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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773


    YAY!!! TGhings are gonna happen quickly now!! Hang on for this incrediable journey!! Good Luck
  2. shedo82773

    What would you do differently?

    I'm with ReneK, I wouldn't do anything differently. I did what my Surgeon's Guidelines told me and I followed his instructions totally. I hear people saying all the time that they wish they would have done their Surgery sooner, but for myself, I wouldn't say I wished I had done it sooner. I did check intoit but never had insureance and was raising our family of 4 so there was no way I could pay for it. I truly believe that if I would have had WLS earlier I WAS NOT ready!! Waiting until I was 57 years old. I had grown up so much and was ready to commit to myself. My kids were grown with kids of their own. So for myself waiting was a GREAT GREAT thing for me. I don't even know if I would have had the GRIT to do what I needed to do.
  3. shedo82773

    Don't Give Up!

    Thank you for your post!! Everything you said is SPOT ON!!! We all need to love ourselves enough to KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!! We are so WORTH the effort. Again Thank You!!
  4. shedo82773

    No One In The Sixties?

    Hi everfyone, I just found this group by chance. I am 60 years old and I have been going to the other groups with kind of newbies, I am 3 and 1/2 years out from my RNY. I had my WLS 2 hours from my home. I live in Roseburg, Oregon. I had my WLS at COOS BAY, Oregon. Here are my STATS: HW 249 (this time, I was up to 285#'s in 2004) SW 232 LW 117 CW 125-129. I got to my goal weight in 6 months. I did have some problems with Strictures, they started right away. In Nov of 2013 I had to have a ENDOSCOPE with a dialation, again Dec 2013 endo with a dialation, again Jan of 2014, July of 2014. With my last one Jan 2015. I have had no more problems. I am so much better since I also had Insulin Resistant Diabetes and took 100 units of insulin 2 times a day plus Meteformin and still couldn't get my blood sugars under control. Happily, I am off all those meds. I use to take 12 different medications, now I take 4 plus my Vitamins. I still have high blood pressure and just can't seem to get off those meds. I have no ideas to just LET IT GO!! If someone figures that one out please let me know. I also have Arthritis, Fibromylgia. But since losing my weight I have have been able to increase my walking to 4 miles 3 to 4 times a week. Things are GREAT!! Having my WLS is one of the very best things I have done for myself!! It rates up there with when I got married to my best friend and giving birth to my 2 kids. I'm kind of glad to find this site. have been a member for awhile but stopped coming into it for awhile. Then rejoined. There is so many newbies on here and really got a little tired of the whining that goes on. I know that some of the old ones have even left. Because of spme things that were said. Luckily I missed that stuff. Again I look forward to learning and sharing with you all.
  5. I am super duper Happy for you!! If only my hubby would have went thru Bariatric Pal!! Our experience was even half as great as I have heard about these people. Lesson learned the hard way. It isn't true all the time that you get what you pay for. LOL He went with a more expensive Group. Again, it is totally awesome that they treat you and others the way they do!! Good Luck I look forward to following your journey!!
  6. shedo82773

    Sisterly sabotage

    My family are usually pretty good about what I eat. But...lately the ? of the day when we all get together for dinner is NANA are you even going to eat? You usually don't or can't eat what we are!! BUT...it does kind of get under my skin. Just because I have had problems before and really couldn't eat everything they were, doesn't mean I can't eat now. LOL It's all GOOD tho!! LOL You need to take a stand now because it won'tbget any easier telling her NO. Good Luck
  7. shedo82773

    For the 45+ crowd

    This is a funny little story. My hubby is 66 almost 67, everyone thinks he is 10 years younger than he is. I'm 60 and I have aged a lot since my 1/2 years ago. My granddaughter said, PAPA doesn't even look his age, and when her mom ask about me she said, she didn't use to but since she got skinny she really does!! WOW! It is ok tho. I'm super duper happy with my weight loss. I'll take it.
  8. shedo82773

    How much weight did you lose pre-op?

    I was on 2 weeks of protein drinks and I lost 17lbs. I thought it wasn't going to be enough. But he never told me how much I had to loose.
  9. shedo82773

    Weightloss Agents - BEWARE!

    I ask for his information and was told it is basical all the same. Which I know isn't true. I'm sorry iuf this isn't making sense. My Computer keeps doing this werird stuff. The nurses didn't wash their hands at all. Even when they removed his IV. The Dr did lots of WLS that day. When I contacted BELITE for his new guide since he didn't have the RNY, they said they are the same. Which isn't true I had the RNY and I have lots more restriction than he does even after 3 and 1/2 years. It was a night mare for sure but I don't have anything on you and your daughter. I WOULD NOT recommend Mexico at all. Now I have heard good things about these Surgeon's. And also other places in Mexico. I really don't think we would use Mexico again for any surgeries at all. Thank God he is ok. But losing very slow. I got to my goal weight in 6 months so there is a big difference in the surgeries. I'm so sorry that you both went thru that nightmare and I hope your daughter is getting along great. Take care. Just know there are many reasons people opt to go to Mexico. Noone has the right to judge us for our choices. Times are hard and our health is in the makes. Hang strong
  10. shedo82773

    Weightloss Agents - BEWARE!

