question the other day and we laughed about it but as time has gone on ive been thinking more and more about it and i think its something i really should know but could never ever ask a doctor/surgeon! Urmmm so here goes- Can you have oral sex with the band, and uno swallow:help: Yeah maybe this shouldnt be in the food part:rolleyes Sorry! but we'll its been bugging me:embarassed: :confused:xXx:confused:

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