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Posts posted by luvsrocks

  1. Just wondering if you have problems eating bread. Tomorrow is my big day, the day that I can eat beef, pork, anything I want. I love sandwiches, but I have heard that bread was hard to swallow.

    Hi PJ! Bread seems to be different for everyone. A friend of mine does fine with bread or toast. I didn't eat it until I was about 4 months post op....I just didn't crave it or anything. But now (I have had 4 fills) it gets stuck just about everytime I try. Earlier this week I ordered a cup of Soup with a 1/2 sandwich. I cut that 1/2 in 3 pieces and got stuck on my second bite. Bummer! I just waited until it passed & ate the meat & cheese. Just try it carefully and wait inbetween bites. You may not have any trouble now, until you get fills. My doctor really discourages bread though, would rather we eat more Protein. Enjoy your new choices tomorrow! :tt2:

  2. Here it is, the day before the surgery. I have just been informed that I will be the first band of the day.... Thanks soooo much for all the encouragement! You all know how much it means to a person.


    Best wishes Okiechick! I was the 1st surgery of the day too. You'll do great & all your emotions are normal. You've done your research, you reached your decision and your day is finally here! We'll be thinking about you!:w00t:

  3. Hi all! So glad you're all still here. I've been gone (in my own world) since the first part of July, haven't done my weights since July 2nd, haven't been regular with my exercise and let myself slip into old habits due to work stress & hours. BUT.......thanks to my band my weight has stayed the same. I learned so much about myself and so much more aware of how I react to things when I don't have time or take the time to take care of myself. This time of year at work is typically chaotic & stressful, but it caught me off guard & just slipped up on me.....but good days & bad days balanced out. So, I'm thankful I could come back here for some tough love and understanding & hope in some small way I might help someone else when they hit a bad place in their journey.

    Phyl - love your new picture! You can see how your success makes you feel from the inside out.

    Janet - thanks for the PM to help me swallow my pride & come back to face the music! Thank you.

    Denise & Chris (Snowbird) - I really enjoyed lunch on Monday while you were both in Phoenix visiting. It makes such a difference to talk one on one & in person, with other banders. You both have done such a great job and I appreciate your friendship and support.

    Hope everyone is having a good week! Carol:redface:

  4. Hey Carol - No I am not a 4 - my trainer thought I was - I am a 6 but I do have one pair of jeans in the closet that say 4 - but they gotta be a large 4.. Yep I am just a big mouth :( To bad we are missing each other by a week ...

    OH! A SIX!!! (a 6!!!!!) That is so cool. I think I was bigger than that when I was born! LOL I'm down to 18 jeans from 24s. I'm not even 1/2 way and I feel so good & so thin (you know what I mean..not thin but I can feel my shape) I can't even imagine what I will look or feel like after another 60 or 70 lbs. I'm thinner now, than I've been in 15 years. I'm so grateful.

    I'm jealous :thumbup:

    I'd love to meet you in person. You're something else. I missed what the trip to Las Vegas was. Did it have something to do with the lapband or was it just a fun trip? I missed a couple weeks and just couldn't get caught up on my reading. :)

  5. Yay! Maybe you can join WasA, Snowbird and I . We are going to have lunch at the Landmark in downtown Mesa. WasA has been telling me about it, then Snowbird suggested it too. Hopefully we could do it on a

    Sat. so you could join us. If not, you and I can work something out for whatever is convenient for you!

    That would be great......weekdays are fine. Last time was just a bad time with work & my Mom being in the hospital. I've heard of the Landmark! Set a date when you can.....I'll be there!

  6. Carol, I am coming down there next month. I will be there from 8-20 until 8-30. If I don't hear from you on this thread, I will pm you. I hope we can get together this time!

    Hi Denise! I'd love to see you again. I'll write down the dates & look forward to it. I'll PM you with phone #s just incase you don't have them. I'm so happy for you! :(

  7. WOW! I've missed alot in the last week!

    DENISE - A new Grandbaby and a new Man in your life? I'm so happy for you. A new spin to your journey. That's wonderful.

    JANET - You are doing such a wonderful job! Size 4? Look out! Thanks as always for sharing with us. I leave for Minneapolis next week to see my D & SIL. Hope you also have a wonderful trip and that we'll hear all the details.

    PHYL - You look so wonderful. Love your posts and sense of humor as always. Are you going to make it for your Lucky Sevens reunion? Sure sounds like fun.

    CHRISTINE K - One more week for you. You're going to love your band & I know from your posts you're ready and have educated yourself. My best wishes to you.

    OREA - Welcome & congratulations on getting your surgery date. Look forward to hearing about your journey with all of us.

    POODLECAMPER - My twin! You're doing so great. You jumped out ahead of me. Congratulations on your success.

    BECKN - Congrats on your family wedding. My D got married in March 07 and I too made all the jewelry. 12??? wow I used the pearls & S. crystals too & made 9 necklaces, 14 bracelets everybody had a bracelet!) and one anklet. Loved every minute of it and my beading has saved me more than once.....you know.....diverting my attention from head hunger etc. Hope you enjoy every moment of the wedding day.

