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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    After care from Mx Surgery

    My hubby had Dr. Jose Rodriquez. And they didn't have anything to do with us after his surgery. BELITE did send us a Christmas Card and a magnet of measurements to use to cook with. Like I said it is good he hasn't needed any follow-ups.
  2. I'm just a little older than you but...let me tell you I have Fibromyalgia, arthritis Osteo, and Rheumatoid. I know pain believe me. But I never had problems with my knee's until I had lost 124#'s. Now I have had Cortisone shots ultra- sound guided Gel shots in both knees. When I ask my Dr why it happened after my weight loss this is exactly what he told me. If you hadn't lost your weight you would be in a wheelchair now!! So look at it as maybe a blessing to have sh** happening now instead of before! RIGHT Good Luck
  3. I lost 132#'s in 6 months after my RNY. I gained 8#'s back and have maintained my 124# loss for 3 years. Sept 2015 I had a Panni done. My insurance paid 100%. But with that being said, I wish I would have paid the extra for a Tummy Tuck at the same time. The PS removed 10 plus #'s. But he didn't follow thru with what he had promised he would do. I was left with more issues on my upper stomach and needs Lipo now. In order to get insurance to cover even the skin removal you need to document every infection that you get. I had documented my infections with my PCP, my Surgeon, and my Dermatologist and I took pictures myself. If you can afford it get the full blown tummy tuck with muscle repair. If only I would have known things would have been different. Good Luck
  4. shedo82773

    Best Low Carb Protein Bar

    I love Atkins tthey are low carb and 15grams of Protein. You can't beat their taste. Also I just bought Salted Carmel Pretzel bars fro Bariatricpal, they are yummy also
  5. shedo82773

    Almost one week post op....

    Don't be too jealous. LOL Men always lose faster than us woman!! You will get there for sure!! Just be sure to follow all of your Surgeon's guidelines. Good Luck
  6. shedo82773

    Newbie Please Share

    With my strictures, it felt like my food set on top of my pouch. It would eventually go down, then it got to where I couldn't hold down even Water. I was vomiting all night. The pain kept getting harder. When I took my sleeping pill, the next morning at around 6am I threw it up it had set on top of my pouch, all night and came up just as it went down, whole. It hadn't dissolved at all. I called my Surgeon and drove the 2 hours there to have my 1st Endo done.
  7. shedo82773

    Newbie Please Share

    My hubby and I went to Juarez, Mexico. No, I had my RNY around 2 hours from where we live. My surgery went great but...I did have some problems with Strictures (scar tissue) I had to have 5 endoscopes with 4 dilations. Just never know who will or who won't have problems with them. My problems started within the first 6 weeks. I had my first Endoscope in Nov 2013, Dec 2013, Jan 2014, July 2014 and my last on Jan 2015. We should have known because it took them 45 minutes to cut thru the scar tissue from my other surgeries. I had much better care here in the states than my hubby received in Mexico. I did need to change Dr's. My Dr did a failed revision from his Lap-Band to a RNY. He ended up having abscesses and was sick for 9 months and 3 he doesn't remember. So then he ended up going to Mexico because we found out after 3 years going to the VA that he has Cancer in his kidney. In order for them to take care of it, he has to lose 150#'s because of his size they can't do surgery. Long story short that is why we ended up in Mexico. The sad thing is he has insurance but couldn't get his weight off. Sorry for the book. It's just a lot to talk about!
  8. shedo82773

    Worried about post-op surgery

    Hon, I'm 3 and 1/2 years out from my RNY. I was 57 when I had my WLS. I think it depends mostly on age, and how you carry your weight. I carried my weight in my stomach. I lost 135#'s before due to illness. I didn't have the skin issues at all. But...I was under 50 years old. Then after losing 132#'s this time MAN O MIGHTY do I have the skin issues. I had a PANNILOCTOMY ( not sure f the spelling I just call it PANNI) the removal of skin from what they call the APRON AREA. Lower stomach. My PS removed 10 plus pounds. I still would love to have a breast lift and some Lipo done. You have a good thing going for you, you are very young. Like I said above I have lost and gained weight my whole adult life but no problems with skin issue until now.
  9. shedo82773

    Yummy lunch

    Awesome!! You did GOOD blending it all together!! I have not been able to eat eggs since my RNY 3 and 1/2 years ago. Well, I tried them again. I ate 1/2 boiled egg in my salad and Guess what I ate it without any problems!!! YAY me
  10. shedo82773

    2 month Progress

    That weight loss is totally AWESOME!!! Keep on keeping on!
  11. shedo82773

    How I got to where I am today

    So GLAD things are looking up for you!! Those Strictures can really throw us off our game!! It is such an easy fix but it sure hurts!!
  12. shedo82773

