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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    We have been married forn43 years and have raised our 2 kids together. We have ALWAYS had a real strong marriage, not perfect but even after all these years we are still in love and are best friends. Planning on renewing our vows at 45 years. He has always been a big guy (isn't this how people think of men when they are fat Not us tho we are lazy and lie around eating BONBONS) He weighed 350#'s when we got married. He was 23 and I was barely 17. I got pregnant with my son right away. We had him in June and our 1st year anniversary was in Aug. I weighed 135#'s while we were dating but I had gained up to 142 by the time we got married. This should have been a warning. LOL We both let food be our life. We ate out together I cooked dinner every night and we had a sit-down dinner every night. I gained weight quickly after my kids were born. Food was what we did. He had a Lap Band surgery in 2000 lost 100#'s. I tried numerous weight loss diets and would lose but gained back everything plus until I* had gained up to 285#'s I managed to lose 36#'s and kept it off. Then I had my RNY in July of 2013. Our relationship hasn't changed per say but....In have. We always had a GREAT SEX life up until 4 years ago. I have an idea why my sex drive changed but I won't be telling that part. So, 1 year before my surgery I started losing my sex drive!! I have ZIP drive now. Partly, because I know my hubby loves me but he likes his women a little thicker. So when he says I'm all bones or he has to reach over to check if I'm still in bed because I don't weigh enough to make a dent in the bed!! Or when he says NOW he knows what "BANGING BONES" feels like. I take it all to heart. Like I said I know we are in LOVE and can't see ourselves with anyone else. It is just ME!! Now I'm 60 and he is 66 and he does admit that his drive has slowed but I have 0 drive!! Idon't know if it will ever be different!! So yes my WL did affect me for sure!!
  2. shedo82773

    Sleeve vs Bypass

    Just like with everything else everyone has their own reasons for which surgery we decide to do. For myself, I figured that I would get just one chance to have my WLS. I went with the RNY. I figured that I would go BIG or go home!! Another thing that I don't understand is when peeps say "I went with the SLEEVE because it is less invasive" what is taking out 90% of your stomach "NOT INVASIVE". Also, I would never go into my WLS with the idea if it doesn't work I can get revised to another surgery. TRUST ME!! My poor hubby has been thru the ropes!! You DON'T want to think it can be done. He has suffered terribly with few results! Now about my WLS, I did have problems with strictures ( kind of like scar tissue) I ended up having 5 ENDOSCOPES with 4 DILATIONS. I started having problems within my first 4 weeks. It felt like my food set on top of my pouch and then slowly go down. When I went for my check up the PA said we should take a look but of course I told him that it was just me learning about my body. (I had my RNY on July 2, 2013) In NOV of 2013 was my 1st Endoscope w/dilation. Again in DEC 2013, again Jan of 2014, July of 2014 with my last being in Jan of 2015. All has been great since. My Dr told me that no one knows who will have strictures. Now for my STATS: HW 249 (I did weigh 285#'s but managed to lose 36#'s) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I got to 117 in 6 months but gained 8#'s but I have maintained my 124#'s for 2 and 1/2 years. Having my WLS is one of the very best things I did for myself. Only you can decide which surgery will work for you. Good Luck in whatever you decide to do. I look forward to following your journey!!
  3. shedo82773

    Wls out of town

    I had my RNY at a CENTER OF EXCELLENCE also. I traveled 2 hours from home. I had to stay 1 week in a Hotel and went home after my 1 week check up. Not all CENTER'S OF EXCELLENCE live up to their names. My Surgeon did mine and my hubby's WLS. He was a good surgeon but really lacked at bedside manners. He called me a PROBLEM CHILD because I had Strictures and he had to do follow up care on me. 2 months after my RNY he did a failed revision from a lap band to a RNY on my husband. Who developed abscesses also was labeled as a Problem child!! Come to find out our MEDICARE and other insurance paid a certain amount for our surgery and aftercare. So he made his money doing the surgery not so much for the aftercare. So we ended up firing him and going to another BARIATRIC CENTER also an EXCELLENCE CENTER which is 4 hours away. So happy with our decision. But our blood test are faxed to our Bariatric Center. I am far enough out that I don't need to see them only if I have a problem. Better care, which helps with our confidence in them. Well worth the move!!
  4. shedo82773

