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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LisaLouBop got a reaction from holliwood1980 in December sleevers   
    Doing good here too, sleeved Dec 17th. Working through a stall for the past month, but chin up.
  2. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in Serious Question. How is WLS the "wrong way"?   
    Is it the "wrong way" to have an insulin pump? Or to have a stent? Dialysis? It makes no sense to me.
    I never wanted to "admit defeat" nor would I consider WLS until I tried Phentermine. Phentermine changed my life. It took away the hunger and food cravings. I love 80 pounds and kept it off as long as I was taking it. I took an extremely low dose and usually only every other day or two. It worked until I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and could no longer take it.

    I have always been extremely physcially active and reasonably healthy in my food choices. Sure, I made a lot of horrible choices, but my issue was constant hunger and craving I couldn't control. This surgery has solved that for me.

    I truly think that obesity can be attributed to a lot of things. I think hormonal/chemical imbalances were a big part of my issue. Not an excuse, MY reality based on my hard work to get healthy.
  3. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in Affairs?   
    I can't agree. I wouldn't do that to another woman nor would I want a man who isn't faithful.
    I also fancy myself strong enough to get out a bad relationship on my own and without the "help" of another relationship.
    Again, that's just me.
  4. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in How do we convince MFP we're not anorexic?   
    I giggle when it tells me anything. I use it to track my food, not to get it's advice.
  5. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Babbs in Affairs?   
    The other man has an "open" relationship with his wife. Yeah, right. That's what they all say....
    Either figure out your relationship, or end it. Then move on to having coffee with other men. Unmarried ones, preferably.
  6. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to livvsmum in For the people actively Losing weight that track food...   
    I track everything in MFP. I pay the most attention to Protein, carbs, and Water. I shoot for 80g Protein, less than 40g carbs, and 100 oz of Water. If I get that in, the calories, fat, sugar, etc. seem to just kind of fall into place on their own. If you're asking for an avg of calories, though, I would say 700-800 at this point would be a safe average.
  7. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to motherof5 in Ugh when am I gonna learn to eat slow   
    OMGoodness! This is hard for me. I usually eat fast when it is past my eating time. So, I try to eat every 2 hours even if it is a hand full of chickpeas. But it is still hard. Grammy gave some good advice. I try to place my fork down and then chew chew chew. What I do sometimes I will read while I eat and it helps me to slow down. I introduced salad greens back into my diet the other day and ate too fast. It hurt really bad. I didn't take my time and chew properly
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Rogofulm in I'm hungry alot! Normal?   
    At my one-month appointment, I complained to my doc about getting hungry. He told me that hunger is often thirst in disguise; and I've found that to be true. Are you getting enough fluids in? Try increasing them, especially when you feel hunger. Fluids are your friend, in many, many ways throughout this process. Yes, they help you stay satisfied. But they also fight off Constipation and provide elasticity for your skin. Something we all care about eventually. And, while Protein is the key to minimizing hair loss, I think fluids may contribute to it as well. Good luck!
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Folly in Relationships, Sex and other Things That Mess Up Your Hair   
    I'm curious how the relationships are holding up long-term with the tranformation. My husband is super supportive and has been from the beginning, he was more worried about my well being than anything and seems to not ever lose sight of wanting me healthy. I'm very fortunate in this respect, I was married, once upon a time, to a violent monster who used every opportunity to try to tear me down. I couldn't have attempted this journey with such a partner.
    That being said, my current husband sacrificed, without complaint, something he wanted. He was attracted to, fell in love with and married a woman who weighed over 400 lbs. To him that is and always has been the ideal of feminine beauty. His encouraging the surgery and weight loss was an act of love and selfleseness - he saw the toll it was taking on my health and wanted me to feel better.
    During this process our love and trust for each other has grown. Our communication is deeper and more meaningful. In many ways our partnership has been strengthened and has become beautiful and lovely. There was a price to be paid, however, and that price is high and sometimes hard to pay.
