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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Miss Mac in Major struggles   
    Oh, after all of that I forgot: Water is as important as air. You body needs to be hydrated, just like a plant needs watered. I was stuck on a plateau for months. When I took my Protein to 80-100 gams and my Water up to 100 ounces and doubled my exercise, the scale started moving again.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Rogofulm in Almost a Month Post Op and this happened :(   
    Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the pounds will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again!
    (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  3. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to BLERDgirl in It's a journey, not a destination   
    @@gowalking - Thank you! I was beginning to wonder if somehow they slipped something inside us that makes us suddenly impatient when they operate. So many of us seem to what super fast results even though we've been fat most of our lives. I sometimes catch myself doing this as well. Speaking for myself, I can honestly say it took 51 years of life to gain this weight. I don't need it to come off overnight and I shouldn't expect it. Each day I feel healthier and each day I need to remember to work my program. I'm now trying to notice the small things. I went on a Winery tour Saturday. There were 2 separate sets of stairs that a year ago I would have had to pause in the middle of climbing up/down that I was able to climb. I did it almost without thinking. That's a NSV that won't show on the scale.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to B-52 in It's a journey, not a destination   
    Being a Diabetic (post) and because my cholesterol, lipids, etc, were so high, I developed Coronary Artery Disease...in other words my fat content was so high it was oozing throughout my arteries to the point I had one Heart Attack, (and cardiac Surgery).....and diabetes on top of that because it is fat that makes one insulin resistant.
    I was seeing as many as 5 Dr.'s all on a 4 month rotation, and every one of them insisted it was the high fat % that was literally killing me.
    So for me, it was all about a #...and not in pounds or worthless BMI's...but in Body Fat %...how much of my weight was actual Fat Content...and because of the band I got that # down to within the lowest range...Athletic.
    Needless to say my Diabetes has reversed, no more Endocrinologist....and I am the talk of my cardiologists office when I show up...which is only once a year now for a routine visit. My Arteries are clear, excellent circulation.
    I also see my Bariatric Surgeon only once a year now, although I can call any one of them if I develop symptoms or have complaints.
    I do consider this a journey, I also consider myself as finishing that journey.
    From years with the band everything has become a way of life, a new lifestyle, not worrying about what I can and cannot eat, taking all that for granted now.
    For the way I approached this, there is no such thing as maintenance. Not sure how I could do that, possible get Fluid taken out of my band so I can eat more??
    I also have no weight left to lose...BMI says I'm overweight, but my body Fat % could not be better and to lose any more weight would be self destructive.
    But I also understand reading posts from people who fret with just about everything....people do need to relax and let this thing play out....we did not get fat in 2-4 months, and we are not going to get back to normal in 2-4 months....
    But with a little patience, this thing does work!!! Some people need to get out of the way and let it do it's magic.
    Just my 2 cents.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to gowalking in It's a journey, not a destination   
    I'm starting to see more posts from folks with stalls, or gaining some weight back, or I'm 'X' pounds away from goal and I want to kindly remind everyone that weight is a number. It's the way the medical community determines success/failure with weight loss surgery.
    It should not be our way of determining success or failure. Stop getting on the scale. Focus on the non scale victories. We have them daily. You just have to be aware of them. Even with myself being in the maintenance stage, I still have NSVs. I just am not always aware of them and then when I am, it's as good as the first NSV.
    I've been on this forum for more than two years. I provide my stats just so other morbidly obese folks can see that WLS works. No other reason. I don't weigh myself anymore. I know by what I've eaten, how I'm doing. I know by the fit of my clothes, how I'm doing. I know I'm successful because I can walk again when I was almost wheelchair bound. I know I'm successful because I am healthier than I've been in almost 20 years. I know I'm successful because I look people in the eye again. I know I'm successful because I care about how I look again. I know I'm successful because I am actually out there dating again. I know I'm successful because I can take trips with my family and not be a burden. I know I'm successful because I can put my leg up on the bench in the shower and shave my legs again. I know I'm successful because I can sit in a chair with arms.
    Shall I go on? Do you get it now? As the weight drops...quickly or slowly or in a non-linear fashion, we experience all types of NSVs. Focus on those. Enjoy your lives, you are making choices to be better. Even if you falter, you can get back on track. You have the tools so know that every day is a new beginning and today is the day to pay attention to how much healthier/happier you are now than before.
    Have a good day today and be kind to yourselves. I'm heading out in a couple of hours to see my new grandson born this past Thursday. I can get on the train with no problems, climb the stairs at the train station without worrying if I'll make it or not, not worry about how big the hospital is because I can walk without pain, and hold the baby in my arms and know that I will be the most active grandma this kid will ever know. Come look for me....I'll be the little lady in the park climbing the monkey bars with her grandson in a few years. That my friends, is success.