    I'm following in Denise's steps, I think.....the last 10 weeks I've lost 7 1/2 lbs. Slow, slow, but sure. Swimming/water jogging daily and weights 3 times a week......3 1/2 months straight. yeah! I'm feeling good and strong, so grateful for my band and get to see my Daughter next week. 4_1_112.gif

    SOUTHERNGAL - Brenda, where you at? Miss you.


    Hope everyone is having a good week. Thank you for all your posts.


  8. LOL! Yes, she is! I am fortunate to have such good and wise friends to help me through this difficult time. Someday, I hope to be in a position to help others in their struggle, as well!

    Angelshere, I agree with the others.....you are only a few weeks out from your surgery. You need to give yourself time to heal. That's what the first 4 to 6 weeks. The healing (to me) is not only the port site & band healing, it's the emotional rollercoaster too. Keep following your doc's orders, taking care of you and it will happen in time. Your body is adjusting to all the changes too. I love my band. I've had barriers in my journey too, we all have, but it is so worth it! Keep breatheing, moving, embrace each change as it comes. You can do it!

    Best wishes to everyone!


  9. I now think I may need my 2nd fill. It has been so hard the past few days to not be hungry all the time.. Today nothing satisfied me....Not scheduled to see my DR until 7/10 but am going to give her a call tomorrow and see if I can get in next week whenI get back from my weekend away..!!!

    Hang in there Lynn! I know it's hard. I still keep 3x5 cards in my purse, on the frig, at my desk at work & my car.....they are lime green, bright yellow & bright pink. One has a list of things I felt being 313 lbs, aches, pains, emotions etc., one has a list of things I hoped would change, improvements, hopes for my future, the last a list of things to do instead of eating or stopping in the car for fast food. I look at those cards when I'm hungry in my tummy or head hunger or if I feel I may get out of control of a situation.....so that I can CHANGE how I react to things. I actually got these ideas from a LBT post before I had my surgery.

    Sorry....back to your fill. It does sound like you're ready. If you can't get in this week, try to divert your attention to something else. Sometimes it just takes one little thing, sometimes more but it really has worked for me. Hope you get that fill soon!

    BECKO - I'm sorry I missed your band date! Hope everything went great and we hear from you soon.

    Have a great day everyone! Carol:cool2:

  10. Hello Over 50s Gals...we do rock!! :)

    Having been raised by "clean your plate, people are starving..." What a bunch of bunk!! :)

    It sure seems like most in my family are grazing all the time, and I never knew that I did too. Grateful to be banded!!!!!!!

    The "clean your plate" club has gotten me into trouble more than once. I haven't had a PB but I've been stuck, slimmed & prayed for a PB or better. Always because I was eating too fast or pushed it because I had to finish what was on my plate. I haven't had an "incident" since Memorial Day weekend and I'm sure it's not the last, but I'm learning and try to stay focused on eating when I'm eating. Chew, chew, chew, small bites....it actually works! :)

    I love your attitude! You're doing a great job! Best wishes on your journey!

    I'm so grateful for my band too!


  11. I know exactly what you mean. I am afraid my arms are going to look like I am a flying squirrel.. LOL

    Boy do I know about the arms! I've lost so much in my upper body & cannot get my upper arms in the sleeves of blouses I could otherwise wear. Just trying to be patient while everything is changing. I feel so much better in every way......the arms have to come sooner or later. Part of the journey.


  12. Hey gang, Just thought I'd give an update. I was banded on 4-23 & I'm down 27 lbs, no pre-op diet. Had a little nausea for a few days but started felling better after starting mushes. Feeling good right now & have started working out but lightly. Hope everyone is doing well & will keep you posted

    Congratulations JohnC! Sounds like you're doing everything right! Glad you're feeling good & back on your feet. Keep us posted. 23_28_107.gifCarol


  13. Janet - so sorry to hear about your DIL...I'm glad she's home with family and pray for her healing inside & out. Also, glad it worked out for you to see your "man".

    Denise - hang in there girl! I know this is a terrible time for you. Isn't your D & GBaby with you? I've tried to call the phone # you gave me but it's saying the # has been disconnected. Please call me anytime. You have my cell & home #s. I'm only about an hour and a half away, I'm sure we could work something out to see each other or if I can help you in some way. Please call me.

    Becky - hope your surgery went well this morning and you're home soon!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!



  14. Well, THERE you are!! So glad to see you back, Carol! Sorry for your computer troubles.

    I'd be going through withdrawl after 3 wks of no LBT!!

    Sounds like your are doing GREAT! Sure makes a difference when the restriction is there, doesn't it. Great medical gains for you, too. I'm now off one of my cholesterol meds. My doc is very pleased with my blood pressure, but she's not quite ready to let me try reducing one of those meds. I am supposed to see a pulmonologist to see if my CPAP needs to be readjusted, but didn't make an appointment yet. Night before last, I woke up in the morning without my mask on... must have fallen back asleep after a trip to the BR without putting it back on. It had to have been off for several hours and DH says he never heard me snoring at all, so must be getting better in that dept, too.

