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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773


    I had an ulcer and finally my PCP put me on DEXALENT. WHAM BAM done. Talk to your Dr about this. The OMEPRAZOLE didn't help me at all. Doesn't hurt to ask. Good Luck
  2. shedo82773

    Why Can't I Get Gastric Bypass?

    On your pro file it said you had the RNY. Am I missing something? Is that the surgery you want? It also says you have Bluecross and Medi-cal insurance. Have you had someone submit to both of your insurance? If you go to a BARIATRIC CENTER they have people that deal with what the insurance want and need to get it going. I would check that out.
  3. shedo82773

    Starting weight

    I used the first weight at my Surgeon's office.
  4. shedo82773

    Support needed!

    I would up my fluids and focus on getting Protein in. I for one have some carbs. I don't do excessive exercise. I have always walked. I walk 4 to 5 miles 4 to 5 days a week. I don't think people need to exercise every day. After our weight loss surgery YES we do need to move and yes we do need to eat healthily but for me, everything I do is strive for MODERATION, this is what my Surgeon and Nutritionist both told me. In time there are no forbidden foods just learn to do it with MODERATION!! Now I know this doesn't work for everyone but I have been very successful. My HW 249 ( this time at one time I weighed 285 #'s) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I got to my goal weight in 6 months and have maintained it all but my 8# gain for 2 and 1/2 years. Which made all the difference in the world for how much better I felt when I weighed 117#'s. Good Luck
  5. shedo82773


    Hi to your ? of can it come back YES!! I am living proof of this. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. In Sept I complained of it feeling like my food just set on top of my pouch and then would slowly go down. At that time the PA suggested that they might need to take a look and see what's going on. I told him No I just think it's me getting used to my new pouch. Then by NOV I couldn't hold down even Water. I fixed Thanksgiving dinner and laid on the couch (did NOT eat) sick and throwing up everything again even water. Called the Dr on Monday they said to come right in NOW!! I live 2 hours away. Got there and had my first endo with dilation. Happened again in DEC of 2013. Again in Jan 2104 again July 2014. All was good until January of 2015. By this time my surgeon was being a brat. He started calling me the PROBLEM CHILD!!! I fired him. Then I went to OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIVERSITY they have an excellent BARIATRIC CENTER. They did my Endo and Dilation with a size 18 balloon I have NOT had a problem since. Thank Goodness!!! I don't know if they explained what a stricture is but...it is kind of like scar tissue and they never know who will have problems. It is awful but fixable. I have lost 125#'s and did it in 6 months. I think some of that was due to my strictures, but I will take it. I lost down to 117#'s and then gained 8#'s which I'm real happy about, just those 8#'s made all of the difference in the world for me. If you have any ?'s feel free to get hold of me.
  6. shedo82773

    Does anyone want to chat?

    Hi ya!! I also live in OREGON. I would love to chat but I am unsure of how to do it. If you are on Facebook I can go into your profile and leave my email if you are interested. Just let me know. You can leave your info and I will try to find you. I had my RNY July 2, 2013 not as far out as you but at 3 years. HW 249 (this time I got up to 285#'s) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s.
  7. shedo82773

    Surgeons in Mexico

    Just one important thing, YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR OWN WASH CLOTHS.
  8. shedo82773

