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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. I also had a NOT SO MUCH food DAY!!! We did visit with our grandkids and I feel like I was in control. Holidays just don't hold the LETS STUFF OURSELVES again!! Both myself and my hubby have had WLS, we both talked about how the FOOD didn't control us this time. I am more than happy that we both made good choices. Hubby actually didn't even finish his whole plate. I made it up for him so I did try to keep the food at a minium.
  2. I am 3 years out and my 1st Thanksgiving I was sick with Stricture's so I couldn't eat or drink. Then last year I over ate somewhat. But I was ok because my overeating wasn't too bad, I had lots of restriction. Now this year I had a plan I decided tthatI would just take what I really love and be very selective. Well, I did that exactly. I had a little bit of Turkey, 2 tbs of dressing 2 bites of cranberry sauce and a bite of fruit salad. My stomach had been cramping for a couple of days (my grandson had something that he shared) So almost as soon as I started eating my pouch wasn't liking nothing. So I did get sick. We left all of the food at my daughter's house so there aren't to much to tempt us here!! In fact, we are making Split Pea Soup right now. All is GREAT here at the Scharbrough's house.
  3. Thank you shedo. I have my post op appointment on tuesday. He's out of the office till then. I've decided that I'm going to let him know. Thank you for your support. Sent from my SM-G530T using the BariatricPal App YOU BET!!!
  4. shedo82773

    TT & BL on November 21!

    Look at them TATA'S!!! BARBIE BOOBS> LOL You look pretty good my friend. Are you in a lot of pain? Congratulations on your continued journey!!!
  5. Come on now. I totally think she gets it!! And every Dr.'s guidelines are different. I don't think she would lie about the prune juice and able to have 100% juice. She got it pretty hard guys. Each and every one of us had and still do make mistakes. She admits to having PSTD and an eating disorder she needs a little slap on the hand (which I feel she got whole heartedly) Hon, I am scared for you. Please reach out to your Dr and your Nutritionist/counselor. Like you said we all have problems with our food. Don't take everything that was said to you hard. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  6. shedo82773

    I hate that I had this surgery

    I had Strictures and I had 5 ENDOSCOPES with 4 Dilations. I am here to say I COULD NOT hold down even Water!!! I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. Right away I started having problems but I thought it was just me learning how much to eat. It felt like the food set on top of my pouch but would go down after awhile. My first ENDO was Nov 2013, Dec 2013, Jan 2014, July 2013. With my last Endoscope and dilation was Jan 2015. I can tell you I NEVER ate anything off my program so it wasn't caused by what I ate. They explained it this way....Strictures are like scar tissue, and we just never know who will have a problem with them. They should have realized that I would be one to suffer with them because it took them 45 minutes to cut thru the scar tissue from past surgeries. So just to clear it up, I couldn't hold down even water.
  7. shedo82773

    How Was Your Thanksgiving?

    First I need to explain how it has been . I'm 3 years out from my RNY. The 1st Thanksgiving I was so sick I couldn't hold down Water without throwing up. I ended up having 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dilations. So as I was saying I didn't even have Thanksgiving the 1st year!! Last year I overate and was sick AGAIN!! But that was all my own doing. So this year I had a HUGE plan. I would scout out what I wanted and only take what I was excited about. Which I did!! BUT...the last 3 days my stomach has been cramping and feels sore. My grandson had something last week that went thru his school like mad!! So I ate a few bites of turkey 2 bites of dressing 1/4 piece of cranberries and 2 teaspoons of fruit salad. So guess where I was within 2 or 3 minutes!! YEPPERS I got so sick!! Even today I'm not feeling too great!! So that was my THANKSGIVING!!!! I guess I should look at it as a saving grace RIGHT!!!
  8. shedo82773


    Don't hesitate to call your DR. It would be better SAFE THAN SORRY!!! Just to be safe!! Also, if it is gas you can ask your team if you can use PAPAYA ENZYMES. They are natural and have saved me so many times. They are AWESOME!!! You can buy them at Walmart for less than $5.00. They are in their Vitamin section
  9. shedo82773

    Day one of my pre-op diet....

    KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!!! Remember why you WANT this so bad!!! And KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  10. shedo82773

    not wanting to eat or drink

    Hang in there!! It will get better!!
  11. shedo82773

    My story

    ppressey24 I hope this day is better for you!! Give yourself time to heal and get your groove on!! It takes time!! You will be amazed you will all of the sudden feel like you CAN do this!! Take care and come here to be with LIKE MINDED PEEPS. I look forward to following your journey!!
  12. shedo82773

    TT & BL on November 21!

