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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773


    Same as everyone said. It is so easy to add just a little bite extra here and there. Measure at least until you are positive about how much you are to have. Good Luck
  2. shedo82773

    Help in a Stall

    I would say work on getting in your Protein and up your fluids, just in case your body is thinking you are starving. Sometimes that happens. Also, it may just be your body catching up with the loss you already had. Just KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE keep doing YOU and make sure you are following your program. I know it is hard but TRUST yourself and KEEP on KEEPING on!! Good Luck
  3. shedo82773

    How did WLS effect your marriage...

    In my over eaters anonymous group they call this a"food buddy". My husband and I were both normal weight when we meet. We both loved to eat too. The eating won out., around 30 pounds up for him 130 pounds up for me. I have lost the same 100 pounds 7 times in the past 20 years, till it took me 6 months on 1,600 calories a day (2,000) once a week) to lose 15 pounds. What you said about FOOD BUDDIES!!! Is so true for myself and my hubby. We started dating and were married within a few months after we met.In the short time together I gained 7#'s. I went from 135#'s to 142#'s. This was something that we both loved FOOD!!! I had my son right after I turned 18. (actually 5 days) I gained 50#'s. But I lost 35#'s the day he was born. Then when I was 23 I became PG again with my daughter. I only gained 35#'s with her but I only lost 13#'s the day she was born, then up, up and up I went until I weighed 285#'s I tried every diet known practically. I would lose many #'s but gained many again. All this time my hubby and I had FOOD STUFF and SEX. Those were our things! It didn't help that he was a big guy. Heck, when we got married he weighed 350#'s but he was solid. He also gained weight with me. He ended up weighing 520#'s. So yes I know how hard it is when you have someone that loves food too. We ate our whole married life together. Hopefully, he can get his weight off now. I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I have been at my goal weight for 2 and 1/2 years. Now if he just gets his weight off maybe we can do more than just eat!!
  4. shedo82773

    Scared to eat

    Oh YES!!! I'm 3 years out but I can tell you I was terrified to eat even after I was told to go to soft foods. I had problems with Strictures so I was very limited in what I could eat. I never even thought of cheating preop because I was afraid he would cancel my surgery. Postop I was so afraid that I would ruin my pouch. I did 2 weeks preop on Protein Drinks and 4 weeks postop. I believe everyone is afraid that they will hurt from eating. Just remember to chew and chew some more. Sip and make sure you get all of your fluids in. It will be hard at first but just keep trying. It is so important.
  5. shedo82773

    Best place in Mexico?

    My hubby had WLS in Juarez, Mexico this last June. He went thru BELITEWEIGHTLOSS. We didn't have very good experience there. The Hospital wasn't very clean, the nurses didn't wash their hands. Only 1 nurse used Hand sanitizer. The Dr seemed great but he did back to back Surgeries the whole day. He was just leaving the Hospital at 10:30 that night. He told me to wait in our room and he would come let me know how he was. He never came by. His surgery went quite longer than they thought. He was supposed to get the RNY but his whole right side was solid scar tissue, so he had the Sleeve instead. The pain meds they gave him weren't even as good as an aspirin. We were supposed to have a suite but I slept on a hard window seat. I had to ask for bedding. The language barrier was really hard to accomplish. It wasn't a good experience. Since we have heard great things about other sites. Good Luck, but check things out before you make your decision. I am not telling you this to scare you, I just want you to make an informed decision.
  6. shedo82773

    Low-Carb Deconstructed Pizza

    On THE WORLD ACCORDING TO EGGFACE has a couple of good recipes. Like Ricotta Bake an easy recipe and pretty good. There is also a chicken crust for pizza, cheese crust for pizza. Lots of different recipes to check out.
  7. My Surgeon said that I should get 60 to 80grams of Protein a day and 64Oz liquids a day. When I had my RNY I was still doing Protein drinks for 4 weeks after my surgery. I was also told not to count calories and always do dense protein first. I'm 3 years out and I still don't get much veggies or fruit. I eat a banana once and awhile.
  8. shedo82773

    Shake Question!

    Like said above...it is expensive to buy everything that you need to be successful. It is very important that you reach the goals of protein and take your Vitamins. Why take a chance with your health if you can't get everything needed. Ramen noodles are high calorie low Protein if any at all. But...if you don't eat the noodles and maybe add egg to it. I don't know. They are really pretty much junk. Also, does your Dr. know that you can't afford everything that you need? Please be careful.
  9. shedo82773

    Regular foods: what to eat?

