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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    Soft/Pureed phase

    I can say from my experience that YES I would make sure to blend things totally. I was on my puree diet after my RNY, my PA told me that basically anything that can be pureed I could have!! Not good!! I was craving watermelon and after he told me that I really thought to myself how bad can a little watermelon hurt. Let me tell you I have NOT had it since!! (I am 4 years out from July 2013) Just those little bites gave me acid "Backdoor trots!!!! My bottom was on fire!! So please puree your food. Just follow everything your Dr tells you to do and you will be great!! Good Luck
  2. shedo82773

    My RNY journey

    I was told by my Surgeon that it is really common to have pain on your left side because that is where they put all of the instruments thru. His nurse told me that some people have to go to his office and get a Lidocaine shot due to the pain and going on for such a long time. Maybe this is what is happening to you, just a thought. Hang in there it will get better.
  3. Hi, BLEV, Is this something that just started or have you had them before? I have muscle pain and joint pain but I have arthritis and Fibromyalgia. This didn't start since my RNY. I have had Fibro for around 16 years so I can't blame it on my weight loss. BTW I am 4 years out and my Fibro and arthritis have improved some. I hope you get some good answers from our group that can help you. BTW you have done awesome losing your weight!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  4. YOU are the only one that can answer that ?. I would for sure take a reality check about my past endeavors. I also had been on almost every diet trend that came along. But...I couldn't get to maintenance. Once I got down to 135#'s which I had lost only due to me being sicker than a dog!! But it didn't take me long to regain it all plus some extra pounds. I am 4 years out and I can say with everything within me that I AM SO GLAD I did this. Yes, it is hard but it will get better. NOTHING taste or feels as great as reaching your goal weight and being able to maintain your weight. Hang in there and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  5. shedo82773


    I think I am one of the lucky ones...I am 4 years out and I still have no physical hunger at all!! Now mind hunger I deal with that all the time. But I can resist that one. I feel like my WLS made me able to do this. There are times when I look at something like an apple and I drool, man, I wish I could eat an apple. I could eat one earlier but not so much now. I can't eat many veggies because by the time I get my protein in I have no room. I have taken a few veggie days. I eat sliced tomatoes, a small corn on the cob and a cucumber. I don't do this very often but I have gone all this time and this year I let myself enjoy some fresh veggies. My wish is that my hunger never comes back at all!! Isn't it great!! That we have all this commitment to be successful. We all struggle at this journey. But...we learn as we go!! Good Luck to us all!!
  6. I have used their food, I bought quite a bit of their products right after my surgery. I am 4 years out. I really like their snacks. I didn't care for their cereal at all. Most of their other foods seemed to have rice, tortillas etc. I found it was easier to make my own stuff. I didn't eat tortillas or bread until just recently. I did eat Oatmeal ( which they call it a slider) but I had trouble with Strictures and couldn't hold down food hardly at all. I ended up having 5 Endoscopes with 4 dilations. Everything is great now. I still have great restriction and I have been at my goal weight for 3 and 1/2 years. Like I said I didn't eat bread and stuff before being at my goal for quite awhile. But that was just my own thing!! Good Luck on your new journey!! I look forward to following your journey.
  7. shedo82773

    Clothing for Hospital

    I wore my MUMU's. And make sure they have a zipper or snaps because you don't want to lift your arms over your head. Ditto on the pillow/ Also be sure to bring slippers that have rubber soles the hospital floors are slippery BIG TIME!!! Good luck on your journey!!! I only wish I could have been more like your hubby about what to bring!! I believe that women stress so much more than men!! We stress (or I do anyway) about EVERYTHING!!!!
  8. shedo82773

    Stalls are such jerks!

    Man O Mighty!! They are the worst!!!!! But...you are looking amazing!! Hang in there you know good things come to those who work hard and don't give up!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  9. shedo82773

    Is this my new normal?

    Speaking of naming our new tummy, I named mine "PRISSY POUCH"!!
  10. shedo82773

    Gum and Beans

    I have always been a gum chewer, I chew SF gum almost every day. When someone asked me what if you swallow it. I said I have not swallowed my gum ever. LOL Right after that I accidentally swallowed it. Guess what It WAS OK!!! Beans I love me some BEANS!!! I eat them all the time!! Good Protein.
  11. shedo82773

    Fighting Sugar Cravings

    I love cottage cheese with strawberry jam, mmmm Reminds me of strawberry cheesecake. I have told others about this and they just can't wrap their minds around it. I love it!!
  12. shedo82773

    Nausea during PMS

    I can't help you with this because I was never regular and stopped having periods after my Hysto when I was 32YO. I'm now 61YO. LOL But I can say this...I have heard that our hormones are stored in our fat!!! So that might be what you are feeling. I'm sorry about all of this going on. Hopefully, it will all work out. if you are really concerned I would take it up with my Dr. they should be able to address this better than I can. Good Luck. GREAT weight loss!!! Congratulations!!
  13. shedo82773

    Sleever Review of Real Good Brand Pizza

    There are some recipes on Pintrest for Pizza Crusts. They are made from Califlour or ground chicken for the crust. I haven't tried them myself but have heard they are delish. One thing that I have tried and we both love is Pork Fried Rice made with riced Califlour. That is well worth it. Sorry that your Pizza was an EPIC fail. Good hunting for a better one.
  14. shedo82773

