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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    Medical Alert Bracelet

    Yes I have one, I have other allergies also. I feel like I don't want to take the chance of getting my pouch cut by a blind NG tube. I feel like every chance situations I would rather them go into whatever they are doing with their eyes wide open to whatever may help. That is just me myself and I.
  2. shedo82773

    Psychological evaluation

    I dreaded my psych appointment but...it is a great thing!! They are trying to make sure that your mind is in the right place. I can say from my own experience if the WLS does NOT fix our minds. The surgery is a tool to help us make our goals. Surgery DOES NOT FIX the mind that takes big work on our part!! The physical part is the easy part. But...I have to deal with mind hunger every single day!! If you aren't truthful at your psych eval it can be very hard on you. Good Luck
  3. shedo82773

    One week/1 day post -op

    I'm 3 years out and had my RNY on July 2, 2013. Those hormones are the total PITS!!!! Just hang in there it does get better each and every day. I noticed you said you feel a little better today. I understand how hard the liquid diet is but...just think about this: you just had a major surgery. Your stomach has been messed with BIG TIME!!! Everything your team tells you is very important to follow for sure. It will be over before you know it. When I had my RNY I had to do 2 weeks of Protein drinks for my preop and 4 weeks of them for postop. And I was still afraid to eat!!! You CAN DO THIS!!!! YOU"VE GOT THIS!!! KMeep your eyes on the PRIZE!!!
  4. shedo82773

    I may possibly turn into a Smurf

    WOW!!! I wonder sometimes why they don't tell us all of the side effects on meds. That is sure a scary thing to just think you might turn blue. You could become "MURPHY" from Z-NATION. Instead of PAPA SMURF. All joking aside be careful the sun is NOT our FRIEND!!!
  5. I wish I had the means to come help you I definitely would be there. Even if they all say you can do it by yourself I feel like everyone just needs someone to be there to hold your hand and keep you from worrying too much. Just to have someone to listen with you when they are giving you so much information it gets a little hard to remember everything. Good Luck I hope everything works out for you!!
  6. Reading your post made me remember something else about my hair loss, As I was going thru the fear of going bald I thought about what happened. Right at the worse time a spider bit me on the back of my head. Guess what it looks like still to this day...I have a bald spot and have to cover it up strategically every time I combed my hair. Still have it and still try to cover it up everyday.
  7. shedo82773

    Almost 6 months post op

    James Marusek I had my RNY 2 months after you!! We are WL twinsies!! LOl Just kidding. Our stats are pretty close to, HW 249 SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I am 5.4 Having this WLS is one of the best things I have ever done. I live in Oregon so we aren't very close. I'm just rambling. CONGRATULATIONS on your journey!!
  8. I am so glad you both got to meet up. Like I said before you both will have a bond like no other. I sure wish my hubby could have had his surgery with this group of people. It sounds like it is so much better than what we had. My hubby did check this site out but when BeLiteWeight got a hold of him he figured that the higher costing DR would have been a better choice. Man are we sorry now. Again I'm so happy you both had such a great experience.
  9. shedo82773

    Being politically correct sucks!

    Every day I thank goodness for my hubby's stint in the Navy!! Plus I have CHAMPVA I can get all of my scripts free, go to any Dr I choose. I paid $8.00 for my hospital when I had my Panni. My RNY was totally paid 100%. I have better coverage than my hubby's. He goes to the VA and he has Cancer in his kidney and they didn't even tell us for3 years!!! He also goes to a private DR because of the below standards of the VA!! All is great now but let me tell you how bad it was when my kids were growing up. We had 000 insurance!! We raised 2 kids without any insurance. We could just barely make ends meet so there was no way we could get medical insurance!! My poor hubby worked every day of his life and still BARTERED with our Dr and Dentist so our kids could get the medical care they needed!! Fast forward to this day and age, people work full time have medical insurance thru their jobs and still get food Stamps and OHP. We couldn't get the help we needed because we were married and not living together!! Now they can be married and get all the benefits up the WAZOO> There is something wrong with our society if you ask me!! OK my RANT is over. LOL I hope I didn't offend anyone. Our system needs an over haul bad!!!
  10. You know what, I have found that clothes hide a multitude of sins. I had a Panni done in Sept of 2015. After my loss of 124#'s and maintaining my loss for 2 and 1/2 years. I am not totally satisfied with my results as my PS didn't do all that he had said he would. But...with that being said I also had a severe reaction from the muscle relaxant they used and was paralyzed for 8 hours. I was in ICU with a tube down my throat. I know that now I have an allergy to the meds. But I am 60yo and I fight with myself about needing to have a breast lift and Lipo still. I go back and forth. I know it is exactly as my hubby has said, I probably will never be happy with myself. I will always find something I don't like!! I hope everything works out for you!! Good luck in whatever you decide.
  11. shedo82773

