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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. Hi Rjrocks, I think what was said above has a lot to do with skin issues. I have gained and lost many many pounds thro out my adult life. I went to 285#'s and lost 35#'s the last time before my surgery and kept it off for a couple of years before my RNY. Now I am 60yo and after my RNY I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I did have a gain of 8#'s but I have maintained my 125#'s for 2 and 1/2 years. And yes I have skin issues, I did have a Panni done in 2015. The PS promised all of these things like he would pull all of my skin from behind and pull my FUPA skin up etc. He didn't do any of it except remove 10 plus #'s from my lower stomach. if he would have been honest I would have paid the extra to have a tummy tuck, breast lift and the LIPO he now says I need. When I was 45 I lost 135#'s I had no skin issues. The 15 years made such a BIG difference. But it is what it is. I really don't think I will do any more surgeries that are elective. Even if I was to have everything done I am coming to believe what my hubby has said. I would never be happy with what I have. Being FAT for that many years does something to your mind!! When I look in the mirror I still pick myself apart. When I walk into a room I still feel like I did when I weighed 249#'s. It will take some time to really accept that I am not the BIGGEST person in the room like I have been for years. As for shapewear, I tried it...but IalI I could think of was to get home and get them off. LOL But I will say this for sure, CLOTHES hide a multitude of sins!!! Good Luck on your journey.
  2. shedo82773

    Which surgery?

    Er1n, I haven't heard about this. Do you know where I can go to find out info? My hubby almost died from his Lap Band. Just curious. Not so much the money wise but they need to hear his story!!
  3. Hello EveryDayFriend, I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I lost my weight in 6 months. My STATS: HW 249 (this time I got up to 285#'s) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. Yes , I did have a 8# gain but I have maintained my weight for 2 and `1/2 years. I am 60 yo and 5.4. So the same thing happened to me. I started having very severe pain in my right knee. Finally, I went to see my PCP. He told me it was arthritis and gave me a Steroid shot. It helped some but...not for long. When I ask him why I didn't hurt before my WL he told me that if I hadn't lost the weight I would be in a wheelchair. But I just figured it was because I walked a lot. Which I have built up to 3 to 4 times a week and walk 4 to 5 miles. It kept getting worse, swelling redness so I finally went to an Ortho Dr. He did X-rays ( by this time my left knee started hurting) I might mention I also have FIBROMYLGIA, Osteo and the beginning of RHEUMATOID Arthritis. He gave me Ultrasound guided Gel shot in my rt knee. It seemed to help but I needed a series of 3 shots. Then I had it in my left. 6 shots in my rt knee and 3 in my left. It helped for awhile but not as long as I needed it too. So now here am trying to keep going but some days if the weather is cold or rainy I just hurt so bad I have to make myself get out there. Which, I hate because I feel like the exercise is what keeps me successful in my weight loss!! I call my walks my attitude adjustments. I might hate doing it but...by the time I'm done I feel so great in my mind and my body. Doesn't it suck that all the time I was heavy I didn't have any problems with my knee's. Another thing I have lost many many pounds thru my life, as I'm sure you have too. I lost 135#'s at one time only to gain it back plus!!! I NEVER had a skin problem like I do now!! I was 45yo when I lost it and my skin was ok. Now I have lots of skin problems. I am not one to say I wish I would have had my WLS sooner because I don't think I wasn't ready back then to make all of the adjustment in my life that you know as well as I , we have to make. Plus look how far the medical profession has perfected the WLS. And look at all of the support we have now!! WSe are so lucky to have the internet and support groups that we can go to. Sorry for writing a book. It seems like I have a ton to say. LOL Long winded person!!
  4. Thank you!!! I didn't realize that you weren't saying that you could just go to another surgery. LOL It isn't easy for sure. Good Luck on your Sleeve Surgery. Keep us posted on your Journey.
  5. shedo82773

    Quest protein chips

    The Barbq are the only ones I liked. Now BARIATRICPAL has some Pickle Protein chips or what they call them I LOVE them!!!
  6. shedo82773

    Throwing up!

