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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    Gym shoes?

    I love Nedw Balance shoes. I have used them for my exercise for years. They are wide and fit my feet very well. I would recommend them. Give them a try. Good luck
  2. How is your Fluid intake? I do know that my PCP thought it was my heart and did physical and medical induced test. Come to find out I was dehydrated. It happens. Just a trhought. Good Luck. Your weight loss has been awesome!!
  3. shedo82773

    Looking for Stories

    You look totally AWESOME!! Good JOB!!
  4. shedo82773

    Just so confused...

    As was said above, you proablly need to up your Protein intake. Also make sure you are getting enough fluids in. It is common to stall. Also protien really does play a huge help in your weight loss. If you don't take in enough your body thinks it is in starveation mode. A great protein that has no flavor and can be added to anything is GENEPRO it is the only one I have found that has no flavor and won't change the taste or texture of whatever you add it too. Good Luck
  5. shedo82773


    I didn't even try popcorn that soon. Popcorn is really hard to digest. Check out your guidelines. Follow them. I usually take some Water and a Protein snack while at the show. Be careful.
  6. shedo82773

    5 days past op

    All you can do is make sure you keep sipping and walking. It is very hard at first but it will get better. You just follow your Dr's guidelines. Just make sure you keep hydrated. It takes a very short time to become dehydrated. Keep doing what you are doing.
  7. find kplumlee1205

  8. shedo82773

    FDA Approved Medical Devices

    That stomach emptying junk is TOTALLY GROSS!!! It is only good for 6 months, then it has to be removed. I guess people get desperate to loose weight. I think back on my nursing days when patients had a Colostomey bag. You haven't lived until you deal with those!!
  9. I can defintly frelate to what you are going thru, my hubby has been going to the VA for his medical treatment. They never told us that he had Cancer in his Kidney. They knew for 3 years before he was tiold. My hubby has struggled with his weight forever. He had a Lap Band that eroded into his liver. They were going to dp a Revision to a RNY but he ended up with abcesses and was so sick for 10 months, 3 of which he doesn't remember. HARD TIMES!! After he got his dignosis they told him that he needed to lose 150#'s before they can do anything for his Kidney. So we went to Mexico for his WLS. They couldn't do a RNY because of all the scar tissue he has. His whole right side is almost solid scar tissue. He is trying to lose it and he is well over half way. But it is like he takes 1 step forward AND 2 steps back!! I am so scared for him!! But I may not be a genuis but I do know he has to do this himself!! I try in every way to help him, and then he just eats stuff he knows isn't helping him. They told him if he did nothing he had 5 years with the lasdt 2 being hell!! It has been over 2 years now. If only he would take things as serious as I do. But that isn't his personality. I'm the worrier he is the happy go lucky guy. Hopefully, he will make up his mind and GET ER DONE!!!
  10. shedo82773

    Saying.... Thanks

    Well, I am so glad I missed all of that stuff!! I'm glad we still have decent peeps here. I'm not going any where.
  11. shedo82773

    Chickpea Pasta

    I don't know much about that kind of Pasta? right? But I can say I'm 3 and 1/2 years out and I have had pasta and rice but you really can't eat that much any way. I don't do it often but before my weight loss surgery my Surgeon told me that in time there are no forbidden foods, That I just need to ea them in Moderation. On another note, I love love Cauliflower Rice. It is yummy We made Pork Fried Rice with it, Even my hubby was ok with it.
  12. shedo82773

    Post surgery follow up care

    I had my RNY July 2, 2013. My Surgeon was great for surgery but...his bedside manners left sxo much to desire. He did mine and a attempted a revision from Band to RNY. His band had eroded intyo his liver so they couldn't finish the RNY. He ended up with abcesses and the DR dropped him right in the middle of everything. He was deathly sick for 10 months, 3 of which he doesn't even remember. I had Strictures (kind of like scar tissue) so I needed him to do 4 ENDOSCOPES with 3 dialations. He called us "THE PROBLEM CHILDREN"!!! So I fired him. I went to another Bariatric Center they performed my last endo with a dialation. Haven't had any more problems. Hubby eventually went to Mexico for his WLS. They don't offer aftercare either. (BAD CHOICE) Our PCP's are doing the extra bloodwork that is needed and then I have them fax it to the new Bariatric Center so if we have a problem they catch it. I have a list odf what they need to check so I don't need to travel 5 hours unless needed, Good Luck in your journey. Keep is posted on your progress.
  13. Whatever you decide please don't rush yourself. I'm not sure about the MGB. But I can say with all honesty I had the RNY and it does take time to get your strength back and you are very tired at first. Plus learning a whole new way of eating (actually drinking LOL) I would try to wait as long as you can because my hubby had the Sleeve in Mexico and he did great, but he did get weak. The good thing is after your surgery the airport (call ahead) will get a wheelchair for you so you can get around threw the air port. They are huge!! Plus because he had surgery we were let on the plane first. That was very nice. As we went thru customs they have a differnt side they let you go thru much quicker too. Just be sure you are ok going back to work , you don't want to set yourself back to much. Good luck. I still would like to know what the difference is with the RNY and the MGB. I guess I wil have to look it up. Again Good uc
  14. shedo82773

    Sabotaging myself?

