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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. I am 4 years out and I have maintained my 124# loss for 3 and 1/2 years. Yes I use Splenda all the time. I don't drink pops at all, I haven't since before my RNY. I like the SF Orange Crush you add to water, Diet Peach Tea, Lipton mixed Berry green tea. All of which have Sweetners in them. I really don't think they increase my desire for sweets at all. Everyone has to pick their poison LOL Mine is my coffee and my drinks. God Luck on whatever you choose.
  2. shedo82773

    Children's Stares

    I have a similar incident right after my MIL passed away. (we took care of her when she got sick) We decided that we would go to Walmart and then catch a Movie afterwards. There was this boy probably 4 or 5. Now my hubby weighed around 450#'s. The boy looked at him and said, Look mom there is a FAT man!! I said that that that isn't a nice thing to say. All the while he kept saying it over and over. So I spoke to his MOM, I told her what he had said. She said he didn't say that he was asking for Pop-tarts. I said that isn't what he said. She said that is what he said again (real snotty) I then said he was lying!! Of course I would never had said that in a million years, it was called stress of losing my MIL. She said MY SON DOES NOT LIE!!! I told her se needed to educate the boy and not take his side when he was obviously fibbing t o her!! Bad day for the boy, his mom and of course myself. Sometimes kids are not innocent they are learning from their parents. Society has allowed things to get way out of control. When children are in kindergarten and 1st grade that tease because the kid doesn't have name brand stuff. That has to come from the parents!! Ok I am so sorry that I have wrote a book. LOL Have a great day
  3. WOW!!! I can really relate to this. LOL I fell into the "FAT MODE" for many many years. There were a few things that I would NOT do because I am the FAT one!! I really got tired of being the biggest person in the room. Even if I wasn't the biggest person there. I had myself and my other family convince that they have to make sure they tie there shoes in the center and not to the sides. Because everyone will think you are a fatty. It sounds strange to me now and it has become the joke at our house. But...back then I knew it was the truth. Even today my hubby talks about it with a smile!!!
  4. I have fat days and skinny days!! I am 4 years out and as long as I don't look at my full length just my face I am ok. I also have a hard time figuring out what I am going to wear...I do the same thing as when I was heavy. I put something on and then it comes off because I think it makes me look fat. On and On!! My daughter just doesn't get it!! She tells me all of the time that I'm not fat. She says to me Why do you think you are fat!! I have not one answer for it. For one thing I never measured myself which is the pits!! I didn't want to see those huge numbers. I HATE pictures even to this day. Another thing I regret. My advise is for everyone to take lots of pictures and measurements. When you are at a plateau is a great time to measure because even if the scale doesn't move you might be losing inches. I think most of us still feel fat and think we are too. Have a great Monday everyone
  5. shedo82773

    Help, Please.

    Some Dr.'s don't require you to give up coffee. Luckily for me mine didn't require that!!! I think I would cry real hard if I couldn't have it. I am a coffee fiend!! So you might want to check with your Dr. Good Luck
  6. 1. She Believed she could so she did 2. Each journey is one step at a time
  7. You bet!!!! Not only would you benefit but so would Mr. Fluffy. You can tell him that Shedo82773 said you NEED it!!! LOL
  8. I LOVE my instant pot!! I can cook a pot of beans in 55 minutes!! We took a tough Steak and added celery, onions, carrots and 1 small potato Put in for around 45 to 50 minutes. The tough meat just fell apart. It was yummy. Did I say I LOVED my instant pot!! I also have the air fryer which I really don't care for. I think it is because I haven't taken the time to use it. You can't beat those Instant Pot.
  9. shedo82773

    Help, Please.

    I know that everyone has said this to you (except one) Everything you o thru is totally worth it!!! A few things that my one of many things she shared with me that has helped over the years. 1) Nothing taste as good as losing weight and maintaining it 2) Does a fish have a fat tail? NOPE so eat your fish!! 3) Being able to go buy clothes off the racks and not being all black and white. They don't sound like much but if I feel down these things plus more come to mind, most of what she said I didn't take to heart at the time because I never got to my goal weight. I can say this to be able to wear a size 8 in jeans and a med top. You will get there!! You will be successful just follow everything your DR says to do. Put your heart and soul work hard!! Now just one more thing. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  10. shedo82773

    Which hospital ?

