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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. I was on Carafate for a very long time for an ulcer that I got after my PCP thought my problems might be my heart. But it didn't help me hardly at all. If you notice an improvement ask your Dr for a medication called DEXALENT. I got amazing results from it. Just keep it in mind.
  2. shedo82773

    Ladies I need your advice!

    I am not sure which one to go to but...be careful!! After you loose weight you may just be a Fertile Myrtle!! That is awesome meeting someone!! Good for you!
  3. shedo82773

    1 month

    That is great weight loss. A # a day!! Keep on keeping on!!
  4. shedo82773

    Intermittent Fasting

    Good info!! My hubby and I have started ( mostly him because I am at maintance) but it sure seems to be working for him. I had no doubt that he would do well because when we did ATKINS he lost bunches myself not 1 ounce!! But the practice is low carb high fat and Protein. Now I just can't wrap my mind around full-fat everything and Bullet Proof coffee. It just isn't in me after dieting my whole life. Ok now for what I have learned, the carb cycling isn't recommended until you are in Ketosis, or been doing the Keto diet for awhile and or on maintenance. Heck, they have what they call FAT BOMBS!!! Now I did try the BPC with this MEGA BUTTER FAT STUFF!! I took 1 sip and almost lost it. GROSS but I found out how to get started with it and it isn't half bad. I can tell you that all of the groceries we bought are so costly!! I don't see someone with a family to be able to do this program. High calorie also. But because of having WLS it's taken into consideration. The prep was so stressful. I really don't care for leftovers so it would be very hard for me to follow to closely. That is ok hubby is doing great. He has lost 14#'s in a week and 1/2. YAY!!!
  5. shedo82773

    Unsupportive sister[emoji35]

    Sometimes the ones we love hurt us the most!!! Has she always been this way? If she has there isn't much that is going to change her. Like was said above TALK to her!! Maybe she doesn't do it on purpose. Or then again she might just be jealous of you and feels like she has never measured up. Who knows. But.....you just keep your eyes on the prize and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  6. shedo82773

    Pre-op coffee question

    I use GENEPRO unflavored Protein powder in my coffee every day. It is a WIN WIN for me. I love love my coffee and GENEPRO has 30 grams of protein in a Tablespoon. Now I know some peeps don't think GENEPRO has 30grams but I love it, as I am 3 years out and still struggle with getting all of my protein in. Good Luck
  7. shedo82773

    The well never runs dry

    How funny and really frustrating!!! You are a good EGG to do this for your friend!!!! You will get your prize soon. LOL
  8. Very CUTE!!! It made me smile!! I love me some both! lol In another lifetime!! LOl
  9. shedo82773

    Heart rate recovery question

    After my RNY (3 years out) I started walking immediately. ( I also have Fibromyalgia, Arthritis) so I understand how it can knock us for a loop. But back to my story. When I would go out for my walk I would get dizzy and feel like I was going to pass out. Finally, I talked to my PCP after it started feeling like that when I stood up or got out of bed. With any kind of strenuous activity. He immediately told me to start taking an adult aspirin. And then he scheduled me for a Stress test (physically) and a medication-induced stress test. He was surprised that I lasted as long as I did. But what he didn't understand I had been walking every day. Well, my heart turned out fine but I ended up with an ulcer from the aspirin and we found out that I was dehydrated!! Go Figure that!! So if I was you I would drink fluids until you felt like you are meeting yourself as you come out of the bathroom. Push them hard. It is really strange that our bodies are just so awesome! We are made so well, but to keep em rollin we have to do certain things to help them out. Even to this day if I get lax on my fluids I can tell. You see I'm a huge coffee lover and would rather drink my coffee than eat. You Ladies are ROCKIN your Journey's!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  10. shedo82773

    Protein Recipes on Biprousa Website

    Thank you I will check it out!!
  11. shedo82773

    X Box 360 Workout

    Cool!! Whatever it takes RIGHT!!! I have been kind of off of sorts. The weather is real cold and raining here. Plus I haven't been feeling very good so I haven't walked in a couple of weeks. I usually go 3 to 4 times a week and walk 4 miles every time. LOL I have got to brave it starting Monday!!
  12. I am 3 years out from my RNY. I did have some problems that started almost immediately. I had my WLS in July and by Sept I started having problems. It felt like my food sat on top of my pouch. But it would slowly feel like it went down. When I went in to see my DR he stated that they might need to do an ENDOSCOPE to check things out. I said no I thought it was just me getting used to my new full. By Nov I couldn't hold even Water down. My first endo with a dilation, it happened again in Dec 2013, again Jan 2014, July 2014 with my last one being down by another Bariatric Center Jan of 2015. I think we should have realized I might have a problem because it took them 45 minutes to get thru scar tissue from previous surgeries. But all has been great since the last one. But believe me if I have any kind of weird feelings in my tummy that is the first thing I think about. Wow, that is amazing that you can eat most everything. I still have problems with eating meat. BTW I got below my goal weight in 6 months. I did gain 8#'s back. But I have maintained my 124# loss for 2 and 1/2 years. You are doing great on your weight loss. I hope and pray that you are now mending and can get on with your journey. Good Luck!!
  13. Aggiemae you sound just like me!! I always thought WHAT THE H*** I already blew it. I know with my RNY I don't have enough room to keep on eating. LOL
  14. shedo82773

