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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    My story

    Slimfast has improved on their protein now. I used Premier Protein before for 2 weeks and then 4 weeks after, the sad thing is if you are having a hard time with milk they are really bad for gas and the back door trots. You may have become Lactose Intolerant. I sure did. I had the back door trots so bad!! With you being a truck driver (my hubby did long haul and log truck driving for years) You sure can't afford to need a bathroom!! RIGHT
  2. shedo82773

    PB banana protein cookies!

    I use over-ripe banana's in my Protein drinks. I freeze them and they are really great with PB2 added. I have also made protein balls with them.
  3. shedo82773

    So Humiliated

    It HURTS I know. It feels like we are being punished!! Look inside of yourself and know THAT THIS TOO WILL PASS!! Look to your bright future. Soon you will be there sitting in all of your glory. I know that people are becoming even more aware of the size of people. Like a few years ago every Dr office had the little tight SOB'S not even a very small person fit in them. Awareness!! You now see chairs to fit overweight peeps. I know your heart is breaking, and I am so sorry!! Just hold tight soon you will be taking your life back!! You will be stronger for this. Just maybe you will fight for someone else's chairs that don't fit!! I know how you feel I missed lots of things, I hated going into a room and feeling like I was the fattest person in the room, I missed out on so many school activities for my children because I had let myself become the typical FAT ONE!! YOU HAVE GOT THIS!! You will make it and become the person you want to be. As far as asking for a chair that isn't like everyone I get it I wouldn't ask either. But it is so sad that you are so heartbroken. Hold on It will get better. Maybe you aren't a huggy peeps but here is a huge HUG from someone who knows your pain!!!
  4. shedo82773

    Can't tolerate chewable vitamins

    I tried FLINTSTONES YUKKY!! I tried Centrum YUKKY. I started buying Celebrate capsules online. They are $15 for 90 and I usually buy 4 bottles at a time so I don't have to pay S/H. I was told if I couldn't swallow them that I could open them up and sprinkle them on applesauce or something that I could just swallow them with. I understand that all DR have their way of doing things but I have always taken BARIATRIC VITAMINS because I feel like it is my health and I don't want to take any chances of not getting everything I need. That is just my way of thinking. We paid dearly for our surgery's and I want to be healthy as I can be. I know I won't ever be healthy, wealthy and wise but 1 out of 3 isn't bad!! RIGHT LOL
  5. shedo82773

    2 pounds loss after 1 week

    YEP!!! That is so true!! I think after we are at goal we need lots of NSV'S to keep us going. Like for me one of my biggest was when my grandkids could sit beside me in my recliner with room to spare!! When I went for a walk with them and THEY ASKED me when I was done, and could we go home now!! LOL When my daughter started teasing me about not having a BUTT and that was why my tailbone hurt. When my knees hurt at night because they were bony. I could go on and on!! I'm sure you have lots of them too. RIGHT After the scale stops these are near and dear to us!!
  6. shedo82773

    All so overwhelming

    It is definitely different!! But as was said above it is so worth it!! You can do this!! Focus focus!! Remember why you are doing this also know that each and everything that you do now is preparing you to make yourself successful!! Keep your eyes on the PRIZE PROVE TO YOURSELF that you have what it takes to do this!! Think of not only you will feel but how much better you will look!! Think of going into the store and not heading right to the PLUS SIZES!! Just remember you can do this and it IS ALL WORTH IGT!!! You HAVE GOT THIS!!
  7. shedo82773

    Does therapy help?

    I really didn't have any counseling before my RNY just the mental evaluation which is pretty standard. But...after my surgery, I had problems with Strictures and had to have 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations. Which started within my 1st month. Now I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. When I went in for my 6 week check up I told my PA that it felt like my food just sat on top of my pouch but would finally go down, he wanted to do a endo at that time. But I told him I thought it was just me learning my full spot. And I think I just took 1 bite to many. But...by Nov I was throwing up and couldn't even hold Water down. So in we went. In Dec the same thing, Jan 2014 again July again. With my last one in Jan 2015. So I had so much trouble I developed an aversion to food. (I lived on oatmeal, Cheeto's Dr was fine with my Cheetos because I could NOT eat) So finally I went to counseling on my own. But here in our area no one is familiar with WLS. She didn't have a clue. Finally, I ask my Surgeon for help. He sent me to a BARIATRIC NUTRITIONIST!!! I came out bummed hard. Her answer was she wanted me to eat ever 1/2 hour I was awake!! I thought and voiced myself that I just traded one eating disorder for another!! I refused to do that. But I can say I have overcome this. I am now able to eat better, still not much meat but I am ok. I eat lots of Beans and cheese I can eat hamb if it is soupy. But all in all I'm ok. I lost my weight below goal, My Lowest weight was 117#'s but I now weigh 125#'s and have maintained this weight for 2 and 1/2 years. I can say just this 8#'s has made such a difference in my health. I on
  8. Heck, I'm 3 years out and I had to do 2 weeks of Protein drinks preop and 4 weeks postop. They usually put you on a preop diet to help shrink your liver. Because most peeps that are overweight have fatty liver. And they pre op diet helps shrink the liver so the Surgeon can move it out of the way easier. Without causeing bleeding etc.
  9. shedo82773