    What Mhy12784 posted is so totally true. I went to a Surgeon that had all of the credentials for Excellence. But he didn't have much personality at all. He may have been a great surgeon but you need to make sure that they have all of the follow-up programs too. I ended up leaving his practice for many things that he did to myself and my hubby. I also signed up for him to get all of my journey for 5 years. Needles to say that didn't give him much. Just a word to the wise here just because they have the seal of EXCELLENCE does not mean they are up to par. After it was all done I found out that he makes more $$ for the actual surgery's. Not so much with the follow ups. I was told that the insurance pays a blanketed amount for everything which is supposed cover your follow ups but he charged my hubby every time he seen him after his mess up with his WLS. So just research every thing you can before you go.
  11. shedo82773

    This is getting real

    I don't want to sound weird at all but....I'm sure you have heard this before. You my friend are BEAUTIFUL!!!! It is very exciting to finally get to start the true work. You will find this journey is very worth everything that it takes to get there!! I hope to see more of your journey please keep us posted. Good Luck
  12. shedo82773


    Welcome back!! Taking control and stepping back into where you need to be is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! You, my friend are not alone. We are all here for you. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  13. I am not...but we lived there for 4 and 1/2 years taking care of my Mother in Law. We moved back home (Roseburg, Oregon) in 2017. Oregon has been our home for many years!! We really loved Idaho but my grandkids were here. They are so special to us!!!! Much rather be here enjoying them than why we were in Weiser. Small world!!! Forus to both have family in Weiser. LOL
  14. Our STATS are very close. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. My starting weight was 249#'s this time (I was at 285 but managed to lose some and maintained it for 6 months. I got to my goal weight in 6 months. So I actually have maintained for 3 and 1/2 years. With a 10# gain. I'll take it Am I happy NOPE am I stressing over the gain YES but I will be ok. I know what I need to do. Have a great Saturday!!
  15. Hi how are you doing this fine Saturday? I was wondering which part of Idaho are you from? I have family in Weiser, Idaho. Just a case of the nosey. Look forward to your post.
  16. Hi there fellow Oregonian!! Where do you live? I am from Roseburg, Oregon. Would love to chat. I love it when I find people from our Beautiful State.
  17. shedo82773

    Needing to loose 10 pounds

    We all need to remember that we are here to support each other. We don't want or need to run each other down. Just be nice!! We also need to show respect, she was seriously asking for help. HON, if your DR didn't give you a list of what to do pre op, I am not going to tell you what to do but...try to get rid of carbs, sugar, high-calorie foods. Try to use this time (as was said earlier) do what your life will be Postop. Do some protein drinks. You can do this. You have what it takes!! Hugs and keep us posted.
  18. When we went to Juarez, Mexico it took approximately1 hour to an hour in a half. It seemed getting out of Mexico and back into the states took longer. Going into Mexico the guards had guns kind of scary. Also, when leaving Mexico they will check all of your prescriptions. I don't really know about anywhere else. Good Luck. We were told to make sure they all had the medications name on the bottles.
  19. My husband started the KETO DIET even went thru a girl that does a month of food to prepare for the week. He really didn' like it. He said that it all tasted the same and in 2 weeks he was out of there. But he did lose like 12#'s in a week. He has had WLS. I couldn't stand the smell. But that is just me. I really think that it will work. But just like everything else you need to work for it. Good Luck
  20. shedo82773

    My progression since May 24th

  21. shedo82773

    6 months post op

    YAY!!! You certainly are kickin your Weights BUTT!!!! You've got this!! Looking great!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  22. DropWt4life, I had to do my Protein drinks for 2 weeks Preop and 4 weeks post op. I never had any hunger thru that either. Life is good!
  23. shedo82773

    Lack of Libido?

    I have knowledge about this. I have lost my drive. We have been married for almost 44 years and had a very active sex life!! Up until about 5 years ago. I do have a thought about why....My hubby had a failed revision back in 2013, He was very sick for 9 months and 3 of them he doesn't remember. At that time he was in and out of his mind. Well, I took care of him and now I can not get past being a care provider for him. I don't see him as my lover. Now don't get me wrong we are very much in love. And neither of us can see ourselves without the other. I have talked to my Dr about this and she told me that she hesitates to give me an anxiety meds because they tend to suppress the desire even more. So when my hubby and I talked he said, he would rather not have sex he would rather have me well. It is so HARD and I do feel guilty because I have ZIP for desire!! He is ready teddy too. Good luck I hope you find something to help. When you do kick down some info.
  24. That makes it hard but....you might be having MIND HUNGER!!! I am 4 years out (and one of the lucky ones) I can honestly say I have not had any physical hunger since my RNY. I deal with what is called MIND hunger all the time. I can literally not eat. Sometimes I go so long that I get dizzy and light headed!! I wouldn't trade this for anything!!!! Plus you might be confusing hunger with thirst. You need to keep going on your fluids. Good Luck and keep us posted about your journey!!
  25. shedo82773

    Synthesis after DS

    I have been on Thyroid meds for a very long time. I am still on the same amount as before. All of my Labs have been great!! Good luck. Keep us posted on your Journey!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