    Tummy tuck quote

    That doesn't sound like it is too much...I had a Panni done 2 years ago, due to complications my insurance was billed $39,000 due to an allergic reaction to the muscle relaxant they used. But I can say with full out blasts if you can get a tummy tuck!!! Everything my PS promised I didn't get!! Now after I whined about my upper stomach (right after surgery) he came back and said he had a deal for me, he would do LIPO on my upper stomach and because I had talked to him about a breast lift that he would do both for $6,000. Even if I was going to have it done (I don't have the cash and it isn't covered by my insurance) I definitely wouldn't go there. I think if I really was serious about doing anything I would go thru BARIATRIC PAL!!!! Again if you have any upper skin and fat DO THE TUMMY TUCK!!!! My skin is definitely tight he did make me a belly button too. I have a gallbladder scar the measured at least 13inches right under my boob line. After he tightened my skin it is way,way done close to my appendix scar. That was what he told me that my skin is tight so now you need LIPO, personally I think he was buiding business!!! Good Luck, Keep us posted on your results!!
  15. shedo82773


    I am the same way!!! I really need to quit before I ever feel any restriction. If I don't I am so miserable!!! It is like if I take 1 bite to much I am doomed. LOL
  16. shedo82773

    Really Torn

    I also think that our health is more important than to even take a small chance that over the counter vitamins are enough!! My Surgeon said absolutely do not take them. Like was said above in order to have the bad stuff happen it takes years for it to show up. Now I went t my new BARIATRIC DR. and she said FLINTSTONES w/Iron is ok to just take 2 a day. I don't use them I don't want to take any chance of hurting myself in the long run. You can buy CELEBRATE BARIATRIC capsules online for $15.00. As for the Calcium, I do but the EQUATE brand, The others I take are the store brands. Please don't scrimp on your vitamins!!! It is a small price to pay for being healthy!!! Good Luck BTW if you drink pop cutting it out will help with buying your health. You will be eating way less and more than likely more beans etc. There some more cuts. I just don't want you to think it isn't important because it is the UPMOST important.
  17. Well, I can say that I totally got you, Bary. I was told before my WLS by my Surgeon and my Nutritionist that there are no "FORBIDDEN FOODS"! With that being said it does not mean we can go HOG WILD either. I basically eat what I want within reason of course. I am 4 years out and have maintained my weight for 3.5 years. I have NOT had beer or pop. I just recently can eat 1 slice of DAVE's KILLER BREAD which has tons of good stuff in it. But it has taken me a long time to even eat that. As for meat, I have to be real careful. I love me some steak but every time I try it I get sick to my tummy. It feels like it is stuck no matter how much I chew it. I can not eat rice to well, or noodles, or spaghetti. And by the time I am done with my protein first I usually don't have room for veggies. Once and awhile I have a all veggie dinner. With all of the fresh stuff it has been so worth it. I am not telling you to do as I do just a few suggestions. Oh by the way, I have had some wine a few times and like they say it hits you fast and hard. But it went away real fast too. We all have to live and make our own choices. I look forward to following your journey. Good luck!!!!
  18. shedo82773

    This liquid diet is killing me

    I know that lots of people say coffee makes them hungry...but I think it helps me. It is one thing that I won't give up. It hasn't hindered my WL at all. Gotta have my yummy coffee everyday!!!
  19. Maybe wait to buy a lot of anything because your taste changes so it seems. I thought it was just me but I know lots of people have said the same thing. Heck, my taste for foods that I use to love I can't stand now. It took me almost 2 years to like onions and garlic again. It made me sick to my tummy. Every time my hubby cooked with them I had problems with it.
  20. shedo82773

    Recommended Nutrition @ 8 weeks

    As was said above I never counted calories, fats or whatever. I was told to concentrate on getting my protein in at least 80grams and 64oz of fluids. As long as you are losing weight you should be ok. You sound like you are doing great. I was on protein drinks for 2 weeks preop and 4 weeks postop. My question is why didn't you get any guidelines from your Surgeon? Did you have your WLS in Mexico? My hubby had his there and we didn't even get discharge papers. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  21. shedo82773

    One week follow up

    Hang in there!! Things will get better day by day!!! Great Job on your weight loss!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  22. shedo82773

    Surgery tomorrow, freaking out!

    You are not alone with your feelings, I think there are many that go thru this!!! Think about how much easier you can play and care for your children. Your life will be so fuller you will have the energy to do more than you ever thought possible!! Hang in there it is a great thing!! One more thing: KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  23. shedo82773

    This liquid diet is killing me

    KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!!! Try to put it like this...I want to be successful!! Remember why you are doing this!! You can do this. Don't cheat, do you know who you are hurting? Just YOU!!! You've got this my freind!!
  24. shedo82773

    Eating is a chore

    I really feel for you!! I am 4 years out from my RNY and for myself...eating most of the time is a chore!! I would rather drink everything. For so many years my life was food. Even when I got married to my bestie Food was what we did. Eating out was our entertainment!! Now that he had his Sleeve food isn't always on his mind either. We really have to be careful because we are both enablers!! And sweets are mine downfall and guess what he buys JUNK!!! I guess what I am trying to say, food more than likely won't be so important as you go on. The Preop and Postop do get boring. But it is a necessary to let us heal. Our bodies have gone thru major rearrangement. Good Luck
  25. shedo82773

    Can I puree anything and would it be acceptable?

    After my RNY (I am 4 years out) my PA told me that anything that I could puree was ok. But I really think he meant with added protein. I had a severe reaction to watermelon because of what he said. LOL I figured that watermelon was safe enough without pureeing it. Man, I was so wrong!!! I had the back door trots so bad and it had so much acid!! You can just imagine how bad it was!! So yes I think you can puree anything buy like was said get your protein in also. Good Luck

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