    Resisting cravings/chewing/looking for distractions.

    Well, now here comes the rebel!! ME!! Not really because my Surgeon never said I couldn't chew my gum. I have chewed gum my whole darn life and I never have swallowed it ever. Just after reading of someone needing surgery to remove gum from their opening (pouch opening in case someone is wondering. LO<) I swallowed my gum!! Was I scared WHY YES I WAS!! Did it stop me from chewing my gum? NOT!! I have chronic dry mouth and my gum helps me deal with it. Now I don't want to be a DEBBIE DOWNER but...our dentist told us that these things keep him in business: chewing ICE, Popcorn, hard candy chewy candy!! Just a side note if you crave ice and chew on it may be a health reason. I have heard that it can mean low Iron or being anemic.
  10. shedo82773

    2 pounds loss after 1 week

    Sometimes, it can really help if you only weigh when you see your Dr. It can help keep your sanity for sure!! I am 3 years out from my RNY and I hate hate the scale!! I have always hated to weigh in fact I have cancelled Dr appointments due to having to weigh!! Even now I weigh 125#'s and I dread weighing even at home!! It is no difference than when I weighed 285#'s. I just stress so much!! But...I have the right to not weigh when I go to the Dr. I feel like I'm not sick I don't need medication so I AM NOT WEIGHING!!! I have a check up Dec 13th and I am already stressing. DUMB I KNOW!! I just can't seem to stop it!! Oh well I must go.
  11. If I can help in any way please don't hesitate to ask me. If you would rather do so in my email let me know and I will give you my email address. I know it is hard but you can do it, Just think you are so close to your goal!! It does not matter how long it takes as long as you make it.
  12. My post wasn't just about the preop it is also about the support we all have now. Preop and Postop!! It is so better now!!
  13. shedo82773

    Nov. 9, courtesy of "The New Yorker" [the mag, that is]

    Now I might piss some peeps off but.....As I have always said the majority votes don't count for much. Clinton won the common people votes but...Trump won because of the electorial votes. Does this make anyone else wonder?
  14. shedo82773

    Losing yourself literally

    I went to low with my weight, and when I look back I did look sick. My Surgeon and my PCP got worried that I was losing too much too fast. I got down to 117#'s in 6 months. It was amazing how when I gained 8#'s back, how better I felt. I do think my 124# loss has made me look older. But I really am better off than before. My health has improved so much. The trade off was WORTH IT!!! BTW I'm 60yo and had my RNY when I was 57.
  15. I also had the back door trots before my RNY. Now it can be the other way too. I hesitate to take anything for either because it goes the opposite way. From back from back door trots to being constipated. But I can tell you something that I learned while working with the elderly. Take dried prunes cover them with Water steep them until they are soft. Eat a few and drink some of the warm juice. YOU WILL GO! It might give you lots of gas too. But it will be so worth it in the long run.
  16. I'm going to take this to another thought. Kind of the same but not. Around 30 some odd years ago, my cousin had the old what they referred to as the Stomach Stapling She had a hell of a time, lost her spleen because they did NOT do the preop fasting and she went out for her LAST SUPPER ate Chinese food and after her surgery a bell pepper got stuck in her stomach. When I went to see her in the hospital she looked like hell. She had a tube down her nose and they were putting meat tenderizer to digest the bell pepper. They had to take her back to surgery and her Spleen had adhered to her stomach and when they pulled it down they ruptured her Spleen, Had to remove it. She gained everything back she had lost plus. My friend a little later than my cousin had Gastric Bypass. She lost her weight but gain quite a bit back NOT following her Dr.s orders and she hs to have Iron Infusuins all of the time. NO education for them at all. No Support at all. Well, now comes me!! I looked into it at the same time as my freind, I had no insureance coverage so NOPE. Years later I had my RNY. I have been sucessful. I am so very HAPPY I did NOT have my surgery back then. Because you see I really don't think I was ready for all of the changes we have to go thru. I have support now. Look what we have, Facebook, physical support groups, and real Dr.'s to anwser our ?'s. My family and freind was turned out with no support from the DR. In fact when my freind had gained 20#'s back her suregon told her she was a disgrace to his program!! My cousin's suregon quit doing WLS. So I guess what I am saying it will sometimes pay to wait for things. I feel very fortunate that I didn't get WLS years ago!! All of the steps we go thru just helps us be more prepared for what is coming next. I don't want to piss anyone off but GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT!!!
  17. shedo82773

    TT & BL on November 21!

