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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    I am thankful for...

    I have so much to be Thankful for!! First and utmost I am so Thankful for my hubby, we have been married for 43years. And he has supported me thru thick and thin LITERALLY!!!! We have both been thru so many things together and neither one of us can stand thinking of NOT being together!! I am Thankful for my daughter who is one of my best friends!! I'm Thankful for my son. Mostly, I am THANKFUL for my beautiful GRANDCHILDREN, who's ages are 21yo to my youngest of 9 years old. Each of them brought something special into my life!! I will be ETERNALLY grateful for each and every one of them. I am thankful for my new lease on life. Feeling GREAT and doing well. I am thankful for the support groups that I can go to and ask ?'s that I might not ask someone who hasn't gone thru the same as I have. Thank You all and have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!!!
  2. shedo82773

    They fit

    One GREAT NSV for sure!! In the words of one of my many Weight Loss Coach's, NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS BEING HEALTHY AND BEING ABLE TO FIT INTO OUR CLOTHES!!! Way smart lady. I didn't understand what she was saying because back then I never got to my goal weight!! Now I know SHE was one SMART COOKIE!!! Congratulations!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  3. shedo82773

    TT & BL on November 21!

    COOL!!! Thank you for the update. Glad to hear you have BARBIE BOOBS!!! And a flat tummy to!! Keep us in the know.
  4. shedo82773

    Goal weight?

    gustavio, I had RNY.
  5. shedo82773

    Oh Thunder ME ME ME

    I have to agree with Djmohr, I like to think that everyone isn't being ME SEEKERS!!! Each and every person comes from dfferent back grounds. Let's just be nice and try to help each other!!
  6. shedo82773

    Still vomiting after dilations

    Hi Torressl1234, I am 3 years out from my RNY. I can totally relate. I had 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dialations. It started almost right away. When I went back for my checkup I said that it felt like my food sat on top of my pouch and would eventually would go down. My PA said maybe we should do a Endoscope to check it out. I told him no because I really thought it was me finding my fullness. In NOV 2013 I couldn't hold down even Water. I had Strictures again DEC, again Jan 2014, July 2014 with my last endo and Dialation was Jan 2015. Thankfully I have not had any more problems. BTW I did have an ulcer also and he removed some staples during one of the ENDO's. I DID NOT over eat, drink when I ate or cheated in any way. Strictures are basically like scar tissue and my DR said they just don't know who will have a problem. So don't feel like you did something wrong!! My finally dialation they used a size 18 balloon, My PCP did start me on a medication that healed my Ulcer. It was called DEXALENT. My Surgeon did put me on CARAFATE but it just didn't do the trick. So you are not alone with this. It happens. If you are vomiting and can't hold down fluids, I would call my Dr. You just may need another dialations. I'm sorry you are going thru this. Take care and get better soon.
  7. shedo82773

    NSV's that no one talks about?

    Well, I don't have "THE BOYS" but my hubby has said I can share some of his NSV'S!!! Because his thighs are so big, they squeeze his BOYS!!! Since he lost 60#'s they are safe now. He also can put his own socks on instead of waiting for me to do it. He can take a shower and use wash clothes instead of a cloth back scrubber. He can get out of the shower without touching the sliding glass doors. His seat belt finally fits him. Life is GREAT!!! More NSV'S coming as he loses more!!!
  8. shedo82773

    From WLS to WWF

    I know exactly how important those grand babies are!! I have 8 of my own. They are so great for my soul!! Of course, we will be joining them for Thanksgiving Dinner. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
  9. shedo82773

    This is Us -- possible spoilers

    I LOVE that SHOW!!! The story line is REAL!!! It will be interesting to see if she is going to have WLS.
  10. shedo82773

    Pizza Chips

    In another group, I have seen a pizza made with ground chicken for the crust, a pizza made with cheese as the crust and there is a RICOTTA BAKE that taste like pizza. If you want to find lots of recipes that are WL friendly check out "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO EGGFACE. Just a thought
  11. shedo82773

    not wanting to eat or drink

    Like was said above....You need to get your fluids!!! Push them hard, it doesn't take very long to become dehydrated!!! I don't know how far out you are or which surgery you had but...you might want to call your Dr. It looks like you are fairly new so PLEASE be careful.
  12. It wouldn't hurt maybe your pouch is just not ready to progress yet. I think you should call your Surgeon and let them know what is going on. Good Luck
  13. Hi and first off I am so sorry this has happened to you!! I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I was put on Protein drinks for 2 weeks preop and then 4 weeks postop. He never gave me the amount of weight he wanted me to lose. But he did say that any amount that I lost would help shrink my liver. He said he would need to move it around so losing weight helped with it being fatty. My insurance didn't have any requirements but honestly, I had looked into WLS around 9 months before. But that DR wanted to do the Lap Band. At that time our insurance didn't cover the Sleeve yet. So I backed out. I knew how much trouble my hubby had with his so it was a NO GO for me!! We actually went to him for my hubby. His band had malfunctioned and needed to be taken out. When I said I was interested but could only have the Lap Band I was told I could get the RNY. So I had my surgery July 2, 2013. Then my hubby had his Sept 2013, but it was a fail for him. If I was you I would use this time to get prepared for everything. Good Luck
  14. shedo82773

    No apetite

    Be HAPPY!!! I also have no physical hunger and I am 3 years out!! Now, mind hunger YES I have to deal with that a lot. 71#'s in 6 months is GREAT!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  15. shedo82773

    Foul smelling farts and poop

    I am Lactose Intolerant since my RNY. But I can eat cheese, yogurt. The stinky poo and gas probably the Protein. I bought some drops that you add to the toilet before you go and they seemed to help somewhat. The thing is I forget to put them in. LOL Ferbreeze has come out with a POO SPRAY I have seen it on TV but I can't remember the name of it.
  16. shedo82773

    Anyone over 60 years?

