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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LisaLouBop reacted to BLERDgirl in Vegetables after weight loss surgery   
    I was able to eat raw veg by 6 weeks. I started slow, a little romaine or fresh spinach with some egg salad. I missed salads and even though I eat much smaller ones than I previously did, I now have them several times a week. I have been fortunate enough not to have had any problems with any foods so far.
  2. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to FrankyG in December sleeves, how are you doing?   
    Surgery was 12/18, down 41 pounds so far. I think that is just fine with me. I figure the slow but steady means that my skin isn't going to sag and bag as badly as if I was dropping weight rapidly (so for all you slower losers, that's a perk!)
    I am still struggling with chicken and things like brussel sprouts as that all just comes right back up. Rice and Pasta are not an issue, however, in small quantities.
    I'm lucky if my calories get up over 1,000 but I'm eating mostly high protein/fats with lower carbs. Trying to get more carbs in, and adding in the rice and Beans is helping get my calories up too, so my NUT should be happy.
    I eat a whole lot of cheese - cream cheese, hunks of cheddar, colby jack. Yum! My go to snack is about 16 almonds and a Frigo cheesestick. I am in Texas so I drink HEB's mootopia milk (high Protein, low sugar processed milk that tastes A-MAZ-ING and has about 12 grams of Protein per cup), and eat lots of stews/pastas/ground beef dishes. Lots of bean dishes. I have a slow cooker going right now with kidney Beans, brown rice, tomatoes, onions and sliced sausage for dinner tonight. Lots of fish (have a great baked recipe with lemon, mayo and spices that is EASY), refried beans (I cook a small amount on a plate with some shredded cheddar, then top with pico de gullo and sour cream, and eat with some chips for a "bean nachos" meal).
    I keep a pack of Protein Bars in my desk at work for emergencies, but mostly I pack my lunch and take a few cheese sticks for snacking. I also eat them with fruit (cheese stick and apple or kiwi fruit is nice).
    I also realized that protein powders like unjury make me throw up like crazy. I can't even stand the smell - instant nausea.
    I can't eat anything with high sugar. Tried a few bites of ice cream, and had a bad reaction (think it was dumping syndrome) as I ended up in the bathroom shaking on the floor for about an hour - the throwing up and diarrhea was awful - so will not be eating anything sugary for a very, very long time. Fortunately, I have no real craving for it right now either.
    My energy levels are MUCH better now, and I'm now fitting into jeans I haven't worn in two years. And they aren't tight.
  3. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to BLERDgirl in Vegetables after weight loss surgery   
    Not true. I'm a vegetarian. Easily 75% of what I eat contains fiber. I have been eating them since day 1. When I was all liquid I would make a bean Soup. I also added a bit of spinach to my Protein drinks and Soups.
    As for vegetables try what you like. Just allow time to see if you body reacts negatively before adding anything else new. I have been enjoying small green salads since 6 weeks out.
    As for grains, I don't eat white rice, but I have had brown rice and quinoa with no issues.
    I have never had Constipation or diarrhea. I had my first BM 3 days after coming home from the hospital and I've been regular ever since.
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    LisaLouBop got a reaction from DgotSleeved in Protein help   
    my fitness pal is my conscience.
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    LisaLouBop got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in What the H*LL happened to you?!   
    How dare you hid your healthyness from her.
    The neighborhood narcissist is at it again.
  6. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in What the H*LL happened to you?!   
    How dare you hid your healthyness from her.
    The neighborhood narcissist is at it again.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to BLERDgirl in Calories intake 3 months out of Gastric Sleeve Surgery   
    @@tfarr - That's why I asked. However I do agree you can cut back and focus on getting your Protein from food. Personally I would quit the Protein Bars. They are high in calories and carbs. You can get the Protein they contain in other sources.
    Otherwise if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just keep in touch with your nutritionist and work with her to make sure you are on track.
    I agree everyone's body is different. I too avoid breads, potatoes, rice, crackers. I eat probably 700 -850 calories a day. I try to keep my carbs at 50 or lower. I workout 5 -6 days a week. I have a protein shake in the morning if I am taking my 9am Water aerobics class. In part to get my protein in but also because I can't eat and workout first thing in the morning. Otherwise I get my protein from food. I do 3 meals a day and may do an afternoon snack if I need it. I've never had a stall. *knock on wood*
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    LisaLouBop reacted to DgotSleeved in Protein help   
    @@AC274132 it's myfitnesspal
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Pac-woman in Insulting compliments   
    First thing they said to me was..."hey, you lost your boobs!"

