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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    Joined the loosers bench

    My Surgeon told me that the left incision is where they put the instruments through and sometimes the pain gets so bad that some need to go into the office and get a Lidocaine shot. They cut the nerves. I was doing great and then one morning I got up and thought I did something wrong. I finally called them and that is what he told me. Just keep that in min d. Congratulations on your surgery.
  2. shedo82773

    Best thing I ever did

    Hi Congratulations on your success getting off your Diabetes medications. I also was a full blown insulin resistant diabeteic. I had my RNY July 2, 2013. I lost 132's in 6 months. I did have a 8# gain. But I have maintained my weight loss of 124#'s for 3 years. I no longer take Meteformin or Insulin at all. I stopped them almost immediately after my WLS. It is just amazing to hear of people getting off meds and like myself I am able to exercise now, I walk 3 to 4 days a week and go 4 miles ea So exciting for sure. Now if I could just learn to let the stress go! And get off my blood pressure meds. If someone figures this one out let me know. You know the song from Frozen "LET IT GO"!!! If only
  3. shedo82773

    This is diabolical!

    We can definitely relate to those precious babies wearing us out!! All of them are jabber jaws. NONE STOP!!! I forgot about the QUIET GAME> LOL How could I not remember that one? My daughter when she was young would talk nonstop!! So they come by it honest!! On one of our Mother Daughter road trips, we got up real early because we were driving from Oregon to Idaho to visit her Grandma. We got up at 4am. Well, she had talked nonstop for 3 to 4 hours!! When I was a nervous wreck and I said something that I totally regretted!! I told her, Will you just shut up please!! I hurt her feelings and felt so bad!! I was so sorry. But do you know what, she has never forgotten it!! She has said it to her kids. Not one of my proudest moments but I am a nervous wreck when I travel. We are very close still but she will say remember when!!
  4. My hubby went thru another Surgery site. But he had his surgery and we stayed at the Hospital for 2 days. Then we were taken to the Motel. We ourselves decided to stay an extra day at the Motel!! But my hubby just said to put your mind at ease, he said it wasn't bad and he could have flown home sooner. I was afraid for him, but the Sleeve wasn't at all like my RNY. If you had the RNY I would say take the time to heal some. Just to be on the safe side. Good Luck
  5. shedo82773

    7 Months and 75 Pounds

    Hi waterwoman, I am also 60 years old. Good to meet you!! You have done excellent with your weight. I have a story about the Lap Band, my hubby had his for 13years. It malfunctioned (pretty common)he went to have it removed and do a revision to the RNY, that didn't go well. The band had eroded into his liver. So they took out his band and his gallbladder. So he ended up with abscesses and was so sick for 9 months and 3 of the months he doesn't remember. He did finally go to Mexico and had the Sleeve done. This was in June. He is doing ok. I had my RNY 3 and 1/2 years go. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I did have a few problems with strictures so I think this is why I lost so fast. I gained 8#'s back, but both of my Dr's were ok They said I was losing muscle so it was a good thing. I have maintained my 124#' weight loss for 3 years. I feel the same as you about being one of the very best things I have ever done. I am so Thankful that I am now a normal sized person which I have not been since I was 20 years old. I look forward to following your Journey. Again Welcome.
  6. shedo82773

    I Think I'm Having a Cracker Problem

    I have found if it is something I love: Crackers, mixed nuts etc I put them out of site. Also, I put things in a harder place so it makes me stop think about it, am I hunger or bored. I put my nuts in my bedroom so by the time I go get a small bowl, walk to my bedroom I will change my mind. I also put crackers away so I don't see them all the time. It works for me. It might work for you too. Just at hought.
  7. Hang TIGHT!!! It all will come together if you do what you seem to be doing. Like was said DON'T stuff yourself. I'm 3 and 1/2 years out and I just now get around 800 to 900 Calories on most days but not all days. I will say that I got below my goal weight in 6 months. I did gain 8#'s but I have maintained my 124#'s for 3 years. I can say I really didn't have any stalls, but I had Strictures starting at my 6 week appointment and continued until Jan 2015. I think that is the reason I lost so fast as I couldn't eat much food. I did have a 3# gain early on but I lost that the next day. I'm not telling you this to brag just trying to help. Keep doing you and you will be successful!!
  8. shedo82773

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    Thank you!! We are working on it. I wish he would just get that 45#'s off. I really don't want to spend my days alone. I have my kids and grandkids but I have spent 43 years with this guy. If you know what I mean!!
  9. shedo82773

    Free at last!

    Good for you!! Way to take your LIFE BACK. I had my RNY July of 2013. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I did gain 8#'s back and I have maintained my 125#'s for 3 years. So yes I am kind of proud of myself. I had a few hick ups and had Strictures and ended up having 5 Endoscopes with 4 dilations. With my last being in Jan of 2015. all is great now tho. But...if you ask me if I would do it again, with everything inside of me IN A HEARTBEAT!!! It gives us the power and strength to do THIS!!! So happy for you!! And I look forward to following your journey!!
  10. shedo82773

    Did you get snow?