    YAY!!! So very exciting I'll bet!!! Let us know how it went. Look forward to your updates.
  18. shedo82773

    What surgery are you picking and why?

    Hi, I'm 3 years out from my RNY. I was insulin resistant and on insulin and pills for my diabetes. I took 12 different medications, now I take 4 plus my Vitamins. No more diabetes meds at all. I also take 1/2 of my blood pressure meds, I had hoped to get off of them too but I just don't know how to not stress!! I stress over everything even stupid stuff. So still need them. I went below my goal weight in 6 months. Here are my Stats: HW 249 (this time I was 285#'s and managed to lose 32#'s and keep them off) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I have gained 8#'s but the difference that they made is nAMAZING!!! My health is great. I exercise 4 to 5 days a week I walk 4 to 5 miles each time. I have FIBROMYALGIA OSTEOARTHRITIS and the beginning of RHEMTOID ARTHRITIS. But I can say since my RNY it has helped with the pain so much. Good Luck on whatever Surgery you decide to do. I look forward to seeing your journey.
  19. shedo82773

    Surgery tomorrow at 5am

    Everyone gets nervous before their surgery. After your surgery, you will have your tool to help you be successful. Just remember everything you are doing is kind of like laying the foundation to upcoming events!! You CAN DO THIS!!! All of your hard work towards this is almost over. So you can start the next leg of your journey!! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!!!! YOU"VE got this!!!
  20. shedo82773

    Thyroid levels off

    I have been on Thyroid meds for many years, it didn't bother my WLS. You might need to adjust your medication after your surgery, but they will keep an eye on it. I would say no worries. But then I'm not your Dr. Good Luck
  21. shedo82773

    Enhanced sense of smell

    Hi, I am 3 years out and I can relate!! My sense of smell is thru the roof!! I always had a good sniffer but now it is almost ridiculous. We live in a Mobile Home Park and our neighbors are smokers. YUKKY I can smell it even with our windows and doors closed!! Not only that but my taste changed tremendously!! I use to love onions and garlic now the smell makes me sick!! I don't know why but I have heard lots of WL peeps say the same thing. I can't even say it will get better because it sure hasn't for me. I use to love bacon now I can't even stand the smell. Also, there foods hat I loved but nope not now!! Good luck I hope it gets better for you!!
  22. shedo82773

    I just want to feel better

    First, Congratulations on your surgery!! WELCOME to the Loser's Bench!! When I had my RNY 3 years ago I couldn't go pee either but mine lasted for awhile. I had to be straight cathed 3 times and they removed an IV bag of urine each time. I had no sensation either. I have had surgeries before and never had that problem ever. I think mine is due to my age. LOL Since then I have had my skin removal surgery (PANNI) and the same happened, but I was able to take in more fluids so it only happened once. Now, hon everything you are experiencing is totally normal. You just had major Surgery and hormones are stored in our fat. So as you lose weight our hormones are all over the place IE: constipation, never wanting Jello again, and wanting to be alone. These are all things that happen following our WLS. Being hot and cold yep been there done that too. You should take your time before going back to work. Again you just had MAJOR SURGERY!!! Stay home learn how different it is going to be. And last but not least IT WILL GET BETTER!! Everything happening right now is a learning time. Learn how to sip walk concentrate on yourself!! Good Luck if you need someone to chat with or have ?'s just let me know!!
  23. shedo82773

    Pre op diet

    Maybe try to put some extra liquid in them. Be it Water, milk, Almond milk. You could order some GENEPRO online. It is unflavored and is really great to add to other things. coffee if you drink it. If you add it to something warm temper it with some warm water get it mixed well then add it. Or you can make SF pudding or Jello and use some of your Protein Drink in it. It is very important to follow your Dr.'s guidelines. Good Luck
  24. shedo82773

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    Thank you OKCPirate. If only I could volunteer to do some studies. But there are no online programs, I would need to travel to Texas. Which at another time it might be something I could do. I have family there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