    Foodie Life Post-op

    Angiemae, that would be fun. If we just wanted to meet for coffee or something maybe we could meet up in Salem. That would be fun. Your pretty new out from your surgery right? Anyhow, let's keep in touch. If you want to contact me thru my email let me know. I will post it in a private place. Ok
  15. shedo82773

    Lettuce, raw veggies

    I am 3 years out from my RNY. I can just now eat a small amount of salads. If I follow my guidelines and eat Protein first I never have room for veggies. This last summer I had an all veggie dinner. Without any Protein. I don't do this often but I had sliced tomatoes and a 1/2 ear of corn.
  16. shedo82773

    Bowels after surgery

    Just like was said above, at least call your surgeon!! Is it dark blood or red bright blood? Just to be safe call them. Better safe than sorry.
  17. Let me tell you what, our weather hasn't been too friendly the past few weeks plus I haven't felt good for the last week or so. I haven't walked for 2 weeks and now it is just so hard to get myself back out there. It is so much easier to just know that I am going regardless of all the excuses I can come up with. LOL Next week even if its still cold and wet this Lady is out there!!
  18. shedo82773

    Foodie Life Post-op

    It was a great party. If you're ever in the Portland, OR area, PM me and I'll give you tour of the best we've got. A little Olympia Provisions Pork and Pistachio Pate and Rogue Creameries Bleu will rock your world! Hey, a fellow OREGON Peeps. I live in Roseburg, Oregon.
  19. I knew I was big boned. I took the test and YEPPERS still large boned. LOL
  20. I am 3 years out from my RNY. Here are my STATS: HW 249(this time I managed to lose 36#'s and kept it off) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I got below my goal in 6 months, but I did gain 8#'s back. I have maintained my 124# loss for 2 and 1/2 years. I used to be on Insulin 2 times a day plus pills for my diabetes. I am off all meds for that. I use to take 12 different meds a day. Now I take 4 plus my Vitamins. People who say that the RNY is just too invasive I would ask them how much invasive is taking 80% of your stomach out? IT is gone kapoot. Both surgeries are a tool to help us get to where we want to be. We do the WORK!!! Either will more than likely get you where you want to be if you put in the work. It is NOT easy but so very worth it!!
  21. shedo82773

    PMS Cravings - will they go away?

    There is an article right on the side here from WL Magazine article called WILLPOWER GOOD FOR NOTHING. You might want to read it. Great job checking out everything. I am 3 years out and I still have no physical hunger at all. I had my RNY July 2, 2013 and went below my goal weight in 6 months by 8#'s. I now weigh 125#'s and have maintained this weight for 2 and 1/2 years. Now I know I said I have no physical hunger but...I deal with mind hunger all the time!! Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  22. shedo82773

    Foodie Life Post-op

    Addiction is REAL!! Be it food, alcohol, sex, shopping whatever is real!! Cross addiction happens to many after WLS. For sure. My hubby was hoping and praying that I would have SEX as my cross-addiction!! NOPE didn't happen, now shopping watch out. LOL All joking aside, I had a very hard time justifying going out to eat!! I felt the same about cooking because when you can only eat a few bites it was hard!! Notice I said WAS. My hubby has said all along that I should look towards QUALITY, not QUANTITY!!! It was such a SMART thing to say!! I'm not saying that I'm like all cured of the examples above but it is much better. Now I am not a fancy foodie I was just raised on the OL SOUTH GOOD FOOD!! But, I can deal with having them ever once and awhile. Heck, one of y very favorite meals could more than likely cause most of you foodies to go into a swift HEART ATTACK!! LOL My old fav used to be fried potatoes, Mac and cheese, corn and a buttered piece of Wheat bread (the bread was more than likely the healthiest part of the meal) of course even if I fixed it I wouldn't be able to eat but a few bites. LOL Just a thought. Oh, BTW I always loved a cold beer before my WLS now I like wine. Does that make me more sophisticated? Just kiddin
  23. Hubby is doing fine. Luckily there weren't any mishaps. I had my RNY 3 years ago here close to where we live. Hubby had his thru the same Surgeon that I had. But his was a bad one. He had the Lap Band for 13 years and it malfunctioned. He was being revised to the RNY but the band had eroded into his liver so it has been a very long journey for him. He had the failed revision Sept 2013 two months after my RNY. So it was such a blessing that they could even do the Sleeve surgery on him. But we so wish we could have chosen Bariatricpal.
  24. If ONLY!! We didn't go thru BARIATRICPAL. :( :( We didn't even receive discharge papers. He was released we crossed the border, went to our Motel. No, contact with anyone from the group we went thru. Not a good experience at all. The sad thing was my hubby had started checking out BARIATRICPAL but thought that the other place would be better because it cost us more!! You know the old saying "You get what you pay for" not true in our situation. Happy that everything went so well for you!! Congratulations on becoming a LOSER!! LOL Isn't this funny, it is the only time in my life that I didn't mind being called a LOSER!! LOL
  25. shedo82773

    Riced Cauliflower Recipies

    I LOVE riced Cauliflower. We made fried rice, everything that we usually put in regular fried rice except we used the Cauliflower. It was YUMMY. My hubby wasn't sure at first but he even said it was good. We used bacon, pork chop, green onions(lots we don't think you can ever get too many green onions)eggs and soy sauce. YUMMY in my TUMMY as my kids used to say when they were little.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