    Hi Cherlyn I can understand all of these things you posted. Now I had my RNY in Coos Bay, Oregon July 2, 2013. I had a pretty easy time. But I started having trouble with Strictures right away. I ended up having 5 endoscopes with 3 dialations with my Suregon, but he treated me like I was a "PROBLEM". He even called me and my Husband "PROBLEM CHILDREN". I changed to a different Bariatric Center for my last one. That was Jan of 2015. Now for my hubby's story. He had the Lap Band for 13tyears and lost 100#'s but he still had a lot of weight to lose. His Band malfunctioned, so he went to the same Dr as I did. When they went in to remove the Band and revise him to the RNY. His Band had eroded into his liver so they were unable to do the revision. So fast forward to him seeing another Dr in Portland Oregon. (that is where I transfred to) they wanted him to lose 25#'s before his RNY surgery, which isn't bad except he is diabetic and they wanted his A1C down to a 7 along with his weight loss. He couldn't do both it was lose the weight and then his BS would be out of control again. In the mean time we find out that he has Cancer on his kidney. It could not be taken care of because of his size. So we went to Juraez Mexico. Thru BELITE WEIGHT LOSS GROUP. We had bad care there. The language barrier, the nurses didn't wash their hands only one nurse used hand Santizior. He ended up not getting the RNY because of scar tissue from the 1st surgery. ( I also forgot an important side of this, he got infections from his 1st botched revision and almost died. he was so sick and ended up with a wound vac for 4 months all in all he was sick for 9 months and 3 months he don't remember) So due to him having a different surgery
  11. shedo82773

    Last minute changes...

    I would speak to your Surgeon. It might not be that amount of weight. I would just put it to him in the way you feel. Good Luck Keep us posted. Most of all don't fret, that won't help at all. Good Luck
  12. shedo82773

    Why I Stay Here

    Happy Anniversary!! And thank you for staying and being honest about the struggles. I am 3 and 1/2 years out. I have maintained my 124# loss for 3 years. So I it is so different being in the maintance than the losing phase. Lets face it watching and feeling all those changes is really liberating!! Now we have all of the NSV's to keep us going. When you have been at goal, people stop talking about the weight loss so we all need to find something else to keep us going. For me it is coming here getting and giving support. Because if just one person is helped thru something that is holding them back then ALL IS GOOD with me. Again Thank you for your post.
  13. HI I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I went below my goal weight but I had STRICTURES (they are like scar tisy close off you entry to your pouch) I had 5 endoscopes with 4 dialations. Easy fix but not fun. Here are my stats: HW 249 (this time I was 285#'s at one time) I had lost and gained so much weight but never ever got to my goal weight before I gained it back plus!! My SW: 249 LOWEST WEIGHT 117 current weight 125# to 's. I have maintained this weight for 3 years. I am off so many medications I used to take 12 different medications and I was insulin resistant Diabetic. I used 100units of Levermire 2 times a day with 500mg of Meteformin and still not able to get my blood sugars under control. I now take 4 medications for my High Blood pressure, I had hoped to get off of that too but I just can't seem to quit stressing. If someone figures out how to just LET IT GO please let me know. I do take my Vitamins which is a lifetime thing. So I have been very successful with my WLS. It is a TOOL but it is an AMAZING tool. I am totally happy and am so glad that I have at last been able to lose my weight and keep it off this time. If you follow your Surgeon's guidelines you will also be successful in your journey. I think everyone worries about the WHAT IF's, but you can do it. Just make up your mind. Put your heart into it and do your follow ups and YOU TOO CAN BE SUCESSFUL!!! Good Luck and I look forward to following you on your journey!!
  14. shedo82773

    Riced Vegetables

    I LOVE riced caulflower. We make a killer PORK FRIED RICE which I couldnny more so we did it with the caulflower. IT IS DELISH!!!! Even my hubby said it worked for him and he is a all time rice kind of guy!! I am so glad he is on board with it. It makes it so much easier to both eat the same thing. Great stuff
  15. shedo82773

    On the Other Side

    Everyday that goes by you will start feeling better! Congratulations on being on the OTHER SIDE> Its all the up from here.
  16. shedo82773

    NSV's that no one talks about?

