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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    1 Month Post Op

    CONGRATULATIONS on your surgery and your success!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  2. shedo82773

    Thinking about bypass

    Hi and Welcome, I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I got below my goal weight in 6 months. This is my STATS: HW 249 (I did weigh 285#'s but managed to lose 36#'s and kept it off) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I did gain 8#'s back, but this was after my DR.'s became worried. They thought I was losing muscle. I did have a few problems with STRICTURES ( basically like scar tissue) I had 5 ENDOSCOPES with 4 DILATIONS. With my last one being Jan 2015. I have so many NONSCALE VICTORIES a big one is being able to play and sit with my grandkids in my recliner with room to spare. Crossing my legs, buying clothes off the racks instead of buying Black and White junk of the PLUS sized racks only because that was all they had that fit. Medically speaking I use to be on Insulin and Diabetic pills plus I took 12 different medications daily. I am off all diabetic meds and now I take 4 meds and I take less than 1/2 of my blood pressure pills. I had hoped to get off of my BP meds but I just can't seem to LET IT GO!!! The stress. When I was ready to have WLS, I decided on the RNY because it was the GOLD standard surgery ( now the SLEEVE is coming right up there too) I figured I had one chance only so I figured I had to GO BIG OR GO HOME!! Even with everything that happened ( strictures etc) if you ask me if I would do my WLS again...I WOULD SAY WITH EVERYTHING IN ME IN A HEARTBEAT!!!! This was one of the best things I every did for myself. BTW I am 5.4 and I am 60yo. LIFE IS GREAT!!!
  3. LipstickLady I might be dumb but what does S.L.O.W C.L.A.P mean? Does it mean you are slowly clapping for the last post? LOL I know I am a lil slow. LOL
  4. shedo82773

    It seemed like a good idea at the time...

    I'm not sure why they said it was just an aversion to them. I get REALLY sick. I am just like you, I think maybe I'll try them again and see. But I just don't care for the after effects. LOL
  5. shedo82773


    You can and WILL Do this!! First, drop the alcohol. Maybe go back to the very 1st part of your journey: Protein drinks, counting and writing down everything that you put into your mouth. Move more and keep coming on here for some support from like minded peeps!! We are all here to help you. You know what to do because you have already proved that!! Welcome
  6. TOTALLY AMAZING!!! You look GREAT!!!
  7. shedo82773

    Y'all! I just bought myself an Instant Pot!

    I really want one of these!! My hubby has the deep fear of pressure cookers but...he just went on my AMAZON account and ordered us an AIR FRYER!!! I have been told that they cook meat really tender so I can't wait as since my RNY I have a hard time with meat. He said he watched an old pressure cooker being broke, so NO GO for them. I tell ya it was a sad day when he found out my password and how to get to AMAZON!!! He thinks it is so funny when I go into my Gmail and I see a confirmation of an order that I didn't even know about. Gotta love him!! I don't dare mention anything or else he buys it. Except there is a ring that I am dying for and he just acts like he doesn't hear me!! LOL
  8. shedo82773

    Easy perfect turkey

    They look real good but...I don't care for smoked meats. My hubby just bought him a gas smoker and my daughter and him are experimenting with different meats. Not me tho. Since my RNY I have a very hard time with meat. I MISS MY STEAK so bad!!
  9. shedo82773

    Photo Reminder

    I HATE having my picture taken. My hubby is the same way. Our kids will be so sad when we aren't around because we just don't have that many pictures of us. I really regret not having before picture (I have a few but not many) Also, please take your measurements!! I really regret that I just didn't want to see those huge numbers!! Just like I didn't want my pictures taken. But...I still hate them!! Even tho I now weigh 125#'s and almost lost 1/2 of my body weight. SAD I know.
  10. shedo82773

    It seemed like a good idea at the time...

    I am the same way. I cannot eat eggs at all. I thought I was allergic to them, but I was told that I have an aversion to them. To be true allergic you have breathing problems when you eat them. But...I beg to differ with them, the cannot pass my lips or I get so deathly ill. I wish I could eat them because they are a great source of protein.
  11. shedo82773

    Band vs Sleeve

    Hi YA, I am a RNYer, I'm 3 years out and had GREAT results I have been at my goal weight for 2 and 1/2 years. But, my hubby had his Lap Band for 13 years. Now he lost 100#'s but he started out at 515#'s. Which he didn't follow all of his guidelines but he did manage to keep the 100#'s off pretty much. Now fast forward to 2012 ( which was 13years after his Band) So it malfunctioned, he couldn't hold down even Water. So we went to the VA and was referred to a Bariatric Center 2 hours from home. He was going to have the band removed, gallbladder removed and a revision to the RNY. When they got in there the Band had eroded into his Liver!! There was to much scar tissue and bleeding so he backed out and told him that they would do the WLS after he healed. Well, he ended up with abscesses, and was deathly sick for 9 months, 3 of which he doesn't even remember. He ended up having a Wound Vac put in and went to wound care every day at first then every other day until he was healed. So he went back to get his RNY, but the Dr called him a PROBLEM CHILD. Wouldn't be getting the surgery from him. Now fast forward to 2016, we went to Mexico for his WLS. Still wanting the RNY. But his whole right side was solid scar tissue and he ended up with the SLEEVE. I'm not saying this to scare anyone but PLEASE make sure you know the problems of each surgery. You and your Surgeon are the only ones that can make an educated decision. Research everything before you decide. Good Luck
  12. shedo82773

