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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    Being thin

    There are so many NONSCALE VICTORIES after my RNY. I can't say I feel skinny even tho I now weigh 125#'s. I can say that going into a room and not feeling like I am the fattest person there feels TOTALLY AMAZING!! It has taken me a long time to realize I CAN and DO buy clothes off any rack now. I wear a med top and 6 to 8 jeans. It took me forever not to go into the PLUS SIZED clothes!! It actually took my daughter telling me over and over that I didn't need to go to the plus side!! I don't sweat all of the time now. My grandkids ages 9 and 11 can sit with me in my recliner with room leftover!! I can walk 4 to 5 miles 4 to 5 days a week now!! And one of my fondest saying came from one of my weight loss clubs and I do mean many. She used to tell me, NOTHING taste as good as being HEALTHY or SKINNY!!! Do you know what she was ABSOLUTLY RIGHT!!!! Here is another saying I like " ACCEPT WHAT IS," "LET GO OF WHAT WAS," "HAVE FAITH IN WHAT WILL BE!!!!" Good Luck
  2. Llamalover17 Hi hon, I'm 3 years out from my RNY. I have been successful in losing 132#'s in 6 months. I did have a 8# gain. So I now weigh 125#'s and have maintained my loss for 2 and 1/2 years. You are not a failure and you can do this!! A 90# loss is nothing to sneeze at. That is 30#'s a month. That is more than I even lost in a month. I lost 20#'s a month. Keep your eyes on the prize. Keep trying that is all any of us can do!! Give up the carbs or at least keep them at a minimum. My Team told me from the beginning that in time there are no forbidden foods!! We just have to do them in MODERATION. Now that doesn't mean you can eat junk all of the time. Our bodies work best with getting lots of Protein in and you can eat veggies to fill up. The ideal program would be to not do carbs until you reach your goal. It won't be long until you are there. If you don't have time to go to the gym for your exercise try to walk. It is a great exercise and it is free and gives you the chance to clear your mind also. I try to keep my hands busy with going on Facebook, support groups on here I color I read In write in a journal. Another thing maybe you can talk to someone about everything going on. This is a BIG ADJUSTMENT our body is kind of in shock. Please feel free to chat with me at any time. You can get ahold of me at scharbroughsherrie@gmail.com. Like I said I'm not sure if I can be much help but I am a great listener and I have gone thru WLS and kind of been there done that!!
  3. If you can try some refried Beans with a small amount of cheese. You can bend it up or mash it with a fork. It is a good source of Protein and it is soft and yummy. I also add some sour cream on mine. Just a thought. You won't feel like you want to eat. But keep trying make sure you don't have to go get the IV's again. Lots to drink. Sip sip and sip some more.
  4. shedo82773

    My surgery 10/18/16 with Dr Garcia

    Congratulations!! So very happy everything and READY for your new life. That's the problem with each of us being so different that we all have different perspective about what is bad and what isn't!! This is why everyone says not to compare our journies. We are all different as to what hurts us and what doesn't!! I'm so glad you are doing so GREAT!!! And I look forward to following your weight loss.
  5. shedo82773


    Moogle How funny, I still sleep with my fan every night!! Not because I am hot but because NOW I love the coolness and getting the covers pulled up to my chin. My hubby has asked me before, when are you going to turn that DAMN fan off? When I have ice sickles hanging from my nose!!! Of course, this was years ago. He just accepts it now after 43 years!! LOL
  6. PorkChopExpress, Thank you for your kind words. I know the problem is myself not him.
  7. shedo82773