    Rave.. that made me laugh

  5. shedo82773


    There is a whole lot of people that have different ideas as does the DR.'s on the amount of Protein that we absorb at one time. But...I was told as I have heard others say the same thing, that our bodies can only use 30grams at a time. Now as for the protein I use, First let me tell you I'm 3 years out and I shudder at the thoughts of how much money I have wasted on protein products. It is a good thing my nephew took everything that I didn't care for. I finally found a nonflavored and it is nonflavored protein and it is GENEPRO. I use it in my coffee and I do love my coffee. So it is a WIN WIN for me. Now if you want a ready made protein I like ATKINS. They have 15grams of protein in them. I liked MYOPLEX rich dark Protein drinks and I also liked Muscle Milk banana flavored Protein Powder with gram cracker flavored muscle milk, I added 1/2 a frozen banana and lactose-free milk. It was real good tasted like a banana pudding.
  6. shedo82773


    YAY!!! Hang on girls!! You are about to take an AMAZING JOURNEY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! Keep us posted onn how you are.
  7. shedo82773

    Pre op diet

    I basically stayed away from anything except my Protein drinks. I was afraid to do anything at all. I did 2 weeks of Protein Drinks preop and 4 weeks of protein drinks postop. Postop I did drink bouillon and I did have SF Tropical popsicle tho. I was just afraid to go off of my program before because I didn't want my WLS canceled. After I was afraid it would hurt my new pouch.
  8. shedo82773

    About to give up.

    Wow! I know how frustrating it can be for sure!! Hang in there. Just like what was said above, BUG THEM they may just push you thru to get you to stop bugging them!! Also just like was said you are real close so take a huge breathe and try some of the preop things you will need to do. Because everything you do now will help prepare you for everything that is to come. I also had a monitor that I took home from my PCP. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  9. shedo82773

    My journey karen lane uk

    WOW!!!! Kaz@casalane!!! What a AWESOME and AMAZING weight loss there!! GOOD for YOU!!!
  10. Didjit, Be careful buying ahead too much. Most of WLS peeps have their taste change after their Surgery.
  11. I'm not sure if these Proteins have iodine or not but...I love ATKIN'S. Also, I love GENEPRO unflavored. I add it to my coffee every day. It has 30grams for a Tablespoon. Atkins has 15grams of Protein. I'm with you about the Isopure YUKKY!! I commend anyone that can handle that junk.
  12. shedo82773

    The end of daylight time

    Well Thank you very much WLSResources/ClothingExch!! Yeppers I am a taking it for the team. LOL
  13. shedo82773


    You are right bariatricbutterfly about there being lots of crap in Protein drinks but with that being said...you will find crap in everything you eat or drink. We rely on our FDA to protect us and our food. But in the reality MONEY TALKS!!! If I didn't use Protein Drinks or powder I would be in a deficit at all times. Unless you grow your own food and raise your own meat, and I'm still not sure it would not have all that CRAP in it!! So in order to survive I will use my protein supplements. And each and every one of us has to make up our own minds. I'm not being a Smart A**. Keep on keeping on!!!
  14. I have got to the point that all I use is GENEPRO Protein powder. Unflavored of course!!! I LOVE my coffee so this just works for me!! I make myself a cup of expresso in my Keurig pot, add some sweet creamer and some FF Half/Half. Like I said it is a WIN WIN for me!! 30 grams of protein and I get to have my coffee too.
  15. shedo82773

    Hello again....

    So sorry that you are going thru so much stress. I personally know all about this. My mom passed away 12 years ago from Lung Cancer. We didn't know she had Cancer until she was down. We had moved to Idaho to take care of my Mother in Law. My A** HAT Step GUY (because he doesn't deserve to be called a DAD) told my sweet Mother that it was time she let me go take care of my Mother in Law. My mom had just been diagnosed with her Cancer. Needless to say, I rushed back to take care of her. She ended up dying in a Hospital because I did NOT know that you can give them extra medication for the pain. My Mother in Law became worse and just gave up....the difference is we had HOSPICE and learned so much about how you CAN give them extra pain meds. Do whatever it takes to make them comfortable. Now knowing all of this, I hope and pray that my family uses HOSPICE also. That is a wonderful program. If and when you get to that point please please check into it. Hang tough but....don't forget to take care of YOU!!!
  16. shedo82773

