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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. You are welcome. I would say for sure the 1 thing I would suggest is RESEARCH everything. Each surgery has Pros and Con's. Maybe a little later you could join in on a Support Group locally. Having a good support team is so important. Good Luck and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  2. If you drink too soon it can make your food go thru your stomach too fast. Also, if I drink too soon it hurts. Which in turn will make you get hungry sooner. Waiting can be a win win!! There is a video on UTUBE that explains it better. He uses applesauce to demonstrate how fast it leaves our pouch. Very interesting also. Maybe someone can remember where it is at because I sure can't. LOL
  3. I am 4 years out and please tell me WHAT is a vegetable. LOL I still can't eat veggies with my protein. After my protein, I don't have much room. LOL If I want veggies I have to do what I call a veggie dinner. Now I'm not saying for anyone to do this but...with all of the fresh veggies out there I will have sliced tomatoes, green beans that's all I can do. Oh yes once this Summer I had a half of an ear of corn. MMM so good
  4. yeshello, Sometimes we have to shake up our body!! I have heard from lots of people that they will carb up one day and then go back to protein etc. Check it out, it might be just what you need to do. Try to get all of your fluids in and as was said above good info. Don't get discouraged. You can do this, you know why I can say this? Because you have already proved you can!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  5. OutsideMatchesinside, I am not trying to get you to fall off the wagon but...french fries can be made with Sweet Potatoes, Turnips ETC. We all have to live on our WL journies. Just try to substitute with better for you ingredients. Sometimes we just have got to do it.
  6. Welcome!! Do you want to find someone that is having weight loss surgery around the same time as you or someone that has had their surgery? I am 4 years out If I can help in any way just let me know. Again welcome!! I am sure you will find a Weight Loss Buddy. Good Luck and if I can be some help just let me know.
  7. I was so relaxed, they gave me something because I was so nervous!!! I was going out while they wheeled me into the OR. But I do remember scooting accross to get on the table. But...now I don't want to sound like a B**CH but with my past experience's with my Dr Tersigni ( he was a very cold man and had no bedside manner at all) as I was getting ready for yet another Endoscope w/ dialaton. I seen him standing outside my room with his bright hat eating a yogurt (no problem him if I was to be put out with that but when I go without my coffee and they come in with their cup I almost go physio) I started saying is that Dr. Tersigni is that the DR? Don't let him TOUCH me until I have got my stuff to go night night. Please don't!! She aske him if I was going to be put out? He said, "we always do!! I had seen him put his scissors into my hubby's infected stomach without numbing it at all. So with all of that stuff I FIRED HIM!!! We now go to one of the best Bariatric Center with the EXCLLENCE CERTIFicate. Not saying that our Tersigni didn't have that too but this is a whole different ball game!!
  8. I prefer his PA!!! I had signed up for him to follow my journey for 5 years and he wanted to add my success in his Computer Data. But I ended up firing him and going to another Bariatric Center. I have to drive further but at least I get some much needed guidelines, also, my problems are dealt with respectively!! I had problems with strictures and my hubby used him for his own surgery but had complications. Now my surgery was July 2, 2013 hubby's was Sept 2013. He almost died and "OUR much loved professional Surgeon called us "PROBLEM CHILDREN!! How professional was this? I tried to stay with his office but just to many things weren't addressed. I was told that it was hard to find another DR that wanted to clean up after another DR. This man dropped my husband in the middle of severe Bacterial infections. Our PCP finally pulled some help from a fellow PROFESSIOAL Surgeon to take care of my hubby. I have since found out that a Suregon makes the most money on the Surgeries and not so much the aftercare. This is why his PA takes his patients on so he can make more $$ doing them. They get especially with Medicare, they get a blanket amount that starts from the day that you are approved until aftercare which should be until you are well ...but not in our case. He dropped him and said go to the ER or your PCP because this was his surgery day!! I'm so sorry that I have got on my soap box!! I'll shush up and try to get this anger under control again. I hope your Monday is going great!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  9. Sorry but sounds to familer!! Where did you go? We went to Juarez, Mexico. We also had about the same care!! I could not beleive how they bald face lied to us. We went thru BELITE WEIGHT LOSS center. They lied so much. When I complained she said they already knew about most of it!! Just their way of doing things. GOSH O MIGHTY different I guess!! I have complained on this site also. If one person changes their mind about using that outfit I will be happy!! Did you have a problem with none speaking English? We did for sure. Even the ones that worked in the little cafe had only 1 person hat could kind of understand. One of the worse week of our lives!! Are you home yet? Where are you from? Do you have someone to help you out? How about a DR in your area that will help you? I am so sorry!! HUGS
  10. shedo82773