    Kaiser Questions

    You know I forgot what we did for part of the money when hubby went to Mexico for his WLS. My KIA SOUL had been paid off for quite some time, so we took out a $6,000 loan and used my KIA as collateral. So it might be something to think about.
  8. WOW!! I'm 3 years out from my RNY and I had to do 2 weeks of Protein drinks preop and 4 weeks of Protein Drinks after. It is sad that OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIVERSITY required my hubby to lose 25#'s and get his A1C down to at least an 8!! In case someone doesn't know what the A1C is its a test for how your blood sugars have run for the last 3 months. He couldn't get his weight down if he got his blood sugars down, his weight would go up. He just couldn't do both at the same time. So we had to suck it up and pay around $11,000 to go to Mexico. That wasn't just the surgery amount but everything we had to pay to go. I really wish he could have stayed in the STATES!!!
  9. Evenya I totally can relate. I have PSORIASIS also. Plus PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS. This in itself is a problem. But..Since having my RNY and losing weight I still have a hard time going out to shop or whatever. My mind still says even if you are normal sized everyone is looking g at you because of your PSORIASIS. NOW...would I rather be fat again or normal sized, HHHMMM Let me think.....NOT!!! They are coming out with a new treatment for PSORIASIS. The one I wanted to try was given in shot form but my DERMATOLOGISTwon't let me try it because she said that a side effect is losing 6% of your body weight and she doesn't want to take a chance with me. LOL Funny how we get discouraged because we might lose weight!! When it has always been you might gain weight before. Also, I think more and more people are becoming aware of what it is. Good Luck
  10. shedo82773


    Oh MY GOODNESS!!! I would sweat all of the time!! Even just sitting in a chair. Anytime I moved!! NOW nope!! I'm cold a lot. Before, if I got just a little stressed it was so embarrassing!! Thank goodness if I sweat it is very rare!! BTW I also have thyroid problems.
  11. shedo82773


    I also take my Vitamins ( I tend to forget them so I have to get work on remembering) this is what I was told by my team. I take Celebrate CAPSULES 2 per day, I take SELENIUM 1 a day, Citracal/ vit D3, hair skin and nails 2 daily extra Vit D 3 capsules ( I live in Oregon so we need the extra)and I do Vit b 12 sublingual 1 time per week. I no longer have my monthly so I don't need Iron. All of my LABS are great. I always took a multi Vitamin before my RNY so it really isn't too much different just take a few more vitamins
  12. This is a confession, I have been married for 43 years. I know my hubby's preference of his women's sizes. I also know he will love me at whatever size I am, he has been with me thru my ups and my downs LITERALLY!!! And when he said these things I know he thought they were a joke but...here is the way it made me feel. At first, I was checking into my Panni he said, You know I wouldn't care if you wanted BREAST AUGMENTATION!!! I said, Oh so my boobs aren't big enough now! Come to find out he was talking about a breast lift. OK Then he made fun of my saggy butt, along with teasing me about how my body looks now. He said you are nothing but bones now. So I CAN NOT get these things out of my head!! I don't like him to see my body because I feel like its not something he really likes. I know it may sound silly to you. I think I had more CONFIDENCE about my body before!! SAD BUT OH SO TRUE!! You all know that once something is said it is so hard to forget!! I know I'm overreacting because this is the man who has told me MANY MANY times that he never saw any of my weight gains. He was so sweet when he said, I never noticed any of your weight because I just saw you as the day I married you!! I just wish I could get over it!! My mind just keeps playing it over and over. If he didn't love and desire me he would NOT be here. RIGHT
  13. shedo82773

    I HAVE NO FRIENDS! (Sad face!)

    Hi Stephanie840910 I have been joined since 2014. But I hadn't been on the site in forever. I am from ROSEBURG, OREGON. I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I had it in COOS BAY, OREGON. Which is 2 hours from where I live. The Surgeon I had turned out to be not so good. Well, he was a great surgeon but lack or I should say S**Ked without any bedside manners. Oh well, I'm great anyhow!!
  14. Hi everyone, I had an HYSTRO many years ago. They left one ovary. I had all kinds of change of life stuff going on. Come to find out my right ovary (which they had removed) grew back not once but 2 times. I am such a weird O. LOL All thru my life I had what was found out later ENDOMETRITIS and PCOS. So it was nothing for me not to have my monthly. I got pregnant with my son when I was 17. We tried for almost 6 years for my daughter. Then she was only 9 months old, I got prego again and had a miscarriage. Weird that my ovaries didn't work for my whole life and then to have it grow back not 1 time but 2. Like I told my hubby when I wanted more children badly I couldn't. Then when I didn't want any my body decided to work. LOL
  15. shedo82773

