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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    20 Oct 2016

    I had to do Protein drinks 2 weeks preop and 4 weeks postop. I suffered BAD with Diarrhea. My Surgeon finally told me that I was Lactose Intolerant. Maybe this is what is going on with you. I also am afraid to take anything for diarrhea because then I get constipated or the other way around. One extreme to the other with me.
  2. Yes please do. I just recently seen one in a magazine. I am very curious. Do they need added oil? Keep us posted.
  3. shedo82773

    Protein snacks

    I do. But I'm 3 years out from my RNY. You just need to eat slowly and eat just a measured amount at a time.
  4. shedo82773

    Kidney stones post op!

    Well, I think I'm ok. I had my RNY July 2, 2013. Every since I had my WLS all I have room for is my Protein!! I have always loved my Veggies so this is hard on me!! But....now I think I'm ok with it. Those are some of my favorite veggies too. Did he say anything about Sleeve Patients or is it just the RNYer's? Hubby had the Sleeve June 3, 2016 so just wondering.
  5. shedo82773

    Odd sense of calm/confidence?

    You, my friend, have an AWESOME attitude!! I feel like we have such good material now. Sites like this, Facebook, Support Groups and just being around LIKE MINDED PEOPLE!! I know of 3 people who had their WLS 20 or more years ago. One gained every bit of weight they had lost back plus more, One has gained a lot of her weight back and my niece hasn't gained any weight but eats crazy Like food rituals etc. One has had to have multiple Iron infusions and was allergic to some they used and almost lost her life. @ of these people had the same DR for their stomach stapling. Notice I didn't say RNY back then it was done this way and without any support from their Dr. One went back and had gained 20#'s back and her Surgeon told her that she was a disgrace to his program. They were told that if they needed support that there was a group but no address etc. Now the Surgeon's have perfected the WLS's. Like I said we are so fortunate to have our WLS in this day and age. They can do so much more with their technique's now. I hear people say all the time I just wish I'd had my WLS years ago. You won't hear me say this, I'm thankful for the knowledge and perfection they have aquired.
  6. shedo82773

    Damn, I did a good job!

    I hope when your Dr said DAMN I DID A GOOD JOB, you told him that YOU did a GREAT JOB!!! They give us the tool but we really do the work. lol I had my Panni done in Sept of 2015 every time I went in to see the PS he wanted to take pictures. I told him, You sure are proud of your work aren't you!! He loved it!! BTW You look Awesome!!
  7. shedo82773


    Did your hair grow back after it stopped falling? Sent from my SM-G928T using the BariatricPal App Yes it did. Luckily
  8. shedo82773

    Kinda Disappointed[emoji17]

    You bet!!! Being around like mind people helps with realizing you aren't alone in this process!!
  9. shedo82773

    So Far, So Good!

    Sounds liked you are doing a GREAT JOB!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!! My hubby had a Sleeve on June 3, 2016 and he has lost 60#'s.
  10. shedo82773

    Ginger Ale

    One day I was downtown with my daughter and grandson, I had an extreme headache, I needed to take some Tylenol so I ask my grandson if I could use a sip of his mountain dew. Now he doesn't like to drink after anyone but he did this day!! So I had not had any carbonation since before my RNY. Without even thinking I took one sip of it. LET ME TELL YOU WHAT!!! When it hit my pouch it set it on FIRE!!! NEVER ever again will I try anything with carbonation. And why would you? People say they let it go flat, well that definitely wouldn't work for me I loved the carbonation!!!
  11. shedo82773

    Pain in left shoulder?

    I use PAPAYA ENZYMES they are chewable and 100% natural. They have saved me so many times!!! You can buy them at WALMART for less than $5.00. They also aid in digestion. They have saved me so many times!! I'm not a DR so please ask yours about them. My mom used them for years and told me how great they worked. Of course, I didn't believe her. You know when you are young our MOM's don't really know much!! She was right. Talk to your Dr and if he ok's them it is a WIN WIN situation!! BTW Mylicon is what I used on my babies when they had gas!! It is another good one.
  12. shedo82773

    Anyone over 60 years?