    I wasn't being a jerk, I was just curious. Like I mentioned every Dr has their own way of doing things. Sorry If you thought I was being hateful. Because I wasn't
  10. shedo82773

    I'm always cold.

    Yes I am 3 years out and I get cold a lot!! In fact we bought a electric blanket because we get so cold. I had a RNY and he had a Sleeve.
  11. shedo82773

    Regular foods: what to eat?

    Beans are a great source of Protein, cottage cheese. Baby Bell Cheese
  12. shedo82773

    Regular foods: what to eat?

    Just a quick ? QueenOfTheTamazons Are you eating the carbs? I didn't eat carbs until I was at my goal weight but I also know everyone's program is different.
  13. shedo82773


    The munchies could be BAD!!! With our pouches being so small...LOL
  14. Sorry my RNY was on July 2, 2013. My hubby's failed revision was in Sept of 2013
  15. shedo82773

    The incredible Mr Limp-with-it

    SORRY!!! But at least you got your daily dose of exercise in!!! Take it easy on yourself. LOL
  16. shedo82773

    Sore or something more serious?

    Sometimes if I vomit my stomach feels sore too. I also can't eat much afterward. Document everything in case you need to be seen by your DR. I would let them know again if it keeps on happening. If it keeps on maybe drop back to fluids for awhile to see if it helps. I am by no means a DR. so keep in touch with yours. Good Luck
  17. shedo82773

    I'm too Fat

    I'm so very sorry!! You would think with all of the overweight people these days that they could at least have equipment, to address them. I know that it hurt and you were embarrassed. But...at least you are trying to get healthier. I once had a Dr tell me that I had Strep Throat because I was overweight!! Like WHAT!!! Hang in there things will get better.
  18. Practice what you will need to do after your surgery. Don't drink 1/2 hour before you eat and 1/2 hour after you eat. Maybe start weighing out your food to get a feel of what you will do after don't buy too many Protein drinks ahead because our taste seems to change afterward. You might want to get a book called WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY FOR DUMMIES. It has recipes for before, during and after your WLS. Good Luck on your journey. I look forward to following your posts.
  19. Gosh that just doesn't sound good. Is it possible for you to go to another doctor or clinic to get a second opinion? It really does sound like something is amiss. Are you able to eat anything? I don't know who else to go to. This is supposedly a center of excellence and I know of no other places who do these surgeries in the area. I've thought of just going to the closest ER to me and see what they do. I only eat when I feel for sure hungry. That's no more than once a day usually. A teaspoon or two at a time. When I went into the doctor this week he told me to focus on hydration and not eating. I'm going back to work on Monday and don't see how I'm going to have energy with no food. I'm going to leave a message with the doctor today and see what they say. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Gosh that just doesn't sound good. Is it possible for you to go to another doctor or clinic to get a second opinion? It really does sound like something is amiss. Are you able to eat anything? I don't know who else to go to. This is supposedly a center of excellence and I know of no other places who do these surgeries in the area. I've thought of just going to the closest ER to me and see what they do. I only eat when I feel for sure hungry. That's no more than once a day usually. A teaspoon or two at a time. When I went into the doctor this week he told me to focus on hydration and not eating. I'm going back to work on Monday and don't see how I'm going to have energy with no food. I'm going to leave a message with the doctor today and see what they say. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App Just a word here....I also had a Center of Excellence Dr and Hospital. He was a great Surgeon but he lacked something in the bedside manners. My hubby almost died after they tried to do a Revision from his Band to a RNY. I had Strictures and he acted like I was a huge bother. He dropped my hubby right smack down the middle told us to take him to our PCP or the ER. Neither could do anything!! He called us "PROBLEM CHILDREN"!!!! My hubby had to find another Dr to take him on to get a WOUND VAC put in. He was deathly sick for 9 months and 3 of them he doesn't even remember. I was told that it was hard to get another Dr to clean up after another. I finally fired him and went to another Center of Excellence and was accepted right away!! My point is just because they have those Credentials does NOT mean they are a good DR. I also found out that he got paid a certain blanket amount to pay from the 1st visit thru the surgery!! But I can tell you this he still billed both of our insurance for each time he saw us. He wanted to follow my journey for the first 5 years, they document everything that happens so it makes them look good and receive the CENTER OF EXCELLENCE!!! As soon as we started having problems he wanted to X us out. We made his program not perfect. So MAM you do have options, even if he has the Certificate your health is worth so very much more than his Certificate.
  20. Hummm, but if the revision was made because of GERD or complications and the revision fixed these issues - isn't that a success in itself? The OP wanted thoughts on someone elses post in another forum. She also added her own and they included special circumstances. I would imagine that they would be mechanical problems etc. As for my opinion, I hope everyone gets a good understanding of what they are about to do to their bodies and the requirement of their minds. The surgeon will help with the mechanics, but the mental part is totally up to each and everyone getting wls. If you're not able to change your relationship with food, any amount of surgery won't help in the long run. Well, with the exeption on having your mouth sewn shut... And again, if there is a mechanical problem (slippage, gerd...) with your first wls, I'm absolutely for revision, if it is a viable option. It's a touchy subject and I hope everyone gets surgery without complications and gather the emotional strength they need, before the surgery, to change their lives. Nilla Funny thing here...I had a freind that had her jaws wired shut because they broke it during the removal of her wisdom teeth. She had stuff like chicken and homemade noodles whisked up in the blender. She sucked it thru a straw between her teeth!! So I'm sure if someone wanted to eat with their jaw wired shut it CAN be done. LOL Funny stuff. I was afraid she uld choke to death.wo
  21. shedo82773

