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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. shedo82773

    Major issues with calcium

    Those are what I use. They aren't so big that they get stuck. I tried the CENTRUM chewable vitamins right after my RNY. I just couldn't take the sweetness. YUKKY
  2. My hubby has had his CPAP for 10-12 years. It took him awhile to get used to it. I hear it sucking air all the time thru the night. He now has a full face over his nose too. But this last mask is not sealing right. It drives me insane!!! But....it has helped him so much, I don't miss his snoring. I kid you not he used to snore so loud. We had our bedroom door closed with the TV up loud and we would hear him LOUDLY SNORING!!! That I don't miss. My SIL is always being woke up by the noise of not sealing so she reaches over and pushes it tight. LOL Made me laugh!! It might take you awhile to get used to it. BUT......it is so worth it, for everyone!!!
  3. I had 2 weeks of Protein Drinks preop and 4 weeks of the same Postop. I didn't have any problems with either because preop I was afraid he would cancel my surgery and after I was so afraid to eat. I just wanted to be successful and knew this was my last chance to get it right. Look towards your prize and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  4. shedo82773

    Before the surgery

    I chose to have the RNY. I figured at my age that I better go BIG or go home!! I really liked the thought of having the restriction and Malabsorption. The 1st Dr. I went to wanted to do the Lap-Band because my hubby had one and lost a little over 100#'s but could never get it filled right had to go back to surgery Later on because they couldn't get fluid in or out. I knew I wanted nothing to do with that. Don't get me wrong about my next comment, I hear people say that they picked the sleeve because it was less invasive than the RNY. HHHMMM how about removing 70 to 89% of your stomach. That is just my thoughts. My PCP told me to go to another Surgeon because he knew me well enough that I needed both aspects of the RNY. He was right!! I got below my goal weight in 6 months due to having problems with Strictures ( kind of like scar tissue) I feel that was part of the reason I lost so fast. I have maintained my weight loss all except I did gain 8#'s back after awhile all were happy because they got worried about me losing too much. So for me the GO BIG or go home worked for me. Since my surgery, I have seen many of the support groups that have lost great with the Sleeve. The bottom line is WLS is a tool, not a fix all. Good Luck on whichever one you decide on!!
  5. shedo82773

    Before the surgery

    Hi, I was just wondering what part of Oregon do you live at? I live in Roseburg, Oregon.
  6. When I was going thru "THE $500.00" class that my Surgeon charged us to go thru the manual that he gave us. I was told by him, his nurse and the nutritionist, that in time there are no FORBIDDEN FOODS. We just need to learn Portion control. And eat everything in MODERATION!!! Now that I am over 4 years out I can finally have 1 slice of bread (I mean whole grain good for you bread) I do have a 1/2 of a sandwich once and awhile. There are a few things that don't work for me such as eggs and Steak. I miss my Steak bad!!! Each of us has to find our new NORMAL. Noone can tell you what to eat. What works for me and you may not work for the other person!! Good Luck in whatever surgery you decide on.
  7. shedo82773

    Final pant/dress size?

    I just want to share this. Today I went to Walmart and tried on jeans. In Levis, I wear an 8. But when I found these High Waist Skinny Jeans I tried on 3 pair. Now I usually wear 8's and 10's with all of the other pants. I had to get a size 12!!! I hate that there are so many different sizes, this is why I never buy anything without trying them on. I have made the mistake of buying some pants online and then had to go thru the hassle of returning them. THAT is SOMETHING I hate to do!!! Well heck, I hate everything that pertains to clothes shopping!! Hate to try them on and etc. I did go a little crazy at first, just look in my closet. LOL I guess it is a guess and bicollie.
  8. shedo82773

    Final pant/dress size?

    Hi ya, I weighed in at 249#'s, on July 2, 2013. I had my RNY. I wore stretchy pants but I was in a size 22 or 24 my tops were a size 3XL. Now I weigh 125 to 130#'s and wear a size med shirt and a size 8 to 10 in Levi jeans!!! At one time around 3 years before my RNY I got up to 285#'s but managed to lose to 249 and stopped there for a couple years. I did have Strictures and needed 5 ENdoscopes with 4 dilations. They suck but it was a quick fix. BTW I got to my goal weight in 6 months. Even with eveything that happened, I would do it again in a heartbeat!!! Good Luck with whichever surgery you decide on!!
  9. My hubby had the LapBand for 13 years if you want to hear our story let me know. But...I will say this DON"T GET THE LAPBAND!!!! Please
  10. shedo82773

    The foamies

    I sure hope you get some relief soon!!! As I said I ended up having 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dialations. but the good news is I haven't had anything since Jan of 2015. They finally got it finished. I had my RNY on July 2, 2013. I also got to my goal weight in 6 months. At one of my Dr's appointment, they ask me if I had ever stopped losing weight when I told them that I had stopped losing and I managed to gain 7#'s back. They all said that they were really worried about me. I started having problems within my 1st month. I fought it until Nov of 2013 where I had my 1st endo done, then another in Dec of 2013, Jan of 2014 July 2014. My last one was Jan of 2015. In the meantime, I fired my Surgeon and went to another BARIATRIC CENTER who is 100% better heck they even smile at you. My Surgeon had not 1 lick of bedside manner and called me a PROBLEM CHILD due to all of my problems. Hopefully, you will get some relief soon. I hope that you can realize that it WILL get better. Did they take a look? IK know exactly what you are saying about people saying this only happens because you overate or ate something that you shouldn't, I got the same response!! Just know IT IS NOT your fault. Some of us are blessed with overactive tummy's that heal too fast and produce more scar tissue. HUGS and if there's anything I can do let me know. Talk to you soon!!!
  11. shedo82773

