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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    When people talk...

    I don't understand why people think that it is ok to talk about someone's weight!! It really pisses me off!! Not that the kitty picture isn't cute, I wasn't talking about that. I just don't understand why people do this...it really is the last preconceived prejudice that people feel like it is ok to say against others!!
  2. My hubby had a BMI of 64 and wanted the RNY but they couldn't do it due to some prior surgeries etc. But he had the Sleeve in June 2016 and has only lost 70#'s. Now I know there are people that have had GREAT results with the Sleeve. He doesn't seem to have enough restriction. Most Dr.'s will suggest the RNY for the weight that you have. But you are young and seem to be in good health. He had a Lap Band for 13 years but it malfunctioned so he went in for a revision to an RNY which they couldn't do. His Band had eroded into his Liver. His starting weight when he had the Sleeve was 420#'s. Most Dr.'s would suggest the RNY at your weight but you seem to be fairly healthy so who knows. Now I had the RNY 3 years ago and I have had GREAT results. Granted my weight wasn't as high but I started out with a weight of 249#'s this time I was 285 but managed to lose down to 249. I got below my goal weight in 6 months and have maintained my 124# loss for 2 and 12 years. You are the only one that can make that decision which surgery you will have. Talk to your Surgeon to help you with that decision. Good Luck and I look forward to seeing your journey.
  3. I live 2 hours from home and of course my hubby drove me home after we stayed in a Hotel for 6 days. This was a requirement from my Surgeon. It wasn't that bad but I would suggest making sure to take your pain meds before. Good Luck
  4. shedo82773


    YAY!! It will be here before you know it!! Congratulations
  5. shedo82773

    Rny? Or sleeve?

    Lately, I've been thinking of doing the bypass, but, I have these concerns: 1. I'm scared of having my innard's rerouted, 2. I do have mild case of Gerd, (does eating the right food still give you Gerd? For me, it does.) 3. I have sleep apnea 4. My bmi isn't that high. (The nutritional visits are really helping.) Not sure how I can make this final decision. Are there any other factor's to consider? the sleep apnea is completely irrelevant when it comes to which surgery you choose GERD often gets worse with the sleeve. If you have GERD now, even mild, I'd strongly consider the bypass. I know a lot of people are freaked out about having their intestines re-routed, but to be honest, I don't really think that's any more radical than having 80% of your stomach removed... high vs low BMI really doesn't matter, either. Most people who have the DS have high BMI's, but with both the sleeve and the bypass, it's a mix - some high, some low You know Djmohr, I have said they same thing when people get all in a huff about the RNY rerouting their stomach and it being so invasive. I think removing 80% of your stomach is pretty invasive if you ask me. I also feel that each one of us need to really check things out and make sure which WLS is going to be the best one for them. We all have to admit that WLS's have become much more successful since the beginning surgeries were done. But...I also think that the surgery that each of us choose most people are fine with their choices.
  6. I don't know much about this but....I was told by my Surgeon before my RNY that I couldn't take time-release meds or any INSAIDS. Every Dr. has their own guidelines with their program but I think this is pretty consistent across the board.
  7. shedo82773

    My story

    What an AMAZING post!! I think in some ways it would be great to do this together. But in my case I had my RNY done on July2, 2013 then Sept of 2013 my hubby went in for a revision from his Lap Band to a RNY. It didn't go as planned. He finally had his Sleeve done this last June. I am kind of glad because I have always taken care of everyone else and since he had his Sleeve he started doing the KETOGENIC diet. Well, it was all left up to me. Now one reason was it is very hard for me to ask for help or accept it. So I was making the grocery list, doing the shopping and then going shopping together. But I had to do all of the prep and let me tell you there is so much prep. Finally, because I got so frustrated he did start to help me. What a difference!! So now things are better all around!! I am afraid that if he had his surgery right after I had it would have been so overwhelming. Thank goodness it worked out for the best. Do you find it hard to do it together or easier? Good Luck!!
  8. Hon, insulin makes it harder to lose weight but...I don't want to sound mean, You are letting those things come between you and your goal. It isn't that you can never have those foods, My Surgeon and my Nutritionist both told me before my RNY that there are NO FORBIDDEN FOODS!! In time you can eat them but we have to learn to eat things in MODERATION! After you are at maintenance have some but only in moderation. Now I'm not saying that this is what your Surgeon's guidelines are but this is what my Surgeon has told me. Every Dr. has their own views on their programs. Good Luck
  9. shedo82773

    APPROVED in 3 days by Highmark BCBS

    Maybe invite them to go with you to your Surgeon's office and have him discuss your WSLS. They are probably afraid something is going to happen. Sometimes our Loved ones are afraid because they don't understand the process. It is scary for their loved one to get any kind of surgery but it really is the fear of the unknown. This might get them onboard with you!! CCongratulations on your upcoming journey!!
  10. shedo82773

    Husband [emoji22]

    I am 3 years out and my hubby said something right after I lost my boobs and my butt early on!! He told me that he wouldn't care if I got a breast augmentation, of course it hurt my feelings, when I said so my boobs are big enough now, he did a major backstroke and said I didn't mean that I meant if you wanted to get a breast lift I am ok with it. I do believe him he just said the wrong one. Then came the remark about me having no butt!! Well, I know that I need cushions to sit on so it wasn't news to me but it still hurt my feelings. The last comment was, You are nothing but skin and bones!! The hardest part in this is I know he has always liked his women a little thicker!! I am not that thick anymore!! Then he wants to know why I don't want to have Sex!! Figure it out Buttercup!!! I really don't think he means them that way but I am pretty sensitive about my lumpy wrinkled body!! Sorry, Hon I just take these things personally. LOL They do know how to push our buttons for sure!! Hang in there.
  11. shedo82773