    I am 60 and had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I have GREAT RESULTS from it. My hubby just had a Sleeve in Mexico June 3, 2016 he is 66 years old!! NEVER too old!!
  13. shedo82773

    Kinda Disappointed[emoji17]

    Great!!! I am so glad!! It always helps to have some place that we can come too that are LIKE MINDED PEEPS!!! If you ever want or need another supportive place I can tell you that I go to one of the most POSITIVE GROUP of people around. They do not let any bad things to be said or they will kick em right out!! Again don't let na sayers get your goat!!
  14. Another thing I just remembered I add a little SF STRAWBELLY JAM to my cottage cheese. You will be amazed. It taste kind of like a strawberry cheesecake.
  15. shedo82773


    I think what Mary said is true. I have never had a butt!! Even when I was younger. Guess what, I still have no BUTT!!! It totally has been a problem. My tailbone hurts so bad that I have had to buy cushions for my chair and my car seat also. I have always wished that I carried my weight like a regular woman instead of carrying it in my stomach. I have had the hardest time buying pants my whole life. If they fit my waist they were totally baggy on my legs. One of the very best thing for me are SKINNY JEANS!!! I love them!!
  16. shedo82773

    Kinda Disappointed[emoji17]

    RosieR I'm sorry you feel this way. For myself, I just came back to BAIRATICPAL and I for one have not seen your name before. I hope u don't think that everyone was iggying you. I would never do this on purpose. Good Luck If you want to go to an AMAZING support group I can help you. Email me at scharbroughsherrie@gmail.com you won't be disappointed I'm sure.
  17. shedo82773

    I HAVE NO FRIENDS! (Sad face!)

    Rosey posey Not sleeping with them is true but....he wanted to follow my journey ( well not just mine but all of his pts) for 5 years, so he can use it as DATA. So he looks like he is so successful. When I had problems with strictures he was done with me then my hubby had a failed revision from his Lap-Band to an RNY he became severely ill and the A** HAT totally dropped him in his worse time of need. He called us PROBLEM CHILDREN!!! I feel like our journies messed with his PERFECT DATA!!! I actually kind of fired him!! I went to a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE in Portland a little further than COOS BAY but oh so worth it!! So basically we are kind of connected to them for our follow up. I was told that it is hard to get someone to clean up another Dr's mistakes but THANK GOODNESS we found someone who cares and is there for us if needed. The further out we get the less we need our Surgeon. I have my PCP order my blood work and then have it faxed to PORTLAND. It works for me!! LOL
  18. shedo82773

    One odd fact about you

    WLSResources/ClothingExch I about choked on my coffee!! LOL NOPE I don't trip when I'm barefoot!! LOL Altho I have never been told that I am graceful. LOL I had an Aunt that seemed to be jealous of me if I went to work she did at the same line of work if I bought something she bought it too. LOL She made sure that I was told many times that I was clumsy. HHMM it is no wonder I had dippty dip do for confidence!! RIGHT
  19. Where does he do his Surgeries at? Altho it is best to find a Surgeon with The BARIATRIC CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, it doesn't always mean they are the best!! My hubby and I had the same surgeon, he did my RNY first and then tried to do a revision for my hubby which failed terribly. He ended up with abscesses and was sick for 9 months and 3 of them he doesn't remember. He was a great surgeon, but not so good with the follow-up. He kind of dropped my hubby in the middle of his illness and because I had problems with strictures he repeatedly referred to us both as "PROBLEM CHILDREN". If the Dr isn't doing the surgery at STARMED HOSPITAL in JUAREZ, Mexico he might be alright. Now the surgeon that did my hubby's Sleeve Surgery in JUAREZ MEXICO was an excellent surgeon. The Hospital NOT SO MUCH!!! They are nothing like the US hospitals. I wouldn't go thru BeLiteWeight either. The coordinator talked to us about other cases and couldn't keep things straight. Kind of scary. But now I will shut up because I don't know anything about your surgeon. i have heard that they do really great in Tijuana, MEXICO.
  20. shedo82773


    I had my RNY 3 years ago. I started losing my hair around 4 months or so. I really thought I was going to be bald!! Now I had tried NIOXIN and even started it before my surgery. It didn't make a difference. Fast forward ( BTW my hair loss slowed down and pretty much stopped by my 9th month out) I started taking HAIR SKIN AND NAILS Plus my other Vitamins. I take 2 BARIATRIC VIT a day, Vit D 6,000 a day ( I am real low due to living in OREGON) B-12 1 time a week sublingual, SELENIUM 200mg a day Citracal-D 2 a day. The SELENIUM helps with hair loss also. Make sure you get all of your Protein in also. I stopped washing my hair every day, now I wash it like every other day. I also found a Shampoo for hair loss online it is called PUR ad 'or I am amazed at how much this has helped my hair. You can actually see new growth around my hairline. I paid $19.95 but it is sooo worth it. A BIG difference. Good luck I haven't had any facial hair or extra leg hair. In fact every since my RNY I don't have much hair growth in my pits or my legs. I disagree ( not being a smart A**) but I do think vitamins help with hair loss. I don't feel like it was a waste of my money at all.
  21. shedo82773

    4 years post op

    HOLY MOLEY GIRL!!! That is an AMAZING Transformation!! You are beautiful in both pictures but....your after pictures are HOT!!! BTW I'm 3 years out. We be oldies!! LOl
  22. shedo82773

    What is your pre-op diet?

