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Everything posted by shedo82773

  1. Hi, can you tell me what the difference in a BiPap and CPap? Thanks
  2. My hubby went to Juarez, Mexico in June of 2016. They told us that he would have his Sleeve done and spend the night in the Hospital and then spend 1 night at the Motel. We traveled there early the day before his Surgery and stayed an extra day at the motel. Of course, I don't know where your Dad is going and how his recovery will be but I would be sure to let the Airport know that he will need a wheelchair because you just feel so weak afterward, and it is better safe than sorry. Right, those Airports are huge!!! Good Luck and I hope someone else will have more info.
  3. I never even thought about that. Thanks, My Dr knows what I take but to be honest she isn't very thorough. All she is concerned with is making me take 6 UA'S out of 7 times I have seen her. I am on Fentanyl patches. So because Oregon has a large number of peeps on OPIATES and they are trying to get everyone off of them. I really don't have a problem with getting off the patches, I just know this has been the 1 and only thing that I have tried that works, I'm not sure what she has in mind. I told her that I would go back to POT, which is Legal here. But...the feds can still come and arrest you. She thought I was smoking now and about had a fit!! I told her that I haven't done that for at least 10years now. The only problem with POT I get the munchies so bad, I could eat the wallpaper off the wall. A WL person getting the munchies is NOT GOOD!! Sorry, I wrote another book.
  4. shedo82773

    New here new to the journey

    I don't know what I did but anyway...I just wanted to say WELCOME to all of you!! I look forward to following your Journey!!!
  5. I have some very weird things since my RNY. (I am over 4 years out) I hiccup big time!! I still struggle with the "DON'T take that one last bite." I am now Lactose Intolerant but the strangest things go on. Somethings affect me say this time but if I have it again (like way down the line) It doesn't bother me at all. The biggest and the worst thing is I taste metal in my mouth all of the time. Food sure doesn't taste good then. It seems like my taste and smell has been put in OVERTIME!! At first, I couldn't stand Garlic, smell or taste either one. My poor hubby loves his garlic and so DID I before. LOL
  6. shedo82773

    3 months post op

  7. shedo82773

    Dr. Visit

    YAY!!! Sounds like you are getting on with your GOOD SELF!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!
  8. shedo82773

    Hi I am 62

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Way to go!!
  9. shedo82773

    New here

    I can suggest a great aid in quitting your smokes. I also was a long time smoker and had quit at least 4 times. Heck, I quit for over 20 years and went right back to it when my 18YO daughter flew the nest. But....the last time I quit I had Chantex. You smoke with it for 1 week, then put your quit date on your calendar!! On that morning I got up and didn't have 1 craving to smoke!! This was 8years ago!! All of the other times I quit I still had the cravings to go back to smoking. I can honestly say I hate them now...the smell, I am a perfume lady and while I smoked I hated it because I always smelled awful. My thing has always been I want to smell good and while I smoked it just didn't let my perfume shine thru. Just an idea. BTW I used it for 1 month. Come to find out you can use it for 3 months. Keep us posted on your journey!! I also forgot to tell you WELCOME to our group and never be afraid to ask any kind of ?'s. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  10. Years ago I finally figured it out. My hubby and I were talking, I said to him that Heavy people are not eating to enjoy food sometimes They are looking for that stuffed feeling!! When you said that about wanting the stuffed feeling because it made you feel safe and that you ate for real. Now I'm not saying this as to blame my hubby but...I wasn't obese or even a little overweight when we got married. But as I have said before FOOD was our main thing. We both loved to eat!! Now comes a confession that is pretty damn hard to admit. As we were learning about having a family etc. My mom would make food and send it home to us, he would eat and eat until it was gone. He would ask me if I wanted some and because I was full I decided I would have some later. He would eat it all, I didn't get any of it. SO...being the miz piggy I was I would make sure I got my part!!! Even if I was stuffed I would eat it!! So that sure helped me gain more and more. Food was all we ever did. We didn't have much money and our big thing was going out to eat after we bought our groceries. We would buy hamburgers for 5 hamburgers for $5 and then we would order a family fry which came in a box. We bought 10 burgers, I ate 2 and the kids ate 1 a piece which left him with 6 burgers. Now they weren't a huge hamb with everything on them but dang they were the best. In time I got up to 3 or 4 burgers. Which then we had to but 5 more. Which he would eat!! This went on for so many years!! Him asking me if I wanted something, I would say not right now...BOOM they got ate by him.it So as I said he didn't force me to eatanything but I figured if I wanted some I better eat it now. lol Just wanted to share this I guess, I haven't told many people about this because I am not blaming him but it does sound like it. Sorry I wrote a book!!
  11. shedo82773