    One odd fact about you

    WLSRecources/Clothing excha I really haven't got much info on my Fathers side but on my Mothers side I haven't seen anyone or heard of anyone with my impressive toes!! LOL Most of my Moms side have passed away. Including my mom and her siblings. There is one Aunt left but she is kind of forgetful. I do have an Aunt ( she's a cousin but out of respect we have always called her Aunt) BTW I LOVE LOVE HER!!! Maybe I will check with her.
  16. How COOL is this!! No BFF until now!! You both can help each other on your Journies!!! My hubby had his Sleeve in Mexico in June...he could have done it all NOT that I would have let him!!!! I was so scared for hum due to past WLS's!! Bad stuff but anyhow you two can take care of each other!! You both will have a bond like no other. AWESOME!!!
  17. shedo82773

    Rave.. that made me laugh

    She must be out of her mind!!! Your weight by no means showed that you needed WLS NOW!!! What a doof!!
  18. shedo82773

    Struggling Bad!

    Like I said I'm 3 years out and only wish I would have found GENEPRO way back when. I hardly ever do Protein drinks now due to using GENEPRO in my coffee. Plus I am able to take more protein in with my food. It WILL get better. Just hang in there.
  19. shedo82773

    One odd fact about you

    Wow!! That is very interesting!! My Brother had a twin that died too. But he doesn't have the extra stuff I don't think anyway. He is a bit STRANGE tho!! My mom lost one of her ovaries because of it and was told that whatever sex of her next child would be the only one she would have!! But this was over 50 years ago too. She did have boys but we later found out that the man determines the sex of the baby. So that was just a myth for sure. LOL
  20. shedo82773

    Idiot dater (Rant warning)

    LisaMergs HEAR HEAR!!! Totally agree with you!! But....our generation ( I'm 60 and he is 66) just don't have much of a ROMANTIC BONE in their body!! My sweet hubby come's thru once and awhile, like I don't dare say I like something cuz he will get it one way or another. Also, each and every one of his Brother's ( real and 1/2 bro's) have not any romance in them either!! HHHMMM Makes you wonder if it is in their GENES!!!
  21. If you want to try something besides the pill form, my mom for ears used dried papaya. She said it worked for her!! Yuk on the papaya chunks!! I'm not fond of fresh papaya. Just take the pill form and chew them up works every time!!
  22. shedo82773

    Balloon Removed and Feelin' Fine! :-)

    Shirleyd90 Is the diarrhea something new? After my RNY ( not sure which surgery you had but...) I became Lactose Intolerant. Which caused me to have bad diarrhea. I was on Premier Protein drinks for 2 weeks Preop and 4 weeks Postop!! I had diarrhea so bad, and my Surgeon finally told me to try some other protein because it was more than likely the Premier drinks!! Funny thing is I can't drink milk but I can do yogurt, cheese, sour cream and Half and Half. I have to use Almond milk or I get the back door trots every time. Just a suggestion.
  23. shedo82773

    Balloon Removed and Feelin' Fine! :-)

    Thank you!! I don't really think he was interested in it any way. LOL I'm just trying to help him any way I can. But...the bottom line is HE HAS TO DO IT!!! Again Thank you!!
  24. shedo82773


  25. shedo82773

    Struggling Bad!

    Well HON you CAN NOT do without your PROTEIN!!! You will get very sick. With that being said, you can order online a Protein powder that is unflavored. It is the only one that I have found that claims to be unflavored that is true to its word. You can add it to anything you want, I add it to my "SPECIAL COFFEE" every day. If anything it makes my coffee taste even creamier!! So here goes it is called GENEPRO. It has 30grams of protein in 1 scoop. Did you come home with directions of what you can eat now? If nothing else add some GENEPRO to your Beef or chicken broth. Make yourself up some Soup that you enjoy, lots of veggies cooked until they are mushy. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. You will have lots of problems if you don't get your protein in. I was told at least 60grams a day. Now I'm not sure about the DS but I had the RNY. But I have been told DS need higher fats. Have you tried Cottage cheese? One thing I did is I put sugar-free strawberry Jam in my cottage cheese, it kind of tasted like a Strawberry Cheese Cake. If you can't get more protein in please call your Dr or your Nutritionist for some suggestions. Good Luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