    Protein drinks and bananas

    I'm 3 years out and I have eaten bananas throughout my weight loss. I have been at my goal weight 2 and 1/2 years. One of my go to's were as follows: A 1/2 of Banana flavored Muscle Milk Protein powder a 1/2 scoop of gram cracker Muscle Milk Protein, 1 cup of almond milk (or whatever is your go to) a frozen 1/2 banana blended!! YUMMY This is what I practically lived on. No problems with dumping at all. Now I eat a banana once and awhile still no issues.
  12. shedo82773

    I'm just feeling it today

    YAY!! You look amazing!! Great Job!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  13. shedo82773

    4 months post op

    You are doing GREAT!! Good for you!! I am also an RNYer. One of the very best things I ever did for myself!! Here are my STATS: HW 249( this time I had weighed 285#'s earlier just almost a year before) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I have gained so much besides just the weight loss. I use to be on 12 different medications including shots 2 times a day for Diabetes. I got off all diabetic meds right away after my surgery. I am on less than 1/2 of my high blood pressure meds. I now take 4 meds plus my Vitamins. I can walk for my exercise. I walk 4 to 5 times a week and walk 4 to 5 miles each time I go!! So everything that I went thru was so TOTALLY worth it!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  14. Check to see if the Protein you are using has milk in it. I became Lactose intolerant and I had "the back door trots" all thru my Preop which was 2 weeks of Protein drinks and then my Postop which I had 4 weeks of protein drinks. I had the rams so bad if I left the house I had a huge Pad on just in case. When I was almost finished with my postop my DSurgeon finally told me to try another protein. Well Gee's now you tell me!! Just a suggestion.
  15. shedo82773

    Sleep Issues and Thyroid Medication

    I wake up off and on thru the night. I am also on Thyroid meds but haven't had them adjusted for years. I wonder if my odd sleeping patterns can be caused by them? I am always waking up and going to the kitchen to find a lil something to eat. BAD HABIT> I also sleep walk and eat. I don't even know I had gotten up at all. Scary stuff
  16. My hubby had his Sleeve surgery last June, we called ahead for a wheelchair on our trip home. They were great!! Someone pushed him to where we were going and the GREAT thing about it is we got to go up front and be loaded first. Like was said be sure to sip and sip some more. Dress in comfortable clothes too. You are going to have a LONG time traveling. Make sure you walk as much as you can. Good Luck
  17. shedo82773

    Thomas' Journey

    Thomas, first welcome to a great place to give and receive information!! Also support. I have a Support Group locally but...it just wasn't something I needed to hear!! They sat around telling what they could eat (not always on plan) and get away with. I have enough problems with my choices I just didn't need someone else talking about their bad choices all the time. You have done very well on your journey. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  18. shedo82773

    Wish I could change surgeons

    I can totally relate. I saw my Surgeon 1 time before my RNY. And even after I saw the PA more than him!! It also was a Bariatric Center of Excellence!! My hubby, on the other hand sent his paperwork 3 times!! Twice he sent them in a FAX. The last time we took them in and handed them to the person!!! Things do get lost but not that many times!! I'm sorry you are going thru this stuff. It is very hard to keep your chin up for sure. Just keep on them is what I would do. Be Pushy.
  19. shedo82773

    You know you are doing something right

    That is an awesome KUDO to you!! You are doing something great. This is exactly why I have always been so open about my RNY. If I can even help one person to take control and take their life back then "ALL is GOOD"!! You DID GREAT sharing your info.
  20. shedo82773

    I was ready to eat the squirrel...

    AAWWW You guys are tough!! I am not much for game meat at all. But...I love a ELK STEAK, haven't had one in years. Don't know my taste might have changed since I had one. I might not care for it after all. My hubby and my kids LOVE Bear Sausage. We had an Uncle that used to bring it to us. I didn't care for it either. I know I'm just a ol city dweller. Each to their own.
  21. shedo82773

    2 Week pre-op diet

    As was said before everyone's Surgeon has their own guidelines to follow. My Preop diet was 2 weeks of Protein drinks and my Postop was 4 weeks of Protein Drinks.
  22. shedo82773

    I think I need help

    I am 3 years out from my RNY. I lost my goal weight in 6 months. I started out at 249#'s my surgery weight was 232#'s my lowest weight was 117's I did have a 8# gain so I now weigh 125#'s and have maintained my weight for 2 and 1/2 years. When I look in the mirror I still see the fat person before. Not every day but more than I should. You are not alone!! I tried to get some counseling but we don't have a Bariatric counselor local. I even went to a Bariatric Nutritionist but her idea was not even feasible, she wanted me to eat every 1/2 hour I was awake. I felt like I was trading one eating disorder for another. I didn't want to become a grazer!! Most people don't see themselves thinner. But you can bet most do see their body as fat as it was. So sad!! Hopefully, you can find some answers and come back to help us. BTW YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!
  23. shedo82773

    Knee pain?

    I'm not sure about what you are having. But...I never had anything wrong with my knee's until after my RNY. I have severe pain mostly in my right knee. I have had GEL guided GEL put in both of my knees. I have arthritis now. When I asked why after I lost 124#'s he said that if I hadn't lost the weight I would be in a wheelchair. Have it checked. I also had Steroid shots which helped for awhile.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