    Feeling blasé about food

    Before my RNY I really didn't have the time to "BINGE". Everything happened so fast. I had started with a Surgeon and after it all was said and done he wanted to only do a Lap Band. I already knew about the Horror of them because my hubby had one and it turned into a nightmare. So anyhow I baked out. When my hubby went to a Surgeon in Coos Bay, Oregon I mentioned that I only wished I could have an RNY. BAM!! They sent for my records and they used what I had done so it went fairly fast. Food was the center of our lives!! That's what we did together we ate. Now I had my RNY and food became not so craved. Hubby had a Sleeve done 2 years after my surgery. It was so hard for him when I didn't want to go out to eat any more But since his WLS he now understands about the food some what. I have more than lucky my hunger has never returned!! His still happens but he has restriction. I am so OVE the MOON that I no longer focus on food. In the beginning when you are trying to get all of your protein, water and Vitamins in you are focused on food some what. Mine was trying to find something that I wanted to eat. BUT...if you aren't hungery it was extremely hard to eat as I am sure you all can relate. Have a great Sunday and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  11. shedo82773

    Free of Sugar Free

    We have used SPLENDA for years I know they say sweetners are bad for us. I have also said if you aren't Diabetic just use regular sugar. I was Diabetic and now I don't have it (they said once a diabetic always a diabetic) my hubby is still a diabetic so that is why we use Splenda. My cousin has said they effect her by headaches and achy. I understand why people don't want to use them but whats a person to do. Anything that you buy w/o sugar is sweetners. I haven't used the Chocolate so I can't give you an anwser there. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  12. shedo82773


    WOW!!! Way to go!!! I think a huge CONGRATULATIONS is going out to you!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  13. shedo82773

    Why do protein drinks taste awful?

    The sad sad story of Protein Drinks At first it is so hard to drink it fast but as I went along I got to where I could do them like a shot. LOL I would hate to know how much $$ I have wasted trying to find one that I could do. Now I am 4 years out and I have tried pretty much all of them. ISOPURE was one that whoever can drink it I commend. Premuir gave me te " back door trots" I used them for Preop for 2 weeks and 4 weeks Postop. GROSS I kind of went thru a phase of Muscle Milk Protein, I mixed the gramcracker protein with Bananna Kind of tasted like a bananna Pudding. But I couldn't find the gramcracker so I gave up on that one. I use GENEPRO everyday. Now I'm not telling you to run out and buy it, you need to check with your DR first. I don't want to stir you wrong. But I LOVE IT!!! I use it in my Espresso everyday. It has no taste, even makes my espresso taste creamy. I have to get a warm amount of water to temper it before I add it to my coffee. No lumps and no taste. It does have a small odor. I jus don't smell it. LOL Since my surgery I have a very good smeller. LOL Have a wonderful Friday.
  14. shedo82773

    My Story

    Sir, you are awalking mircle and a inspiration to us all!! Thank you for posting your AMAZING Journey!! Please keep us all in the know!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  15. shedo82773

    Adventures with Unjury Unflavored

    I use GENEPRO everyday in my Espresso. I love it. I have tried others but I couldn't do it. I was on Premuir protein drinks for 2 weeks Preop and then 4 weeks Postop. I had exploisive "Back door trots". Finally, he said that I was Lactose Intolerant. Sure wish I had known that little tid bit. LOL I would really hate to see how much money I have spent for the last 4 years on different Protein. It was good thing that my nephew drinks protein for his health!! Thats what he told his Teenage son. LOL GENEPRO is all I have used for 2 years. I only use it for my breakfast or lunch. Then I eat a meal at dinner. This has worked the best for me. The thing is each and everyone of us have to find our nitch and do what we have to do to be successful in our Journey. Have an AWESOME Thursday!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON.
  16. shedo82773

    What happened here?

    I totally get what you are saying. There was a time (not to far back) that I expressed my love of GENEPRO!!! I had quite a few people jump all over me!! That I was being misled all over the place and that GENEPRO was lying about how much protein they had in it. Now I am ok with peole disagreeing, like was said NOT everyone has the same ideas as me. But...I have seen different ones on here. Not so much the ones that were here when I first started out. In a group like this we will all come accross someone that doesn't agree with us. There is a better way of saying it as how I was talked too. I was basically called a moron!! When I stated that it was sold here on BARIATRICPAL store. I was told it was just the money making that our leaders were into. There has to be a few in ever group. I try the old saying from one of my Favorite Disney shows. Thumper (I do love me some Thumper) His mom told him. If you can't say something nice, don't say NOTHING at all. Let's all agre to be better to each other. Everyone needs this site for support. I hope you all have a great THRUSDAY!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  17. shedo82773

    One week to go

    YAY!!! Hang on, you are about to take one of the Life changing JOURNEY!! Good Luck I look forward to seeing you kickin your weight's behind!! Keep us all posted.
  18. shedo82773

    First Meal

    Feels weird but I'm still amazed at how little I eat and get satisfied. Such an AMAZING difference!! It definitely will get better. Just follow everything your Surgeon and Nutritionist tells you and you will be GREAT!!
  19. shedo82773

    Thank you Lord

    WOW!!! WOW!!!! You have lost over 190#'s. HOT DIGGITY DOG!!! Now that is a AWESOME job. At rate you are going you will make your 300# lost, you've GOT THIS!!! CONGRATULATIONS my friend!! Such a great inspiration!!
  20. shedo82773


