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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773


    Cool, are their prices good. I guess I need to price some. If they carry CELEBRATE which is the ones I take. I pay $15.00 for 90 capsules. No S/H if I use my AMAZON PRIME> I am going to do some price checks soon. Thank you
  2. shedo82773

    Tomorrow is the day

    YAY!! You are about to begin your Journey. You will be amazed at how great you are going to feel as you lose your weight. It all goes by so quick. Be sure and measure sometimes when you aren't losing you will see your measurements going down!! KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!!
  3. shedo82773

    New Here

    Welcome CJ. I'll bet you are getting really excited about this time. And you sound like you are totally ready for this life changing Journey. I hope you will keep us updated. There are many nice people on here and each of us, have our own opinions. Just take what you need and leave the rest. Again welcome & Congratulations!!
  4. I agree with the above statements that all of them affect our choices of what we eat. But like heycrystal2052 has stated the obvious we are the link!! We make the decisions of what and how we follow our journey's. Our WLS is a tool but we have to do the work. And make the choices for our success. We alone are responsible to make it work. But with that said EVERYTHING affects how we will respond. It is totally easier to be successful losing our weight but the real work comes in MAINTENANCE. This is HARD trust me, while I was losing my weight and doing it fast I had no problem staying motivated. All I can say it is real work.
  5. shedo82773

    The foamies

    Those foamies are the worse!!! I have had my share of them. I didn't have any problems right after my RNY and lost all my weight in 6 months. But....I had strictures (kind of like scar tissue. I had 5 Endoscopes with 4 dilations. I had tons of them and vomiting everything I took in. I couldn't even drink water. It was an easy fix thank goodness. I'm so sorry this has happened to you it is very uncomfortable for sure. Hang in there. Good things are coming!!
  6. shedo82773


    Start by finding a Bariatric DR to evaluate you to find what is exactly going on. As far as what JohnnyCakes said is totally untrue. (about having no aftercare) Even if you need to see your PCP and then have him do a referral do it. The ER people do awesome with other kinds of medical things but not so much with the WLS people. You HAVE TO FORCE YOURSELF INTO drinking fluids. That is your main concern NOW!! There are many great DR's out there that have knowledge of WLS. Just might need to look a little harder. Please don't hesitate to get on it NOW!!! Take care of you.
  7. shedo82773

    Isopure Unflavored Protein

    I used PREMIERPROTEIN DRINKS for my 2-week pre op and then my 4-week postop. I had "THE BACKDOOR TROTS" so bad I couldn't leave the house!! If I went anywhere there had better be a bathroom available. Also, I had the hugest pad made on. Come to find out I am Lactose Intolerant. But I wasn't advised of this until I had finished it all. Nice Dr, I had!! Now it is the GENEPRO unflavored all the way. I use it in my Espresso every day. Before you decide to try it read the good bad and ugly on it. There are some who don't believe in what they claim. Good Luck finding one that agrees with you.
  8. shedo82773

    What if GENEPRO Protein and Coffee had a baby?

    How well I know about this!! I have used and continue to use GENEPRO, but I got told and they tried to put me in my place about it not being possible. When I stated that BARIATRICPAL sold it they said it is a money maker!! Any how I am going to try this I love my coffee which I add to my espresso every day. So for me it is a win win!!
  9. So, is effervescent products different than carbonation? Just curious. I was told no carbonation at all. Thank you for taking time to answer me.
  10. First off, you by no means should be treated like this. The WL community makes a lot of money from people like you!! Take it from one that had a good surgeon with no bedside manners at all. I was called (along with my hubby) "THE PROBLEM CHILD" You don't want to be dealing with their attitudes. You should have a good repertoire with them. You will be using whomever you choose for your aftercare. Or be like me and FIRE your surgeon and find another Bariatric Center. I'm sorry this is going on. Please check out other Surgeons. Good Luck
  11. shedo82773

    8 Weeks Post Op

    YAY!!! Katie, you are starting out with a bang!! This is one incredible journey!! Great things are coming your way!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  12. shedo82773

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty

    Thank you! My daughter is overweight and has a full-time job and 4 kids. This might be just what she needs. Please keep me posted on this. Also, did you mean the US? Thank you again.
  13. shedo82773


    One more option, there is a card called CARE CREDIT that you can apply for. It covers anything medical. Heck, my little dog needed knee surgery and I used this card. I bought my contacts with it. So it is very versatile. Never give up something will come up. When you decide to persue this further have your Surgeon's office turn in all of the information because they do this all of the time so they know what insureances want and need. So sorry this is happening hang in there.
  14. shedo82773

