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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    WedMD: 9 Ways to Control Your Eating

    Well, I just got a big A, I'm already doing some of it. But not the drinking while I'm eating. Good post!!
  2. shedo82773

    Hi All!

    Thank you for popping in is great!! Sharing your Family's Traditionally way of doing things is very interesting. We are choosing to skip Christmas dinner this year. We did have an awesome Thanksgiving but my hubby has finally got on the wagon to lose his weight!! Which is reason enough not to have dinner. You see it is very important that he loses his weight. He has Kidney Cancer and because of his weight they can't do anything for him. The very saddest thing was the VA didn't tell him it was Cancer for 3 years. His Specialist told him if he does nothing he will have 5 years with the last 2 being PURE HELL. So he did have a Sleeve done in June but he really wanted the RNY they couldn't do that surgery because of past scar tissue from past surgeries. I hate to be whining!! We all have our cross to bear don't we!! You have an AMAZING Holiday to you and yours!!! BTW I am so very happy with my WLS. food just doesn't hold the same appeal as before my surgery!! Again I'm sorry for bending your ears. LOL
  3. shedo82773

    Before and after pics - beef jerky!

    Yes please share the recipe!! My hubby bought a smoker and our daughter came over and did some stuff on it, I don't care for smoked meat or even Barbeque anymore but I do like jerky. This might be just the push he needs to use that BRAND NEW SMOKER that he thought he needed. LOL
  4. shedo82773

    Is it dumping?

    Just wanted to say, have you tried Riced Cauliflower? It is very good. We make Fried Rice but use the Cauliflower instead of rice. My hubby isn't much on veggies and he really didn't hold out much hope that he would like it. Guess what he liked it. My grown daughter came over the day after we had it and she LOVED it too. Now they are BIG TIME Fried Rice eaters so for them to like this is HUGE. You can use it in other stuff too. It isn't very expensive but you can make your own with a food processor. Give it TRY!!!
  5. shedo82773

    6 days out on Christmas

    I love love GENEPRO it is the only unflavored I have used that is definitely nonflavored!! You can order online, but I also was told that GNC stores carry it. But not the one we have here in our town.
  6. shedo82773

    New here, procedure set for Jan. 12, 2017!

    The GENEPRO isn't thick at all.
  7. shedo82773

    Busy day today

    After my RNY I bought sugar- free candy. At the time my daughter and her family were living with us. Every night all of us had some sugar free candy. In like a 1/2 hour I was running to the bathroom on hope and a prayer that I made it. Do you know how long it took me to realize what was causing More than I want to say. If I had hard SF candy like Jolly Ranchers I was fine but if I had chocolate MAN O MIGHTY.
  8. shedo82773

    After care from Mx Surgery

    My hubby went to Mexico last June for his Sleeve. There are no follow-ups when you leave. They have their money and they are done with us. I had my surgery here in Oregon by a Bariatric Center With an EXCELLENCE Program for them and the Hospital I went too. I kind of FIRED him and started being seen in Portland Oregon at the OHSU Bariatric Center which I may add is an amazing program. Now when I go in for my normal blood work I just have them add the information that our Bariatric Dr wants and it gets faxed to OHSU. Luckily hubby hasn't had need of a Bariatric Dr. He goes thru the VA so they pretty much handle everything there. If he needed a DR for his Sleeve I know he can go to OHSU for follow ups. Most Dr's I have been told doesn't like to clean up after another surgeon but there are good ones out there that do!!!
  9. shedo82773

    Did you not like your food?

    I hated going out to eat for quite a long time after my RNY. I couldn't justify ordering something and not eating it. I don't like many leftovers at all so it was kind of a waste for awhile. Hubby finally convinced me that it isn't the quainty it is the quality and I should enjoy it. Now I had almost begged him to let me eat a few bites of his food, Well we have been married for 43 years and we never were the SHARING KIND. LOL So he always told me NO I want it all. Fast forward to June of last year and he had his Sleeve done and you know what!!! He still can eat more than me but guess what!!! WE SHARE our food!!! I LOVE IT!!!
  10. shedo82773

    Stop smoking

    I quit so many times!! I quit for 20 years one time and picked them back up when my baby daughter decided when she graduated from High School that she would move in with her boy- friend!!! I would always pick them up when something happened in my life, they were like my best friend!! But I have been quit now for 9 years and I have 0 desire to ever smoke again!! The test that I put myself thru was whenever I would have a beer I always wanted a smoke!! Well, I quit with CHANTEX and as I live and breath I have not looked back or desired even a puff!! They are disgusting totally!! When you use Chantex you smoke for the 1st week as you take the pills. I wrote my quit date on the calendar when I got up that morning I didn't even think about smoking!! AWESOME stuff!! Now I know now that you can use Chantex for 3 months but I used it 1 month and I was done!! If you want this go out and get it!! You will quit!! GOOD LUCK
  11. shedo82773

    6 days out on Christmas

    Bariatrcpal's store sells chicken and noodle (which you don't eat I gave them to my hubby when I used it) it has I believe 15 grams of Protein. They also carry other kinds of soup with added protein. I also use Non-flavored Protein powder that I add to other foods it helps with getting in much-needed protein to aid in healing. Just a few tricks. Get in lots of protein and lots of fluids.
  12. shedo82773