    I really think it is a learning curve for sure. My taste and smell changed so much. The drinks I liked (kind of LOL) Preop I hated afterwards. I only wish I had found the un-favored GENEPRO. I love it but I wouldn't tel anyone else to use it. Always check with you tam. here are some people on here that don't like it. But for myself it is the one that doesn't have a after taste BTW Welcome you wil get a ton of informatin on here. Just take what you need and leave the rest. Congratulations on starting your amazing journey.
  21. shedo82773

    Children's Stares

    The STRICTURES are and was addressed by my Surgeon and OHSU a awesome Bariatric Excellence CENTER. They did my last ENDO and dialation. The Bariatric Therapist was trying to help me with my eating. After everything was going on I also developed a fear of eating and drinking. Mostly, she focused on my eating . Which I couldn't hardly hold down even water. Vomiting everything I took in. She had nothing to offer me. A WL person has went thru much to lose their weight as I'm sure you know about. The fear of gaining weight really plays a huge hold on me!! This fear had settled in quite nicely. (not for me but my mind) As you know the mind is a powerful thing, and to tell a person that has taken the steps to finally get healthy that I needed to eat every 1/2 hour felt unbelievable hard. Something that even a normal per say person who diets excessively which I have been there done that! Yes, it was two separate things going on. You would have thought the Nutritionist being in the Bariatric field should have picked up on this. I just haven't had anything come out of the counseling Both were like two difference. But equal to each other. Sorry, that I didn't explain better. I get started and my mind races faster than my typing. LOL
  22. shedo82773

    Children's Stares

    My experience with therapy after my RNY is not to promising. I went to a local therapist, she didn't have any experience with WL people. It was a joke. Then I contacted my Surgeon, and it was figured out that I have an aversion to food. It all started from having Strictures. I had 5 Endoscopes with 4 dilations. I couldn't even keep down water. My Surgeon was really concerned about my WL going to low!! He actually told me that I should eat Oatmeal even if it is a slider because I needed the protein to heal right. So I ask him to refer me to an BARIATRIC THERAPIST, which he did. So I drove 2 and 1/2 hours to see her. Her answer was this: You need to eat every 1/2 hour that you are awake!! And (get this) You need to use BOOST high calorie drink!! Now this girl just had her insides changed to lose weight!! How do you think I reacted!!! NO WAY. So up to my last Endo I struggled over and over with vomiting and feeling like I had food stuck in my throat. This was with very small amounts of food also. So I know that our mind plays with us hard. But....in my opinion even the BARIATRIC THERAPIST doesn't always have the answers to give us!! Thank Goodness I am alright now. It was trial and error for awhile but I'm ok and no worse for the wear. Just because they say that they are educated about certain categories doesn't mean they do. Pick and choose very closer!!
  23. shedo82773

    DS Body Fluid Odor

    I understand what you are saying, but I can say this much, My sense of smell is thru the roof!! My taste totally changed too Things I loved before my RNY I can't stand now. I always had a great sense of smell but...this is ridiculous I can not stand the smell of Garlic or onions cooking. Both I loved before. I smell cigarette smoke all the time. Neither of us smoke. I say it is because almost all of our neighbors are smokers...but I sure don't know that is why I smell it. I live in a Senior Mobile Home Park and 5 out of 6 around me smoke. No-one else can smell it. Weird I know. So what you might be doing is a SUPER SMELLER!!! Just a thought. I hope it all works out for you too. Take care.
  24. shedo82773

    Gallbladder Inflammation :(

    I also had my gallbladder removed. But not after my WLS. I had my first attack when my son was 6months old. I went to a quack who told me it was an ulcer. NOT!! BTW my son is 43 years old now. When I was PG with my daughter (who is 6 years younger) I had some problems. But when they couldn't find my daughter's heartbeat they sent me to get an ultra-sound done and lo and behold they found that my gallbladder was loaded with stones and slush plus one stuck in the opening. So I had fought the pain off and on for 6 and 1/2 years. I still didn't think I needed it removed. Until I had one HELL of a attack. Finally, my hubby made me go in. We lived in Mill City, Nevada. And I wouldn't let their run down small hospital do my surgery. Off to Las Vegas the next morning. Out with it and on with my life. Another thing, it runs in families. Most often it is women who have the problem. Almost every woman on my Mom's side had gallbladder trouble!! It will only get worse also. BTW My gallbladder took a HIGH OFFENSE to dairy products!! The last KICK MY ARSE deciding to get er out was because I ate a tuna sandwich. U just never know what will cause that awful pain!! Good Luck and I'm sending you a HUGE BEAR HUG!! Take care of you!!
  25. If and when you go the a Psychological DR. please make sure that they are familiar with WLS patients. Congratulations on your baby girl. Be strong for her and teach her the healthy way to live!! You can use her for motivation. I can say I sure wish I had helped my daughter to get a healthy base while she was young. Not that she didn't see me on every diet known to man because she did. I thought I was doing great by not having her eat healthy. I at that time didn't realize how important it was. I sure didn't want her to grow u dieting like her mom. I am so sorry now!! She has no idea how to diet. I didn't want her to end up with a eating disorder while in fact I cheated her out of the knowledge as to work hard and eat healthy. So please don't make the same mistake I did. Have a great day and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!

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