    "How much protein...?" SparkPeople.com article

    I was told that our bodies can only absorb 30 grams of Protein at a time. Does anyone know if this is right. They said if you take in more than 30grams at a time it is wasted and your body just eliminates it.
  17. shedo82773


    You know when I see things like people wanting to know if they can have something off their program and then they get sick I often think WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!! Why do you think DR.'s have guidelines. Now I'm not perfect but I can guarantee you nothing went past my lips that was not in the guidelines of my Dr. But the farther out I got the easier it got to try some things. I was told by my Surgeon and Nutritionist that in time there are no forbidden foods. But...we all need to eat in MODERATION!!! Now I'm not saying this works for everyone...it works for me. Let's all play nice!! I'm not saying to coddle people, but remember we are all here for supporting each other.
  18. shedo82773

    Where Does the Fat Go?

    I knew that PorkChopExpress, from my many days of different diets. I had a DR tell me that if you make fat cells they never go away. You can fluff em back up totally easy to do!! LOL
  19. shedo82773

    The end of daylight time

    OK I WILL!!!! LOL It's bad enough they mess with our time!!! But I would gladly set my scales back, I do it for the team!!!
  20. You are not alone with this. Every single person that has WLS has to deal with this stuff. But...like PorkChopExpress said get GENEPRO and add it to whatever you can get down. Focus on your fluids, it sure doesn't take long to get dehydrated. We all promise it will get better every day you will start to feel normal again. Don't be harsh on yourself it just takes time. I had problems with strictures and it started like 1 month out from my RNY...I had 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations. I finally thought to myself...what in the hell did I do to myself. Only 1 time I felt like that do you know why because everything that you go thru just makes you stronger!!! Hang in there!! You GOT THIS!!!
  21. shedo82773

    Gerd/Gord and weight loss surgery

    I definitely would go with the RNY. I had a friend tho that has Barrets syndrome and her surgeon didn't want to do her Sleeve because of the outcome for most people. She insisted on the Sleeve. But with the idea that he might need to wrap her stoma. Now I'm not totally sure what that meant but her other Dr for her Barretts told her not to let him wrap it. Anyway, she seems to be ok so far. She had her Sleeve in 2014. But I have heard of so many others having the revision from the Sleeve to the RNY. It would be better just to have the one surgery I would think. Good Luck
  22. ChunkyChickTrying, I hear you!! I am 3 years out and I run scared all the time that I will gain my weight back!! I even have nightmares about it. But...I also know that my exercise is my key to keeping my 124#'s off. Of course, I can eat more than I did before. And you probably can too. I know most of us thought that we would be less focused on food but in, reality the WLS makes us more aware!! RIGHT Like was said before: in order to be successful, we need to plan, plan and plan. Make sure you have the foods you need to be successful. Take whatever you plan on eating at your job. Take some Protein drinks with you, buy drinks that have protein added. PROTEIN is the key!! We all know this. I'm so sorry you are struggling with all of this. Maybe, you can get the time to exercise. It doesn't mean you have to kill it at the gym. Just make time for yourself!! You have TOO, no one else will do it for you. Ask for help from your loved ones, maybe if you can cut back some on your hours at work. You definitely are not a failure!! You CAN do this, heck you have done it before you CAN!!!
  23. shedo82773


    ShelterDog64 Totally!! My Surgeon told me that they never know who will get them. It is how your body heals and if you are prone to scar tissue then that is why you get them. I had them within a month of my surgery. I ended up having 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations. My last one was Jan 2015. All is great now tho. But if my PRISSY POUCH even feels a little off I get that sinking feeling!! It isn't fun at all!!
  24. They removed my husbands when they tried to do his revision from Band to RNY. Failed the revision but came out with no gallbladder. LOL But seriously he did have some stones that showed up in an ultrasound. Personally, I had mine removed in 1980 after having MAJOR PROBLEMS!!!! My pain started when my son was born 6 years before!! I would never ever wish that pain on anyone.
  25. shedo82773


    YES YES!!! Mike, hang on for the very best journey of your life!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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