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    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in stomach size   
    I am almost 2 years out (May) and I can probably only eat about 1/4 of a baked potato max. I'm not positive because I haven't eaten more than a bite or two of baked potato since my pre-op.
    At 2 weeks out, the most I could eat was 1-2 tablespoons of mushy stuff. It wasn't until about 6-8 months out that I could manage 1/4 cup. Now I max out at 1/2 cup, maybe a cup if it's really soft. If it's pure Protein, I can manage 2-3 oz. at most.

    My question? Why in the world are you eating baked potato (and so much) this soon out? Is this part of your surgeon's approved diet plan? Interesting. Most people seem to be encouraged to eat mostly Protein, little carbs for the first several months to maximize weight loss.

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    LisaLouBop reacted to BryBro63 in stomach size   
    You must remember that since your surgery was very recent, you have to account for swelling...after awhile and things are fully healed, you will be able to take in a little more volume. Things will indeed become much easier once all your 'internals' have fully healed and you have adjusted both physically and mentally to your new body.
    Wish you all the best success!!!
  12. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to DgotSleeved in Protein help   
    here's a sample from the past 2 days. sleeved on 12/17
  13. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in What the H*LL happened to you?!   
    How dare you hid your healthyness from her.
    The neighborhood narcissist is at it again.
  14. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Elode in “The Biggest Loser:” Irresponsible Weight Loss Surgery Comments?   
    @@Alex Brecher I do and don't get why people are getting their panties all in a bunch? You would have to be a complete uneducated moron to believe anything these people have to say about ANY kind of weight loss! They run a Completely unhealthy,torturous "camp" To show how to lose weight? It's ridiculous and unrealistic results. Look at the people who come out of there! All to sell their cheap Crappy products. I wouldn't spend one dime on any thing that say "biggest loser" on it...not even my carrots. Really carrots! They put there logo on carrots?! It's pathetic, and just knowing how WRONG and unsafe that whole program is should give people a clue to not take ANY of there "weight loss" information to heart..especially anything pertaining to surgical weigh loss. Find a different show to watch people! You can kill your brain cells in a much more entertaining way I can assure you!
  15. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in What the H*LL happened to you?!   
    How dare you hid your healthyness from her.
    The neighborhood narcissist is at it again.
  16. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from MrsSugarbabe in Looking for some veteran sleeve guidance… HELP!   
    I am 10 weeks out from surgery also.
    The others are right, you need to see your Dr. The sooner the better.
  17. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from RJ'S/beginning in What the H*LL happened to you?!   
    How dare you hid your healthyness from her.
    The neighborhood narcissist is at it again.
  18. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to LipstickLady in Husband is so negative about my Weight Loss Surgery :(   
    When you get on an airplane the steward tells you to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Put yours on, then worry about his.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to loriemoms in fingers and toes   
    I was prepared for some weight loss in my feet and finger but its been more dramatic than I thought. My question is my wedding ring keeps slipping off especially in the shower and washing dishes. I dont want to get it resized yet because.i have 50 lbs left to loose and I dont want to stop wearing it. I actually put it on my forefinger sometimes but it feels funny any one else.have a solution?
  20. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from SeptemberSlimmer1960 in December sleevers   
    Doing good here too, sleeved Dec 17th. Working through a stall for the past month, but chin up.
  21. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to anaxila in Triple Zero   
    I looked at the Triple Zero in the store, but it's got 40% more carbs and 50% more calories than Dannon Light & Fit Greek (which I love!!) and comes in fewer flavors. The 20% increase in Protein from 12g to 15g wasn't enough to make me switch, but I am very curious about them.
  22. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from SeptemberSlimmer1960 in December sleevers   
    Doing good here too, sleeved Dec 17th. Working through a stall for the past month, but chin up.
  23. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from SeptemberSlimmer1960 in December sleevers   
    Doing good here too, sleeved Dec 17th. Working through a stall for the past month, but chin up.
  24. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Stevehud in I need help   
    Ill be honest, this really isnt the place to ask for money. Many many of us are in debt over our surgeries anyway. We also have to find creative ways to fund our own plastic surgery. Secondly, you dont have a profile set up, no name, no whereabouts, no pictures, no email surgery dates, surgeon, nothing , so as far as we know you dont really exist as a WLS patient. Even your go fund me page has no name or contact information. The picture on your go fund me page looks great but it shows no skin issues. I would suggest talking with various plastic surgeons in your area, they do much work at cost or for free to needy people on a regular basis, also you can lok into contact the WLSFA ( Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America, they give grants for WLS and for Plastic surgery as a resultof WLS. They help a lot of people every year. Your doctor can read about it below.
    at http://www.wlsfa.org/looking-for-help/faq-about-our-grant-referral-program/
  25. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from brandy31 in What shampoo do you use?   
    I started taking Biotin 10 mg a day. I also only use Shampoo about once a month, I use a cleansing conditioner every day, something along the line of wen. I'm only 7 weeks post op, I'm not sure if you are further along than I am. But so far so good.

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