    Getting protein in post-op

    Hi, with my tail between my legs!!!! I am sorry that I blew up yesterday. I really didn't realize you were agreeing with me. I think I just took it as me being stupid or dumb. I will say this, when we read something someone poets it is really hard to get the true meaning of it. I just kind of jumped out there being defensive again. I can be a little quick to the gun to defend mine and myself. Again, I am sorry. let this be GONE!! OK
  12. shedo82773

    Getting protein in post-op

    Ok so I didn't get that memo like I said they didn't say anything to me about it until I complained about trying to meet my fluid goals. It is very strange at how things get to you. Look it took you to tell me that I was kind of DUMB, more than once. It seems like you center me out to give me SH**. Have a nice evening
  13. I had to take a double look, you LOOK AMAZING!!! Both pictures but...HOLY MOLEY you are a knockout!!
  14. shedo82773

    Getting protein in post-op

    My Surgeon neglected to tell me this after my RNY. I also was told that anything that could be blended was ok to eat. Which I knew he didn't mean Chocolate candy bars. LOL
  15. I love cottage cheese also. Now I am a sweet person, I take my cottage cheese and add a little Sugar-Free Strawberry jelly yum yum!!! Taste almost like a strawberry cheesecake.
  16. shedo82773

    Getting protein in post-op

    EXACTLY!!! This is what I got a post about. Water is the single most important thing at first the protein will come later.
  17. shedo82773

    Getting protein in post-op

    I have checked GENEPRO out I also got kicked in the teeth from some on here. Also, when I said to concentrate on her fluids I am just stating what my DR and Nutritionist had told me. Yes, Protein Drinks count as fluids so I agree there try and try again. But...like I said it doesn't take long to become dehydrated which in turn is horrible. When your fluids up she may feel like she can add more of her protein. There are other nonflavored proteins out there. I think INJURY carries one. Whatever it takes. I'm sorry if I offended anyone on here. I will still use my GENEPRO. It works for me!! Have a good one!!
  18. shedo82773


    The third week I was still on Protein Drinks. I had to do 4 weeks Postop. Every Dr has their own Guidelines, follow what they said.
  19. I can totally see your side. The betrayal is a very hard thing to get over, for sure. I just want to send you a virtual hug. And one last thing Keep your eyes on the prize and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!! You've got this. What an exciting time!!
  20. shedo82773

    Getting protein in post-op

    FOCUS on your FLUIDS!!! Your protein will come as you get further out. You definitely want to get your water in, it doesn't take us long to become dehydrated. As far as the Protein Drinks, they have a Hot Chocolate thru BariatricPal and it as 15grams of protein in it. They also sell Chicken Noodle Soup (I just didn't eat the noodles myself) it also has 15grams of protein. My favorite is GENEPRO also sold on BariatricPal. It is the only unflavored Protein I have found that I can handle. I would hate to find out how much $$ I actually paid for Protein that I couldn't handle. My nephew uses Protein, so at least my $$ wasn't totally wasted!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  21. shedo82773

    Hot dang less then 20 hours!

    I would suggest that you also measure yourself. Even when you aren't losing you will lose inches!! For your before/after picture take it in a doorway it seems to help with something visually. A door gives you a guideline to measure with!! Also, try to get slippers that have grips because hospital floors can be slippery. Take something that zips or has buttons because you will be sore and you won't like raising your arms over your head. And LAST CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are starting a great new JOURNEY!!!! Keep us in the know!!
  22. shedo82773

    Is this my new normal?

    I also named my pouch. Let me explain where I got her name. My mom had a Quaker Parrot, she would like you one time and then the next she would tear you up!! So my pouch has part of her name!! PRISSY POUCH as her name was PRISSY BIRD!!! My pouch has a mind of her own. One time I can eat something and then the next time I try to eat it my PRISSY gets in a full PRISSY mood!! My pouch also rumbles like crazy. I am Lactose Intolerant since my RNY. I don't POO like before either. I always had "the back door trots" before my RNY, now I tend to go the other way. Which as bad as it hurts at times I really don't miss the other GO!!!
  23. shedo82773

    Need typical day menu

    Great post but...remember you can't eat that many OZ'S. You are just in the baby steps of your journey. That is quite a lot of food for someone at 7 weeks out. Focus on protein and fluids and it will all come together. Have a good rest of your day.
  24. shedo82773

    My mom is not well

    WOW!!! Like everyone said above, DEMAND that she gets help. I had strictures also, I needed 5 Endoscopes with 4 Dialations. It is no JOKE but it is an easy fix!! Go to your surgeon and push for your mom!!! She needs to get help. I am so sorry that she is going thru this. I hope and pray that you get the help you need. Don't let anyone (dr nurse or whoever) get away with not helping her.
  25. shedo82773

    Need typical day menu

    Oh O.K., I do know that everything is a learning process. What are you allowed to eat at 7 weeks? I can try to find my journal if need be. I do know that I was on Protein Drinks for 4 weeks postop.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