    Well, from our little neck of the woods: Here in the Northwest Roseburg, Oregon we have had snow...freezing to ice. And we are REALLY REALLY not used to it. In 20013 the weather got bad here pipes frozen had to have someone (plumber) come unthaw our pipes (hubby was sick from his Lap-Band surgery) it was the PITS!!! Gladly, school is back in session (daughter is happy about that) All snow is gone and now the rain is here AGAIN!!! WOE is ME!!! I can not wait for Spring!!!
  11. shedo82773

    15 years out

    It has to be our main focus at all times!! What we eat, how we eat it, how much are we exercising? The WLS as we all know (we are not newbies) is a work in progress. When and I'm speaking of myself as when we let our guard down well we all know what happens. This is one of my biggest fears!! WEIGHT REGAIN I don't want to be a statistic!! This is why I am so glad I didn't have the means to have WLS when I first tried. I had to grow up and try try again!! Failure was my middle name. Yes we all face things every day, people just don't stop buying stuff and eating it in front of us, because we had WLS. I feel for you!! It is one of the hardest things to do. But...if you want it YOU CAN and WILL DO IT!!! Start now!! You have lots of people right here with you!!
  12. shedo82773

    What to do about complications?

    I had my RNY out of town. It was 2 1/2 hours from where I live. I fired my surgeon and started going to another Dr. But my PCP always adds what needs to be done on my regular bloodwork order and then faxed to my Bariatric Dr. Now my hubby did go to Mexico for his Sleeve, unfortunately, he didn't use Bariatricpal. We used another service and am not happy with the service at all. But now the same Dr that I use is taking care of him. I also forgot I had Strictures and needed 5 EEndoscopes with 4 Dilation. My Surgeon that did my RNY did 4 of them. But the Bariatric Dr in Portland did my last one in 2015. We both have not had any problems with getting care that we need. Now hubby did go to the ER when he thought his Sleeve opening was infected but if there was any real problem we would take the trip to our Bariatric Dr.
  13. HERE HERE another one that doesn't LIKE Premier Protein. I had to drink it 2 weeks before my RNY and 4 weeks after. I had "the back door trots" the whole time. At my check up I was told that I was Lactose Intolerant!! Gee Thanks!! I mean it was BAD!! Also, I commend anyone that likes and can drink Isopure junk!!! I LOVE GENEPRO unflavored protein, I add it to my coffee every day. I also like Atkins products. I just wish I had found the GENEPRO a while ago. Also, like was said above your taste will more than likely change after your WLS. BEWARE of buying to much ahead.
  14. The water thing is hard for a lot of us. But I have heard from another support group that SMART WATER is easier on the tummy. They said it is filtered more and is supposed to be softer. I don't know for sure but it might be something to check out.
  15. shedo82773

    A new me

    If this is what you really want, GO FOR IT!!! You are young and should be healthy for your kids. I was heavy all the time my kids were growing up. Of course, they knew me as always dieting. My daughter had a weight problem, but I never said anything to her about it. I didn't want her to develop an eating disorder. So all she knew was her MOM being on a diet. At 7 years old, she would say Look, MOM,I'm skinnying down. Just because this is what she heard about me. Now she has fought the weight loss dilemma. I had my RNY when I was 57yo. I won't say I wished I would have had it earlier because I don't feel I was really ready for the changes that we go thru. I hope you do AMAZING THINGS!!! I can't wait to see your Journey!!
  16. shedo82773

    Post-op day three

    I have used these every since I had my RNY. But before you use them please check wth your Surgeon. They are 100% natural and they have saved me many times. They are PAPAYA ENZYMES. You can buy them at Walmart for less than $5.00 in fact the last couple months I have paid less than $4. They work better than Gas X for the gas and they aid in digestion also. Congratulations on starting your journey.
  17. shedo82773

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    And as far as dating another Fat man, I weighed 135#'s when I married my hubby, he weighed 350#'s. I was always interested in BIG MEN and a little older than me. They (or I thought) were more mature!! Not really, it took him years to grow up. He was 23 and fresh out of the Navy, I was 16yo when we started dating and barely 17 when we got married. I figured that being "A man of the WORLD" he would have been mature. LOL
  18. shedo82773