    He misses the big, soft me that he found so sexy and exciting. I miss being that to him. I'm not worried he'll stray or stop loving me or anything like that... once upon a time, not too long ago, I was his Goddess. That's gone now. Through the years, with ups and downs we always had that. When we got tired of putting up with each other or life's disappointments were too much to even talk about we always found our way back to understanding through the bedroom. It always brought us back to intimacy and communication and the profoundly compassionate friendship that has sustained our marriage.
    It's hard not feeling guilty taking that away from someone who loves you so dearly but it isn't there anymore. The emotional attraction and love is but...
    It's a struggle to figure out where to go from here.
  10. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to wannaBthinsoon in I'm done telling folks. They don't get it   
    I told my sister. I wasn't going to, but she was trying to convince me to buy a new bread machine (that makes homemade noodles! OH BOY! I really need more bread and noodles!) I told her, don't need it, doubt I'll be making any bread or noodles for a long time, if ever again. She said..."WHAT?! ANOTHER DIET?!!" "HOW long will this one last???". I told her about my decision to have gastric sleeve surgery. THEN out of her mouth came........."EWWWWW!! Have you thought that through??" um, yeah, I didn't just wake up this morning and say...hmmm I think I'll have major surgery to remove 85% of my stomach sometime after the first of the year. Note to self. Don't tell anyone else.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to livvsmum in How do you explain?   
    I agree with what the others have said. My mom was a totally non-believer and did the same thing as your friend. She would tell me about all of the scary facts she heard about WLS, and Sharon Osborne wishes she wouldn't have had it (lol), and gee...haven't you thought about trying a diet?
    After a while I just had to tell her that the decision has been made, I would appreciate her support, but the topic is officially off the table for discussion.
    Even to this day when she comes to visit she brings loads of junk food and I swear she is trying to sabotage me. I think it's not possible in some cases to change what people think, but you can decide the extent to which you will let their opinions have an impact on you.
  12. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to bellabloom in Smoking weed pre op   
    I'm surprised how much this comes up. Not to be judge mental- but you know that weed increases your appetite right?
    Do you think maybe now is the time to quit for good? It's not really addictive physically and it's pretty hard not to eat while high. I think quitting before your surgery is a really really good idea. Bypass is very different than the sleeve, you cannot get away with as much. You don't want to be smoking after having this done, trust me. The munchies would feel like torture to me.
    Weed slows you down, basically makes you fat and lazy!! (When your high anyway). I know from experience how weed affects people and their lives. Maybe you should take this opportunity to turn a corner and stop using, get on the right track with your energy and lifestyle?
    I don't know much about you, maybe you have chronic pain or something like that. But I can't think of many reasons to smoke weed. It makes people depressed and apathetic. I'm from hum olds country the weed capital of America so I know a lot about this!!!
    Quit that shite!!
    Plus they urine test you in the hospital and if you pee dirty you may have an issue!
  13. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to anaxila in Eating/drinking too fast...   
    I downloaded eatslower (I think I actually bought eatslowerpro), and it crashes / maxes out after 7-8 bites and won't continue. That's why I switched to just using the clock app. I wish it worked, but at this point I'm happy with the other too. Just hate being out the $1 or whatever I paid.
  14. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from heynowkc in I'm hungry alot! Normal?   
    I'm one month post op and have found myself HUNGRY a whole lot as well. What I've found is that I didn't do the basics.
    I hadn't had enough Fluid in between meals. I drank too soon or during my meal. I'm averaging about 500 to 700 calories a day now. I log EVERYTHING in my fitness pal, so it's easy for me to keep track.
    I seem to be learning "learning the hard way" on so many things. I eat too fast and pay the price and turn around and do it again two days later. <sigh>
  15. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Elode in Chia seeds   
    They kind of remind me of tapioca pudding after they swell. I've purchased the light colored seeds, just in case my tooth brush wasn't close by. The taste is unremarkable.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in I'm not RIGHT, you're not WRONG, WE ARE DIFFERENT.   
    It amazes me that so many get their panties in a wad when they post their opinion on a public discussion board and someone else disagrees or posts a counter opinion.