    I was 57 years old when I had my RNY. My hubby is 66 and he had the Sleeve last June
  17. That is TOTALLY AWESOMELY AMAZING!!! You have done so well!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  18. Well...I have so many NSV's since my RNY!!! Being able to exercise, sitting with my Grandchildren in my recliner with room left over, shopping!!! I used to hate to go shopping now HHHMMM I think I love it too much!!! Setting a good example for my grandkids and my daughter, feeling good, less pain, kind of happy in my own skin (sometimes) Not feeling like I am the biggest person in the room (sometimes) I am working on this!! And like you I am a past Horseback rider!! I might try it again. Now if only my mind catches up with my weight loss things would be so much better. I hope it will come. CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming WLS!!!
  19. shedo82773

    Goal weight?

    I'm 3 years out and here are my STATS: HW 249 (this time, I weighed 285 before but managed to lose to 249) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I went below my goal weight in 6 months but did gain 8#'s back So I have maintained my weight for 2 and 1/2 years. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!! Which surgery are you having?
  20. shedo82773


    I'm 3 years out and my Surgeon said NO STRAWS, I am kind of a rebel sometimes but I have not used a straw since my RNY. But...you all have to make your own choices to STRAW OR NOT TO STRAW!!! This is an ongoing ? for sure.
  21. I was on Protien drinks 2 weeks preop and 4 weeks postop. I did have a RNY. I'm glad your Dr is checking it out. I had Strictures (basically like scar tissue) It started like around my 4th or 5th week. I had 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dilations. Like I said t is good to check things out.
  22. shedo82773

    The sleeve is like a backpack..

    I really like this!! Great way to think on it!!!
  23. shedo82773

    Undecided on what to do

    Only you can decide what is best for you and yours. Obviously, you losing your father at such a young age is probably weighing hard on you. You are still young and strong so you should be thinking in the long terms of your choices. Think of your family, I'm sure they want you with them. Being young now is a big PLUS. Take control of your eating now. You may not look as big as you are but...your body knows. I would try to prevent now. Good Luck in whatever you decide to do. I look forward to following your journey.
  24. shedo82773

    To all the Post Op People

    NOPE NOT FOR A SECOND!!! It is my family that misses my OTHER BODY, it is so hard when everyone lives to eat around here. It is so hard for them to comprehend that I don't want to go out to eat and stuff myself. Our family has always been food addicts. My Mom wasn't overweight but we always got together and ate. That was our focus. My daughter and hubby (even tho he has had WLS) think that food makes us happy. I don't buy into this any more and it is so hard for them. Like the Holidays aren't what they are all cracked up to be, after my mom passed it just isn't the same. I also think to myself why should we cook all of that food and then I eat 3 or 4 bites and be done. Basically, I still do it for my grandkids. I would just as soon stay home and eat a piece of chicken. LOL
  25. shedo82773

    Date is Set! Bye-Bye Bandie.

    MAN O MIGHTY you have had your share of it for sure!! My hubby had the Band for 13 years, they punctured it during his fill. Back to surgery he went. Now, he did lose 100#'s with his band. But his beginning weight was 520#'s. Now I'm not saying it was all from the band at that time. Fast forward to 2012ish he could not hold down even Water. He is a VETERAN so he went to the VA who sent him to a Bariatric Surgeon 2 hours from home. So in Sept they had planned to remove his band and his gallbladder, due to gallstones. Then revise him to a RNY. (which I had done July 2, 2013 and I have been very successful with mine) His band had eroded into his liver so they couldn't do the RNY. But told him that in 3 months they would finish the RNY. He developed abscesses and was so deathly sick for 9 months, 3 of which he doesn't even remember!! Oh course the Surgeon wouldn't do his surgery after all. He went to Portland, Oregon to an awesome Bariatric Center. By this time we found out that he has Kidney Cancer and they can't do anything for it until he loses 150#'s. So last June, we went to Juarez, Mexico. He went for the RNY but due to all of his past surgery's and his messed up band, his whole right side was solid scar tissue so he ended ugetting the Sleeve. He has lost 60#'s but he just can't fight the head hunger. The saddest part of all of this, was the Surgeon that talked him into the Band said he wasn't strong enough for the RNY. That man was so very strong and had just retired from his job!! I wish we al had a crystal ball back then it sure would have helped him out!! Now I didn't tell you all of this to scare you, I just wanted to vent AGAIN and to make sure that if you decide to go t0o Mexico for WLS please don't go thru BeLiteWeight. I have sense heard of many others having AWESOME AMAZING surgery's in Mexico just not where we went. It sure is much cheaper than the US but if we knew all about JUarez we sure woud have changed. The other sad thing is he has insureance that would pay for WLS, but he couldn't lose the amount of weight they wanted him to and get his A1C (diabetes 3 month of Blood Sugars) down to a 7 or 8. Good Luck and I look forward to following your post and watching you get healthy!! Thank you for listening.

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