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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    3 1/2 weeks post-op, vomiting every day

    I also had my bouts with Strictures. Mine started around the end of Aug, my surgery was in July. I went back to my Dr for a check up and the PA stated that they should do an ENDOSCOPE. I told him that I thought it was just me taking one bite to much. Because the food seemed to set on top of my pouch and then it went down slowly. At Thanksgiving I fixed a meal for us. I couldn't even hold down Water. BOOM had my ENDO and dialation, In Nov 2013, Dec 2013 Jan 2014 July 2014. With my last being done Jan 2015!! So far I have been great. Oh yea, I had an Ulcer plus they removed 2 or 3 Staples that had come undone and were in my pouch. Yes, it was hard. But if you ask me if I would have it done again? I would say with everything in me IN A HEARTBEAT!!
  2. shedo82773

    Nausea and no eating or drinking...

    As was said above : 1) YOU have got to get your fluids in. Don't worry about much else right now, It does NOT take us long to become dehydrated!!! 2) You need to push your Dr into checking you out for STRICTURES this is a common for WLS PEEPS 3) Get meds for nausea!! You are more than likely dehydrated so push your intake of fluids. It can't be stressed enough!! Good Luck!! PLEASE CALL your team
  3. shedo82773

    How I got to where I am today

    Congratulations!!! You are a determined individual!! You GO GIRL!! I really look forward to following your journey!!
  4. shedo82773

    My Fingernails are Growing

    I take HAIR SKIN AND NAILS every day. And yes my nails do grow faster than before. And I think I notice more now because I get my nails done every 2 weeks.
  5. shedo82773


    If a non-diabetic ate a # of sugar their A1c would return to normal faster. But...it wouldn't be normal. Diabetics can't get the insulin (sugar) into their muscles for energy. Non-Diabetic's can get the insulin into their muscles so they process it better and easier, so their bodies can utilize it better. I also wonder why your Dr did the A1c on you. Was it just an all around bloodwork?
  6. I just read the article, it is very informative. I had heard about the Cottage cheese test but didn't really know the way to do this. I know that my pouch hasn't stretched but it would be interesting to just see how much it will hold. Thanks
  7. shedo82773

    Pet peeve: extra skin.

    Just wondering, would you go into the schools and give them a lecture to scare them straight? I sure wouldn't!! But my body could scare someone straight for sure!! Like you said I'm to old also. I think that most of us don't have PS because we want to LOOK GOOD> I did have a Panni done a year ago last Sept. I can tell you it wasn't for my hard natural body!! If only I was younger and had the money I would have nips and tucks done in a NEW YORK minute!!
  8. First: HAPPY BIRTHDAY I hope all of your hopes and dreams come true for you!! Now #2: WOW!! That is a great TRANSFORMATION!!! You look so happy and BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats!!
  9. shedo82773

    Check list

    Take a BIG breath!! Things have a way of working out!! You don't want your body to get stressed out before your surgery. I'm so excited about your upcoming Journey. I really look forward to following your weight loss!!
  10. shedo82773


    He is still my husband!! Much older and wiser too!! LOL
  11. shedo82773

    Dinner tonight

    This looks AMAZING!!! I might need to try it.
  12. shedo82773


    Diabetes isn't always because you eat wrong. When I was diagnosed being Diabetic my hubby said very cruelly, now just look what you have done!! You ate yourself right into being a diabetic. When I talked to my Dr, he said that is not true!! There are many aspects of diabetes. Genetics, age, weight, and your diet. Don't beat yourself up it isn't your fault!! You are doing everything right for yourself!!
  13. shedo82773

    Y'all! I just bought myself an Instant Pot!

    I really didn't think it was that way now. But hubby still is afraid of them. But....I'll just wait, he'll crumble WHAT MAMA WANTS MAMA GETS!!!
  14. shedo82773

    Post-op diet stock up

    I'm with LipstickLady on this one!! "Sour patch Kids" all the way!! I don't care for those fishy things!!
  15. shedo82773

    I've one thing to say...

    YAY!!!! How great does that feel!!!! AMAZINGLY GREAT!!! Good for you! May all of your days feel like today feels for you!!
  16. You know I was just going to say that very same thing. She is probably thinking that she has lost her eating buddy. A true friend would have at least checked on you!! I am not a counselor but I think you should let it rest for awhile. It really gripes my BUTT when people just assume that WLS is taking the easy way out. Maybe you should confront her and ask where she got her info. You can tell her this: GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WORK HARD!!! WLS is by no means easy peasy. I'm sorry that this happened.
  17. shedo82773


    Dexalent is what my Dr gave me for the ulcer and because of my past issues with acid. Hon, I know how tiring this can be. Just make sure that you fight to get things done. I suffered for a long time with mine. I have one other thing that I have used every since my RNY. It is a natural chewable PAPAYA ENZYMES it helps with gas and digestion. Ask your Dr before you try it. But it has helped me totally!!! I can buy it at WALMART for less than $5.00. GREAT STUFF!!!
  18. shedo82773

    Medications with Applesauce - UGH

    Maybe try it in yogurt? I really don't know what else you could use. After my RNY I was still on Potassium and those pills are HUGE, so the DR put me on liquid Potassium!! YUK Did I just say YUK? Oh my goodness it was so bad that I stopped taking them!!
  19. shedo82773

    Day 4 of liquid diet

    You've GOT THIS!!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!! I actually had 2 weeks of Protein drinks preop and 4 weeks postop. You can do this!!
  20. shedo82773

    Questions, 7 days until surgery

    I have tried many many different Protein drinks...I can say that these are the ones that I like: ATKINS has great drinks and they taste great, MYOPLEX Rich dark chocolate Muscle Milk banana flavored and Gramcracker mixed BUT...By far the best one for me is GENEPROunflavored. I am a coffee drinker so I take my Keurig Cup of coffee and Sweet Cream and add 1 scoop of GENEPRO!!! No taste n change in my coffee. So it is a WIN WIN because I would drink my coffee anyway so it is a plus!! One thing I would say don't buy a whole lot of protein because most people's taste changes after their surgery and lets face it Protein stuff is NOT cheap. I would hate to really know how much money I spent on trying to find one that worked for me!!
  21. shedo82773

    Pre-op Appointment

    YAY!!! How exciting!! I really look forward to following your journey!! Keep us posted.
  22. shedo82773

    Anyone in the UK

    I only wish I was there!! LOL
  23. shedo82773

    Some things fit, and some things never will

    As was suggested above BIG HANDS BIG FEET WHAT? I use a PEDOMETER and it works fine. They also have fancier ones that I believe keeps track of pulse, steps etc.
  24. shedo82773

    Silly question.

    I am 3 years out and feel very LUCKY!!! I still have no physical hunger at all!! But...with that being said MIND HUNGER is REAL!!! I deal with it most days. I have a hard time making up my mind as to what I will eat. Due to a PRISSY POUCH!!! I had the full RNY and the way I see it with this full one is the other part is as what it sounds like BYPASSED. I wouldn't think it would have hunger pains but if I was you I would ask my Surgeon to be sure.
  25. This might sound OFF THE WALL but...we have used this for years for cramps, we drink pickle juice and rub a little on your calfs. I really think it's the sodium in them, but I am not a Dr. But it sure works for us.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