    Fibroite sleever -

    Hi, I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time. I know this will sound so mechanical but it will get better. First, call your Dr for something to help with your nausea. There is no reason to feel so bad. I use a nonflavored Protein Drink called GENEPRO. I add it to my espresso every day. You need to get your nausea under control. Focus on getting your fluids in and push that protein hard. It doesn't take long for us to dehydrate. Are you sick before or after you eat or drink? Check with your Dr. You could have a Stricture. ( kind of like scar tissue) not to worry if it is there is an easy fix. They do an Endoscope and use a balloon to dilate your Stoma. Not trying to make problems where there isn't one but explore all of your options. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing. BTW I also have Fibromylgia and my surgery has actually helped me some. So that might be something that helps you too.
  12. UndercoverDiet, Here I am again. LOL First let me say this YOU are so very brave!!! Like was said above, your partner will more than likely come around!! You have us!! Feel free to ask me anything!! Even tho I had the RNY and you are having the Sleeve, WLS is basically the same when it comes to the feelings that come up. I would tell you to call ahead for them to have a wheelchair at the Airport, some of those places are huge!! Be sure to keep your carry in light as you can. I think you will have lots of help from the site you are going thru. Just let them know you are alone. Now just one more thing, I am very proud of you for preparing yourself for your new start. I can relate 100%. Keep us posted and remember keep your eyes on the prize!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!
  13. shedo82773

    Medical Financing Options

    We didn't get that kind of love. LOL They did take us to the wrong hospital for real. We got out and walked in, they checked and we weren't on their list. Then we were taken to another hospital. We had nurses and DR's that didn't speak English at all. They had me pay with $$ at the cafeteria. Then my change was pesos. Lord, I had lots of peso's when we left. Our grandkids were impressed when I gave them each peso. The nurses didn't even wash their hands or use hand Sanitizer. We didn't get discharge papers. He didn't have the RNy as planned, due to solid scar tissue he had the Sleeve. When I ask Belite for a new diet for him I was told it was the same as a RNY. I knew there was a difference because I had the RNY. They were supposed to give us money back due to different Surgery but they had to get more of the refund because he had a more difficult surgery which was fine but...we didn't even get the amount that they quoted to us. It was NOT an experience that I would visit again. So glad yours was so Positive!!
  14. shedo82773

    [RAVE] Who am I??

    That is totally awesome. I love my skinny jeans!! Let me share a little tidbit. Walmart sells Levi Strass skinny jeans!!! For the price of $19.95. Now I don't know about you but personally, I love to buy these and save me lots of $$!! I bought some jeans for like $75.00 a piece (hubby said I needed them) and I really don't care for them as much as my Levi's, They are midrise and I like Highrise. They don't have to be over my belly button but I still have this stupid muffin top and with the highrise, they cover more of it. So MIZ SKINNY JEANS check out Walmart!!
  15. shedo82773

    When did I become this person?

    This same thing happened to me. I started my walking as soon as I got released from the Hospital. We had to stay at a Motel for the 1st week because we lived 100 miles away. So I started walking at the Motel. I continued to keep at it for all of my 4 years. With very few days missed, if something came up and I couldn't go for my walk it literally made me depressed and upset. I have just noticed that I am ok if I have something come up and can't go for my "ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT"!! Let me say this...my whole life I have lived with the state of mind be it diets or exercise just about anything I have done, I have been an over-doer. I call it (please don't be offended) BALLS TO THE WALL OR NOTHING!!! But...just a few days ago while we were chatting here, I realized I'M OK!!! I don't have to become OCD about this. I can miss a walk. This was an huge eye opener for me. I am 61 YO and just have come to realize I don't have to walk 7 days a week. It is very liberating if I do say so myself. I just wanted to share a little bit about my balance.
  16. shedo82773

    Medical Financing Options

    Just curious, how did you like going thru them? Which Hospital did you go to? My hubby went thru BELITE and we weren't pleased with it. Was your Surgeon Jose Rodriquez?
  17. Hey, great job getting back into control!! If you look at your post you really didn't do bad!! Give yourself a break. Look at it this way, you were thrown for a loop but got it back and finished great. Pat yourself on your back!! Kudo's kido
  18. I think it was a total rip off. LOL I could have read the manual and then if I had ?'s I could have asked them. The reason I feel like it was a rip off as I went thru the class and my hubby went thru it with me. That was July 2, 2013. Then in Sept of 2013. We had to pay another $500 for him to go thru it. I also went thru it with him. It was exactly the same manual. Bummer deal if you ask me. Oh well, its all done now. They sure can't take it back, can they. LOL
  19. shedo82773

    The struggle is real..

    YES!! You can do this!! Remember why you are even doing the drinks and keep your eyes on the prize!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!! BTW the broth is wonderful...you get something hot and it breaks up the monotony of the cold drinks. Also, I'm not sure if you can have coffee (maybe DEcaf if you are a coffee drinker) add some of your protein drinks to it.
  20. I notice that you drink coffee, I put unflavored GENEPRO, every day in my ESPRESSO. For me, it is a win-win because I would drink my ESPRESSO anyway.
  21. shedo82773

    Medical Financing Options

    We didn't go thru any financing for my hubby Sleeve surgery in Mexico. but I used my car as collateral at our bank. But...most of your companies offer some financing thru them. I know that we went thru BELITE WEIGHT LOSS and they offered it but the interest was higher than our bank. I would not recommend that place at all. You could start here with BARIATRICPAL and see if they offer financing. That is if you want to go abroad.
  22. Wow, 4 weeks preop!! How long does he have you do postop? I did 2 weeks Preop and 4 weeks postop. I really didn't have much trouble with either one due to being afraid he would cancel my RNY during Preop. Postop I really didn't have any PROBLEMS sticking to it due to not wanting to do anything wrong and hurt myself or mess up my weight loss. It's funny how we think at times. I even thought that I didn't want to fail and disappoint my Surgeon. LOL He was doing it for me and not me doing it for him. Funny stuff

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