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    I can speak from both sides of the coin. NO WAY would I treat anyone that has a weight problem bad or be mean. I know the feelings of being FAT!! I feel sorry for them for sure. Now my hubby has had his Sleeve since June. Which means he is 7 months out. He has lost 75#'s. I had the RNY and I had lost 132#'s in 6 months. I have to watch out for how I think when he isn't following his program. He eats great for a few days maybe even a week then he falls off the wagon. I do have a very hard time not judging him. His health is the #1. Now he has Cancer which his Dr told him that he had 5 years max if he did nothing. And the last 2 would be hell. I can hardly hold my tongue. It seems to me that if it was reversed I would do whatever it took to become Cancer free!! So you see I can relate to both sides of the coin!! I have to remind myself constantly that I CAN NOT do it for him!!
  19. shedo82773

    There sure are a lot of beaches on this board here

    Well now, I would post my picture if I knew how too. LOL Just not good with my computer. LOL I have to learn as I go. LOL
  20. shedo82773

    Airport Security Curiosity

    Here is my funny story. I had back surgery in 2004 and I have cadaver bones and metal in my back. So my Surgeon gave me my X-rays and told me that if and when I flew I had to have them with me. So here we go with full arms, (of course I had Protein drinks and Water bottles in my carry on) with them in tow. Well, they made me throw away our Protein Drinks and our WATER!!! For the Love of what is right a WLS person's water!! I tried to give them my X-rays but they said they didn't need them. So as I went thru all HELL broke loose, which made them need to pat me down. (At least it was a woman) I was so embarrassed. Then he looked at my ID and looked me up and down 4 times then he said, "You look good" every time he looked at me. I was getting a little uncomfortable. Since I didn't need those DARN X-rays I threw them in the trash. I didn't mind that but WHY did THEY need to take our protein and water!! LOL As you can probably tell we don't get out much!! LOL I hope we don't need to fly gain.
  21. shedo82773

    Anyone here making their own protein bars?

    I have made my own Protein bars. Here is the recipe. NO BAKE Peanut Butter PROTEIN BARS: 1 c peanut butter-3 TBL honey (or to taste)-1c uncooked oatmeal-2 to 5 tbl water-optional ( i added for the added protein) 1 scoop of Protein powder (I used Genepro) 1tbl unsweetened Cocoa Powder Mix P. Butter and honey in a bowl, microwave for 30seconds. add the rest of the ingredients, mix. Mixture will be slightly moist and crumbly. Press (hard) into a 9x9 pan. Refrigerate for 20 minutes. Cut into bars Calorie 221-fat 11.1grams-carbs 10.8-protein 15.5 grams plus whichever protein powder you add. They are yummy Some protein cookies- 2 extra ripe bananas-mash-1c oatmeal-1/2tsp vanilla, add 1 scoop of protein of your choice roll into 12 balls on cookie sheet flatten slightly-bake @ 375 Both of these are pretty good I hope you like them
  22. shedo82773

    My horrible experience at a restaurant.

    Hiraeth, I just want to clear something up, I wasn't saying that you wanted something for nothing. I don't know you. But I have been going on support sites awhile now. And you hear of people getting their Vitamins and Protein free by having their insurance pick up the tab. What happens is they think they are getting it for free but the companies are charging a HUGE amount of money. So, in the long run they might reach the maximum amount that gets paid for the year real quickly. I also hear people stating that they can't afford to buy their vitamins and protein stuff, which we all know that we are told right up front about what we need postop. I am sorry if I sounded mean but it really touches a nerve in me. Yes, you were treated wrong by their attitude for sure. The sad thing is I wonder if they realize that this stuff will get to many people about their policy and service!! Word of mouth can really hurt their business. Good Luck in your journey.
  23. shedo82773

    My horrible experience at a restaurant.

    I haven't seen all of this posting on a situation. But now I am going to stir the pot some more. As far as WL peeps getting extra or getting a break because we can't eat as much as others. I feel like it is wrong to get special treatment at a restaurant or even having your insurance pay for our Vitamins. We all opted to have WLS and we all went into it with our eyes wide open. Knowing that we would need vitamins and only be able to eat smaller than others. Why should we get special treatment? If we can't afford the vitamins then maybe we shouldn't have the surgery., or if we can't take the leftovers home then by all means don't order the food. Now I know I will step on some toes here but this is just how I feel. Yes, we all want to be as normal as we can but...we have changed right. Have a great day!!
  24. shedo82773

    Water causing stomach pain

    Someone posted that they were having problems with water and they switched to smart water, I haven't had my surgery yet so I don't know the difference but they said it was the only way they could drink water, I've seen smart water but don't know how smart it is lol, but thought it might help you. Sent from my 0PM92 using the BariatricPal App I have heard quite a few people say that Smart Water works for them. I think theysaid it was super filtered.
  25. shedo82773

    One of these things is not like the other...

    Well, at least you got thru it all. Just think if you would have taken your camera bag and not your exercise bag, you could have taken pictures of the exercise equipment to share here in your posts. Or pictures of your trip might be interesting. Great post. Makes us realize we all are human!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