    Seriously! It's OK. In most cases, that counter opinion is just that -- opinion. While I do take issue with those who take themselves very seriously and post their opinion as fact, I am happy to say they are few and far between.

    We, for the most part, have different surgeons, different NUTs, different metabolisms, different builds, different backgrounds, different thought processes, different psychosis... (JOKING! Kind of.)
    There are very few doctors or therapists here. There are NO experts on YOU here, with the exception of yourself. No one is qualified to give you *absolute do or die* advice. No one is in a position to tell you that you are !!!WRONG!!! or that everyone else is.

    Relax. Breathe. Discuss. Share. Vent. Listen. Learn.

    We all have our hot buttons, we are human. We all have topics we are passionate about. Debate is fun! It's healthy. It's how we learn and grow. It's a positive form of interaction until someone takes it personally. (I'm guilty at times -- I know it!) As long as it's respectful, there is no name calling involved, and there are no personal attacks, there is nothing wrong with it.

    I'll tell you a few things about me that are "wrong" and I don't give a rat's patoot if you want to tell me so:
    I drink soda. GASP! Even worse, I drink it through a straw! I would never tell anyone else to do the same. That's between you and your doctor.
    I graze all day. My sleeve is small, my restriction is fierce. I graze to keep myself from getting too hungry, eating too fast and then vomiting it all back up.
    I eat while I work, when I drive, when I watch TV. I find that when I do this, I get distracted and I eat slower. Weird, I know.
    I weigh myself 2-4 times a day. First thing in the morning (usually fully dressed in my PJs as I get up at a ridiculously early time of day to get my kids out of the door.) I weigh myself buck naked after kissing them goodbye when it's time to get myself dressed. I weigh myself before and after a poo (giggle) because I have a middle school boy sense of humor. I weigh myself at night, again buck nekky, just before I get in the shower. I call it my step aerobics. It works for me. I don't get frustrated or upset. I never have, even at my fattest.
    I eat real chocolate every day. Just a few Hershey Kisses or a Dove Promise (dark!). It quiets the sweet tooth I didn't have pre-op and keeps me from thinking about sweets all day. It's better to feed the beast a nibble and shut it up. FOR ME.
    I eat full fat everything except the things I don't.

    I am choosing not to be a WLS advocate. I don't care HOW people think I am losing weight, I don't care who supports me. I don't tell my business to everyone and it's not up to me to save the world from obesity one fatty at a time. I'm not embarrassed, ashamed or a liar.

    Your personal experience, your advice from your NUT/surgeon/NP may differ completely. You may be of the opinion that I will be the size of a small whale in 5 year's time. You may think that I am failing myself and my surgery. You may think I am a hypocrite. It's OK.

    You do you, I'll do me. We can talk and share and be opinionated together, even when our opinions don't match.

    This is a public DISCUSSION board. It's ok to discuss, it's ok to be opinionated. Just expect the same in return.
  17. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in What's with all the "diet" food?   
    Twenty months out, at goal for the last eight or so, no expert on anyone but me.
    I saw my NUT twice because it was required by insurance. She was nice, but she was a twit who tried to sell me her MLM Vitamins. I did my time and then I noped it right outta there.
    My NP gave me a list of yes foods and no foods and told me to go from there. I adjusted that list by what made me feel good and what did not. Every visit (monthly) for the first 6 months, we discussed my food diary and what I liked/didn't and what she liked/didn't. I adjusted, she adjusted.
    I won't do fat free and rarely do SF except pudding cuz I love it. I eat real mayo, butter, sour cream but I like light dressing and yogurt. Not a dietary choice but because I LIKE it.
    I eat meat first, veggies second, complex carbs last. I can rarely manage the complex carbs. It's not "on purpose", it's because I don't have room and I feel lethargic after carbs.
    When I want something sweet, I eat it. A few kisses, a cookie, a brownie. Probably half a serving size. If I don't eat what I want, I will think about it until I do, so I may as well. Before, I would just eat my way through a lot of sh/t until I gave in but I don't have space now.
    Per my NP, I don't drink enough Water and she hates my Coke Zero, but she goes with it but only because she loves my Protein and my low carbs. She loves that I treat myself daily but in a controlled manner. My CZ is my only vice and she is willing to accept it.
    We are a team. Period.
  18. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from onmywaytoonederland in Do you feel a lot cold than a non surgery person ?   
    I'm 59 and I've been HOT!!!!! for the last 5 years, 30 days post surgury and haven't been warm since.
  19. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in Why I am choosing not to share my WLS with the world.   
    Since the topic was so eloquently brought up, I thought I would share MY reason for not telling the public at large about my decision to have WLS. No, I am not ashamed, embarrassed nor am I being dishonest with myself. I am not protecting myself from ridicule or dissension and I do not care if my decision is a popular one or unpopular. I know I've shared this before, so pardon me if I bore you with a repeat.

    I am a mom, a wife and a successful business owner. I am the VP of my HOA, I have held dozens of positions on the PTA both locally and nationally. I work with my sorority undergrad group, I volunteer at a women's shelter, I work with special needs children. I do mud runs, zumba and am a training instructor at my martial arts school. I organize charity 5ks, lock ins and I used to be a girl scout leader. I was a theater major before I wizened up about my talents and now I am a theater mom. I can't sing, but I can dance when I've had a few cocktails. I can cross one eye while leaving the other one straight. I've been skiing double black diamonds all my life and I am a diamond certified gemologist. I am currently writing a book on my field of business. I have broken my nose 4 times doing stupid things and still don't have a bump. I had a brain tumor. Both of my kids attend special high schools for extremely gifted children and they obviously get it from me, not my husband whom I've been married to for 20 years. I drive a minivan but I prefer to go offroading in a jeep. I am white Water certified in a kayak and a canoe. I have a wicked sense of humor and I hug strangers randomly. I am pro-choice, a libertarian, and a gay right's advocate. I could bore you with more, but I am sure that is more than enough to digest for ow.