    Constipation question

    If you take the prunes and cover them with Water then steep them until they are soft. Drink some of the warm juice and eat a few prunes it will make you go!! Also, one of the things I have been told to use is Psyllium husks. They are great fiber to help you do the go!! Be sure to drink lots of water tho.
  13. shedo82773

    One month post op problems

    Are you just adding your GENEPRO to plain Water? That could be why ou can taste it. If you drink coffee, tea or something hot it works great!! But...add it to a little hot water and whisk it a little before you add it to something. My hubby adds it to his chocolate Almond Milk, do the same thing with a whisk. I have done that also. But I have to shoot it like a shot of alcohol. LOL
  14. shedo82773

    First time puking

    So TRUE!!! I have thrown up even when it is on my program!!
  15. shedo82773

    3 Year Update

    Sorry I did NOT know this was for male onlly
  16. shedo82773

    The incredible Mr Limp-with-it

    Please tell me where I can get these at. I also have FIBRO
  17. shedo82773

    How Was Your Thanksgiving?

    Why don't you go to a resterant and pick up plastic stuff or even the store. Unless you want them to look like regular slverware.
  18. shedo82773

    Telling friends & family

    I have always been very open about my WL. If someone says something I always tell them how I did my WLS to lose weight. I have always thought honesty is the best policy and if I can help one person out it will be so worth it. But it is a personal choice to say or not to say. Have a great one!!
  19. shedo82773

    Sleeve to Bypass Revision & Stalls

    Trust yourself and your guidelines. It will all come together!! YOU'VE GOT THIS!!
  20. shedo82773

    One month post op problems

    With all that said about GENEPRO how may I ask can they get away with stating it has 30grams when it really has 15. For myself I LOVE it!! Now I'm not just saying this like I am new at this Protein dilemma I'm 3 years out. I started my Preop diet of Protein drinks for 2 weeks and my postop I used PREMUIR Protein drinks. I had 4 weeks of BACK DOOR TROTS!! I became Lactose Intolerant. On to trying to find a drink that I liked. I would honestly hate to find out how much money I had spent on protein junk!! So this GENEPRO is the only one that has lived up to the no taste thing!! For one thing, I am a coffee drinker so I make me a cup of Keurig espresso coffee and I add GENEPRO to it!! No change in taste or texture. I would drink my coffee anyway so for me it is a WIN WIN!!
  21. Thank you for sharing and reaching out for some help!! First, I don't think we are being punished by any means. But...I know for a fact that research has shown that being overweight isn't always something we choose. That food ADDICTIONS are REAL!! So many things can start us out using food to heal our hurt, be it physical or emotionally. If you are addicted to food then think of it like you being addicted to smoking, drugs, sex whatever it is!! The definition of ADDICTION: the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. Compulsive physiological need for use of a habit-forming substance. ADDICtION a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Now I'm not saying that all overweight people are addicted to food but lots are. Myself I have had an addictive personality my whole life. Maybe it wasn't food to start with but in other issues in my life. I used to say that I was either (pardon my way of saying this but it is true)Balls to the wall or nothing!! I am learning it isn't just all or nothing in my choices. I am so sorry that you feel like you are so broken, you are a man that is seeking comfort in the way that has always worked for you. IE: FOOD. I hope everything works out for you and I look forward to following your journey!! If you need to vent I'm here anytime!! Congratulations on deciding to have your WLS.
  22. shedo82773

    3 Year Update

    Thank You for sharing. I also had my WLS (RNY) July 2, 2013. I have so many good things to say about my WLS. Not just weight loss but off my Diabetes meds and have been since my RNY. I use to take 12 different medications (including insulin and pills 100 units of insulin 2 times a day) now I take 4 plus my Vitamins. I still have to take 3 high blood pressure meds due to not being able to let the stress go!! But they are less than 1/2 of what I took before. I still have lots of restriction in my pouch, which I am thankful for. I have 0 physical hunger 0 I say!! Love this!! But I do deal with mind hunger!! I am still totally amazed at how small amounts it takes to be full. I did reach my goal weight in 6 months, so I have maintained 125#'s for 2 and 1/2 years!! YAY ME!! I won't say I wish I'd had it done sooner because I really don't think I was mentally ready before. Plus, look at how far they have come in perfecting WLS. We have access to support everywhere be it physical support groups or the internet!! Which I am thankful for. Again Thank You for sharing!!
  23. shedo82773

    First time puking

    Oh but we all try it!! No one can tell you what it feels like until you have been there done that!! LOL It is funny how we go along fine and then we eat something and it happens again. I can eat something this time and be fine and then try the same thing later and NOPE we are NOT fine. It hurts like HELL when we throw up. You can chalk this up to learning our pouch's!! They can be very touchy. Sorry this happened.
  25. shedo82773

    Pickles and ice water ?

    birdie bird Sometimes the craving of ice can mean you are anemic. Have you had your levels check? emardee I almost had a break down because my hubby said he would pick up my fat-free Half/half for my coffee. He knows I only use Fat-Free. And he is always trying to get me to step outside of my box. So he brought full flavored Half/Half, I was so upset!! So the next day, he went to get my Fat-Free. LOL He told me that I need to relax some!! LOL Funny how we get about stuff!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