    We all have things like this but like was said above skip it for a little while then try it again. Myself there has been problems with most meats and eggs. I still don't get many veggies in because by the time I eat my Protein I don't have room. I can eat ground meats in a casserole or made real juicy. Just keep trying. Good Luck
  7. I also have FIBROMYALGIA, OSTEOARTHRITIS and the beginning of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I have maintained my weight loss with just a 8# gain. So I have maintained 124#'s for 2 and 1/2 years. I am able to walk which I do 3 to 4 times a week and walk 4 to 5 miles each time. I would have never been able to do this before!! Everything about my health has improved. I was on 100units of insulin 2 times a day plus 500mg of Metformin 2 times a day. I use to take 12 different medications now I take 4, Three High Blood Pressure medications, which I had hoped to get rid of but I just can't seem to let my stress go. If you figure it out let me know. 1 for my thyroid. Plus my Vitamins. Everything is totally AWESOMENESS now!! One of the best things II ever did for myself. Good Luck Get out there and LIVE your life to the fullest!!
  8. You said at first that you were leaning towards the Sleeve, but your Dr recommended the DS. Then you said if it didn't work out you could go back for another WLS. I would strongly think hard on that. It isn't easy to get revisions approved and sometimes they can even do the surgery. Now I will try to explain why I feel this way. It might be a long but here goes....My hubby had the Lap Band for 13 years, they punctured the port and he had to go back to surgery. Then like I said 13 years out it malfunctioned. BTW he did lose 100#'s but he is a heavy big guy. Sept of 2013 he went in for a revision from the band to a RNY. When they got in there the band had eroded into his liver. There was too much bleeding and scar tissue so they backed out. No WLS for him. They removed the band and his gallbladder then told us in 3 months they would redo his WLS. NOT!! He developed abscesses and was deathly sick for 9 months 3 of them he doesn't remember. After he healed up we went back to the Surgeon but was turned away and called a problem child!! But he did get a reference to OREGON HEALTH AND UNIVERSITY in Portland, Oregon. Again, he was told to lose 25#'s and get his A1C down to a 7 or 8. (3 month blood sugars) he couldn't do both because if his A1C was down his weight was up, the other way around weight down BS up. So we went into debt and went to Juarez, Mexico. When they got in there his whole right side was solid scar tissue then again no RNY, they did the Sleeve. Now he has lost 60#'s but you know how we all say this Surgery saved our lives? Well, he has Cancer on his Kidney and was told that he couldn't have anything done until he loses 150#'s. He now still has 90#'s to go. The Sleeve just doesn't seem to have enough restriction. I know others have great results but it isn't happening for him. All of this and he might still lose his life!!! This is why I say it doesn't always happen to have more WLS. I would really think hard on what surgery I had and go for the one that will give you all of the results that you want and need!! Just my thoughts. Good Luck
  9. shedo82773


    Rachel I just sent you a friend request. If you are interested in a support group that I belong to just let me know.
  10. AWESOMENESS!!!! BTW did you have your toenails done with tips? If so was it hard to have them done?
  11. You look AMAZING!!!! Good Job on your weight Loss!!
  12. shedo82773

    Is it dumping?

    Also, when I am in that phase I CANNOT EAT OR DRINK anything!!!
  13. shedo82773

    Is it dumping?

    I always lie on my left side. And I take PAPAYA ENZYMES. They are cheap and natural. They have helped me so many times. They are cheap also. I have used them every since my RNY. Dumping SUCKS!!! You pretty much have to ride it out. Sometimes vomiting will help. Good Luck I'm glad that you feel better!!
  14. I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I did Premier Protein drinks for my preop 2 weeks and 4 weeks postop. Now I did have "the back door trots" BAD!!! Finally, my Dr said that I was more than likely Lactose intolerant. Sure enough. But fast forward to 6 months ago, I found GENEPRO non flavored Protein!! I LOVE it!! I drink coffee I am a coffee big time drinker. So I add 1 scoop of GENEPRO to my coffee every day and it doesn't change the taste at all!! So for me it is a WIN WIN!! It has 30grams of protein so YAY ME!!! Now some people say that it doesn't have that much protein in it but I have read things on it and there was nothing about it not being 30grams. Also, how could they sell it without it having it? I will continue my use. I have fallen short on my protein forever and this has helped me so much. BTW Isopure is YUKKY. I commend anyone that can drink it. LOL
  15. Yes it does sag and have lots of skin. I had my Panni a year ago last month. My PS had said that it would be gone after my surgery. NOT He didn't do everything he had said he would. My insurance paid it but would not cover a Tummy Tuck. If my PS would have been honest I would have paid for the extra to get things taken care of. After my surgery, he said I needed LIPO and told me he would give me a deal on a breast lift ( we talked about it) and the Lipo for 6,000 to 7,000. I feel like he just was making sure of more work. LOL Seriously if you do get plastic's done go for the tummy tuck with muscle repair. Incidentally, my FUPA doesn't bother my hubby at all. He said more cushion for the pushin. LOL
  16. shedo82773

    Advice please!