    I am *so much more* than someone who has had WLS. I would much prefer to learn about the person I am with than explain what a sleeve is. I don't care for my weight loss to be the center of conversation every time I see someone nor do I feel the need to be the advocate for such a personal decision.
    When people ask, I tell them the truth. I sought the advice of a doctor and nutritionist. I follow a low carb, high Protein diet. I shake my ass a *lot*. I am eating healthier and have made the right choices for *me* to be successful at weight loss. I owe no one any more than that.

    It is up to me to choose how I want to be defined. My choice is NOT as a WLS patient. If you choose differently, so be it. I will not judge you or shame you nor will I try to decide for you. Your body, your choice. Run with it.
  20. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Lovebug2015 in MyFitnessPal.com Members   
    I not sure why Jamaican came into this. Sorry I mean making new friends with similar goals.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to ProjectMe in What's with all the "diet" food?   
    I am by no means a veteran and am very interested in others' responses. Just wanted to say that I enjoy the blog world according to eggface because she uses regular fat/real ingredients in her recipes. She wrote that portion sizes are so small so why not. But, she also does not eat rice, Pasta, white flour, etc. So I am curious as to vets responding because I really don't like "diet" foods but also don't want to reintroduce stuff that is bad for me.
  22. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to BLERDgirl in What do you miss?   
    So far nothing. I haven't tried alcohol or strangely enough ice cream, but I also haven't had a desire for them yet.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in The "Idiot's" Guide to Easy Answers for the Nosy People in our Lives.   
    A hot topic for debate is to tell about our WLS or not to tell. In my opinion, the only "right" answer to this question is to do what is best for YOU. The choices you make about your body are deeply personal and you don't owe ANYONE an explanation or frankly, any answers at all about your weight loss. That said, the nosy nellies (and well meaning, but slightly clueless folk) are often relentless in their questioning.

    I will not lie and I will do everything in my power to be polite (for a little while anyways) but firm. It's really not hard. I am just over 18 months out and I've not told ANYONE that I didn't want to about my surgery. Perhaps because I am not a pushover and when I speak, I leave little room for further discussion, but I have only had two people even hint around about surgery, and no one has had the balls to ask out right.

    So my answers to the questions I've been asked or I've read that others have been asked (some copied from my reply on another thread):

    How are you losing weight? "I'm working with my doctor, eating smaller, healthier portions and exercising."
    Are you on a special diet? "I am working with my doctor to eat smaller, healthier portions."

    What are you eating? "Well, my doctor and nutritionist have come up with a plan that works specifically for me."

    Are you allowed to eat...? "Just like you, I can eat whatever I want, I simply choose not to."

    How much have you lost? "A lot."

    Well, how much? "A lot."

    So how many pounds? "A lot."

    What size do you wear now? "That's a weird question."

    How much do you weigh? :blank stare: "Why in the world would you ask that?" or "I'm sure you didn't mean to sound as rude as you did."

    Did you have surgery? "Why in the world would you ask such a personal question?" or "I didn't realize you were interested in WLS. I suggest you contact a doctor." or "That's a weird question."

    How much more do you want to lose? "I'll know when I get there."

    Are you still trying to lose weight? "I am working on being the healthiest I can be."

    So HOW MUCH have you lost? "A LOT."

    Wow! You've lost a TON of weight. "Thank you."

    WOW! You are shrinking to nothing. "Thank you."

    WOW! You've lost a whole person. "Thank you."

    You are going to blow away soon. "Thank you."

    Wow. You can't lose much more, can you? "Thank you."

    You are really getting too thin. "Thank you."

    You eat like a bird. "You eat like a horse." No, not really. HA! "Thank you."

    What other questions have you been asked or are you worried about people asking you? Give me something hard!
  24. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to angewil60 in It's over   
    I had my sleeve today it went well everything went well when I get there they um prep me and I'm I was given again and a midget my cast with Ted hose went to the bathroom they have you took some more information today and then the anesthesiologist came in to do for sale until we're here be doing intended. But can you tell me where I was going to go to the emergency room and if you see here and asked if we had any questions I was worried it down to operate out and let me know when I woke up again I was in recovery and I was giving you pain medicine cuz I was kinda hurting some and then from there I went and took them test two if I hadn't would liek from the incision from the the surgery itself they went very well I came back to another room and in there she came to me and she did me ask me about some more medicine and its me and took my blood pressure I had to get up and I had to walk and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I walked up and down the hall with one of the nurses and you tell me since the test was friend and when I walked in and I had to go to bathroom to you and for you leave so I was little so says now that was on the way home.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to FrankyG in Discouraged and regreting   
    I'm coming up on 4 weeks after my surgery, and been stalled out for over a week (and showing a slight gain) and I'm so happy to read this! I knew it was a stall, but it is so discouraging to be trying to do everything (eat Protein, get your Water, exercise) and see the scale just sit there or go the wrong way - even if you know the reason for it, it still blows.

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