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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About bandedNov2008

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  1. bandedNov2008


    Keep your head up!! You guys have to remember, if you are exercising and lifting weights.....MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT!! So pound for pound you may be losing inches in fat, but tightening everything up and converting to muscle...which will be heavier!!! When you clothes fit differently, you know you're doing something right!!! You gotta hang in there, dont give up!!! Jenn
  2. Yes that helps alot! I didn't really think about my stomach having to go back to normal shape...thanks!
  3. bandedNov2008

    Sick and tired of explaining myself...

    Honey you have to find some people that will support you and not bring you down....some people will never realize how difficult this struggle is......especially if they are people who dont take pride in the way they look or feel....if weight doesnt matter to them....or isnt an issue...they will never understand.......surround yourself with other people like us...who know and understand....you need positivity around you to keep on the right path!!!! Message me if you need help!
  4. Does anyone know, do we HAVE to wait 3 months before we can have the sleeve surgery after having the band removed??? I had my surgery in November 2008 ....I lost 75lbs....and have put back on 55lbs....I hate everything about it!!! I worked so hard to get it off......I really dont think the band helped me as much as my dedication to the gym....i worked out 6 days a week....spinning....running....weights.....etc....i think i committed myself to the lifestyle change when it comes to exercise, but the band was always a problem....too tight....not tight enough......vomitting....nausea.....months of no weight loss.....its so frustrating.....then ....I hurt my back....and its been downhill from there.....so now i have new insurance and im considering the sleeve....ive heard great things and results...and im ready to lose this weight again!!! Anybody know about the 3 months??? bandedNov2008

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