    I usually lie down on my left side. It really helps with it going down. I use PAPAYA ENZYMES for gas and they also aid digestion They feel like they make stuff go down faster. I buy them at Walmart for less than $5.00. They are natural so I don't worry about using them. I'm not a DR. but they have helped me so many times. Please check with your Dr before you take them. Good Luck
  17. shedo82773

    Pain under ribs and back

    I'm not sure which side your pain is on but...I had my RNY in 2013. I had a terrible pain on my left side. I thought that I had hurt myself because of getting out of bed different. But I finally called my Surgeon and I was told that they put the instruments thru the opening on your left side. They have had people come into the office to get a shot. Because the nerves are waking up again. If you are having hard pain you might just call your Dr. to be safe. Sorry you are hurting.
  18. shedo82773

    Paralyzed and VGS

    I have been thinking about you!! I was so glad that you was still here. Getting help from everyone!! My Surgeon told me to get at least 60grams of Protein. But I did have a RNY so I'm not sure wat the guidelines are for a VSG.
  19. shedo82773

    Regained bander

    You CAN do this!! You know what it takes, you lost your weight before so just apply what you have learned. Good Luck and keep us posted!!
  20. shedo82773

    Paralyzed and VGS

    First off you are an AMAZING person!! To take control of your life like this!! Do you have anyone that comes to your house to help? If I was able to I would come to help you. I do have some experience with helping people. I have worked with different areas of the spectrum. You are STRONG and you can do this. If you would like me to email some info that they gave my husband. We also went to Mexico but we didn't use this SITE. We went to JUAREZ, MEXICO thru BeLiteWeight. We are not happy with the service we received. But that is another story. Good Luck If I can help in any way please let me know.
  21. shedo82773

    Ladies, please help!

    Hi Hernewselfie I haven't seen you lately!! n How are you doing? I hope everything is good. I don't have any good info on your ? due to having a HYSTRO 20 some years ago. Give me an update on your journey.
  22. shedo82773

    100 pounds lost

    That is so AWESOME!!! Great weight loss too. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  23. shedo82773

    Working on the new me!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have done tremendously AWESOME!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  24. Oh my word!!! Those Lap Band's are BIG TIME TROUBLE!!! Now I know there are peeps that had them and have had great results but...my hubby had his for 13 years! He lost 100#'s but at one of his fills, they punctured his port. Back into surgery they went. He finally got to where he couldn't hold down anything!! Not even Water. So we found a different surgeon and he was scheduled to have a revision to the RFNY. When they got in there the band had eroded into his liver. They backed out taking the band and his gallbladder out. Telling him that after he healed in 3 months they would do his RNY. He developed abscesses and was deathly sick for 9 months 3 of which he doesn't remember at all. We really almost lost him. Then 3 years later he finds out he has Cancer in his kidney!! The VA didn't tell him for 3 years. He now weighed 420#'s. We started the process again. In Portland, Oregon. They wanted him to lose 25#'s and get his A1C down to an 8. He just couldn't do both. If he lost the weight his A1C would go up, if he got his A1C down his weight went up. So once again we had to find another way. Now granted he has insurance that would pay for it but we had to do something quick. Off to Mexico. When they got in there his whole right side was solid scar tissue, so they couldn't do the RNY and ended up doing the Sleeve. This was in June his progress is real slow. He has lost 60#'s but that is just a small drop in the bucket he needs to lose 90#'s more. They can't do anything for his Cancer until he loses a total of 150#'s. Now I think he is dealing with mind hunger he just can't get it together. I blame most of his problems on the Lap Band!! The Dr that did the first surgery said he wasn't in good enough condition to have anything but the Band. That man was in very good condition at that time. She used a large band he was the first men to get that brand. So sad!! I sure can't do it for him. But I am so scared that I'm going to lose him!! Now he wants to see his old Bariatric Surgeon to see if there is anything they can do for him!! I hope everything works out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