    Surgeons in Mexico

    Please don't go thru BELITE!! My hubby had surgery there last June. The Hospital leaves a lot to be desired. the video that was sent to us before was a lie!! We were supposed to be in a Suite but ended up in a small room where I had to sleep on a hard window seat cushion. There was just one nurse that used the hand sanitizer. The nurses didn't wear gloves AT ALL!!! We never received a discharge paperwork. He originally went for the RNY so everything had to pay cash up front was no biggy. When they got in to do the RNY they couldn't due to his right side was all scar tissue. So he did the Sleeve on him. Which we both were fine with. We had a refund coming because the RNY was more money. They were pretty fast doing that. When we complained about the things that happened in Mexico we were told that this was an ongoing problem!! So WHY didn't they put that in their paperwork. We also had to bring in $50.00 cash for his pain medication, which was a joke!! We just aren't very happy with the whole set up. This was in Juarez, Mexico. Since then we have seen others that have gone to Tijuana. Mexico and have had great experience"s. Just wanted to let you know so you can research the best fit for you. Good Luck
  9. You are NOT ALONE!! I am 3 years out from my RNY, I had kicked around the idea years before I had my surgery. My best friend went thru stomach stapling 18 years before I did mine. She lost her weight but gained quite a bit back and has had a terrible time with her health. Of course, she didn't do all of her junk like take her Vitamins etc. At that time people were pretty much out there without any support. I'm so glad I didn't have it back then!! So when I started to check into my options I went to a surgeon out of EUGENE, OREGON who told me that he would only do the Lap Band. Well, my hubby had that done also and had tons of problems with it. But that is another story. Once again I was left out here to start and fail many many times with everything I had tried my whole adult life!! So fast forward I got a Surgeon 2 hours away who would do my RNY BTW the other Dr said he would only do the Lap Band because I have PSORIASIS. So for the answer, if I was worried that I will fail? That is a HUGE YES!!! I told myself what if I can't do this? Well hon, let me tell you from my perspective after my RNY there was no way I couldn't lose the weight!! Your body has this tool that works to help you out . Like was said above not having the hunger helps a whole lot. Now like I said I'm 3 years out I still have no physical hunger but the mind hunger is a BITCH!!! I fight this everyday!! We are given this amazing tool notice I say amazing tool! Yes, it is the big helper but we still have to work for it. We have to change so much and keep trying forever!! You are new out from your surgery but just know YOU have An AMAZING TOOL to help you out!! No worries by the time your hunger comes back or if you are lucky like me you won't get it back . You will be so excited to buy nice clothes have your health back and recapturing your lost body and soul. You will just be awesome and thrilled that you had WLS!! Good luck my friend!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  10. I don't have a physical support group. There is one locally but I found it to be nothing but a bragging of what and how much they could eat and get away with. I deal with enough of my own demons I sure didn't need that. But I have a few online groups I go to. I have this one and one other that I keep close tabs on!! Sometimes it's just knowing that someone deals with the same stuff I do is enough. On the other site there is a recipe place and I go on PINTREST and a couple others for recipes. I forgot about this site for quite a while and was so glad I found it again. Lots of good information on here. Thank you for starting this site.
  11. shedo82773

    Plastic surgery patient wins malpractice suit

    AvaFern I just wanted to say that our STATS: are very close. I had the RNY July 2, 2013. My HW 249 (this time I weighed 285#'s earlier) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I have maintained my weight for 2 and 1/2 years. I basically was down to 117#'s in 6 months. I also had a PANNI done a year ago in Sept. I wasn't happy with my results because when we talked about what I needed he told me that he would pull everything around from my back and pull up my FUPA also. Right after my surgery I ask him at my 1st return visit What about my upper stomach and my back and my FUPA I was told it was just the swelling. But guess what it wasn't!! Every time I saw him afterwards I continued to ask him about the things he had said he would do!! Finally, at my last appointment, he told me I was blessed with needing LIPO on my upper stomach, and he would give me a good deal!! He said these are happy surgeries and not to worry. He said he would do a Breast Lift and Lipo for $6,000 to $7,000. I am 60 years old and I don't want a rockin body and wouldn't dress much different than I do now plus I had a severe reaction to a muscle relaxant and I was paralyzed for 8 hours!! I just wish I would have researched the surgeries better I would have gladly paid the extra for what I needed. I go back and forth telling myself it is what it is. Any how my advice to anyone deciding to go for plastic's check out everything before you go in!!
  12. shedo82773

    Just got my surgery date Today

    Congratulations to you all!! I look forward to following all of your journey's!!
  13. shedo82773


    Prunes!! Put them in a saucepan cover with water and steep them. Drink some juice while it is warm and eat a few prunes. You will go!!
  14. shedo82773

    My first day of full liquid diet

    As long as you are moving you will be fine!! It doesn't have to be out side, like you said you danced and that is a GREAT exercise. Great JOB!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  15. shedo82773

    sex drive, and depression

    Funny thing is I have been on FENTYNL Patches for 8 years now. I just looked again the side effects and guess what I found out!! They decrease your sex drive!! No wonder I have been fighting this battle and losing if I must say. But....I don't want to go back on some of the hard drugs I have used in the past. I guess we will be ok and I will have to do what I have to do!! If you all know what I mean. LOL I always have said if I didn't want to have sex then I wouldn't but....hubby doesn't deserve this!!
  16. shedo82773