    Going to Mexico

    I'm glad you are going thru this site. My hubby and I went to JUAREZ, Mexico. We went thru BeLiteWeight. My hubby chose them over TIJUNA, MEXICO. Not a great experience for sure. The SURGEON DR. JOSE RODRIGUEZ seemed to be alright. The Hospital STARMED left something to be desired. Their customs are so different than ours: not washing their hands, no hand sanitizer, no gloves no discharge papers. The language barrier was very hard, no one hardly spoke English. The paper that we were given to translate was a joke. They hardly checked on him at all. We were told we would have a suite not...I slept in a window seat. Which was very hard. The TV didn't work. LOL I spent a long time on Facebook to entertain myself. Lol The coordinator who helped us kept forgetting our information and talked about other clients by name. We paid for the RNY and he ended up with the SLEEVE. They had told us that if they didn't do the RNY which they did. They did give us a refund but....because his right side was solid scar tissue and because of that they charged us more for his surgery. Which wasn't right in its self. We were told because we didn't have the paperwork for the Sleeve we were told that both surgeries are pretty much the same. I had a RNY and they are different. I know this is a rant and I'm sorry but people need to made aware.
  12. shedo82773

    Single digit jeans...NSV

    In the quote of one of my many weight loss leaders: NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS BEING HEALTHY AND SKINNY!! At that time I just poo pooed her, I never understood it because I had tried so many times to get there and failed!! Now I also wear a size 6 to 8 jeans and blouse a size 6 undies etc!! She was so very right!! Nothing feels like buying smaller clothes and being able to buy off a normal size rack of clothes!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  13. shedo82773

    Feeling Weak on Pre-Op Diet

    It may just be due to over doing but...I would make sure to get plenty of fluids in. It also could be not as many calories as your used to. I had to do 2 weeks of Protein drinks preop and 4 weeks of them postop. I do remember feeling woozy when I stood up fast or bending over did it too.
  14. I'm not sure if you would want someone from Oregon or not. But I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I would love to answer some ?'s. You can contact me at my email if you are interested in talking to me. Just let me know on this forum. Thank you
  15. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way of your health and happiness!! It is a personal choice. And you will be the one that has to do it yourself. I would at least try to convince someone to go with you to Mexico tho. Not because it can't be done alone but because you will just need someone to get the items you need. My hubby had his Sleeve in June. We went a day early and stayed a day later in a Motel just in case. I had to go get him broth and juice. When you return on your flight call ahead and tell them you need assistance to get around. They are wonderful and will have a wheelchair to take you in. You won't have to stand around for customs or have to wait to board your airplane. The surgeon he had was good but....their customs in Juarez, Mexico no way near as great as the US. I have heard great things about Tijuana, Mexico. And as was said earlier BARIATRIC PAL has great programs. Good Luck in whatever you decide you want to do!!!
  16. Djmohr I am definitely very critical of myself. And I am sure that my hubby loves me. As I love him. I agree that it takes a long time to see myself a regular sized person!! I still look in the mirror and still see my fat. My skin kind of bothers me but....I am totally happy that I am able to do everything I can now. I know my hubby is teasing me but it is ME that takes it wrong!! Thank you for your post. It did make me feel better. I really love this site. Lots of true encouragement and people that care.
  17. shedo82773