    Finally done

    YAY!!! Congratulations!! Hang on because you are going on the very best JOURNEY'S of your life!! YAY YAY!!!!
  22. Oh hon, I by no way was judging you!! Just read about my hubby's Lap Band. I totally get it!! He wasn't always compliant but in the end his DAMN BAND failed him!!! I agree with you on if you haven't been there then don't judge me!! Sorry if I upset you.
  23. (putting nurse educator hat on) just wanted to clarify this. Ketosis or ketogenesis (sometimes called keto) is the state when you are eating low carbs (generally below 50g/day) and your body starts using protein and fat as fuel instead of carbs (sugar). You do not have to eat high fat to be in ketosis. This condition is not dangerous to most people, and in fact there is a large number in the medical community who think this is the best state to stay in, unless you have a medical condition that makes it a problem. You can "burn fat" without being in ketosis, many of us do. I get very ill in ketosis, and generally am eating between 80 and 100g of carbs a day. I'm losing weight and the SECA scan shows that most of it is fat tissue. Ketoacidosis or diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is the condition diabetics move into when their sugars get too high, and it is life threatening. DKA happens mostly in Type 1 diabetics. Generally speaking, people without diabetes cannot get to DKA just by eating low carb. You will show ketones in your urine for both ketosis and ketoacidosis. The levels indicate how far along you are toward ketoacidosis. Here's some more information http://www.healthline.com/health/ketosis-vs-ketoacidosis#Diagnosis7 It's confusing because all of these words sound the same, but it's important to understand the distinction, especially if you want to be on a ketogenic diet. My husband is Type 2 and he throws Ketones a lot. His blood sugar wasn't that high when it happened. When he went to bed before me and I opened the door to our bedroom I could smell them real bad!! I understand what you wrote (nurse's hat) I just don't write as well as you. Thank you for clearing it up tho.
  24. Does the genepro have any sugar like substance at all? I don't like the fake sugar that is used either but I need more protein. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using the BariatricPal App It is TOTALLY unflavored. I only wish I had found it a long time ago. It is the very best I have ever tried.
  25. shedo82773

    Problem after problem.

    So very sorry for everything that has happened to you!!! I had my RNY July 2, 2013. Within my first 3 or 4 weeks I started having lots of pain. It felt like the food just sat on top of my pouch and would finally go down. My PA wanted to do an Endoscope but I said I really thought it was just me taking 1 bite to much. By Nov 2013 I couldn't hold anything down not even water!! So I had an Endoscope with a dilation, again in Dec, again in Jan 2013, again July 2014. With my last Endo on Jan 2015. What I wanted to say they told me that it is basically like scar tissue. I know you have had lots of tests done, and they probably checked it all out, but I can say that it hurt like hell and at first it was hard to throw up after awhile it just came right back up. I actually had taken my sleeping pill at 9pm and at 5am the next morning I threw up that pill not even a little dissolved. I also ended up with an ulcer. My Surgeon had me taking a Prilosec for the acid. But my PCP finally said enough is enough he put me on DEXALENT it worked so well. Please don't give up...fight for your life!!! If you don't no one will!! If you need to go to another DR. There has to be a reason for this. They do too many successful surgeries. There has to be something or someone out there that can help you!!! It seems like you really got the bad end of the stick!! Again I'm so SORRY!!!

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