    Going from Band to Bypass

    Bugaboo77 When I had my RNY I had to travel 2 hours from home to have it done. Then for the a week I had to stay in a Motel there. After I was seen my Surgeon I was released to go home. I did have to make quite a few trips back to see him because I had to have 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations so I made a few trips back and forth. It can be done, there are lots of people that have to travel to have WLS> Good Luck
  17. shedo82773

    Sleeping after bypass

    I don't think you will like this but...I was always a stomach sleeper up until my RNY and then last year my Panni I have adjusted to sleeping on my side with a pillow between my knees.
  18. Something to help with your potty issues. Take some dried prunes cover with Water and steep them then eat 2 or 3 of them and sip some of the prune juice. You will go potty for sure!!
  19. shedo82773

    Going from Band to Bypass

    April-mba I'm glad you are able to go for the RNY!!! I did have good results. I am so pleased with my results. As long as you follow your Surgeon's and your Nutritionist's guidelines you will do GREAT!! Hang on HON you are about to begin the BEST JOURNEY of your life!! You can DO THIS!!!
  20. shedo82773

    Going from Band to Bypass

    Those DARN Lap Bands!!! My hubby had his for 13 years and it malfunctioned. He couldn't hold down even Water. Long story short. He went in for a Revision Sept 2013. It had eroded into his liver they couldn't do the RNY they took the band out and his gallbladder. He got abscesses and was sick for 9 months, 3 months he doesn't even remember!! So just this last June we went to Mexico for his RNY ( had to pay cash because they don't bill your insurance) When they got in there his whole right side was solid scar tissue so he ended up getting the Sleeve. It isn't working too well for him. He is struggling with his mind hunger. I think he really needed the RNY because it is more restrictive and malo sorbent too. I'll bet you can't wait. being sick all of the time is not good. Which surgery are you looking into? I had the RNY July 2, 2013. I lost 124#'s in 6 months and have maintained my weight for 2 and 1/2 years!! It, in my opinion, is the very best surgery. But I do know people that have GREAT results from the Sleeve. Good Luck in whichever surgery you decide on. This is a GREAT place to come for information!!
  21. shedo82773

    5 months out

    You look BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love your dress!! You have done very well!! Keep on keeping on!
  22. The gas is horrible for most. Walking helps big time!!! I have used Papaya Enzymes they really help with the gas and aid in digestion. I buy them at Walmart for less tthan $5.00. In fact I got them yesterday for a liittle over 3.00. They have saved me so many times.
  23. shedo82773

    Bye bye pizza

    I also forgot but I have a couple recipes to use when making LEGAL persay pizza. When you are ready just let me know. One is made with chicken for the crust one is made with cheese. Also I have a recipe called Shelly's Ricotta bake. If you go to pintrest they havve all kinds of recipes for weight loss peeps.
  24. shedo82773

    Have surgery 10/13

    Keep your eyes on the prize!! Remember why you want your WLS!! Keep yourself busy. Coloring, Facebook, Baratric Pal, phone someone anything that helps keep your hands and mind busy. Good Luck
  25. shedo82773

    time for the last touch

    I sure hope you have talked to your PS. I thought I had explained and ask him enough that he promised all that he would do. He said he would pull everything from the back to the front remove the excess skin he also told me that my FUBA would get pulled up also. Well I immediately started asking him ?'s he of course said it was the swelling. ( mind you I had a PANNILECTOMY) After I kept asking him he finally said that I was just blessed ( I call it a curse) with a layer of fat between my muscle and my skin. Now the skin was tight. He then told me not to stress because these surgeries are HAPPY SURGERY'S , mind you insurance paid for my Panni almost 100%. But not anything else. He removed 10 plus #'s. But then he said that he would give me a breast lift and Lipo for $6,000 to $7,000. I really wish he would have told me up front and while he did everything else he could have done the other and I would gladly have paid the extra. So make sure you get a muscle repair like the full tummy tuck. Now I am stuck with having things that he promised he would take care of and didn't. Plus I am 60 years old, had a severe reaction to the muscle relaxant they used so I am not real sure if I want to do another surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