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty

    I have a quick ? Is this procedure new? I haven't heard about it. Thanks in advance.
  15. My Surgeon pushed the exercise but he told me to find something I liked to do. Well, I am a person that as I call it: B888s to the wall or nothing!! I started walking as soon as I was released. Well before if you count the walking the halls I did. I started out slow. I also got to my goal weight in 6 months actually I went below. I have gained 10#'s back but 7 of them was the loss to 117#'s. Now I weigh 125 to 127. am I happy about the 10 pound gain? NOT but that is something I will work on. I now walk 3 to 4 miles 3 to 4 times a week. I really feel like exercise is my saving grace. I didn't eat bread, rice, corn etc until Around the last year and a half. Mainly because I couldn't handle so many foods due to having Strictures. That really held back the foods that I could eat!! I almost lived on oatmeal, cheese, crackers and CHEETOS. All known by my DR. He was getting concerned when I kept losing and couldn't eat. I am now 4 years out and just now I can tolerate a steak!! YAY me but it defintly needs to be above tender!! BTW I am 5.4 and my starting weight was 249#'s. Before I had lost done from 285 to the 249. But if you ask me if I would do this again? My anwser would be YES with EVERYTHING inside of me!!!
  16. Sounds very familiar!!!! I started with Shedo82773. But something happened to my old account so I thought I had the same in my real name. I have 2 accounts with no idea of how to get rid of one. LOL
  17. shedo82773

    Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty

    CONGRATS!!! Hang on you are going for one heck of a journey!!! One thing I would suggest don't buy a lot of any thing protein drinks because most people's taste change. I would really hate to know how much $$I spent on Protein drinks I'm sure it was lots of dollars!! Luckily, my nephew is into healthy drinking and eating!! At least it wasn't wasted!! Again YAY YAY!!!
  18. shedo82773

    FDA investigating balloon after deaths

    Hi, Alex I just wanted to try to bring something to your attention. I sent an email to you awhile ago. I probably did it wrong but here goes again. The Dr that you have posted on this page, a DR. Brett Hanson as a BARIATRIC SURGEON here in Roseburg, Oregon is not a Bariatric Dr at all. Yes, he is a Surgeon but he doesn't do Weight Loss Surgeries at all. I was very excited because I would love to have him as my Dr. I just wanted to let you know.
  19. shedo82773

    Newbie Greeting

    Welcome!! There is tons of information here and never feel shy about asking any question's because I am sure one of us have been thru it too. One thing is there are many different personalities here and if you just take what you need from the posts and leave what you don't need things will be great. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  20. shedo82773


    YAY!!! Good things are coming right around the corner!! Congratulations!!
  21. shedo82773


    No ProblemI totally get it. Maybe you could get all of the requirements where you live then have it all transferred to where it is covered. I know that it will be a lot of time, effort, and money but don't give up. Maybe get a loan? Or try CARE CREDIT. It is like a credit card that pays for all kinds of medical expenses. Just keep trying. To try isn't going to cost anything and just maybe it will work out for you!! Hang in there!!
  22. shedo82773

    Latest Project - What's Yours?

    Just so you know I am Sherrie Scharbrough. My new Lap Top went gunny bagger on me and is now going to the manufacturers to be fixed. So I am using my old Lap Top with the name being Shedo82773. One in the same. LOL
  23. shedo82773

    Latest Project - What's Yours?

    WOW!! That looks AWESOME!!! Maybe you should start a business. My grandkids are too old for it but...if only!! Those memories will be with them forever. At least you got them involved. I remember my mom trying to teach me to cook. LOL I had not even a little interest!! I'm very sorry now I had to learn on my own with many trials and errors!! Just ask my hubby and my kids. My grandkids think their NANA and their PAPA can do anything!! Like we can walk on water. lol
  24. Even before my RNY which I am 3 and 1/2 years out. My Surgeon and Nutritionist both told me that their are no forbidden foods. In time ( like after you are at goal) you can have some in MODERATION!! That is the key for me. I don't beat myself up over eating something. The difference now is I can't eat a HUGE amount of anything. I know this doesn't work for some but for me it has worked. I lost 132#'s in 6 months. I did gain 8#'s back but I have maintained my 124# loss for 3 years. You just need to have a understanding that you can't eat a huge amount. Take a little and be satisfied with it. Good Luck and STOP beating yourself up. That will undo you for sure!!

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