    Thanks Phyl! You're doing great. I just went over to visit your profile & see your latest picture. Congratulations! Isn't it great to watch & feel your body changing? Thanks for the response. Just got a call to pickup Grandkids at school....Mom & Dad need a little help from their friends. I'll check in later. Keep up the great work! Oh! Where are you now? Carol

  15. Hi everyone! I've missed being here so much. My home computer has been down for almost 3 weeks & too busy at work. The computer guy left a little while ago & could hardly stand it. I have to go back about a month to catch up, but wanted to say "Hey"!

    I had my 3rd fill last week and finally feel good restriction......help has arrived! It does make a difference. Doing well. Also, went to family doc this week and I'm no longer borderline diabetic (sugar normal), he took me off high blood pressure meds & even lowered my thyroid medication a little. WOW.....it is so amazing what the weight does to our health.

    YVONNE! Welcome back & congratulations on your new band. I hope your journey is a smooth one....it's a great gift.

    DENISE & JANET! Girls! You have done fantastic. Denise you made goal & Janet is right behind you. How exciting. You know you guys are such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Everyone take care. I'm going to start reading now, to catch up.


  16. Teri & Lynn, you guys are doing great! Congratulations on your surgery & recovery. I'm 12 weeks out & this process is so amazing. I learn something new everyday either about myself, the band or something that's changing. Today I realized my boobs are almost gone...that's not good! :cursing: But it is so exciting & I'm so happy I made this decision. I started out saying "I have hope now" to "I'm doing it, I know I can do it & my band & new healthier choices are doing to help me keep it off".

    It's an exciting time. Best wishes to you both.


  17. Hi everyone! I'm an Arizonian too! I was banded 01/10/2008 by Dr. Blackstone/Scottsdale Bariatric & am very pleased with my surgery, band & the staff support. Erik, I ended up doing the self pay because of BCBS AZ....I was so frustrated & didn't want to wait anymore.

    Best wishes to you all recovering & those waiting. It's worth all the frustrating & hard work to have true HOPE!

    Thanks for sharing.

  18. That's not good news :huh2: Us Lucky # 7's are meeting at the Mall of America in July - Well there still always drinking :lol::lol:

    My daughter transferred to Minneapolis last July & when I visited in Sept she took me to the Mall of America. We only did two stores & my knees gave out, so I look forward to going back & seeing the Mall with new stamina & health. My knees are so much better except when I exercise. But I'm pluggin along there.

    Hope you have a great time in MN & Laughlin! You're just becoming the little world traveler! LOL


  19. I don't really have a problem with wanting to eat once I am full. I seem to want to eat as little as possible. I really hate that feeling of being too full. I haven't pbed in a really long time and I hardly ever get food stuck anymore. It's really nice. I have finally learned to chew enough, and eat slow. It took me long enough!

    Carol, it's good to see you. It won't be long now and I will see you in person again!

    Thank you Denise. I look forward to seeing you again. Hope your Daughter is feeling well. Won't be long now, Grandma Denise!

    I've done much better this weekend; slowing down, chewing well and stopping when full. Thanks to others that responded in my time of need. Sure nice to have the support here. I started a few weeks preop, using a smaller plate & utensils. But about a month ago I bought two bowls that I just love. I really like the southwest design pottery & found "sushi" bowls in a design I love (I don't use them for sushi LOL) and they hold 1 cup. So I don't have to measure and have my portion right everytime & also feel spoiled with my special bowl.

    Welcome to the new 50's! I noticed several new posts. This is a great group of banders, you'll enjoy being here.


  20. Carol - this is a process - and some days I still feel that way - oh come on band just one more bite - I want that one more bite - yes I am full but i want to taste that food - I want to eat..

    That's why I am always saying that I don't want to be so tight that I can only eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food per meal - Mentally I can't handle it - to me you can't live on that small about of food it's not healthy.

    I have sat and thought are you really hungry or do you just want to eat and it's usually I just want to eat - and you will find out - once you have restriction that - that one more bite is going to cause you to pb - it's never the 1st or second bite but that 3rd or 4th that I have eaten too fast - not chewed or over eaten that will come back up and after that you don't want to eat.

    It takes time - it takes pratice - we are learning a whole new style of eating and it's not going to happen over night - i am 8 months out and I don't alway listen to my body - i will still try and take that one more bite - but the pain/discomfort afterwards isn't worth it... But I still try - right now as i type I have had 2 bites of my dinner and have a ping pong ball in my tummy - so I will be patient and let it past then try another bite - cuz I was hungry and ate the first 2 bites too fast...

    So don't feel like the lone ranger - we totally get what you are going through - but I think it's GREAT GREAT GREAT that you are doing the head work to find out why - this whole process is really about the head work cuz that truly where our problems lies - jmho :teeth_smile:

    Boy that's good to hear. I'm doing better with slowing down & chewing, since my band has tightened up a few times & scared the daylights out of me. I need to prepare my portions a little smaller because I really have a problem leaving anything on the plate when it's already a fraction of what I used to eat. Oh, the head games.

    Thanks so much! Great response & I'll slow down and enjoy the learning experience.


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