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About cindyh

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 02/07/1955
  1. Happy 58th Birthday cindyh!

  2. Happy 57th Birthday cindyh!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary cindyh!

  4. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Macacoza, Well, it sounds like you have been down a stressful road lately. I know what I do when I'm stressed....EAT! Surprise!! Well, I too am so grateful for all of you who shared your stories and experiences with this throat thing. It has convinced me totally it is band related. I will never be that tight again. I am probably very fortunate that I caught it time before it did any permanant damage. I just have to wonder how many more are out there that haven't told their stories and how many more are going to experience this after their bands are too tight for too long? I hope they do a search on this forum and keep posting their experiences. Will you let us know how it turns out for you after your band is loosened up? I know it took a good 3 weeks to a month after my unfill before I felt I was finally going to beat this thing! Now it finally feels good to feel almost normal again. My stomach did some strange things while recovering. I also thought I was going to be constipated for life! Well, that too took around 2 months after the unfill to get back to normal. Thanks so much for sharing! I hope you are once again going to be singing like a bird soon! Keep us posted!!...Cindyh
  5. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Vanessa, I am going to try the over-the-counter Prilosec. I had mentioned this earlier in the thread but have not been anywhere yet to pick some up. I think this might surprise me and hopefully convince me that I might just have acid reflux afterall! And you are absolutely correct about having to work with what we have done to our bodies. Its not natural. Not until you experience things like this do you realize how fragile our bodies really are. This was a real wake-up call for me...Cindyh
  6. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Listywood, I am curious. Do you feel by removing your band the sore throat stuff will disapate completely? You said you have a total unfill and you are still experiencing reocurring sore throats? Vanessa, This is making more sense to me the more I read about others experience. I guess I never thought I had reflux, but I must be wrong about this. Congratulations on your new lap band baby girl! I am certain by the time she is an aldult, there will be a much better and painless way to loose weight!....Cindyh
  7. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Listywood, OMG!! I think you are one of the few that probably tell a real horror story here about what can happen if your band is too tight! I am convinced after reading everyones replies to this thread that this is definately band related. I too thought I was the only one on this planet with this horrible side effect and was very reluctant to post. But for some reason I knew it had to be band related just because I was not contagious, never have had any stomach, esophogus, or throat problems in my life and I have always been in very good health. Your symptoms are so similar to what I was experiencing. I became very weak & tired which seemed like forever. After a good amount of the fill was taken out, I rebounded back. Although I might add, it took a while to rebound. I coughed up a lot of clear flem for approximately 3 weeks after the unfill. Thank god today I am able to wake up with none. Although I do have to say that when I eat, I have more secretions that tend to gather in my nose and I have to blow my nose in the middle of a meal and after a meal. The band definately changes things. I likely got the unfill just in time before any possible permanant damage was done. Nobody's fault but my own. Thanks so much for sharing your story! I am certain this will be helpful to others who are considering or presently have a tight fill. Good luck with the removal of your band. And I do understand when you feel this crapy your health and feeling good/normal becomes very valuable. If anyone else has had similar side effects I would like to hear your story. Keep posting them so we can all learn from them...Cindyh
  8. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Wow!! Macacoza, be careful. I ended up with puss pockets on my throat and waited too long to get antibiotics. I was miserable! I honestly thought I had a virus of some kind that caused this. I did get pretty sick. Then when it kept coming back, I did what I could to get my hands on antibiotics before it progressed to puss pockets in my throat once again. Well, I hope you don't do any damage, but I think this is a sign to take very seriously and that this side effect is a warning for you. I am glad to hear some of you out there in bandland are experiencing this raspy, sore throat thing as a side effect of the band. Its comforting to know the cause of this strange side effect is from the band and not some beastly, strange, incurable disease. Best of luck to you! Anyone else out there experiencing this? Let us know....Cindyh
  9. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Well, it is interesting to know that this sore, raspy throat thing might be because of the band afterall. I will always be cautious as to the amount of fill that goes in my band from now on. Thanks for all of the replies from everyone!....Cindyh
  10. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    dpingl, Hmmmm. That is interesting that someone else is experiencing this. Have you ever had to get antibiotics for your sore throat? If you get enough of them, it certainly kicks it out quickly. But the problem is that they are reoccuring. It also feels like my throat & toungue are hot sometimes when the sore, raspy throat stuff rears its ugly head. Do you ever experience this? I'm baffled if it is not some kind of damage caused by the band being too tight for too long. Was your band too tight for a period of time? Just trying to figure this out and hope to god it not what kat817 mentioned above. If you ever discover the cause, rhyme or reason for this, let me know. Thanks for sharing that. I was feeling all alone in bandland!!...Cindyh
  11. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Ohhhh dear! I am glad to hear your husband is doing ok. He sure went through a lot!! Hopefully he will keep doing well now! I have never had acid reflux in my life. I still don't. No change when I sleep or wake up anymore with the exception that I had a lot of flem for about 3 weeks after my unfill. (Gone now)The mucus lasted just a few days (very little) and the brownish stuff right after a got home from the unfill. Just those crazy sore throats that come back to haunt me yet. I think I will try the over-the-counter Prilosec to start with. I would like to see what this will do if anything. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I guess at this point I will not throw out the fact that this could be more serious than I was hoping....Cindyh
  12. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Kat, Oh my!! Just what I didn't want to hear!! Sorry about your (husand?) Sounds like he's doing ok now. Well, now that you mentioned it, I do recall spitting up a little mucus (like in infection) as well as the brownish liquidy stuff after my unfill. I do not cough anymore, but did. Never coughed at night. Voice definately changed and I am most certain there was significant inflamation. I can eat just about anything & everything now even if my band still has some fill in it. It's just the reoccuring sorness/raspiness of the throat? I am curious. Did your husband take antibiotics also?...Cindyh
  13. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    neci916, Thank you for your response. That is also a very good possibility. I have a question for you...Did your daughter get sore throats, pus pockets on her throat accompanied with the raspiness? Just curious....Cindyh
  14. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Angie, Thanks for your insight on this. Never gave that one a thought. I do know antibiotics kick it out quickly. I have also made sure the gas fireplace does not get turned on anymore (from ND) thinking it could have been linked to this somehow. We've had it on (fireplace) everyday and the throat thing started around the same time. The soreness is gone now, but I also just took 1 1/2 days of antibiotics. So I am not sure if they (antibiotics) helped or that it could be fireplace related now. It just scares me that it keeps coming back and that it is band related from being too tight and PBing (yak'in) too many times. Yikes! Could there be bacteria that was under band when it was too tight that could have caused this? That is my fear since I did yak up that unusual brownish stuff after the unfill. Obviously nobody else has experienced this from the low response on the topic. I hope your right about the sinus infection. I'd prefer to have this rather than some mysterious kind of damage I did by having my band too tight. Thanks again Angie! You made me feel better by throwing out a possible alternate option as to what this could be. I don't have insurance so I'm avoiding going to the Dr to get checked for fear its some kind of monsterous thing or disease that will destroy my chances of getting a reasonably priced insurance instead of landing in a high premium, high risk policy or having a rider attached to it. Its high enough at the normal premiums! And lets see.... Why do we go to Mexico? Hmmmmm.......Cindyh
  15. cindyh

    Raspy, sore throat question

    Thanks for your reply Berry. No tonsils and don't smoke.

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