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    LisaLouBop got a reaction from kay1117 in A NSV   
    Congratulations!!! That is awesome news!!!!!
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    LisaLouBop reacted to liannatx in Drinking too much water?   
    I had the same concern, I felt like Water went down very easy after the first few days. I emailed my Doc/nut and was told Water empties very fast, but to have no more than 4 ounces in 10 or 15 minutes, as that is about a brand new sleeve capacity.
    I know that each Sleeve/Surgeon/person is different, but I had to pace myself so I wouldn't drink a bottle of water too fast.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to McButterpants in Unexpected surprise expenses   
    Yeah there are a lot of expenses that I didn't anticipate.
    Think of all the money you'll save on food and medical over the course of the next couple of years!
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    LisaLouBop reacted to AvaFern in Unexpected surprise expenses   
    I didn't buy any of those things, except the food scale which was actually pretty useful because I clearly have no grasp of what is an ounce of food. I use regular Vitamins from the grocery store- probably Nature's Bounty or Sundown brand. I hate Protein drinks, so I have never used them. Don't buy the entire big thing before you know if you like it or not. I am now 19 months post-op and I am WAY cheaper at the grocery store and in terms of things I consume than I ever was before. It's surprising how it isn't terribly expensive to eat healthy when for the most part you eat roughly what a child eats, lol.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to ProudGrammy in Bathroom Issues?   
    cheated and tried to eat a few foods
    @@Connie Fusco
    Knock It OFF!!!
    two weeks PO
    you are sneaking a few bites of food here and there!!
    you have a brand new teeny weeny tummy
    it is in the process of healing
    be nice to your tummy, and it will be nice to you
    puree/soft foods "might" help your "situation"
    mannnny people don't have a bowel movement for a long time
    once you start solids...
    things hopefully will "move" along
    "God Grant Me Patience, Just Hurry Up About It"
    good luck bud
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Swampdoggie in New "addiction"?   
    I have gone crazy with expensive face products, teeth whitening and makeup, which this old tomboy was never into before. When I was young, youth was enough, and when I was fat, I felt there was no sense decorating a gourd. Now that youth is a memory but I'm not so overweight, I find I want to try to look pretty but need the help of products (at which I am inept at using. Thank heavens for YouTube).
  12. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from p1Sz in December sleevers   
    I'm 4 months post surgery, sleeved December 17th. Down 47 lbs, and I feel better than I have in years.
    I may be loosing a little bit of hair, it's hard to tell because of the menopausal Hair loss I've had for the past year. I'm not sure how to tell the difference. I had a little bit of bleeding gums, but I increased my Vitamin C with a chewable and it seemed to do the trick.
    I feel so good, I have no complaints. I'm happy that I made the decision to have this surgery.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Chrystee in Feeling like I am taking the easy way out :-/   
    So many times I "tried' on my own..
    I'm 4 weeks post op, and you are right.. its not the easy way out for sure.. my surgery was a piece of cake; surgery was perfect and so has been recovery.. but the weight started dropping off and just stopped and now I'm working on getting it going.. it is still work! I wish I would have done this YEARS ago.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to B-52 in Feeling like I am taking the easy way out :-/   
    I'm 63 years old...Over the years, believe me when I say I have tried every diet under the sun....you name it, I tried it.
    NOTHING WORKED....because, bottom line, I simply did not have the self discipline, self control, and I probably had an eating disorder,(but never saw a Psych about it.)
    Finally, my health and age began to catch up to me....problems too long to list, many life threatening....
    My PCP suggested Weight Loss Surgery as a LAST RESORT.....and I did not want to do it...I felt is was the "Cowards" way out. For people who are weak.
    Now, over 4 years later, I've got my life back, better than before!
    Best decision I ever made....
    Easy Way out? SO WHAT!!!!! It worked and that's all that matters to me!! Weight loss surgery did for me what I could not do...took care of my hunger and cravings, curing me of that disorder I probably had because eating is no longer a priority.
    Diet is now just a 4 letter word....
    To not do something because it's easy is ridiculous! People drive cars instead of walking....take elevators instead of the stairs...our entire society is built around innovations to make things "easier" and more efficient....so why shouldn't weight loss be easy???
    If someone came up with an "Easy" way to stop smoking, quit drinking, kick drug addiction, cure cancer....just because it's easy should it be avoided??? Of course not! It should be applauded....
    I'm old enough to remember when the Polio Vaccine was introduced.....at the time, just take a sugar cube and you're immune! EASY! And parents with their children in tow lined up around the block! I can still see it!
    In the end, it does not matter what other people think...these critical people are not going to be there when it all hits the fan because of your obesity.
    It's another reason why I never told anyone...it's none of their business...this is all about me and my own....
