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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. Oh SO TRUE!!!! At least we get to buy new ones!!
  2. Thank you for asking about us. My hubby had his Sleeve done in June. His recovery went very well. He has finally stopped messing around and is losing his weight now. He has lost 75#'s and I am so proud of him. I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I have been very successful. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. But I did gain 8#'s back. So I am still way pleased. I have maintained my 124# loss for 3 years now. And I really believe that my exercise is my saving grace. I walk 4 miles 3 to 4 times a week. Except for the last couple weeks I have been slacking. The weather is kind of cold here but that shouldn't be anything to stop me!! Just gotta get back out there. I did have some problems at first after my WLS. I had Strictures and had to have 5 Endoscopes and 4 dilations. My Surgeon and my PCP were getting worried about my weight loss, I started losing muscle and they were happy when I gained back the 8#'s. I am so glad that you had such a great experience with your Surgery. I look forward to following your journey!!
  3. WOW!!! This is an incredible post!!! You must feel so blessed. My hubby and I went thru a different site and went to Juarez Mexico. Our experience was NOT to GOOD!! So happy for your good group to work with!!
  4. Awesome!! And just think your Dr could have missed it all!! What a great BONUS!!!
  5. YankeeBizChick, You didn't mention which side your pain is but if it is on your left side and you had your surgery Laparoscopically and it is on your left side, I was told by my Surgeon that they put the big equipment thru that incision. and they said that some people have so much pain with it that they have to go in for a shot of Lidocaine. I was feeling so good and then one morning when I went to get out of bed the pain was BAD. I thought I had torn something. So the pain can be pretty bad!! If it keeps on call your Dr they may have something to help.
  6. We are our own worst CRITICS!! You can definitely see a difference!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  7. shedo82773

    Day 4 post op

    Does your Dr say not to use Protein drinks now? I still use protein every day. I add GENEPRO to my coffee. MJy dr doesn't have a problem with using protein to help get all of your protein in.
  8. shedo82773

    Working out

    I walked. I started walking as soon as I was released from the Hospital. We had to stay in a Motel for 7 days. So I walked a little bit at first. Now I am 3 and 1/2 years out and I walk 4 miles 3 to 4 days a week. The thing is walking is cheap, but each of us need to find what works for us. Follow what your Dr has told you on your exercise. Everyone has different guidelines.
  9. shedo82773

    Yummy lunch

    MMM Looks great!! I wish I could do eggs!! They just make me ill.
  10. shedo82773

    Pet peeve: extra skin.

    CStoned, I have Medicare and Champ VA due to my husband serving in the Navy. BTW I have better coverage and go to any Dr I want to without even a copay. All my meds are paid for thru Meds By Mail. Anyway, I had my RNY and it was covered 100%. Sept of 2115 I had my Panni. Now they did pay 100% on this too. But no other skin surgery. I can speak from experience that if you have any PS done please pay for the full Tummy Tuck with muscle repair on your own. My PS promised that he would pull my skin from around to the front and that the Panni is all I would need. Right after my Panni I started saying something about my upper stomach (I carried my weight on my stomach, not on my legs or hips) He just kept saying it was swelling!! But guess what it wasn't. My last checkup I asked him again, he said that I needed Lipo done that most people just need the Panni but I was blessed and carried it all over. Thank you!! He then told me that he would give me a deal, he would do the Lipo and a breast lift for a small price of $6,000. Breast lift/Lipo I feel like he wasn't honest with me and just drummed up more business for himself. I had a severe reaction to the muscle relaxant and spent 8 hours in ICU. I was paralyzed being shocked on my temple. I know what the name is and have it on my medical bracelet now but...I am a little leery have any more surgeries. Who knows I might get a windfall of money and just DO IT!!! With a different PS.
  11. EXACTLY!!! I had a Surgeon who has the BARIATRIC EXCELLENCE AWARD as does the Hospital that he practices in. When I first started going to him he wants his patients to sign a contract to follow your weight loss success for 5 years. As long as you made him look good all was GREAT!!! My hubby had his failed revision from the Band to a RNY. He had abscesses and our EXCELLENCE Dr dropped him like a HOT POTATOE!!! Told him to go to the ER or our PCP. Neither could help him at all. Myself I had Strictures and had to have 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations. He referred to us as PROBLEM CHILDREN!!! We made him look bad!!! I eventually fired him and went to another BARIATRIC CENTER OF EXCELLENCE!!! Who has been wonderful!!! Hubby went to Mexico and eventually got his Sleeve done. My point is even tho we thought that he would be great, he must be to have the EXCELLENCE reward by his name, you just never know how they will be as your DR.
  12. EXACTLY!!! I had a Surgeon who has the BARIATRIC EXCELLENCE AWARD as does the Hospital that he practices in. When I first started going to him he wants his patients to sign a contract to follow your weight loss success for 5 years.
  13. catwoman. I think you might have said the wrong thing about the Panni. I had one Sept of 2015. It isn't removed from your abs, it is the lower skin that hangs in the fashion called an apron. The lower skin hangs down towards the "KittyCat" as we call it. LOL If I had it to do over I would pay the extra to have a Tummy Tuck with muscle repair. Like you said most insureance's pay for the Panni but it is very hard to get the upper stomach done by them. Yes by all means document every skin issue. Myself I documented my issues with my Suregon, my PCP, and my Dermatologoist. And I took pictures of my skin issues on my phone. Which I really never needed. I lost 132#'s in 6 months so I did have lots of skin issues like I got yeast all the time. Oh yes I also kept my receipts for my medication. I didn't have much trouble getting my Panni.
  14. shedo82773

    Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to LittleBill and Mrs, LittleBill!! May all your days be sunny and bright!!
  15. shedo82773

    No food on Christmas

    Inthe words of one wise Lady, who happens to be one of my many diet coach: NOTHING TASTE AS GOOD AS BEING ABLE TO FIT INTO YOUR SMALL JEANS AND SMALL CLOTHES!!! She also told me this one, I don't care for fish and on this program you were required to eat fish of some kind 2 to 3 times a week. Well I was whining and saying I hate fish, she looked me straight in the eyes and said: Ok, have you ever seen a fish with a fat tail? I said NOPE and she told me, then eat the FISH!!! She was a very wise lady indeed. At first her wise words were wasted on me, I didn't get it but I know now that when she told me nothing taste as good as being thin and being able to wear my size 8 jeans. She is RIGHT!!!
  16. shedo82773

    I had a piece of pie

    Everyone has a few times in their journey. STOP stressing or feeling guilty. Life happens but just like was said you CONTROL yourself, not any FOOD> I hope you all had a great CHRISTMAS with all of your loved ones. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  17. shedo82773

    Hi All!

    Thank you for your post and your welcoming words. Yes we hope they can do surgery but they kept talking about doing a biopsy or CRYOGENICS which just means freezing it. We both think that since they said he was 98% sure that it is Cancer we want them to just take it out!!! Why take chances Right. He is finally doing ok with his diet so we both are very encouraged in that area. Lisa thank you for understanding and having compassion for our dilemma. I hope you and yours had a fun loving Christmas. We are just relaxing at home. But tomorrow hubby is taking the grandchildren shopping with their $50.00 we gave them for Christmas. They love love getting real money. LOL I hope to see you post more often after the holidays. Take care
  18. shedo82773


    AWW!! I didn't have that but when I had my Panni I got what is called Sarcoma which had to drained. It wasn't to painful tho. I hope they can do something for you. Sorry
  19. shedo82773

    Not so bad

    This happened when I had my RNY and my Panni both. They had to straight cath me 3 times with my RNY and they removed 3 IV bags out. After I sat on the toilet and having running Water on my hand trying to make me pee. With my Panni the same thing only straight cathed 2 times. They told me that our bladders have to wake up again. Try to sip more fluids. That might help. Great job getting up and around. And not much pain.
  20. shedo82773


    No, I haven't. I really don't know what it is. Can you explain what it is, please?
  21. shedo82773


    Yes I did at first but I had strictures and I can vomit now. It isn't fun for sure. Are you keeping up on your fluids? Please try hard as it doesn't take long to get dehydrated. I hope you feel better soon.
  22. shedo82773

    Catheter ?

    When I had my RNY I woke up with a Cath in. When They removed it I had no urge to go pee. They had to straight Cath me 3 times. They removed 3 IV bags full of urine. They couldn't or wouldn't release me until I could pee on my own. I was shocked because I have had surgeries with no problems in with this before. Fast forward it to Sept of last years. I had my Panni done and of course I had a Cath. When they removed it I couldn't pee again. I sat on the toliet for 45 minutes trying to go running Water pushing on my bladder with nothing. They did the straight cath again. They say that it is pretty common. But that time I could go quicker because with my RNY I couldn't get enough fluids down but with the Panni I could drink more. Finally did my due and got to go home. As far as it hurting I can say it is a little uncomfortable when it is removed. Not near as bad as you anticipate You will be ok.
  23. A few years ago ( actually many years) I use to buy junk food a lot I had a goodie drawer for my kids. If I didn't have that goodie drawer I would have A panic attack!! When they were eating I would ask them, IS IT GOOD? IS IT SWEET, IS IT CREAMY? This went on with everything they ate. I always dipped their plates and as we set down for dinner every night if they ask for seconds I would throw the potatoes on their plate. I was always taking a bite of their sandwich. BAD habits. Don't do it anymore but food is very important to me even tho I can't eat it. Part of my disorder I'm sure. When I grew up we did without many many times so I am totally obsessed with food. LOL I would love to order one dish and share it with my hubby now. I mean darn you buy a salad and we eat what we want and the rest goes to waste. He bought himself Tofu kung pow veggies and ate one that 1 order for 3 meals. LOL Such fun now that we can share. LOL So I guess "you know you might be a WLS peeps if you can share and still make 2 or more meals. It seems like today is my on and on day. Sorry

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