    Hi I'm in Roseburg, Oregon. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I did have an 8# gain but have maintained my loss for 2 and 1/2 years. My preop diet was Protein drinks for 2 weeks. My Postop diet was 4 weeks of Protein Drinks. I was allowed broth, sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free Jello. The diets didn't seem to extreme for me!! I was afraid to cheat before my WLS because I was afraid they would cancel my surgery and after I was afraid it would hurt me or undo something. I am one of the lucky ones my physical hunger has never returned. Now mind hunger WOW!! I have to deal with everyday. Because our WLS doesn't fix our brains!! It is a TOOL and they call the 1st year to 18 months the honeymoon period because you will lose and usually fast. Some people's hunger returns quicker than others. Good Luck on yhour Journey
  23. Hi Bigjohn58. Here we have both surgeries done. I had my RNY on July2, 2013. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I did have an 8# gain so now I weigh 125#'s. I have maintained my weight loss for 2 and 1/2 years. I did have some problems with Strictures ( kind of like scar tissue) I needed 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations. But if you ask me if I would do it again I would have to say with everything in me IN A HEARTBEAT. Personally, I wouldn't go into a weight loss surgery thinking I could get a revision later. It is really hard to get your insurance to pay for it sometimes. Plus how many peeps want to go thru surgery 2 times. Now, my hubby, had his Sleeve done June 2, 2015, we went to Mexico and paid cash. Due to the fact that he is diabetic and the OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIVERSITY wanted him to lose 25#'s and get his A1C to a 8. Well if you know anything about diabetes....when he lost weight his blood sugars were up and when his blood sugars were down his weight was up. That is one reason we went to Mexico. Now I need to fill in the process of the last 16 years!! His first WKLS was the Lap Band he had it for 13 years, they had messed up his port trying to do a fill so back into surgery he went. Now fast forward to 2013 it malfunctioned so he was scheduled for a revision to an RNY. Well, when they got in there the band had eroded into his liver. They couldn't finish the surgery due to bleeding and the scar tissue so they backed out and told him that in 3 months they would do the RNY. He got abscesses and was so deathly sick for 9 months 3 of those he doesn't even remember!! It was so traumatic. But he needed to have WLS because he has Cancer on his Kidney and he weighs too much for them to do anything. ( BTW he did lose 100#'s with his band) He is a large man and weighed in at 420#'s when we went to Mexico!! Ok, now his weight loss has been so very slow with his Sleeve!! He has lost 60#s since June. Better than nothing I guess. In Mexico we still had hopes of him getting the RNY but due to scar tissue being solid on his right side he had to have the Sleeve. I'm not trying to push either surgery on you but...if you had the choice of doing one surgery and losing the weight you need to. Instead of going into something with the hopes of having another surgery if needed. I understand that you really don't want to have your tummy rerouted but....just do lots of research and if you need to get the second opinion then, by all means, do this!! All surgeries are just a tool the real work comes from YOU!! It is to help us reach the goals we have never been able to. BTW I'm 60 so I was 57 when I had my RNY. My hubby is 66 years old. Plus, remember any of the weight loss surgeries do not FIX our brain!! It is still there to tempt us every single day, but there is nothing that says you can't overcome them!! There are unlimited resources online so go into them and check out which surgery is the best for you because only you and your DR can make that decision. Good Luck Sorry for the book. lol
  24. shedo82773

    Need help with protein

    I LOVE GENEPRO!!!! I have been using it for almost 4 months now. I add it to my coffee. Which I am a hard core coffee drinker so using the GENEPRO is a win win for me!! As far as Isopure I commend anyone that can handle it!! YUKKY I only wish I had found Genepro a long time ago. As I'm 3 years out and I would definitely hate to know how much money I have spent on different Protein drinks!!
  25. shedo82773

    Nervous about Stage 4

    My pouch still is what I call her "PRISSY POUCH"!! I do eat a LOT of beans!! I'm 3 years out and it still is my favorite things. I do lots of refried Beans with cheese and a little sour cream. I can't do anything that is dry. The only beef I can do is hamburger in a casserole or something juicy. NO STEAK pretty limited on chicken also. Thank goodness, I LOVE beans. I also eat Nalley's chili beans. But I do cook my own. I make Soup and freeze it in my size packages. There are so many great recipes out there, check out The World According to EggFace, Pintrest. Heck I'm getting ready to try Lentils. LOL Push for the highest bang for your buck with your Protein. Like was said you won't be able to eat to many calories. You have a tiny tiny tummy now!! Good Luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