    The pineapple has BROMILINE in it and that does help with swelling and pain. I have Fibromyalgia and I had a Dr tell me to make a smoothie with Coconut Milk, banana, and Pineapple. It did help, so you might want to try it. Or get a pill form of the BROMILINE. Good Luck
  13. shedo82773

    Thank you

    Just to be around LIKE MINDED PEOPLE helps so much. Sometimes our family members "Just don't get it"!!! That is when coming to these sites means so much more to me!! Keep on keeping on!! YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!
  14. shedo82773

    4 months post op ..

    WOW!!! What a great transformation!! You look AMAZING!!!
  15. shedo82773

    My story

    Hi Wanda I'm Sherrie and I had struggled with my weight for almost my whole adult life!! On July 2, 2013 I had my RNY. I lost down below my goal in 6 months. Here are my stats: HW 249 (this time I was 285#'s but managed to lose to 249) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#s. I am 5.4. I also can wear a size 8 skinny jeans and I can zip em too. COOL BEANS!!! This WLS was one of the very best things I have ever done for myself. I feel so much better. I was on 12 different medications. I was on Insulin 2 times a day plus Oral medication for my Diabetes. I am now off all of that. I am now on 4 meds, 3 of them are for my blood pressure and now I take less than 1/2 of them. Plus my Vitamins. Life is great!! I am able to walk 4 miles at a time and go 4 to 5 days a week. Pretty good for a 60yo woman. You have done awesome on your journey also. Keep in touch, this is a great place to come and get information and just have like minded people to talk too.
  16. shedo82773


    You bet that is what we are here for!! Take care, everything is going well for you!! I know how you feel that fear is hard to deal with I think everyone has the same thoughts. Good Luck Keep us posted.
  17. WOW!!! You have lost 120#'s!! HIGH 5 LADY!!! Just 35#'s to your HAPPY PLACE!!! YAY!!!
  18. shedo82773


    Hi Breuxo You are doing awesome. Trust your program. You will do fine. From what I have heard it is very hard to stretch out your pouch. Follow your Dr.'s guidelines and KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!! Again you are Rockin your journey!!
  19. shedo82773

    Thanksgiving and not being able to eat.

    I had plenty of problems after my RNY. I had Strictures (kind of like scar tissue) and it got to where I couldn't even hold down Water. If you are able to keep down your fluids and Protein drinks I would kind of just do those things. If it gets to where you can't hold anything down then I would definitely go to the ER. Keep in touch with your DR. I hope everything works out for you. Congratulations on your 26#'s lost. That is great for your 1st month!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  20. shedo82773

    Mood swings / Anger after surgery

    As she said. The studies out there say that hormones are stored in our fat. So as we lose they are released and it can play havoc with our emotions!! The food issues are for REAL!! But...with that being said it will get better too. Hang on and just try to explain to your wife that all will be good. Food issues work on our minds hard!!! Our WLS gives us the tools to lose the weight but it definitely doesn't fix our minds!!
  21. I'm 3 years out. I am scared to death that I will start gaining weight. So far I gained 8#'s early on, I went down to 117#'s after my RNY but managed to gain 8#'s which was not bad because my Surgeon and PCP said I was losing muscle instead of fat. Those 8#'s made a huge difference in how I feel. I think my exercise is my saving grace. I try my hardest to keep it up. I walk 4 to 5 days a week and go 4miles each time. But now that we are getting more rain and cold weather it is just so hard to make myself get out there. I might just have to join an exercise club. Who knows. I hope you all had a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
  22. shedo82773

    Feeling sick

    I'm not sure why you would feel sick in the preop phase. Did you eat something that didn't agree with you?
  23. shedo82773

    not wanting to eat or drink

    Jharris8641, Just wanted to check on you today. How is it going? Do you feel a little better? Remember to get those Fluids in!!
  24. My hubby had his surgery in Mexico and OHSU Bariatric Center will provide him with medical care. It isn't as hard as people think to get a DR. I had my surgery in Coos Bay, and they took me on right away without a problem.
  25. Hi Sarahwood26, I had Dr. Tersigini also. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. Yes, he is an excellent Surgeon but I found him lacking in bedside manners. He also did my hubby's failed revision from Lap Band to RNY. He was so sick and almost died. He developed Abscesses and was so sick for 9 months, 3 of which he doesn't even remember!! Dr. Tersignini dropped him in the middle of everything!! Luckily, our PCP had been following what was going on and pulled a favor in from his friend to do his surgery to put the Wound Vac in. Dr. Tersigini called us the "PROBLEM CHILDREN'. I really liked his office personnel and his PC. We both stopped going to him. But not before my hubby went back to try again (yes he stll was going to let him do the RNY) but was told that he wasn't going to do his surgery. We both go to OHSU now. I hope everything works out for you. I just wanted to let you know how it all went down for us. BTW I had problems with Strictures that is why he called me a problem child. Which is no reflection on me, no one knows who will have problems.

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