    Newbie Please Share

    My hubby went thru a coordinator called BELITEWEIGHTLOSS if I was you I would steer clear of them. The lady that helped us couldn't keep the clients straight. She talked about other clients to me over the phone. The information that we had wasn't like they had promised. We were supposed to have a Suite we got a small room. The price that we paid was the amount for a RNY. They couldn't do the RNY because of scar tissues from previous surgeries. We ended up paying way more than was suppose to be. The language barrier was a big problem. He never received discharge papers. They had gave us the postop diet for the RNY, when he ended up with the Sleeve I asked for the postop diet for the Sleeve and was told that the diets were the same. Which isn't true, I had the RNY and my postop diet was different than the Sleeve postop. Once we had the surgery done it was like they are done with you!! The Nurses didn't wash their hands, only 1 nurse used hand sanitizer. When I told the coordinator she said yes we are aware of those practice's and we are working on them. The saddest thing is he had checked out Bariatricpal but figured "You get what you pay for" because BELIITE charged more money he thought the care would be better!! NOT So I hope I didn't scare you to bad, just want to make you aware of the choice's out there. We have since heard all great things about Bariatricpal's services. Congratulations on taking the steps to better yourself!! Keep us in the know. I look forward to following your journies.
  13. shedo82773

    Start The New Year With A Laugh

    Hey!! Where did you get my picture from!! LOL Looks just like me when I am going in for the kill on my goodies!!
  14. Happy New Year to you all. So excited to follow all of your journey's!! Please keep us in the know. Yes I agree for the most part this is an awesome group of peeps!!
  15. shedo82773

    Happy new year!

    Also, I would say to take your measurements. Take a picture standing in a door way for a better perspective. You might want to start some of the steps you will do after surgery. Like no drinking while you eat. Timing between bites. Don't drink for at least 1/2 hour after you eat. Some Dr's guidelines say 1 hour after you eat. Like James Marusek said cut out all carbonation. I can't say anything about the coffee because my Dr was ok with my drinking it. Anything you can do now will make your choices after your WLS even easier. Good Luck
  16. shedo82773

    New Year... New ME!

    Happy New Year to you also!!
  17. shedo82773

    New Year... New ME!

    Iscarelys, I LOVE it!! I just ask my hubby if he thought I would look ok with the PIXIE, he said he don't know because you have more hair than I do. It is close to how I wear my hair now. I keep it short and combed to the side in the front. When I go in to get it cut I will ask my Hair girlie. Very cute!!
  18. shedo82773

    Yummy lunch

    Hey, I ate a 1/2 boiled egg in my salad with no problems!! YAY! me
  19. shedo82773

    How I got to where I am today

    mrsNilla, Just knowing what was wrong and it being a fairly easy fix is a SUPER RELIEF!!! May your opening stay stretched and may your weight loss begin to do you PROUD!!! I'm so very happy for you getting to the bottom of everything!! Keep in touch!
  20. Yes, mine sure does!!! I have a 1/4 of a sandwich in the fridge, hubby just ate my leftover Soup from Subway and I have a Lentil soup that I made. I just wanted to try it. Hubby doesn't like it.
  21. I hope things start getting better for you!! It is very hard at first. I also had a lot of scar tissue from previous surgeries. They told me that it took them 45 minutes to cut thru all of it. Did they give you pain meds? I can share something with you that has helped me even better than Gas X. It is PAPAYA ENZYMES they are 100% natural and I get them at Walmart for less than $5.00. I have been using them for the last 3 and 1/2 years but please check with your Dr first. I always chew them up and lie on my left side. I hope you get some rest and relief. So sorry
  22. shedo82773

    Pet peeve: extra skin.

    GinaCambell The struggle to lose weight my whole life and to go to the extreme of having WLS, I run scared a lot!! I sure and the heck don't want to be a darn statistic!! Be someone that lost her weight but...look at her now Fat again!! It is enough to make ya crazy!!
  23. shedo82773

    New here, procedure set for Jan. 12, 2017!

    I had to do 2 weeks preop on Protein drinks and 4 weeks postop on Protein Drinks.
  24. shedo82773

    Pet peeve: extra skin.

    That my friend is exactly how I felt when my Nutritionist told me to eat every 1/2 that I am awake!! Admitted I did have a huge problem eating, it started because I had Strictures after a month from my RNY. (I am 3 and 1/2 years out now)I had developed an aversion to food. So my Surgeon sent me to her. I just looked at her with disbelief. I then told my hubby that I felt like I had just traded one eating disorder for another!! I refused to become a grazer!!! All is great now. But your post just brought it all up again. She was a Bariatric Nutritionist. Why would she say that!! Oh well it is all in the past now. LOL It just makes me so mad!!
  25. shedo82773

    How I got to where I am today

    WOW!!! You have been thru it for sure!! So happy that things are looking up!! I know how scary it can be when you don't know what is going on. I had some pretty hard times after my RNY. Now I am 3 and 1/2 years out. But it is all a strong memory. I had Strictures which started around a month out from my surgery. I had to have 5 endoscopes with 4 Dilations. Which all started in Nov 2013, Dec 2013, Jan 2014, July 2014 with my last one being on Jan 2015. I haven't had any problems since but I can tell you this if my stomach hurts at all it is the very first thing that comes to my mind!! It's happening again!! Did they tell you why your stomach was so bad? Was it due to something from your WLS? Thank Goodness you seem to be on the way up!! Take care.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