    Hallo, I'm Inger

    Hin Inger, I also had the RNY or Gastric Bypass 3 and 1/2 years ago. I went below my goal weight in 6 months. I lost 132#'s. But I had problems with what is known as Strictures. It is like scar tissue and it closes off the opening to your pouch (I think it is called the Stoma) This started real soon after I started healing. I couldn't even hold down Water and yes it is painful. Have they checked you for that? So it is an easy fix, I had 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dilations. It started in Oct of 2013. My Dr wanted to do a scope to see what was going on. Of course, I just thought it was me getting used to my new pouch. So in Nov 2013 I had my first Endoscope and dilation. Again in Dec 2013. Again Jan 2014 July 2014 with my last one being done Jan of 2015. I also had an ulcer which took forever to heal. My Surgeon actually talked about moving my Stoma down to healthy tissue. I sure didn't want that. If your Dr hasn't checked for Strictures or an ulcer please suggest that they do. I am now going to share my stats my HW 249 SW 232 LW 117 CW 125#'s. I had just a 8 # gain which isn't a big deal as my DR and Surgeon both thought I was losing muscle. So anyhow I hope you get some relief soon. It is real hard to stay positive when you are in pain.
  13. shedo82773

    New and Healthier Me

    Hi I am a RNYer. I also have Fibromylgia, Osteo arthritis and possible RA. I can say with all truths my WLS has helped me so much. It will never go totally away but MAN O MIGHTY I feel so much better. I was on Insulin and diabetic meds before. I take 0 now. I was on 12 different medications now I take 4 plus my Vitamins. I am able to exercise now. I walk 3 to 4 miles 4 to 5 days a week. You are going to feel so great!!! Good Luck!!
  14. shedo82773

    Dairy-Free Protein

  15. shedo82773

    New here, procedure set for Jan. 12, 2017!

    Hi, I am 3 and1/2 years out from my RNY. I have been very successful with my WLS. I went down to 117#'s which low for me. I am 5.4 and I have maintained my WL at 125#'s for 2 and 1/2 years. I would really hate to know how much money I have spent trying to find a good Protein. I like ATKINS, or Muscle Milk powdered Banana flavor and gramcracker flavored. I took 1/2 scoop of each with 1 cup of Almond milk ( I became Lactose Intolerant) with a 1/2 a banana and 2 or 3 ice cubes blended. Myoplex rich dark chocolate is good also. But my saving grace is GENEPRO unflavored protein which I have heard that GNC carries it but I order mine online. It is the best I have found. I am a big coffee drinker so I add a scoop to my espresso and BAM 30grams of protein. If I was you I wouldn't buy too much protein at first because so many people have their taste change after surgery. Good Luck! I look forward to following your journey.
  16. shedo82773

    The Struggle is REAL

    It is the hardest thing to be under the weather and to lose your supportive significant other. But...you don't need him around being unhelpful and maybe just plain mean to you!! Concentrate on being and doing the best for YOU!! Good luck and I look forward to following your journey!!!
  17. I just commented on your blog but I also wanted to say if I can be of any help please feel free to contact me at any time!!
  18. My hubby had his failed revision from his Lap -Band to a RNY and the plan was to remove his gallbladder at the same time They did take out his band and his gallbladder at the same time!! 3 years later he finally had his Sleeve done. So I wonder why someone who was already having surgery and they know there is a problem with his gallbladder why they wouldn't do it at the same time.
  19. shedo82773

    Help--gallbladder pain

    No one knows the HELL that a Gallbladder will put you thru until they have it happen to them. IT HURTS!! I had mine out many years ago, after fighting it for 8 years. Good Luck I hope you get relief soon!! As for what to eat or not to eat, I know high fats will throw you for a loop as dairy did too. I would just try to be very careful with what you eat. Good Luck
  20. shedo82773

    New Journey 12/12/16

    Good for you!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  21. shedo82773

    The Long Walk To Freedom

    Are they checking you for Strictures? If they are it really is an easy fix. I am a pro on that subject. LOL I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I started having problems within the first 6 or 7th week. But I just thought it was me getting use to my new normal. I had my first Endoscope in NOV, DEC of 2013. Then Jan of 2014 again July 2014. With my last Endo and Dilation being done Jan 2015. I have been great since my last one. I don't know if you know what strictures are like but they explained them as scar tissue and they never know who will get them. I should have known when it took them 45 minutes to get thru scar tissue from past surgeries. I hope you get your answers soon!! It is very hard to be that sick for sure.
  22. shedo82773

    The Long Walk To Freedom

    What an awesome post!! Congratulations on your weight loss and your determination to keep going when it got hard. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  23. shedo82773

    Nausea and no eating or drinking...

    lique The Marinol is that the THC pill? I was put on it many years ago for my pain. It didn't work hardly at all. You know they use it for Cancer Patients for nausea.
  24. shedo82773

    Pre-op coffee question

    Well, now don't do as I do but...I measured out my SWEET CREAM and my Half and Half. Make my espresso and the total calories are 140. I also add a Tablespoon of GENEPRO. So my total Protein is drum roll!!! 34grams of protein. So again it is a win- win for me because I would drink my coffee anyhow.
  25. shedo82773

    Todays small victory

    AWESOMENESS!!! Good job noticing your short- comings and then to analyze why you won't go thru the drive-thru THAT my friend is ASTRONOMICAL!!! Another book that really helped me was THE FIRST-AID BOOK AFTER WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY. I'm not sure who the author is but it has some great info also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