    As was said above Our surgery is a TOOL, you still have to do the work it doesn't do ot all. You have to work on it. As far as losing and gaining isn't that pretty much what we all do? That is why we finally seek out help. Our minds play such a HUGE part of our journey's. If you do a poll of why people finally seek out WLS I'll bet most of us can loose the weight and have many many times before. It is the MAINTANCE that we can not do!! So please please speak of all of this when you go in for counseling. Get your head on straight so your journey can and will be sucessful. As far as your baking and cooking goes, you might need to curb that for awhile because each day makes you stronger than the last. You feel like there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Good Luck and if you need to talk I'm here!! Not sure if I will have the anwser's but we can chat if you want.
  15. shedo82773

    Looking for some people who understand

    Exactly what has been said above. I am very successful woth my weight loss, I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I gained back around 8#'s. But i have mainyained my weight loss of 124#'s for 3 years. I also have a few issues with my tailbone and I never had any problems with my knees until I had lost all of my weight. My PCP told me taht if I hadn't lost my weight I would be in a wheelchair. I have arthrotos in both knee's and degenterive bone loss. I have had ultrasound guided Gel put in my knee's but it didn't last very long. I just went back in and had steroid shot in my right knee. My insureance will not pay for any more Gel. I also have discovered a few things about myself. YES I am addicted to food but since my RNY food just doesn't hold the same pleasure as before. I hate to eat now!! I would much rather drin my calories. NOT good and I don't because I don't want to get sick. I take my vutamins faithfully. But just beaware it takes a long time for a Vitamin defeciate to show up in our blood work. Good luck and if you need to talk just let me know. I don't know if I can help but I will sure try.
  16. shedo82773

    Need help with insurance qualifications!

    HI, It also is how and what your Surgeon puts down on your insureance papers. The good thing is the one in your Surgeon's office knows exactly what they want and need. They can word it just like it is wanted from your insureance. I would rely on them to document everything that they need to do.
  17. shedo82773

    medical mishap

    MAN O MIGHTY!!! What a DAARN bummer!!! Sorry but...the best thing is, you can still get your WLS. Also at least they hadn't opened you totally up. But...I agree they should be more on the ball. LOL Very frustrating.
  18. shedo82773

    Benefiber question

    I don't use BENEFIBER but I use METAMUCIL and I take it at night. I'm 3 and 1/2 years out and I have been trying not to use anything to make me go, but it is getting about time to start.
  19. shedo82773

    My journey

    mrsnelson1120 I am 3 and 1/2 years out and I can totally relate to the continued hard work that it takes to keep ourselves in check. I can say with all honesty that my exercise is wha is my saving grace. I walk 3 to 4 days a week and go 4 miles at a time. For the last month the weather has been cold or rainy (I live in Oregon) so I have slacked on my exercise. Some of it is Life gets in the way as I'm sure you know also. I dreaded weighing and thought I was up a lot. I kind of avoid the scales as much as I can. Even tho I weigh 125#'s now I STILL hate them. I am so bad that prior to my WLS I didn't go to the Dr much because I knew they weighed me!! Even after I lost my weight I still avoided it. So I did get on the scales because it had been at least 3 months since I seen my DR. Luckily I was still mainting but you know I feel like I just lucked out, and if I don't get to walking it may be my undoing!! I know you can do this!! You all ready showed this. You CAN DO THIS!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  20. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. By Nov (Thanksgiving) I had to go back to my Surgeon for Strictures. I had a to have 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dialations. Nov 2013, Dec 2013, Jan 2014, July 2014. So I missed Thanksgiving, Christmas dinner the 1st year. With my last Endoscope being Jan 2015. Luckily, I haven't had any problems since. I honestly didn't eat any on the Holidays before the last 2 Thanksgiving's. The 1st one I got sick (two to many bites of Pecan Pie) The 2016 Thanksgiving was a great one. I did great with what I ate and left all the goodies at my daughters. But food just doesn't hold the same value. I think you most will find that it JUST isn't as important as before.
  21. Just a side note. While I was reading the other posts it was said that they have a hard time eating due to no hunger. I can say with all honesty. food does not HOLD THE SAME FEELINGS as before my RNY. It is almost a chore to eat. As was said nothing sounds or taste good. Since my RNY I have had a super duper smeller and taster. But the down side of the taster is I taste metal most of the time or bitter stuff!! Food is NOT that IMPORTANT NOW> In fact I would rather drink my coffee with my added Protein. LOL My faily has had a very hard time adjusting to this. But I would NOT change this for NOTHING!! It is all worth it totally!!
  22. shedo82773

    Today is the day

    Hang on!! You are about to start an INCREDIBLE JOURNEY!! Congratulations!!
  23. shedo82773

    6 month post op appt today

    How totally exciting!! You are doing an awesome job!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  24. shedo82773

    Just crossed 100lbs lost

    YAY!! That is NO small feat!! Soak it in 100#'s LOST!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  25. Hi I am 3 and 1/2 years out from my RNY. I have no physical hunger. It has never returned. They do cut the nerves to your ghrelin hormone. I am one of the very Lucky ones that it never returned to yet. That is the AMAZING thing about WLS, you lose the hunger. But you also need to realize that you still have to do the work! The WLS either one is the tool that helps you be successful. We do THE WORK!! Good luck in your choice of either surgery.

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