    He still has me do his toe nails but it won't be long he can do it himself I'm thinking.
  17. shedo82773

    16 months post op

    AWESOME!!! Nothing feels as good as being at our goal weight!! Thank you for sharing
  18. shedo82773

    Saying.... Thanks

    Well said!! I know trhat is why I am here. To encourage, learn from each other etc. I must have missed something here because I didn't see everything that happened. But even the queston that have been asked many times should be addressed we don't always know the answers but at least we can try.n If the ones that left did because they were tired of answering questons maybe they are just to tired period. Your post is exactly why I come here. Very refreshing!! Thank yo
  19. shedo82773

    Am new and nervous

    I can say in honest that the Colonoscopy is so much worse than that. The prep is a B**CH. I am retired and so is my hubby but after my surgery I did fine on my own. I had hardly no pain, but I took my pain meds before I had pain. Then I started to not take them for longer time and then I just stopped them. One thing I can say is walk walk and walk some more it really helps with the gas, I was real lucky in that sense I didn't have to much to deal with. Make sure you follow your Dr's guidelines concentrate on getting your fluids above all to start with the rest will follow. You can do this. You are already preparing your self now. Keep doing what you are and you will be great!! You are already doing great and I look forward to following your journey!!!
  20. shedo82773

    Why did you choose bypass?

    Hi, I had the bypass. I was insulin resistant and took 100units of insulin 2 times a day plus 500mg of Metformin 2 times a day. I lost 132#'s in 6 months, some In contribute to having strictures (like scar tissue in the opening of my pouch) I got down to 117#'s which was way to low I looked horrible. I did gain 8#'s back but I have maintained my 125#'s for 3 years. I used to take 12 different medications, now I take 4 most for my blood pressure, I just don't know how to let the stress go. LOL I stress over everything. Any how when I was making my decision I'm 57 years old and this will be my only chance to at last lose the weight, which I have lost plenty of times but always gained it back plus more. I had great results BTW I am off all Diabetes meds and have been within my first month after surgery. I think this was a great decision on my part. Now you did say you have Reflux I have heard that it does make it worse with the Sleeve. And many need to have a revision to the Bypass. For myself it was "GO BIG OR GO HOME" one of the very best things I have ever done for myself. It rates up there with me getting married and giving birth to 2 children which are grown and has given me 8 beautiful grandkids. Good luck in your choice of surgeries.
  21. shedo82773

    high BMI only

    Hon, don't despair, everyone's insureance has their own guidelines. If your Bariatric Center filed the paperwork it is the best way to go because they know exactly what an insureance wants and they know how to word it. Hang tight I know it is easier said than done. Good Luck
  22. shedo82773

    Over 10 years out

    Go back to your basic's. Maybe 2 Protein drinks a day with a low carb meal. Just don't let your self get behind on your Water intake. I'm sure you can do this, you already did and NOW just start again!! All of your travels have made you stronger for sure. G after it like YOU NEED IT AND WANT IT!! You've GOT THIS!!
  23. shedo82773

    Timelines and decisions

    I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I got to my goal weight in 6 months. I have maintained my 124#'s that I lost for 3 years. I had my Panni in Sept of 2015. My Plastic Surgeon removed 10 plus #'s from my lower apron. Now I love the weigh gone but my PS didn't come thru with all he had promised. My advise to you is I would pay for the extra that your insureance doesn't cover. If at all possible have the tummy tuck maybe with muscle repair. After my surgery was done he kept telling me that ZI was still swollen. Right away I wasn't happy with my upper stomach. Finally he told me that I was blessed, and needed LIPO on my upper stomach. Then he said that he would give me a great deal, he would do a breast lift and Lipo for $6,000. If he had just been honest I would have paid at the time. I was really upset for sure, then I had a allergic reactin and was in ICU for 8 hours with a tube down my throat, and having the OR nurse shocking me in my temple. Not good when they were told that I had an allergy but didn't know the name of the drug. Also I had surgery in the hospital and she had told me she would check out my records from when I had my RNY and use the same medications. Sad but true. I'm not trying to scare anyone but just make sure you get what you want. Good luck on your journey!!
  24. The one thing I would say first off is "Only you and your Surgeon can make that decsion. But I had the RNY and I am 3 and 1/2 years out. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. Now I think some of that loss was due to STRICTURES (basically scar tissue) I ended up needing 5 Endoscopes and 4 Dialations. I was so insulin resistant and I took 100unitsn of insulin and 500mg of Metformin. Now I take 0 I no longer am considered Diabetic. I use to take 12 different medications, now I take 4 plus my Vitamins. So many people say that the Sleeve is less invasive but you know that they take at least 80% of your stomach out and there are that need to be revised to a RNY later down the road. One thing that I told myself I am 57 years old (60 now)so I better go big or go home!! I felt that at my age I sure don't want to go back for a revision. But as I said before it is your choice. Congratulations and which ever one you choose it is up to you to make it, as our WLS is a tool. We still do the work!!
  25. I made a SWEET and SOUR Soup with TOFU and veggies. We didn't care for it. We have a restarant that serves Stir fried veggies with panfried Tofu. It is pretty good. I can eat a small amount but hubby LOVES it. Not Vegan or vegatrain but we try different things off and on.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