    Kaiser Questions

    My hubby has United HealthCare thru ARRP and they covered WLS. Good Luck
  18. shedo82773

    Still waiting

    My hubby went thru this so many times when he was trying to get his WLS. He had tons of info sent to OHSU. They lost them 2 times. They are a huge BARIATRIC CENTER!! It cost us $8.00 every time we sent them. Finally, we hand delivered them!! LOL
  19. I started losing my hair when I was around 4 months out. I really didn't have much to lose. I had strictures so I suffered with barely enough Protein or fluids. This started right around my 6th week. But I thought t was just myself learning my new full pouch. I had my first Endo in Nov 2013 (my RNY was July 2, 2013) again in DEC 2013, Jan 2014, July 2014 with my last being Jan of 2015. Thank Goodness nothing so far. I was very thin to start and I lost it up until my 9th month. I started washing my hair less ofter started taking HAIR SKIN AND NAILS ( I know some say it doesn't help but it sure did for me) I also take SELENIUM along with my other Vitamins. I started using a shampoo I bought online for thinning hair. All of these things have helped my hair so much. It came back in curlier than before. I have all kinds of new hair growth, even my hairdresser commented on it. My sister in law thought I got a perm. NOPE, just more hair. I keep it cut short due to the back looking like I have a mullet. LOL Yes there are many things that contribute to hair loss but I feel like I will try anything and I do mean anything to have healthy hair again. Diet, medications, and Menopause all contribute to hair loss.
  20. I feel for you and your relationship. YOU do deserve someone who loves and cares about your well-being!! Now on another note, If you go to your Dr.'s appointment they have a specific person that deals with insurance guidelines. They now what they want and what it will take to get you approved. Let them do their magic. Good Luck
  21. Now from my point of view. Yes, I have been treated different. It has made me feel uncomfortable a few times when on my walk I see 2 older men staring at me as I go by and then look back at them staring at my NO BUTT!!! I know that my daughter loves me but sometimes I think she is just a little jealous. She is very overweight and has said a few times that no wonder my butt hurts because it is nonexistent. My friend and I had a standing joke between us when I was fat, it went like this "Look at the air between her legs!" B***H. A joke for sure. Now, for the big one. My hubby has always liked THICKER WOMEN, so when he makes comments about me being nothing but bones. Man, I would not mind if you had a breast Augmentation. ( What he really meant was a breast lift) it hurt me to the quick. He says there is nothing left to me!! I take these comments to heart!! I know he loves me, we have been married for 43 years. But once he says this it just won't go away because I know that he likes thicker women. Then if he says She has a nice body the first thing that comes to my mind is he doesn't like you skinny!! It is my own problem but I just can't seem to shake it. The one about when I used to walk into a room and think I'm the fattest person there. I hated that, now when I walk into a room I FEEL LIKE I'M still the odd one out!! Having people I haven't seen for awhile, say in a sarcastic voice, WELL, how much have you lost now!!! Yes, it is different but I will take it. BTW even tho it is weird I WILL BE OK!!! At least I'm Healthier and can buy regular clothes off of any rack!! Everything it has taken for me to get here is way more worth any dang food!!
  22. shedo82773


    YAY!!! In the words of my one of many leaders ( she was a TOPS leader but I have been to many more wL groups) She told me this many many years ago, isn't it funny that after all of my years of trying to lose my weight that I still hear these things that were said to me!! NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS BEINGHEALTHY AND SKINNY!! This is so very true!! Nothing I mean nothing feels like the accomplishment of getting below 200#'s!! We called that a BIG KERPLUNK because of the scale having 50# increments. I am so happy for you!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON my friend!!!
  23. shedo82773

    Protein snacks

    I love GENEPRO!!!! I use it in my coffee everyday!! I only wish I would have found it sooner!!
  24. shedo82773

    Day 4 of my new life.

    Congratulations!! Funny thing is this is ONE OF THE FIRST TIMES THAT WE DON'T MIND BEING CALLED LOSER'S. LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