    Sorry to rant, but this hits a nerve with me....I quess people want us to remain fat....what else is their motive...
  15. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to BLERDgirl in How many of you continue the shakes in your diet after many months after surgery?   
    @@bellabill _ I was making Protein Shakes before WLS surgery and I continue to supplement my Protein. My shakes are more like liquid meals since I start with Protein Powder, then add yogurt, fruit, veg. I need it when I am on the go and I also use them to get nutrition pre workout. I can't hold down solid food taken before a workout, but I can keep down a shake, On non gym days I less likely to make a shake and it helps me meet my protein goals and keep my calories low so my nutritionist is okay with it. I still gt more than 50% of my protein from regular food.< /p>
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    LisaLouBop reacted to Kindle in How many of you continue the shakes in your diet after many months after surgery?   
    I'm 16 months out, 10 pounds below goal and have had a Protein smoothie (24-32oz fluid/30-40g protein) every day. I also usually have a Quest bar at some point during the day. Knowing I've already gotten 50-60g protein, I am free to eat more veggies, fruit and whole grains instead of only protein for every meal/snack. But I still do eat a lot of protein foods, so I'm likely getting 80-100g protein daily. I feel a healthy, balanced diet is the key to long term success, both nutritionally and mentally. And I never bothered counting calories or carbs.
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    LisaLouBop reacted to CowgirlJane in Feeling like I am taking the easy way out :-/   
    I suspect once you are a few years post op you will no longer view this as "the easy way out". For me, nothing easy about it... I view it as "the only way out"
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    LisaLouBop reacted to AvaFern in New Protein Shake Recipe- 31g Protein   
    For anyone who happens to read my posts, you might know that I am not great at getting in Protein and I hate Protein shakes. It has been 1 year and 7 months since my surgery and I have had less than 4 Protein Shakes in the entirety of that time. They are, in my opinion, so gross tasting and I would rather just eat a few pieces of chicken than slurp down chalky tasting milk. Also, milk and sugar tend to make me sick so that was another part of my rationale.
    I decided this week that while I am at goal, I would like to drop 10 more pounds, which would put me at the goal I set when I was younger. I keep reading everyone's post about how they always eat Protein first, which I don't do, I eat whatever tastes good first, which is usually something with carbs. So, I decided I would make a conscious effort for the next few weeks to put protein first, which started with trying to make a protein shake/ smoothie that didn't make me sick and didn't taste disgusting. Below is what I came up with:
    12oz Almond Milk
    1 container Yoplait Whips Yogurt Cupcake flavor
    1/2 tablespoon raw organic honey
    2tbs PB2
    1 packet Body Key vanilla Protein powder
    Total: 465 calories, 31g protein (makes a HUGE cup, so if you try it, you will probably only drink 1/2-2/3 which makes the calories a bit better)
    I froze half the almond milk the night before and the container of yogurt so I wouldn't need to use ice. I mixed the other half of the milk with the Protein Powder and PB2 in the blender first, then I blended in the frozen milk and yogurt. I got some organic raw honey the other day for something else so I tossed that in, but in the future it mostly adds calories more than flavor so I would probably leave it out. I also like vanilla almond milk just to drink, but in the future I would probably use the non-flavored version which drops it from 135 calories in almond milk to about 65. A frozen banana would probably also be good to add. In the end, I have a giant cup that tastes like a cake batter flavored milkshake. It is ridiculously good and really filling, so I only ended up drinking about half before I was full. Ideally in the future I can modify it a little so I don't end up with so much leftover.
    So, since I have read a lot of Protein shake recipes hoping I would find one I like, I thought I'd share. Happy Sunday Everyone!
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    LisaLouBop got a reaction from svancisenicky in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Can't wait to hear about number four!!
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    LisaLouBop got a reaction from svancisenicky in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Can't wait to hear about number four!!
  21. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to kimpossible67 in Freedom and more firsts   
    I sat in a booth today. With plenty of room to spare.
    I fit comfortably into a regular bathroom stall.
    I finally wore my size 12 pair of pants!
    I bought something from Victorias Secret.
    It's a light weight hoodie. Says pink and is pink. I bought a large but when I got it home it was really too big. BONUS! It's so cute IDC!
    I choked on the price but it's my reward to myself. I'm a notorious bargain hunter and I'm fine with used clothes. So that was a tough one paying full price. It's so cute though.
    Happy happy happy!!!
  22. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from svancisenicky in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Can't wait to hear about number four!!
  23. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from svancisenicky in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Can't wait to hear about number four!!
  24. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from svancisenicky in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Can't wait to hear about number four!!
  25. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from liannatx in Isopure drinks   
    I've been drinking them since before my surgery. I'm 4 months out now and I still have one from time to time. They have to be very cold, over ice is best, anything less is not so good

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